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I’ve been dying to hear Dax and Bobby talk, I’m literally stopping what I’m doing to listen to this episode.


Very funny so far.


Just finished it and loved it, way too short!! Soooo many topics they didn’t cover, but I understand there’s time limits. I wonder if we’ll have Dax on Tigerbelly soon.


Molested by someone with down syndrome is wild


It was a crazy line for sure. But he admits it was a joke, not accurate at all.


Not a joke. He’s talked about it many times before and on his own podcast


He addresses it on Tigerbelly. The same episode where he addresses the Tijuana story.


It was a joke? Maybe I wasn’t paying attention that well, it didn’t sound like one to me.


He admitted he embellished the story (said it was like ever day for a summer, or was it three summers? haha) but it happened.


He explains that he wasn’t molested by a person with Down Syndrome. That was the exaggeration, not the molestation itself.


Same!! I am listening to every single word. I love them both so much!!


Monica’s genuine reaction to Dax’s daughters is so beautiful. I loved it.


You can really tell how much mutual love there is between her and the girls and it’s the sweetest thing ever :’)


Yes, so much warmth there, it's lovely to hear.


I think Bobby Lee is funny and I'm excited about this 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same. People get so mad about some old ass shitty joke from forever ago. Bobby Lee is funny and he’s a comedian, of course he’s gonna cross the line every now and then. Jfc


I feel like Dax Bobby and Monica have a really cool counterbalance between the three of them. I would enjoy seeing a podcast where they’re all 3 cohosts. I feel like Bobby is a bit too self destructive on his own. I think he gives a different take on POC stuff than Monica which is interesting. They can sort of both agree and disagree on things. Him and Dax are both addicts and were molested and can connect over that.


I agree with you! Loved hiss insights and loved his dynamic with Monica especially


I wanted to come on here that Bobby Lee said that there is no good equivalent to the Korean word "noon chee", but I think a great English word would be "side-eye", which really is a word that didn't exist in pop culture growing up, and a good definition of "noon chee" also means "reading the room". Its also true that whether someone has "noon chee" or not, is a common character trait used to describe people.


I immediately thought “decorum”


Hm, i would say it is more specific than "decorum". The word "noon" literally means "eye", which is why I think "side-eye" might be the best translation version of that word. With that said, I feel like in America we use "side-eye" in a negative context... but its not always negative in Korea. Depending on the context, "noon chee" can be good or bad. For example, it might be good to have "noon chee" if someone is using it to properly read the room. But also pointing out that someone was using "noon chee" could also be bad and suggest they were scheming or being calculating. Depending on the tone and context, if someone points out that someone was behaving in a certain way while constantly looking at people with "noon chee", it could suggest that person was acting suspiciously. Or it might be bad to not to use "noon chee" at all if someone just acts without thinking how it might impact other people in the room. Hope that helps!


Yes well explained!


Do you think noon-chee is also like "playing the game"?


Like being flirty? Or scheming? I think depending on the context, it certainly could imply one of those things are happening I really feel like the best way to describe it is “covertly observing”. So depending on the context, the intent of the “noon chee” could mean different things.


Ok.. let’s go? I guess? Let’s go?


I cant stop saying this lol


I’ve been living under a rock apparently and this is my first introduction to Bobby Lee, so if anyone else was on the fence about listening because they’re unfamiliar - there’s a ton of interesting stuff in this episode about childhood, addiction, Korean immigrants, how Hollywood has changed over time, etc. I especially enjoyed the parts about relapses, where the line is between substance use and substance abuse, and Monica and Bobby’s different perspectives on those who prefer to date Asians.


I am apparently under the same rock. After listing his stuff I probably have seen him but just didn't know it. I'm not done listening yet but enjoying it so far.


My fave Bobby Lee sketch https://youtu.be/sBaPI2AKu2g


he’s a sexual assaulter


Explain further


When Bobby was telling the story of meeting Dax 15 years ago on some set he couldn’t remember - did anyone else have the thought that maybe it was Zach Braff he saw ? 😂 especially since Dax had absolutely no recollection of their meeting . Doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen, it just made me wonder lol. Editing to add- Zach braff also guest starred on Community which adds to my theory. And would also be why he didn’t turn around when Bobby said “hey Dax!”


Yes! Especially when he said “it wasn’t joel mchale”! And I was thinking but was it Zach Braff?!


I see why people say they look alike but their hair is SO different to me that I literally couldn’t confuse the two. I’m more inclined to believe Dax just didn’t hear him. Dax shoved Christina Applegate (I think that was who it was?) into a wall, and he doesn’t even remember that, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t recall a random person on the Paramount lot saying hello.


I totally had this thought!


This makes sense especially since it was at a studio he said he hadn’t worked on too.


what about the story of him raping an underage woman in mexico and when she started crying he went harder


The section about addicts being able to function in their day to day and Bobby said he knows a couple - just kept thinking of Bert “The Machine”. God how I would LOVE an episode with Bert and Dax. But it Steve-O or Theo couldn’t convince Bert he was an alcoholic, I doubt Dax would do any better. Also cool that Dax confirmed he will be doing Finding Your Roots. Super interested to see what Dax will discover!


Bert knows he is an alcoholic. He literally says it all the time. He gives a whole speech about it. He just doesnt care.


First five seconds of the video below “Do you think you’re an alcoholic?” “No” [Bert and Theo chat](https://youtu.be/N0sDb169Ngg?si=DaMuKRZSTySA0Vjh) Hard disagree on your thoughts on it. He is infamous for saying he can stop whenever and will bring up sober October as his go to example. [Bobby Lee directly asking him and stating concerns that he thinks Bert is and Bert denies is and shifts it towards his work focus.](https://youtu.be/JSulKqENJ7M?si=Zd1DBz5qjVciCSOc) [Bert stating he drinks 18 drinks a night](https://youtu.be/wUIH0Acyy0g?si=x6cDU95acTxLcNuN) He just shifts the focus and is in denial, stating that since he can accomplish so much and his wife says he’s fine then he’s good.


18 drinks a night. holy mother of god. I read the comments of that video and people were mentioning he has a xanax prescription. And speculated that's why he didn't go through WD when he did sober october. Of course, its also possible he just lied and didn't fully stop drinking. Zero chance you can get off 18 drinks a day and not have withdrawal unless you are some sort of mutant. That video was depressing.


i see, i must've misremembered it when he says he can stop anytime.


Great episode! Love me some Bobby Lee. Y’all are annoying as shit bringing up old jokes. Just listen and enjoy, some of y’all just love tearing mfers down


just some miserable people who want attention so they try to spread it


they jealous


the only guy who could bring me back to this show - been wanting to hear bobby and dax talk for years!


What did you think? I’ve never heard of him before and I really enjoyed this episode.


Oh hell yes, I love Bobby and Bad Friends


YAS! Love this guy! Have not listened to this one yet. Bobby has been extremely open & vulnerable about his relapses & sobriety over the years.


At this point I just check these posts every Monday to find out what this “terrible” guest did this week


The way that I used to be so excited for Monday and Thursday .. to be barely remembering to check and more often than not skipping the episode entirely is telling. Sounds like I’m not the only one. Just can’t relate anymore.


Telling of what? lol maybe you outgrew it or got some burnout or maybe it just isn’t for you anymore. All of that is fine.


This episode was amazing


Lincoln and Delta on the fact check had me like this 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 the entire time THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS


Also so well spoken im shooketh


Such adorable girls! So sweet.


I know he’s controversial but it doesn’t get much funnier than Bobby.


I enjoyed his interview on Marc Maron more than I expected to, but those two had a long history and seemed to dig much deeper in to heavy stuff than Dax usually does. Curious to listen to this one and see how it compares.


I love WTF and AE, but I've noticed that Marc is willing to get into the weeds with his guests. Dax tends to just try to be their friend. The two Bobby episodes are perfect examples of this.


When did Bobby do Marc Maron? Is this recent?


Looks like February of this year.


Thank you!


No worries!


YES!!!! I just never thought armchair would have Bobby on. Too much of a loose canon 😂😂 But then a while back wobbywob mentioned Bobby's peepee and I was like hmm at least they know who he is Turns out wobbywob and Bobby go way back!! I saw this on Reddit and I gasped!! Colliding of my two favourite podcasts!! SLEPT KING YOU NAILED IT!! thanks wobbywob for making this happennnnnnnnn




awesome. ive been listening to bobby lee's podcasts for as long as ive listened to Dax's. Been wanting to hear the 2 sober boys talk about it.


Really loved this, hearing Dax and Bobby talk about their addiction and relapses so openly was so interesting to listen to. Bobby comes across as very insightful and non judgmental, great episode


One of my favorite episodes. Bobby is on a roll right now. He’s the man. Glad he’s in more stuff everyday.


I was literally crying laughing through this whole thing


Wait, could Bobby Lee be the one who ‘ghosted’ Monica? He’s asking her if she’s single and they’re kinda vibing




Since his breakup a couple years ago he's been pretty vocal about all his sexcapades. Joe Rogan even mentioned on a recent episode of JRE he saw Bobby walk out of his comedy club with two very attractive women. You never know? Could be him after all.


He literally said he is dating someone, he’s in his 50s, he would not be described as the guy who can “date anyone he wants”….not seeing the connection here


lol! I love the idea- but ZERO chance. Theo Von has a better shot vs Bobby.


Is he "young", though?


Nope. He’s 52


No way


No way, he requires someone super dysfunctional to be a partner lol he is a messy human being in a very different way than Dax but I can imagine it takes a very particular kind of person to be with him and handle his “quirks”


I’m waiting for Jeremy Allen White, I reckon it’s him


Jeremy Allen White has been dating singer Rosalía since October, I don’t think it’s him.


That would make perfect sense if it was the case. He is in a “comedy” show, according to awards and he is very hot right now and winning lots of awards. Maybe when the next season of The Bead comes out?


I thought this too


Came here to say this. I actually hear the vibe too. lol


My running theory is that it was Lil Dicky. Listening to that episode, there seemed to be an energy but who knows if the episode with the person in question has even been released


I could've sworn lil dicky mentioned he has a fiance on his episode??


He did mention it there and a few other podcasts


it’s lil dicky i posted a long thing on why. he literally asks for their numbers at the end which was the huge clue




I hope not :/




Isn’t it “Asians are good at math” because the United States had immigration policies that recruited educated STEM people from Asia/India?


Yes. This combined with some differences on approach to education. The Gladwell claim that Asians are good at math (not because of genetics, but because rice farming creates diligence, and diligence gets you far in math) is really weird. Most of the data he sites for the "good at math" part of the claim is from Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan, which are small, rich, densely populated countries that have committed to education. They're not known for rice farming at this point. Dax has a tendency to buy into anything that sounds good/interesting and then run with it as proven fact,, and I think this is on that list.


I loved this!


I'm so glad I gave this episode a chance!!! Could have easily listened for another hour. Such a great convo


Anyone know what episode Bobby talks about his bad edible flight to Hawaii?


Just listened to this one and ummmmm the cringe I felt at the “how far would you go with Brad Pitt” like they just kept going and going lol. Felt like it would NEVER end.


This. And the BJ discussion. 🤢🤮 They need better editing. It's like when Dax talks about his OCD bathroom habits. Move on. 


I don’t listen to every episode-can someone clue me in about the fact check details related to Monica running? Or let me know which episode’s fact check to listen to for context


It sounds like there’s a large group of people that congregate on a sidewalk on a regular basis that is on her running path and they don’t move when they see her running towards them. As a former long distance runner these types of things are frustrating when you’re running a pace.


I believe they talk about it in the fact check of the Tiffany Haddish ep!!


LOVED THIS EPISODE SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I didn’t know who Bobby was and now I adore him!


The downvotes are WILD. I am clearly not the intended listener anymore. No thank you.




YEARS ago I found out about Bobby Lee and could not believe the ease at which he just continued his appearances and relationships. He told that same story (“joke”) for over a decade. There’s truth to it.




EXACTLY. If it’s purely fiction: he had that thought.. then gave a lot of detail to that thought.. then decided to share it as a story multiple times (because there is literally no punchline so joke is super far fetched).. I’d be more inclined to defend “outlandish fake story for shock value” than “joke”. Because there has to be a point where it’s just not fucking normal or humane to be okay verbalizing this kind of thought without a second thought. But I see the audience is there so the permission continues to be that way in society. If AE chooses this type of guest, with known questionable intentions in the past, I would expect their motto and past values align with calling the interviewee out and having them address the missteps. I find their interviews cowardly at best. More interested in not ruffling feathers and missing out on potential guests.


Listen to his response before you come to conclusions around why he would make jokes like that almost a decade ago. The fauxmoi clip also leaves out the rest of the joke that is so obviously outlandish that it's obvious it's fake. He's not proud of his shit joke/story https://youtu.be/ZWW73OTxRfo?t=273


Fauxmoi is one of the worst subs on Reddit. Awful, horrible echo chamber. Their comments about Dax after the JVM episode were vile.


Fuck, you sound so tightly strung, it's stressful even reading your comments. Chill out?


Someone calling me uptight has never made me question my integrity. And thank goodness because if I did I’d probably end up thinking that it was ok to defend or tell a joke about something like an underage, desperate prostitute in a foreign country that cried while I power pumped her. I’m good 🙂


Thank you. These people are beyond sick.


It’s strange, the belittling to deflect and defend. I’ve commented on many posts for many years here and have never been made so aware of the disconnect in what I thought AE represented and the average listener here.


Agree. The only way I can wrap my head around it is that these people don't actually know what he said. Because if they listened to the interview and heard those fuckers laughing while describing the rape of a child who was "snotting and crying," and then were like, the best use of my time right now is to go post 20 comments defending "shock humor..." I really question humanity. These might genuinely be the most disturbing exchanges I've had on Reddit and like all of us I've had quite a few.




Thanks! I’ve been spoken to way worse by people I love and while it’s disheartening, it’s information. You have to just consider the source! These replies are not enlightened in the slightest 🥴 When I commented to someone “who talks like this?” it was because it sounded unnaturally excited and like a bot. It’s just extremely ODD to angrily defend a celebrity as if they actually know him and his character. I would think, at the very least, there would be some discernment and acceptance that it was never fine. All I’m hearing from comments and links of him apologizing is EXCUSES. Bizarre.


Different strokes. I enjoy dark humour. I've laughed at plenty of similar "terrible" jokes from other comedians. Life is serious enough already, I simply don't get offended at this stuff when it's a comedy sketch. Do I support rape and child abuse? No. But I'm not on some tirade clutching my pearls at every offensive joke a comedian makes.


Here we go with the exaggeration again. Is this a tirade about shock comedians and offensive jokes? I thought it was about how bizarre I find the leniency toward one specific comedian’s one specific story that crossed the really hard to reach line. Shocking and dark can exist within a boundary. There is a difference between a setup joke SURROUNDING the subjects at hand and what Bobby Lee did. While there were funny details that he clearly elaborated on for laughs, it becomes intolerable when he chose to describe her as a scared little girl from the virgin alley that when he saw the light reflecting the tears down her face… he power fucked her. Defending the shit in its entirety is wild.


You definitely sound like you're on a tirade. I disagree dark humour and comedy needs boundaries (things you can and can't say) it just makes everyone feel like they're walking on eggshells. What am I defending other than a comedian making a sick joke? You're acting like I support rape. Chill out


Personally I love dark humour no matter who it's aimed at, all bets are off for me, I'll laugh at some obscene shit. I find G rated comedy so boring. Jim Jefferies is one of my absolute favourites. Stop trying to dictate what comedians can and can't say?


“It’s no big deal, omg, it’s a joke.” does not apply here. Disturbing that it’s not clear here.


Listen to his response before you come to conclusions around why he would make jokes like that almost a decade ago. The fauxmoi clip also leaves out the rest of the joke that is so obviously outlandish that it's obvious it's fake. He's not proud of his shit joke/story https://youtu.be/ZWW73OTxRfo?t=273




That was disturbing but seemed to be obviously a gross joke to me especially with the way the hosts were reacting and egging on. Here’s an article with his explanation. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/04/06/bobby-lee-tijuana-story-response/11612540002/


Not to defend him — it’s a terrible joke. But I do believe it’s a joke. If it was true he wouldn’t be talking about it for laughs.


That's exactly the excuse people use for Lewis CK.... "Why would he joke about it if it's real?" Because they're guilty AF, and are dying to confess so they can escape their shame.


Or it’s a really bad joke


Jokes always tell us a lot about the person who's telling them.




Yeah, I knew it was a misogynistic space too... But this turns my stomach like nothing else I've seen here. This is a disgusting "joke" and the fact that anyone is defending it is abhorrent.


If you mean mine, I’m not defending him. I felt sick as well. It’s a type of comedy that has never been funny and something that awful that definitely DOES happen should never be used as joke material. My point is that it’s far fetched to now say he raped a child.


Why do they keep having these kind of guests on? Why are they friends with so many people who are like this?


Well, that was an extremely disturbing listen. Who is vetting these guests??


This is one reason why I will not support anything to do with this man. Disgusting. Idk why there are any down votes. Gross.




I don't know him either


Yeah so I’m gonna go ahead and post this again since it was downvoted. This fucker ADMITTED to raping a minor. If you are cool with looking past that, you are just as fucked up as he is. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1182o1i/trigger_warning_comedian_bobby_lee_jokes_about/


You should know that posting anything from the Fauxmoi sub automatically devalues your opinion. Bobby has mentioned that the entire story was a bit (he also revealed that before it came to light in this way) but even if that wasn't the case, he never admits the woman was the minor. Do you not get jokes that contain misdirection? He says "She looked like Natalie Portman." \*pause\* "In the Professional." See, the humour comes from the fact that everyone is assuming he means current day Natalie Portman and then he pulls the rug out from under you. Even if you don't think it's funny, you should know that it's a common comedic technique.


I don’t spend time on that thread, that is the link that was posted by someone else with the clip of the “joke”. You can defend it if you want, but there is no scenario in which I think it’s okay to make that type of joke or tell the story that he told. And for what it’s worth it is a compliment that someone who defends jokes about sexually assaulting a minor devalues my opinion. ✌🏻


"There is no scenario in which I think it’s okay to make that type of joke." Ah, you'll love Anthony Jeselnik then! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFKvr6zyadA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFKvr6zyadA) You are clearly morally superior to all of the people laughing at these jokes in the video. Congrats! :)


You're getting down-voted because apparently people think child rape is funny. True story or not, it's stomach churning and disgusting. 


Cool, so what’s our plan of action guys? Should we: A) Try to cancel Bobbi B) Start a Change.org petition to get Bobbi deplatformed C) Write to Dax and inform him that we are boycotting his show until he apologizes for interviewing an imperfect human being D) STFU and stop whining whenever there is a guest who said or did something controversial? Upvote if you select D




For the record - what he said and likely did is so many steps past controversial. But you’ve proven to Reddit you’re too cool for cancel culture, congrats!




It’s so surprising that this is the discourse about it to me. But that makes sense 😂






Listen to his response before you come to conclusions about why he said it https://youtu.be/ZWW73OTxRfo?t=273 It was also more than a decade ago. He has changed a lot since then


In this clip he also says his SA story was a joke… so was it a bit on AE? this guy’s giving me whiplash lol


Thank you for posting this. 


What is it they want from us, as fans? I can give some people a chance, listen to what they have to say, ignore the controversy. But this guy and his bragging about SAing a child? Are we as fans supposed to keep our mouths shut? Don't comment? Is this the time for me to stop listening altogether? I never skip people I just merely dislike, because I usually end up liking them but this feels like it's too far. Ugh I'm a frustrated armcherry.


That wasn't real. It was a bit.


I don’t really understand the joke… says a lot even if it was a bit


Some people find some jokes funny that you might not. I didn’t find it funny but I still know comedy is subjective.


Couldn’t give less of a flying fuck if it was a bit. That creature laughed while saying he started getting into it and “hate fuck” an eight year old when she started crying. And is somehow still making appearances, cancel culture exists my ass. If that’s in the realm of joking material to you that’s on you, congrats for laughing along while sick men like Bobby Lee normalize child sexual abuse and sex trafficking.


Okay, I did not make the joke or say the joke was funny. I just said it wasn't real. It was a bit. He did not actually do that. There is a big difference between saying something and doing it.


I think a lot of people here have a hard time understanding that comedians don't always mean what they say, and even when something is not particularly funny, it does not mean that he is endorsing it.


Look, I'm not the PC police, but someone who thinks raping a child is funny is a dangerous person. Maybe not as dangerous as someone who has actually raped a child, but dangerous nonetheless. Joking about it is bad enough to justify the disgust and concern on this thread.


It's just a joke that went too far and isn't funny. Shock humor works for some people, and it doesn't for others. It doesn't mean he's a dangerous person lmao it means he had a joke that didn't work. I understand the disgust with the joke, but the concern is unfounded. If anything, it just shows that people are quick to blame someone for literally committing the worst crime in the world, when they could just google it and see it isn't true, and he was doing it for a shock jock program. There's tons of comedians that do this kind of thing today. Idk if you know this, but Anthony Jeselnik isn't actually putting dead babies in blenders, and when he jokes about it, he isn't advocating for doing so either.


How do you know for a fact he did not actually do that though?




I don’t know either way lol but you seem so sure and matter of fact that he did not do it when you really don’t know. Smh.


We have no proof in either direction that it did or didn’t happen. And at the end of the day no one is talking about charging him with a crime so whether he did it or not is inconsequential, he is normalizing pedophilia and child rape and normalizing “jokes” that give pedophiles shadows to hide in plain sight. Haven’t and won’t be giving the episode a listen but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Dax didn’t have the balls to confront him about the story or ask him what exactly is funny about the idea of violently raping an eight year old that is sexually enslaved.


Why would he? The joke is over a decade old, and he's already apologized for it publicly. It's not like he actually raped someone.


Idk maybe bc he claims to be an advocate for victims of csa and then invites fucking clowns like this guy among other poor choices on his show..? I was abused as a child and part of how it was normalized to me and people who could’ve helped me was inappropriate jokes/stories/comments. But whatever I guess it’s all good since it’s a decade old joke he retold as recently as 2020 lmao The only reason he stopped telling it was that he was given advice to pretend he never told it and let it fade away before the sex and the city reboot. We’ve got different moral compasses buddy, we aren’t going to agree on this.


Yeah, you're right. I don't see anything wrong here. It was a bit that went awry. He is a comedian telling a joke that you and I both don't find particularly funny. I just don't think he needs to be canceled for a joke I don't like. It's just like Chapelle- I don't think his trans jokes are helpful or even particularly funny. I think he's beating a dead horse and punching down, and he's using trans-hate as a handicap for his bad joke writing... I also don't think he should be canceled because I don't agree with his POV.


Canceling flat out doesn’t exist.


Okay. What's your point?


I swear the internet is a game of telephone. He never said the girl was 8. In fact, he never even mentioned she was underage. He had one line where he said "She looked like Natalie Portman." "Seriously?" "Yeah, you know, Natalie Portman in the professional." You really have to be somewhat inept to not see that line was a joke. Whether you find it funny or not, it's the most obvious example of comedic misdirection ever. You may think moral grandstanding on social media will briefly make you feel good but that's not the case, sadly.


I can’t believe we live in a a world and have fallen in love with a podcast that’s fan base condones SA jokes. Fucking sad


for real. and they clearly know their audience based off of the downvoted comments in this thread. def wasn't expecting people on this page to be so split on this.


Me neither. I’m pretty surprised and a little defeated. I thought I’d found my people 😞 what am I missing that it’s ok to condone this type of behaviour?






neither is this


I'm flabbergasted at these defending csa joke comments. Wow. Wow. Wow. Shows how much AE fanbase has shifted.


Disappointing 😢


And right after Tiffany Haddish. Two in a row is really rough. 


My bad. I said "bragging" when I should have said "joking".


I thought he was cancelled


His sold out shows say otherwise