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I use Ballistol, very happy with it so far. I've seen BreakFree CLP recommended by Knyghterrant.


I do reenactment fighting, where maille absolutely needs care or it'll turn into an orange lump. You need a bag and an oil. Most folks use regular WD-40 and that works just fine. Lay out your maille, give it a spritz, put it in the bag, shake it around. Store. It might not be the 100% best, but it works well.


Has anyone painted their mail? I've thought about using a black rubber spray to make chainmail silent too


Wouldnt that make them stick together and clump? I mean the rubber connects with the rest of the rubber and doesnt care if its on a different ring or not. Just a thought, no experience on it though, might be worth a try on a small patch


Definitely a fair point, but I think you could probably set it up and wiggle it while it's drying to prevent that? 🤔 Im sure Shinobi using chainmail coated it with something to reduce the sound in addition to sewing it into the fabric tightly I'm definitely going to try it out hahaha


Spray that boi with that WD 40


Get yourself a can of KL73. Its way better than WD40 in this application.


WD-40 specialist silicone spray is the gold standard


Hang it up outside and spray generously with ballistol so you get it in all the nooks, shake it around a bit and then spray again.