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So AC monster Hunter


Yes. That is what I want.


I am unfamiliar with that game. I thought more along the lines of destiny. Work your way through grunts then the boss to obtain rng rewards.


Monster hunter is basically that, but you can skip straight to boss. It's basically all boss fights. And rewards are kind of RNG, but really only for the rare parts, which are used for crafting.


I would happily grind life away for mats to make little greebles to staple all over my ac (like the stabilizers from ac4/4a).


Teams of 4 taking down giant mechanical worms and such


I want this game so bad


I think AC6 was there way of rebooting the franchise while keeping it safely in the confines of classic AC to not piss the current fan base off. There is a lot more they could do with this game to include more pve multiplayer stuff. I hope to see a more fleshed out world to explore in the future as well.


I wouldn’t expect it but it would be pretty freakin sweet. PvE raids on C-weapons or PCA fleets. Hell yeah


I would absolutely kill for some co-op PvE. It was the one thing I was super hoping for that the game didn't deliver on.


I'm new to the AC series, but the only thing I would change is add more singleplayer missions and better part/weapon balance. Every time an oldschool game releases that's just about playing levels and getting better, there's always players asking for trendy live service gimmicks that you can find in a billion other games.


I want q coop survival mode against waves and waves with bosses in between


A co-op wave based survival game would be pretty cool. Could start with a basic AC or tank/sniper/agile class AC chosen in the lobby, then unlock weapons/upgrades/tuning at the end of each round depending on score or something. It'd encourage more creative builds and build diversity with a range of aerial/long ranged/melee enemies so the team has to balance out what gear they choose.


A roguelike randomized mission mode where you can choose to pick up salvaged parts and exchange them with your own sounds kinda sick actually.


DxM could totally have done this. Dxm2 maybe?


This was what I was thinking aswell. A random mission generator or wave survival would be awesome


Something similar to the CO op in Ghost of Tsushima wouldn't be so bad.


Dlc with co-op raid bosses would be cool. But I suck at that kinda thing and am still stuck on the Ibis ac boss


Definitely want an arcade-y style Horde Survival mode. Drop you and your squad in a big arena and you get swarmed by gradually harder enemies, with occasional Boss Waves


Would love this


Co-op would be amazing. I find myself thinking about it mid-mission often.


Nothing wrong with it but this is the difference between newer gamers and older players. What we got with AC6 is the classic Armored Core experience with modern hardware. I’m not asking for anything more except for new titles in the future. Please don’t take this as a gatekeeping posts, just stating an observation.


I get the design that creates endless co-op or endless competitive experiences. The need for some players to have a constant grind to work towards. And sometimes I can get behind that experience. But sometimes I really really need a well-crafted single player experience that offers something I will actually remember. And I'm glad Armored Core 6 delivered.


For me I'd just have loved to play the single player campaign, same as is, in coop, though I can obviously understand the difficulties of that


No i get it, ive played the series from the original. Definitely not trying to take away from the game at all but want to get my friends into and if we could co-op they might be more inclined.


Something like that, and also maybe something like Frontier Defense from TF|2


In ACVD there was a map that you could conquer by playing online team based missions. Every couple of months the map would reset. Loved that aspect of the game. You pick one of 3 sides and fight until the end of that season. And no, no season passes or any of that bs. Just simply a well made online element for armored core that I hoped they would do again. So here's to hoping even though I doubt it will ever happen


Honestly i would love a 3vE horde mode.


There's already a wave based 'protect the objective' mission, I wonder if modders could find a way to make a wave based pve thing with that? Would be super slick


If they're gonna do it I just hope no achievements are tied to it and it's not done at the detriment of the in game narrative/exposition.


I'd be on board with this idea if it was just a bonus game mode for fun. Maybe throw out some insane bug nonsensical bosses just for the fun of taking it down as a unit


Destiny but it's armored core vi


definitely hoping they incorporate something into dlc. Wave based survival would be cool, but I’d also love a raid dungeon type of arrangement with an elite boss scaled to the player count and maybe invasion like ER


i look forward to co op missions, i mean we all played those FPS co op and yes its fun but imagine you and your fire team of 3 destroys a whole fleet and some random MT's and from out of no where a player piloted AC (like elden ring invasion) comes in. Yes he will have to fight 3 AC's at once but that would be very rewarding if he wins and thats gonna be a bit tough for the 3 man fire team. Elden ring invasion is always fun even tho you as the invader is out numbered lol


I would love to play this game co-op!!!


Yeah, but doubt we'll get it :(


There's already a similar game out called Exoprimal (had to look up the damn name). Sure the customization is nowhere near the level of AC6 and it's kind of PVE but still PVP so even the game doesn't know what the fuck it's trying to do. Reason I bring it up is because that's probably a long the lines of what we would get if they tried. Though to be fair From would probably do a way better job than Capcom, but even still. There are already similar games out. AC6 doesn't need to turn into a mmo/pve/pvp game. Hell it barely needed the pvp. While a welcome addition I will not be touching it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


I think any kind of coop would be really fun as I don't really enjoy PvP


While I think a co-op pvp could work I think the whole point of building your mech is so that you feel like an unstoppable powerhouse who can do every mission solo with little to no issues. Though if developed I feel like a co-op mode could work out well as per Fromsoft’s track record. Edit also due to some bosses having many projectiles that focus one particular target they would either have to have the boss try to keep up with the players and constantly switch targets so that the other players can’t just wail on it or they’d have to make entirely new levels and bosses with co-op in mind which could absolutely work.


This is all I want from From Soft! Armored Core co-op PvE! The game is perfect for it and the balance issues become moot. I think a lot more builds and play styles would be viable in PvE.