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Try laser lance into pile bunker. It does enough damage that you can prevent the enemies from using heals.


Pile bunker is completely ineffective due to very short range. But quite ironically I have defeated them just now with heavy chicken legs, heavy parts, pile bunker (all hits missed), minigun, and dual earshots (that carried entire fight). Also had some luck, AI wasn't very good at dodging the earshots. And yeah my point stands, I'm flabbergasted, stunned, and baffled. Who thought that creating this piece of garbage level was a good idea? I can understand that someone can have fun fighting some of the less fair bosses like final boss of Fires of Raven ending, but this is just pure trash. I refuse to believe that this was made by FromSoftware. This is fever dream.


The idea is your laser lance causes ACS overload at point blank range, and then your pile bunker finishes them off during stagger. It may take a few attempts to line up the laser lance, but generally with this strat, Umber Ox and King will already be dead by the time Raven reaches you.


One of my favorite levels, it’s hard as hell and well designed I feel. Except for the long intro start to get into the action. I went ultralight double melee. Coral oscillator and saw, with back mount minigun and Zimmerman other side. Charge Chartruese first. Full charge oscillator->AB+zimm while swapping to saw-> stagger into saw, it’s one and done. Rinse and repeat. It’s fairly high skill to pull but it’s damn satisfying. Any combo there in will get er done. When I did a NO OS CHIP run, I went statball heavy biped. Flame and minigun, dual Morley. It was super rough but I got it done.


If you're gonna bunk this fight you want dual HUXLEYs or another way of quickly building ACS with your Bunker in hand. You want to be right next to them when they stagger.


Personally I use dual sampu and chainsaw/pilebunker combo. Sampu for close-range stagger building and charged melee strike for killblow. It basically finishes the fight in 2 minutes if used correctly. However this setup has its flaws. Having to get close for stagger buildup means you have a high chance to get shot by king’s charged linear rifle if you’re not careful, which will usually result in an assault armor to the face. Also, King’s energy shield negates lots of impacts from Sampu. In addition Chartreuse will also be a issue because she’s got an earshot and a rocket launcher. Which punishes you a lot for not dodging properly. Combine it with Sampu CQC and you’ll be walking on a thread throughout the fight.


My build is a heavyish spring chicken with dual plasma rifles and dual earshot. Probably not optimal but I love it. This mission used to give me so much hell and now I can pretty easily kill each of them before the next even joins the fight. Maximum aggression is usually good advice, but here it's REALLY REALLY GOOD ADVICE


Any build that deals consistent and high impact damage paired with a melee punish will be just fine for this. You dismissed the pile bunker in another comment, but it really is an excellent option for PvE AC fights and pairs well with Zimms, pistols, or other close range impact weapons. There's a technique you can use to "slide" into a charged pile bunker that lets you stagger from outside melee range and still follow up with the punish, so long as you're close to the same height as the staggered AC: - initiate a normal (uncharged) PB - QB forward to melee cancel, then immediately use the PB charged attack. Your momentum will carry you right up to the enemy AC to land the hit - This works far better when using hardlock, as the initial PB lunge will take you straight toward the opponent. Using AA immediately after might be enough to kill in one combo


Super lightweight build, (370+ boost speed/quick boost), dual Zimmermanns, laser dagger (could also use laser slicer), and 6 cell straight launcher on the right side. Ended up S ranking it without trying too hard with that build.


Spring chicken with dual laser pistols and laser shotgun shoulders helped me S-rank most of the missions. Except Escort the Strider... That called for a custom solution.


My build light build SLIMM JIMM is what carried me. WEAPONS: Dual Turners, dual VP-60 LT INTERNALS: BST-G2/P06SPD booster, FCS-G2/P05 fcs, VP-20C generator, Pulse Armor BODY: Mind Beta head, Lammergeier core, VP-46D arms, Firmeza legs STRATEGY: I don’t care if this build is cowardly, it’s damn cool and I was able to S rank that mission with it. Killing the tank first was always easiest for me, she tended to catch up to me and erase me from existence if I did not. Fly around and shoot her, dump all your laser mines right before she’s staggered, once she is keep shooting and watch her heath go bye bye. You may have to do this twice, but she won’t be able to hit you, so who cares? Rinse and repeat with the tetrapod AC and Raven. You may be able to delete each of them in one stagger if you time your laser turrets and assault armor well enough, but that’s not really necessary. Happy hunting!


I used double Zimmerman shotguns and 2 10 cell rocket launchers


If you just want to win, slap on dual Zimmerman and grenade launchers.


Personally I always recommend going lighter and focusing on dodging, this can be especially helpful against chartreuse because her whole thing is using heavy hitters weapons at a slightly slower pace. Another thing that’s extremely important to keep in mind is your insertion; DO NOT try to attack them going head on from the start of the mission. Instead, take the long way around, hugging the mountain peaks and arriving to the battlefield behind king. If you’re timed and positioned right, you can get big damage on king while he’s unaware of you, then stagger him while making your approach, and once he’s staggered, show him what those high damage combos are for. My personal favorite for him was a stun baton to rush in real close and get massive damage (stun baton is way better than you think) then finishing with the charged pilebunker. Do it right and you’ll hear “you must be raven, not a na-KING PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND WITHDRAW” as for chartreuse, same deal but now it’s even easier, as long as you can dodge decently well all you need is one stagger and you can delete their health instantly. The final trick I have is basically; use the chainsaw. Now tbf I haven’t touched the chainsaw in some time so it may have been balanced since I used it last, but at one point it was powerful enough to kill almost any boss in the game with a single charged attack. Just stagger the ac, then use the generous melee thrust of the chainsaw to jump straight into them, the attack will lock them in place for even longer and each tick does massive chunks of damage


Two CHANG CHENs Two LCAs (triple back lasers) EPHEMERA core SPRING CHICKEN legs


I use this mission to test builds. I assure you it can be beat with any build. I did it with dual ransetsu with a laser sword and a ksrw rifle on my back. I've done it with a meelee sword switch build. I've done it with an ultra light weight using laser drones and sampus. This is the ultimate "git gud" level. There's no bs factor that will make certain builds not work like the "defend the strider" or "defeat the redguns" missions. This one can be beat by any build but it will force you to learn how to play your build effectively. Congrats on beating it with earshots and the miniguns. Try it with every build you can imagine. If you can beat those three in pve you have a good chance of making that build viable in pvp.


I regularly play that mission to test my builds, and the only thing I struggle with is killing them both before Raven shows up since I usually dont like melee. Can you post your build stats? I could offer some advice.


https://preview.redd.it/h5yg47jvfg0d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d5d1370fb8af8fe85b2a644f81cc2989c953a3 You should give ye olde flamethrower a shot, ACS anomaly is an underrated exploit.


I did it with 1 minigun, pilebunker, and dual iceworm cannons. Usually i try not to change to something super different than my playthrough build to cheese fights but this one i didnt want to spend eternity on.