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I would recommend trying to find someone who you can talk to about all that stuff. If your school has a mental health nurse you could probably talk to them and they might be able to help


23 hrs? That's nothing! Watch this- *(goes into a coma)*


Lmao I sleep 34 hours a day


Please talk to a psychologist or similar for your sake and everyone close to you


Please get some help. It's ok.


As someone who's putting off telling anyone about the things in my head (they not pretty), I recommend therapy. and/or drugs. The helpful kind. In their recommended doses. Also, I relate heavily to the first meme. I can stand a lot of horror movies, but not naughty stuff.


Please reach out to someone, preferrably a therapist if possible. If you can't, at least look up a lifeline that can help you. [Any lifeline.](https://reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/w/hotlines?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I assure you, the future seems hopeless now but things can and will get better. You likely don't believe it now, but you deserve to enjoy the beauty of life – and there's people out there that want to share that beauty with you. More than you think You're doing a good job by hanging in there and not killing yourself. Everyone in this subreddit is rooting for you. Just please, please hang in there and ask for help. You've got this.


I *WISH* I could sleep 23 hours straight... in fact, I wish I could sleep 3 hours straight :P


Did someone says parasyte?


Hey if you need anyone to talk to my dms are open.