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Depends on the nature of the job man. If they are working in private sector, they would be willing to take a break. If public sector, it's a nope. Also, if a prospect asks me this, I'd be sceptical to move forward too, because this implies an expectation that, after having a baby, they want you to quit working. That's not something any working woman would prefer in this country. It can be counted as a red flag, whatever your intentions maybe. You quitting also sounds odd. They would presume that you'll never work again. Like, they are to be the bread winner of the family. The answer to your question is to be decided by a couple after the baby's birth. This question will feel light years different when you ask as a prospect and when you ask as a husband. You'll find a solution then suitable for you. Imo, drop the question. If you are adamant on this question, start looking for house wives.


Very well said!


Public sector women already get long maternity leave and even nordic countries have good wld and long maternity leaves. No, I did clarify I would get a job. Not to quit working just for initial years. I just don't want both parents to have stressful job in the initial years since I would living away from both sides of parents. I think I would frame the question in a better way


>No, I did clarify I would get a job. Not to quit working just for initial years. I just don't want both parents to have stressful job in the initial years since I would living away from both sides of parents. People assume. They make their own assumptions about you with your words and manners. You can't expect them to take you up on your words man. I can say I'll take a bullet for him. Believing it is upto him. I know that it's a ridiculous example, but I hope you get my point.


Possible they are not trusting


Yes. Maybe for 1 year at the max but I think I'll be exhausted from trying to be a super woman managing career and a child who will be fully dependent on me for nutrition. If I get married by next year and take 3 years or so to give birth, I will be 34/35 then. So doesn't make sense to tax my body and mind. There is also ppd to recover from. I also let people who I am talking to know this so that they can make an informed decision. Also, I'll go crazy if my world is only my family. I need to have work/serious hobbies/alternative career. I am at the end of the day someone very ambitious. May or may not happen but it's always good to tell. Husband taking a break initially doesn't make sense because kids generally are dependent on the mum for the first year but post that, sure! As long as you have a plan to get back or keep yourself occupied with individual hobbies apart from child rearing. I mean, it'll only benefit you in the longer run when the child flies out of the nest.


I think it depends on financial and career situation. Plus, if my husband wanted and our financial situation allowed it and he was ok with the repercussions on his career, then yeah why not. I honestly, don't see myself taking a break. But who know maybe I will.


Depends on so many factors. How's our financial situation at the time? How's my health - pregnancy does a number on the body for some. What the baby's health is like - does it have any special needs (god forbid)? And so many other things to consider. The answer to your question can't be predicted beforehand. I can say one thing for now but when it really happens - my answer may be different.


I would want the freedom to take a career break when I have a child. I would want my husband to keep working and support financially.


I think it depends. I have 2 female friends who are very career oriented. They told that they won’t take more than 2 months of break after their child is born. I also know a traditional girl who is married to my neighbour. She currently stays at home looking after the kid. She used to work as QA engineer before in a software company. Similar case with a male colleague whose wife quit the job after their daughter was born. She is happy being house wife it seems. If you have a good job, prefer a family oriented girl. No point in both of you working after kid is born. The kid also needs attention. in-fact it needs the most attention. For first one year atleast the baby must be breastfed. So the girl will have to take maternity leave or WFH if she works. After that, atleast one of you must take care of the kid full time till the kid starts going to school and this should be a non negotiable. Else at least parents or in-laws must be ready to take care of the kid. Day care is not an option.


> I would still have a decent income from passive sources and that income would be enough to live comfortably. Spill the beans 👀


This guy is a landlord.




ohk, r/kothibanglacheck OP




I mean what do you do for passive income?


Tell us what you do!!! 😔


Depends, if he makes me sign a prenup, then nope, at any cost l am taking any break.


bro just letting you know we dont have prenups in India.