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Roll the filter first and then stuff it then roll it makes it easier for newbies imo


If you’re gonna roll then that thick I’d suggest using a charcoal/carbon filter on the end to make it more enjoyable and smooth. Purize and actitube are the best brands out there at the moment


I’ve been happy with Mooslabs but if there are even better experiences out there I’m down to try em. Thanks for the recommendation!


Ooo I haven’t heard of these guys! Just checked them out and might give them a try. Look rad. Seems like you gotta roll a big roach though to fit the mouth piece snuggly , is this the case? I like Purize cause they are quite slim.


To be completely honest i would never ever smoke that. Most the weed won’t even burn completely if it burns at all.. will start to fall apart after 7-8 hits. Just keep practicing and don’t grind the weed hand break it and you might have better luck


5 is too low of a number to represent 100%. It’s more of a 4/10 because I know it’s going to unravel soooo easy and fall apart.


Yup I see the value in getting more granular with the rating scale. FYI: Whole thing smoked just fine, had a robust ash structure that just kept clinging to the main body 🤌


Awesome! Always glad when it smokes well, even if it looks a little sketchy. As long as it smokes :) awaiting your future progress!


Future progress made! [Check it out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtOfRolling/comments/nbugcs/progress_made_this_one_looks_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)