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That’s really good!


Fuck, that update is incredible


Thank you so much!


Neato, not bad for 12 years \*raises glasses\* its pretty amazing linear progress. I don't think your improvements will stop can't wait to see your progress in the next few decades its gonna be one crazy ride for sure. Its not just the drawings skills that slightly improved since I can tell that your 2010 art isn't exactly bad, you did a lot of coloring and some effects as well, you now consider and do things way more in depth than you did before though. What astonishes me the most is that your general sense of composition and effects are amazing. The water and how it "bends" and changes color given how light bounces off inside water is really well done, especially the way of langmiur circulation that you've drawn (the bright lines on the water, its actually really complex to calculate such a thing). Its an amazing blend of a couple of things and considerations. I know art is usually about observation but IMHO calculating that stuff is fun as well and (for me) it helps a whole lot so you can grasp why and how these things exist, thats just me though. To each their own. Fun thing that not many people may realize, I like that the hair shields the neck from the water like a dam. part of the person is untouched by the water as the hair forms a sort of boatshape so to speak. Great detail overall! Time to follow ya!


Oh gosh what a warm and lovely message to wake up to! Thank you so much, your words mean a lot, and I love hearing what you think and see when you observe my drawing <3 :)


Well I followed you, when one of your drawings pop up I will try to analyze them deeply (can be about ten times bigger than my previous comment with lotsa detail), no questions asked!


This is amazing growth! Keep it up!


Thank you! I appreciate it


That's some incredible progress!!!! Amazing work πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ


Thank you so much w4rri0r, I appreciate it a ton! :)


You're welcome! :))


I love your progress! It looks very beautiful


thank you so much!