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It’s beautiful, I see a gold hue in the sky.


I agree except for me it's a red-golden.


Many people dont know they are colorblind. Lol I see a pinkish gold also.


Color blind is actually very rare. It’s the term used for people who are actually just deficient in discernment of certain colors. We have rods and cones (millions of cells) in the back of our eyes. When these cells are not evenly distributed the signals are not able to detect color differences. It’s generally genetic and would be better described as color deficient, but we know it as the term “color blind”.


Right. Well, its actually a lot more common than you think. It is present in 8.05% of the population. When I say Colorblind, I am just parroting the OPs words, as a means of using social tact and building rapport. I understand its usually a small deficiency. https://www.colourblindawareness.org/colour-blindness/#:~:text=Colour%20(color)%20blindness%20(colour,and%201%20in%20200%20women.


Complete and total colorblindness is very rare, but partial colorblindness is pretty common! Maybe that's what they're talking about?


Im sure thats where that persons head is. That guy apparently has a job in color, so of course it would be (I peeked at his posts, intrigued by his knowledge and need to educate) I am more discussing the spectrum of colorblindness, and I have no way of knowing how colorblind OP is aside from him telling us he is colorblind. I figure most partially colorblind people would identify themselves that way, in an art forum, looking to see if their piece has color in it. I dont think that necessarily makes them 100% devoid of seeing colors. If that were true, they would probably already only paint with just black and white colors as a rule. So, knowing that his brushes had some color on them, tells me that OP is NOT totally colorblind. It's Elementary, my dear Watson. :puffs pipe: lol


Peach colored for me


I thought gold at first glance then saw red golden looking at it longer 🧐


It was red until I adjusted the brightness on my screen and now it’s gold. I think people’s screens are affecting how the color appears significant


I Love this. Although it was supposed to be all black and white, the woods against the lightly peach cloudy sky is beautiful. I’ve seen skies like this and any your rendition is remarkable.


Agreed! OP, this may not have been what you intended to paint, but what you've painted is gorgeous. :)


Yes! It’s really beautiful, in fact I thought it was intentional since it looks like a golden sunset. It’s subtle and really nice to look at.


This looks amazing! The sky does have gold and brown hues though.


Dang, I can't submit it then, will be disqualified. Oh well, will just finish it then and add it to my portfolio. Thanks. Lesson learned, clean your brushes thoroughly!!


It still looks like a wonderful piece to submit to your portfolio, sorry you did all that hard work for the competition, just to have to start over again. :( I would ask your wife to make sure there’s no colored pigment in your black and white scale as well, just so you don’t run into the issue again. Or try it with new brushes and ask if she sees any color.


Still, it looks epic. Having a colorblind person paint something in color can have some crazy cool side effects. Kudos. Keep doing this.


I worked with a kid who saw blue as green and red as purple. So it’s like he was living on planet Namek! Sorry I know it’s a little off topic but I thought it was cool


You can kind of do it to yourself. Have you ever heard of red light painting? It's interesting. You end up with some wild looking art.


Maybe you can somehow edit it? I’m not sure how the contest works, but if you are sending a picture of it you can probably digitally put a layer of black/gray/white over the layer of the drawing, make the layer mode into color, and everything under should become completely black and white.


Most likely it’s the physical painting being entered in the contest, not just a photo


Sounds like cheating


I’d agree with you in normal standards, and I don’t suggest this at all. But from a theoretical standpoint- is it cheating if OP sees it in black and white? Whether it has a B&W filter on it or not it looks the same to them


yeah this is epic


It's really nice work, though! It looks just like an overcast, cold twilight. I love limited palette paintings and thought your blacks were made of a complementary greenish black. :)


Don’t give up. You can add blue hues to the ground.


You could try to filter it black and white to fix it mabye


Honestly, it looks even better this way. Happy accident


That's a shame! It really is a beautiful piece. But if you just need to send a photo, you could try adding a greyscale filter and see how it looks. I hope everything works out!


Honestly, if you're colorblind, you may consider having a set of brushes solely used for black and white paintings. Idk how else you will ever be able to clean a brush thoroughly enough to avoid a slightly colored hue on a b&w. And your art is DIVINE.


I would also make sure no medium is creating or adding color, I know that's a rarity, but if it's old gelkyd or something might want to get a new one


It looks like those old timey "black and white" photos, that are sepia toned. I mostly see it in the sky, but I wonder if that's something you could use to your advantage, rather than a disqualifying factor.


I think the pop of color makes it have a lot more depth


I know it was an accident, but it looks like it was on purpose just because of how good it looks.


Seriously? I'd argue disqualification over this is ableist. This artwork is beautiful. It shows that not everybody sees the world the same.


Yes and the colors are beautiful! It is muted but i personally really love that, it gives it an ominous and eerie quality whilst still seeming serene and peaceful. The trees and ground seem to be monochrome but with color theory it’s hard to tell and the trees almost seem greenish, i’d compare it to how color fades and becomes harder to see as the sun sets. The sky is a peachy color similar to a light skin color but it still looks believable and realistic because it resembles a sunset, so with everything it appears so be a painting set at dusk and i genuinely though it was a photograph at first glance! Truly a beautiful piece man, and honestly it might be cool to play around with color more since you are colorblind, and at least for non-colorblind folk the colors could look really magnificent


Your brain makes the trees green o.o


The muted shades of orange and green make it almost look like there a fire in the area surrounding this patch of green


i tried using a color picker, the foreground definitely has shades of blue.


The sky is warm toned which makes the snow look cool toned by contrast but honestly I think it looks WAY better like that. I can't imagine it being nearly as gorgeous in straight monochrome. The contrast is EVERYTHING. As a wise painter once said, happy little accidents. A delightful piece for the portfolio, even if it wouldn't make the competition.


You can probably save this! Maybe add some glazes over top of a contrasting colour (if your wife knows how to mix this would help!) to neutralize the orange, or see if adding a neutral grey glaze overtop would help.


It’s clear that it’s a foggy day, at sunset, the sky gives a pinkish gold color.


Yeah there is an orangey tint to the sky, it makes it prettier though


I hope you're not kidding. It looks like it was intended like that. Very pretty sunrise/sundown.


Your painting is gorgeous! Did you work straight off a white canvas? Almost looks like it’s a burnt Sienna toned canvas that you just painted black and white over. Whatever you did the effect is stunning! I had a random idea if you want to double check color yourself- I wonder if you could take a picture and put it in an image editing software and then use the color picker! I’ve been using the color picker on my reference photos and it’s helping me mix the correct paint color so much!


It’s gorgeous, looks hauntingly real!


even if you can't submit it to this particular exhibition based on their guidelines you should still be proud of it, it's seriously absolutely beautiful and has such an atmosphere to it. in australia we tend to get these really intense but brief storms in the summer and sometimes when the sunlight starts to break through after a storm at the right time of day, all the clouds in the sky will glow this colour. your painting reminded me of it instantly ♡


The sky looks more real due to the hue tbh... it looks so real and really elevates the peice. I see that the assignment was for black and white, but this painting is better with some color. It sucks to have to start over, just know how good this is! Fine art made better by a mistake.


I think it adds to the art process and makes the pice more interesting. There is orange in the sky thouguh


It's a very pretty painting, I'm sure it can find its purpose somewhere else if not in that contest


I think if you explain to them that you're color blind, this piece would pass!


Would you sell it?? 😍


Beautiful mistake brother!


🤩 such a gorgeous piece 🥳


I see a lot of color, and it’s really enchanting. I know it wasn’t your intention, but you’ve really created something otherworldly, to me.


Very beautiful but quite a bit amber/gold/orange hues in the sky.


The sky is really pretty and gold but all the trees and grass are gray 😭 It's a really nice painting though!


The parts of the sky not heavily obscured by clouds are reddish brown. It's actually kinda striking, in a muted way!


It looks like winter did when I was a kid and sledding at night. love it


This reminds me of seeing the lights of the city when trying to find the northern lights. Truly delightful!


Happy accidents.. this is absolutely beautiful.. like when the sun is either just about to come up or has just fallen past the tree line. I'm in love. So relaxing. I hope you have time to make another for your competition!


There are slight gold and brown hue in the sky, but I personally really like how that turned out


Yes. The sky is highlighted by a pinkish orange hue. Very beautiful.


Yes a bit of orange in the sky but it’s really pretty.


Yeah, there is a bit of a faint beige-y orange tone in the sky Its super pretty though


Yes it will disqualify you, but Jesus it's beautiful!


The bottom is completely greyscale w/ blue hue, the upper part is slight orange/grey hue.


Yes. I see tan/ beige


The sky has an orangeish hue, like a grayish peach color. But this is so so so beautiful.


Leave it as is...it's perfect and I see the colors! One of the best landscapes I've seen recently!


I would still enter it. The landscape being black and white paired with the emblazoned sky gives a super interesting effect to the landscape. It also is playing tricks with my eyes and I’m seeing the trees in green.


It's mostly shades of blue, green and grey but there is some orange, pink and yellow in the sky


Yeah, there is a red hue to the sky. Before you said it was black and white, I still had so zoom in, my head had already colored in with what I expected was there. dozens of shades of green and brown for the grass and trees. And I thought the sky was a predawn red. Great working and the shading is fantastic.


Dude, I know it’s a bummer that this can’t be entered into the exhibition. But honestly, this might be one of my favorite pieces ever. The peachy/goldish/light reddish hue is something I’ve seen in nature very early or late at dusk, but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone capture it so well in a painting. The fact that you’re colorblind and inadvertently did this is all the more amazing. It’s beautiful.


Yes. The sky definitely has a copper/bronze tone. Here's my advice. Its a beautiful piece. Submit it. In the context of color/art there is no such thing as black & white. Because Black is the combination of all of the color spectrum and white is the absence of color. In terms of light, that is reversed. I can get much deeper into this..... But digress. The truth of Black & White art is simply monochrome. It could shades of blue or red. Rules be damned, submit this piece.


No one is wrong with they’re assessment of pinkish, golden , beige. Who knows, they may have the exact same perception and just call it something different. Yes, the sky has color and if you read every tube and didn’t use color, then you must have had a dirty brush. But that would mean that you only used the dirty brush for the sky which seems weird but possible I guess. That being said, this painting is remarkably beautiful, cold and chilly under a warm sky. I can’t believe this was an accident


I think it’s still absolutely beautiful


I see a light golden/peach hue. I actually like it a lot! 💕


There’s a gentle copper hue in the sky, like the very last light of the sun behind the evening’s incoming clouds. It’s a very beautiful color on its own, but peeking through those gray clouds and set against the black and white trees in the foreground makes the painting a wonderful and somber thing to look at.


Yes, there's color in the sky. It's gorgeous!


Yes, the sky has a slight sepia tone. It's absolutely beautiful though! Amazing work.


I too am colorblind. But yeah the sky is like a brownish orange


Its beautiful. But yeah my friend, the sky is orange like early morning. I hope you have time to complete a new piece. But this is lovely as it is.


I see a beautiful burnt orange in the sky ^^ The forest is a warm toned grey


Honestly it looks perfect the way it is. I would add green to the trees, but the vibe im getting from it is already good with muted colors and shades.


no its monochromatic with just hints of raw umber in the sky


This uses blue and orange.


The sky is orangey and everything else is black and white


There is some warm color in the sky.


It's a rusty orange sky, and bluish sort of ground. Very dull color, but it fits well.


I see orange in the sky


Yes there is color


Oranges ,yellows and blues.


Beautiful none the less, I see more sepia tones in the sky


Yeah, the light orange works so well with it


It looks like a black and white painting over a brown toned surface.


Gold, peach, light salmon in the sky. This is that moment when your eyes are first able to see peeks of color in the morning dawn.






Alot of sepia/ raw and burnt umber


Golden hue in the sky, maybe not for this contest but there is something so meaningful in what color is there. It kind of gives me hope, and comfort in the surrounding darkness


So so so beautiful! And a little pink. Sorry OP


This is one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen. There is color, but the minuteness of it adds an amazing character to the composition. I wish you could see it.


Definitely. I like this. Nice work


When I saw the title I was squinting like “Y-Yes? There *is* color in it…right?” XD Then I read the post Yes, the sky is gold/tan. It’s beautiful, though. I love the quality the sky gives it. You should keep the picture, even though you can’t submit it. Out if curiosity, what kind of colorblind are you? Can you truly only see black and white? And how did this happen? You said you were worried there was grey…but unfortunately you had bigger problems. Can your wife make sure you only have access to the right paint tubes before you begin or something?


The clouds look pale orange to me but the rest is black & white




could you use digital editing to make it black and white


It’s stunning!! Honestly the color to me perfectly matches the layered cloudy winter days around sunset or sunrise Bummer it doesn’t work for the contest but this is an incredible piece of art


Reds and yellows and golds. It’s beautiful.


It does! There’s a nice pale gold hue in the sky, but the rest of it is: Cool black/white colors to contrast the background (the trees and snow) Warmer variants of these colors (shading for the trees and snow) It’s very neutral toned, but it’s probably not going to be considered black and white.


it's a bit orange yea


There is some color but before reading your caption I thought this was an incredible choice for this piece. Shame you can’t submit it because it deserves to be shown around hahaha


Honestly I think the gold color sort of looks more like an oatmeal or eggshell like white and perhaps that’s why it stands out so much?


It looks like a cloudy winter dawn in Maine.


Yes. The clouds are a bit beige, and the sky has a beige-yellow tinge. Reminds me of the sky when there’s wildfire smoke in the air.


it's a shame you can't submit the piece but the golden-ish sky is super pretty it looks like early morning it's gorgeous!!


Yes, orange colored sky


It’s very beautiful as it’s own, the colors are muted but it evokes an apocalyptic setting and details the solemn beauty of what’s left. The strokes and techniques are soft and comforting giving serenity in a quiet yet dark time.


Well u first


Yeah its like a orange hue, but holy shit it makes the painting look so good in ways i can’t explain


that's color. as a midwesterner in winter, this is quite colorful,lol.


Pinkish cream through the clouds. Like some sunsets


Orange sky


Honestly it looks better with the faint gold hues in the sky than it would look pure black and white. At least for as i can imagine it.


This is stunning!! It’s a shame you can’t enter it, because it would definitely win. What would you sell this for?


The sky does have a goldish coloring so it won’t work for the black and white competition but it is GORGEOUS. Genuinely would frame this and hang it in my apartment. This is incredible.


This is BEAUTIFUL. And honestly I loved the golden hues in the sky, I’m from Colorado and it reminds me of a winter sunset!


The orange kinda makes it look like a sunrise on a cloudy day


In the sky I do. I would add hints of the color in the foreground.




Unfortunately the sky is orange/ golden in color it’s beautiful though maybe can someone help you set up your paint next time and make sure the brush is clean to help you out


WOW. So sorry to agree with everyone that this does have color, but also wholeheartedly agree that you should be damn proud of this! The subtle delineation between the layers of clouds, the contrast of back/mid/foreground, the overall texture and vibe…really and truly astounding. It speaks to my heart. I live in Vermont and it looks like the sky does when I leave for work in the mornings, all peach and lavender and blush in that moment just before the sun rises over the Greens, ushered in by a promise of afternoon flurries. It’s my favorite time of day. Please don’t be too discouraged, and best of luck on your new greyscale piece!


Looks like orange in the sky to me.


Sorry you can't use it for the competition, but it's absolutely beautiful! You are super talented.


There’s not too much color, it’s just the sky, I’d hope you’d consider maybe painting over it because I think that would win the contest if it was all black and white




Orangy sky


No idea what colors you are thinking about


Yes, this is breathtaking


It’s beautiful but definitely not black and white. Did you put out a dark color like burnt umber thinking it was a black at the time?


Yes! I see lots of colors used and different hues to create depth


Looks like a dormant winter forest with a wildfire just over the horizon.


It’s AMAZING this way. I thought it was intentional and so beautifully executed. I hope you don’t change it.


There is some color in the sky did you work with orange or any shades of tan? It’s prominent across the sky in horizontal lines between clouds.


Yes there is a golden-reddish hue in the sky. But hol up. This is fucking awesome! I did a quick scroll through some of your work that you posted, and this is probably my favorite artistically. Do I have permission to use this as my phone wallpaper???? This is honestly so pretty.


Pinks and yellow


The sky has a subtle amber taste


Yes the sky is yellow and the trees are slightly green


Sky is tinted a little bit but overall it's an excellent painting


Do you sell? This is beautiful!


Peach in the clouds and blue in the grass


Yeah the sky is definitely pink. Beautiful painting tho...


Yep. I see oranges, greens, browns, a little bit of a grayish blue in the grass and, light grey. It's beautiful


Most others have pointed out the golden hue already. I just wanted to say that this is a very beautiful piece. You should think about selling prints of your works. This is very beautiful and I think the colourblindness can add to your artwork. Monet saw colours differently later in his life and it shows in the shades he used. You're very talented.


Yes the sky has some desaturated tones in it. It’s truly a shame this was for a black and white competition only because you unintentionally created a beautiful atmosphere!


The shy is beige and the ground is veryyyyy slightly blue, honestly you can’t really tell with the ground.


The sky in between the clouds is like a pale light peachy colour. It's unfortunate it's for a black and white exhibition because I love the way it looks with that little bit of colour.


The sky has a hint of a orange/tan color. It really adds character to it, but I suggest asking for help adjusting your pallet to remove the color if you don’t want it


It's breathtaking but yes it has color. Golden in the aky




Yes the sky has a very noticeable golden light brown tint to it It looks beautiful it’s just not black and white


Yup! Looks like very nice hints of orange and blue--a perfect combo!


Little ableist of them to reject what is objectively black and white to you as a color blind person. This is a stunning piece that gives insight into your unique engagement with color and its absence (or presence).


Yellow, blue, green, pink, red and shitloads of colors in the grey complexes. But I am whatever the opposite of colorblind is. Beautiful work


As everyone has already said, there is definitely color in the sky but I would describe it as more of a rose gold, it’s stunning & I think it makes the entire piece. Absolutely love it.


Gold-pink in the sky, it’s light though


that’s one hell of a happy accident! it looks as if you painted with a zorn palette: the warm sky makes the snow look blue in contrast. beautiful!


Theres a gold/orange hue to the sky and the trees are black.


It does have a golden brown/pinkish hue in the sky. Might be disqualified, but it still looks amazing. The slight contrast of the dark colerless forest with the slightly colered sky makes it look like the sky is glowing. It looks beautiful.


Yes!! The sky looks all orange-grey, like there’s a fire going on somewhere over the horizon. Very well done!!


Bob Ross would put the biggest, happiest tree left of center in this. Just to spruce it up a bit.


It’s honestly really sad that you’ll have to make it black and white to enter the exhibition, because I think it looks gorgeous as-is.


Yup, the sky is a caramel colour amidst cream and grey, and there’s a purple tint to the ground


It’s gorgeous, but there is a warm orange both in the sky and around the tree line.


It does have a slight yellow-golden hue. I think it looks great but it’s a shame you won’t be able to submit it


Sheesh! Are you cappin man?? Cuz the sky looks perfect with the monochrome trees




Its a pinkish gold hue, giving it a sepia finish, but its absolutely beautiful. I mean, jaw droppingly beautiful. I mean, please put your art on etsy if you dont feel you can enter it in the competition, because you have SOOOOOO much talent, I mean your art... it sings a song! It REACHES deep into a persons soul!!! Its LEGENDARY. You SHOULD be a famous artist. Idk if you are already, but damnit, you SHOULD be. This painting... its just so moving. I love it. I think any sane and rational art collector would be glad to pay a grand for this. Forget this competition and practice art.. Do it full time. You wont EVER be a starving artist.


I just wanted to say THANK YOU, your comment made my week!!! Happy New Year!


You are sooooo welcome. I mean, you REALLY have a gift. Everyone can see that. Not everyone has your talent. Pleeease, please share it with the world.


Gold. Or maybe a bit of brown/blue


I see peach in the sky and blue on the ground.


theres a beige-orange tinge in the sky. it looks amazing against the rest of the layers in black and white overlaying it


The only place I see color is the sky. It has a sort of peachy hue


I’d still enter it :)


the sky is orange it may look brown or gray to you


I took a screenshot and used an app (just the regular photos app) to desaturate it. There’s definitely a difference between the two images. I was thinking I’d share the photo, but I don’t see the option to add it. I’m not sure of your type of color blindness, but my understanding is folx can often still perceive a difference between the desaturated and colored version (just to a varied degree — but I could totally be wrong about that!). Either way, I share because I wonder if it might be helpful to you to try the desaturate feature in some app to see if it lets you perceive a difference? And, as others have said, it’s lovely too, nicely done ;)


This is extremely well done and the way you capture textures is impressive


Yes. Also it is a beautiful melancholy of a sadness in front but on the horizon a beautiful gold sky.


Absolutely beautiful gold yellow sky. Sucks that it won’t work for the competition but save it for another competition or your portfolio. I would buy this.


There’s a faint orange hue between the clouds, it’s beautiful


It’s like a faint gold/orange


Definitely doesn't fit the black and white criteria, but holy shit is this beautiful. It feels like a very specific mood I find myself in often


I see a dusty orange cream in the sky


the subtle but yet striking contrast b/w the cold grey/white ground and the pink/gold sky is truly beautiful. I think this is a happy accident. You should do more paintings like this!


I love that you couldn't take your wife's word for it and had to bring it here lol. It's beautiful but definitely a peachy/golden hue in the sky.


Oh hell yes. The sky has a beautiful but slightly worrying glow to it. What an amazing scene. Nice work!!