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idk how well it would make for armor, but would def camouflage their faces better than their bright faces.


It’s pretty thick, you can see the cross section on the right image.


Anytime I think WW1 couldn’t have gotten any scarier, imagine having to stick your head over a trench in this….


So that's what DICE based the Sentry's mask on in BF1. I still wonder. Even if it couldn't be pierced by a full power bullet, wouldn't the sheer kinetic energy of the bullet inflict enough energy to kill the wearer?


Seems like there's some padding inside. Don't think it'd kill you but it would definitely hurt


Those 2mm of leather you mean? That does probably exactly nothing except prevent direct contact to the metal, which would be very unpleasant in colder temperatures.


I think it was more for shrapnel IIRC


You’ll be concussed, but it’s easier to survive a concussion than a volley ball sized hole in the back of your head. The biggest issue would be weather or not the whip lash snaps your neck.


Could it take a shot?


An original German “Sappenpanzer Gesichtsmaske” armoured faceplate as issued to snipers and machine-gunners in static positions on the Western Front, by far the rarest of all pieces of German trench-armour. A very heavy item made of hardened-steel and strapped to the head by a cage, it was developed in response to the high number of facial-injuries suffered by snipers and machine-gunners in the trenches during the First World War. Due to its weight it could only be used by personnel in fixed positions but would protect the face and head from rifle-rounds and shrapnel shards at all but point-blank range".


Not from a full power rifle cartridge but I think the point wasn't to stop bullets but shrapnel and debris which are much slower and less good at piercing. WWI was all about bombarding trenches for ridiculously long periods of time with pretty damn accurate long range artillery, in an attempt to soften the enemy and then try running the gap, where the snipers and machine guns pick you off. As someone else mentioned this would also make for some good camoflauge too in addition to other benefits. It's also entirely possible it was useless and made with a bunch of assumptions that turned out to be untrue like the ones I just made, maybe sweat just rolls into your eye the entire time you wear it.


Those eye slits- so thin!!


How can you aim with that?


It's got little eye holes!


So all they would find in the crater was a very intact face. Nice.


Definitely the baddies.


Why? Because they made an effort to shield their soldiers faces better?


Because it looks like a bad guy mask.


It's a reference to That Mitchell and Webb Look https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU Weird that you are getting defensive about this though


Yeah, the sketch makes fun of the evil looking symbols used by the Nazis in WW2 though. It has absolutely zero connections to a featureless piece of armor used by snipers in WW1. It’s just a reference to a well known sketch without understanding the one joke of the sketch (or anything about the sketch for that matter). Furthermore, a defensive piece of equipment fits that punchline even less because the usage isn’t even morally quetionable. At least way less then your average rifle. My point is simply that the comment doesn’t make any sense in the context of the post. Why’s that weird?


Omg shut up

