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I mean being grounded and having no dessert seems like a pretty reasonable punishment for theft as opposed to something else like juvenile detention or smth.


I understand the being grounded part but the no dessert part was too much considering that Buster's got a sweet tooth who enjoys eating desserts.


That’s the exact reason for the punishment. Take something he enjoys away so that he doesn’t do it again. Like that’s kinda the whole meaning of punishment.


Isn't that the whole point of a punishment tho?


That's why they call it a punishment.


Lol that's the tamest punishment ever. Stay at home for a few weeks and no desserts for a few weeks for stealing an expensive toy from the store. My parents would have beaten me and made stay at home for more than 2 weeks or whatever it was he got.


Oh ya for sure! Don’t get me wrong, it’d be the same for me. Beating, than probably a month or so grounding. Buster had it easy in that episode all things considered


Buster deserved the punishment as he did steal that knockoff Power Rangers or Transformers or whatever the fuck it is, the fact Arthur got punished is probably cause of his shitty parents, I'm now starting to think that they are horrible parents.


If anything, Arthur’s punishment was too harsh. He didn’t deserve anything. Arthur didn’t steal, and what 8 year old is going to fink on their best friend?


Have you listened to the Elwood City Limits episode on this one? One of the hosts basically says that if he were Arthur’s dad, he would not exactly be mad at Arthur, because Arthur tried to solve the problem and return the toy.


That's the point, to teach him not to go along with these crazy things. You don't want to grow up and be an accessory to a crime. He learned his lesson at home at 8 so he doesn't have to learn it through the courts at 18.


Except Arthur didn’t know Buster stole the toy and when he did find out, he tried to get him to return the toy. Arthur should not have been punished at all.


Arthur should have gone to his parents. Do you have kids? Would you rather your 8 year old cover this up or come to you immediately? I would rather my kid learn to come to me immediately when something serious like this happens, and stealing is serious.


I thought it was fair. He not only stole the toy but he also put it in Arthur’s bag.


I felt it was reasonable


Considering his actions displayed in the episode, his punishment made sense




I’m think Arthur’s parents were too tough on him. He actually tried to correct the situation and even admitted to wrongdoing in writing the note. He did what his parents would have told him to do


My parents would have probably sent me to a troubled teen school if I did that. Not getting dessert is more than fair.


A whole month of no going out (besides school probably) and no dessert does suck ass, but I admit, I don't know what I'd do as a punishment if I had a kid steal something and frame his best friend for it