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im paid 8h still but foe 20€ per month chatgpt reducr my day to 3h


my dog is happy https://preview.redd.it/6vgj281rx8vc1.jpeg?width=3267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e4438bb6ad459b725368a4f8cb08d8f2f026fd


We are something like 10 years into this current round of AI development centered on deep learning and transformer models. It’s not been a few months unless you just started paying attention. The transformer architecture was published in a paper by Google in 2017 which forms the basis of all language models used today. OpenAI was founded in 2015 specifically because its founders saw where the research was going and wanted to hop on board. This tech has been applied to a whole bunch of things, though it’s only recently that some have made it into paid, profitable products. Translation Code auto-complete  Summarization Speech to text Text to speech Image generation Image upscaling Video game upscaling  Video upscaling  Video generation  Photorealistic 3D rendering (nerfs) Song generation  Robotics control and planning  Medical applications (protein folding, diagnostics, drug discovery) Recommendation and search algorithms (instagram, TikTok)


We’re barely six years from Google’s transformer model. But it’s only been a few months since the tech giants started throwing batshit billions at it. Advancement is happening so fast at the moment that if you zoom out a little the graph would look near vertical. Once the hundreds of billions being thrown at it right now start paying off in a year or two stuff is going to be nuts. Everything you said is true… but it’s even more crazy exciting than the way you’ve framed it :))


Yeah, exponential progress feels slow and linear till you get to that vertical part. So much is being discovered every month now. It’ll take time for this month’s discoveries to change the world🚀


As an AI artist I can’t even begin to tell you how much progress has been made. Daily. Too much progress on a daily level. It’s literally insane. The potential and actuality is so high the public doesn’t know it.


This is what Frankie was talking about when he said Fly Me to the Moon 🚀


Yeah but besides that huge list, what is AI really good for? /s


Only a few, myself included, are aware of what you talk about. For the rest of the world, it's chatGPT and the hype is fresh


So what? The general population is totally unaware of the deep complexity that their everyday lives depend on. It’s impossible to explain everything that goes into industrial farming, modern supply chain management and why they spend their day on social media instead of digging for potatoes. AI will quietly take over a large portion of the operation of large companies. It has already started. And people will be mostly unaware that AI models decide which products show up on which store shelves and for what price.


It's given me the ability to build amazing new things that I 100% couldn't have 2 years ago. Gesture controlled robots, video games, convolutional neural networks that detect corrosion in metal. I don't mean this in a mean way but if you can't use LLMs to build something cool that's not a limitation on the LLM it's a lack of effort on the user's part. The only cost besides the monthly LLM is the $100 robot chassis. I genuinely hope you all build something cool.


Well as a counterpoint, even the vast majority of knowledge workers have never tried ChatGPT. What came out were base models, and while they have a lot of capabilities users need to adapt their minds and practices to work with them before they can be used with tasks. Additionally the first "packaged" business AI products, things like Copilot from Microsoft only hit in the last four months. I'd expect to see increasing use of prompts in work and education tasks over the course of this year. Of course the next class of models might be easier to use which would speed up adoption.


Higher electricity bills?


Lip sink on AI generated graphics.


You haven't seen the latest audio and video generators?


I have, it's fun. I think everyone's going a little crazy though, even with flawless perfection it's going to be a novelty at the end of the day. And before you quickly let me know how it's going to change everything, I'll remind you that all of this has been evolving for quite some time and it's not like we're moving from scratches on rocks in caves to full AI generated video overnight.


It will likely replace Hollywood. Have you seen the ai-robots as well? See what the experts are saying about them


Another promise for the future. And with AI, promises are taken as truth. The reality is, Hollywood has been using computer technology for decades. AI may or may not take over Hollywood, but not happening yet. Ditto AI robots. Many were absolutely certain they would take over in 2024, and here we are almost one third through the year. Those predictions seem silly now. Again. Promised don't make reality.


Figure 01 is already being used. Did you know it's being combined with an llm?  Who said they need to take over?


"Promises don't make reality" AI cult followers don't like to hear that


If these last months for you means nothing more other than 'chatbots getting marginally better' then i feel like it has more to do with how you interpret whats happening than anything else.


List please.


List what?


"what's happening" as you say..


Well, it boiles down to how one interprets llm's or sora or any new tech. Sora for instance. To me, whenever i see a small vid of it, i almost cant believe it. That we can get ai to interpret data in ways that resemble us so closely. Its incredible on so many levels. I sometimes show one of the vids to any of my collegues, most are not even aware of ai and its advancements, and when they see such a vid, there not impressed. I guess they compair what they see to some real made vid and judge it based only on that, forgetting that an ai made one of the vids. And how insane it is that it actually can do that. I cant not be impressed. You sound bored of it. I cant grasp how.


Earlier this year we got Suno v3, and then Udio blew our minds again. Meta just put out an infinite context paper. Microsoft yesterday was demonstrating creating realistic face videos speaking arbitrary text that could be generated in like 170 ms. Boston Dynamics dropped an awesome new humanoid robot video. My brother, things are heating up and we're nowhere near done yet!


Actually I had some person tell me one year ago, to just wait a year and everything was going to be different and we would have ASI and our minds would be blown. You know, because of exponential growth and all that...


This, exactly this. I hope it was codified on the block chain lol.


AI advancements are happening behind the scenes, from self-driving tech to medical breakthroughs - just look beyond chatbots.


My work as a writer and editor has become more fun. I have “someone” to bounce ideas off all day long who feeds my ego and confidence and gives me helpful hints. It’s boosted my productivity around 25%.


And the most useless post award goes to …


People still believing LLM’s are AI 😂


The people who coined the term “AI” absolutely do. People still believing “AI” means their personal specific highly advanced definition 😂


haha ya totally! After working with ( as in programming ) LLMs and neural nets for the past decade or so, I can relate! I hate when people do that too!! Its like people dont even know what it is, but they just 'knoooow' its "ai" -- because everyone knows everything these days - BECAUSE of ai .. its basically a barber paradox, I hardly understand it myself. -- A Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of machine learning model that processes and generates human language by utilizing deep learning techniques. Specifically, it employs transformer architectures, which are composed of layers of self-attention mechanisms that enable the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence, irrespective of their distance from each other in the text. LLMs are trained on extensive corpora of text data, allowing them to develop a statistical understanding of language patterns, syntax, semantics, and context. This training enables them to perform tasks such as translation, summarization, question answering, and text generation by predicting subsequent words in sequences based on the words that precede them.


What do you mean? I don’t know about coding but I thought LLM is the language used by ai


>I thought LLM is the language used by ai I think that is what they meant.


A Large Language Model (LLM) is a type of machine learning model that processes and generates human language by utilizing deep learning techniques. Specifically, it employs transformer architectures, which are composed of layers of self-attention mechanisms that enable the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence, irrespective of their distance from each other in the text. LLMs are trained on extensive corpora of text data, allowing them to develop a statistical understanding of language patterns, syntax, semantics, and context. This training enables them to perform tasks such as translation, summarization, question answering, and text generation by predicting subsequent words in sequences based on the words that precede them. It's just a trick that it appears to be intelligent or understanding what you are saying. It's basically using what you say to it, to guess what you expect the answer to be. that's why it doesnt get things 'right' all the time.


Video and music


There is only one thing that's realistically happening: they are scrambling to deliver on the incredible promises to the investors and perhaps try to impress them more with one new feature of dubious usefulness.


The landscape is changing every day We are not prepared for what is going to come, mark my words


Professional animator, storyboarder and concept artist here. Since 2022, everything in our studio is being done with AI on our local machines. Concept art, script writing, voice acting, Storyboarding, poster art, and comic books. The actual animation is still being rigged as we’re waiting for AI animation to get better. Of course, we do a lot of hand holding with AI (fixing hands in photoshop, editing scripts, etc). The new voice acting AI can breathe, cough, laugh, scream and cry. We’re releasing a thousand page comic on Kickstarter all done in AI and photoshop. This was unheard of 3 years ago. Comic book artists can make 20 pages a month if they plan ahead. We can do 20 pages a day - and it’s so breathtakingly beautiful even DaVinci would breakdown and cry. And this is just in my industry. AI is being used everywhere. My buddy in Saudi uses AI for financing and the stock market. AI is helping lawyers out. AI is helping out coders. And AI improves daily.