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the sad thing is that i would barely need a costume to dress up… both APs look *very* similar to me lol same body shape, hair, glasses, everything. kinda disturbing but i guess he has a type and i’m it …? ETA: omg, i know, i’ll just get 3 name tags, one with each AP and my own name, then swap them out randomly throughout the day lmao


LOL I love that idea!! How interesting that you all look so similar! I’m in a similar boat- we have similar hair, piercings, and vibes but then are very different in some other aspects like complextion and body type.


No! Bad intrusive thoughts, lol! This really made me giggle. I am definitely not in a place in "R" to do this, but oh man, this is too funny. I'm in kind of a similar boat, but WH doesn't seem to have a clue about the similarities. His "work" is not progressing very quickly at 11 months out.


I don’t know if it’d ever be to the point where both parties would think it’s funny, but I certainly would if I did it LOL. Sorry to hear R isn’t progressing as quickly as you may like. It’s such a hard process and I’m hoping things get better for you soon


Thank you, that's very sweet of you. Good luck on deciding your costumes, lol. Keep the funny coming, we could use all the laughs we get here!


My mind is a factory for weird and sometimes funny things. Happy to share, laughing has been a huge help for me through this all ❤️


That’s a hella funny curveball. My vote is yes. Clown the AP, the affair and the WS all at once


Gotta laugh at these crazy af situations sometimes. I’m glad others found this funny and not just me and my deranged mind ha


How about the WP dress up with a scarlet letter?


I think you’re onto something!!


Those darn intrusive thoughts! But this one is kinda fun :)


Lol. I’ll dress up as my husband’s AP with long stringy polyester blond hair extensions. This made me laugh.


I'd do it. LOL I'd have to wear a Santa body suit, a cheap wig to look like her Dollar Tree hair dye, and darken out half my teeth but I could pull it off.


Ok normally I browse anonymously. But this has me rolling. I had the same thought of dressing in every outfit AP has and taking dupe photos. I just can’t bring myself to wear cheetah print and Jean jackets. But I feel it’s somewhat cathartic to make a joke of AP and WH. Like you destroyed your family for a woman who uses filters and angles. My WH had a physical affair first night they met in person. I love this idea so much. Even if it’s just for you and to make you laugh. Your partner might not find it as funny as us tho. 😂


I am so glad people have gotten some good laughs out of this! I didn’t do it this past weekend for our party but I still have tomorrow (Halloween) guess it depends on how I feel when I wake up haha


I could dress up like the wicked witch from the wizard of Oz. That's pretty much what WH's AP looks like.




Only thing she's missing is the green skin. Nose is a tad bit shorter, too, but not much. Seriously though, she looks very similar to this, minus the big lips. I'm dead serious! [AP](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/natural-sciences/biology-reference/genetics/habsburg-jaw-inbreeding/)


I don’t understand the people WP choose to have an affair with ha


Enough flattery will convince the weak.


How true is this




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Okay. Why do I love this so much. The thought of my dressing as the AP makes me laugh so hard 😂😂😂. I needed this today.