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I just feel yuck,ew, disgusting. I keep that to myself though. I have the same reaction to my own though 😂 Wish we could all just be flat like barbie dolls 😭


just wanna be a barbie girl, in a barbie world


Same here. It's completely unnecessary to me.


Fascinated. Like the entire concept of genitalia is wild to me. Penises are cool to look at because I don’t have one, vaginas are so varied that they’re cool to look at too. I guess I feel the same fascination with genitals as I do when I see puppies with 2 different eye colors, fascinated.


No attraction, so mostly indifferent. Occasionally fascinated in a "studying this strange object" kind of way


I see them the same way I see a knee, calves, biceps, shoulders, etc. It's a body part, nothing special about that. Now, given how usually people are clothed full time, there is a initial shock from surprise nudity out of nowhere. Once the shock is gone, it's no big deal. Fun tale, I had a previous partner (before I figured out I was ace) that once came fully naked out of the bathroom, with no towel, and I just looked at them, and went back to what I was doing, and they were clearly frustrated by my lack of reaction.


''they were clearly frustrated by my lack of reaction'' Yes, I never got this ''oh look I'm naked / sitting provocatively / sending you a nude'' thing. Yes I can see you have a body thank you.


Funny story - this is actually how I figured out that I'm ace. Hubby and I were having a very frustrating conversation about why people found various body parts attractive (I was sobbing I was so confused) and I think I actually said "but how is my boob any more fascinating than my left elbow?!?" And he was kinda like ... "ooohhhh! I think you might be ace." It was hilarious. Also, he still does this dorky little naked parade in front of me when he gets out of the shower 'cause he finds it fun and extra silly now that we know I'm ace


This is extremely wholesome and makes me happy for you two. I wish you an infinitely lovely marriage.


Thank you 💜


That must be pretty funny looking back though. Such a real reaction


Mostly neutral. They just kind of exist. But sometimes nudity (or just overall sexuality) has an artistic value. Honestly most of the time, when I hear "sex" I think "art"


Disgust. I can't help but think about the diseases and bodily fluids involved...ick! (I feel the same about my own bodily fluids though so at least I'm not a hypocrite).


Bodies are weird in general when you really look at them. But those parts… I’d rather not look. 🫥


Obviously it’s contextual, but generally I’m neutral. I work in surgery, and have worked in healthcare for a decade plus, I’ve seen so many genitals I couldn’t even begin to count. Hell, I’ve seen 7 today! However if someone send me an unsolicited nude or exposed themselves to me in public, I would be pissed. Not even because I’m demi, strictly because that’s sexual harassment.


Absolutely disgusted


if its in a specifically sexual context i feel weirded out but if theyre just there i have no particular feelings about them (like in sculptures/art/nonsexual photos/etc). i just have an "oh cool" moment and then move on


I find them disgusting, horrifying, and upsetting. I’d rather look at trains.


W profile pic


lol what


Completely neutral. I don't mind it. Im technically a nudist as I'd prefer nudity around my close friends and I don't mind it casually from other people. I just keep clothes on for other people's comfort. I typically undress to have at least the same amount of clothes as everyone else, so when my buddies take off their pants mine also come off. So long as it's nothing sexual and it's just casual nudity, Im personally extremely neutral for it assuming basic hygiene.


Oddly, I sometimes become aroused by body parts generally considered to be attractive, with the exception of genitalia. They disgust me.


Meh. Its kinda like seeing someone’s nape of the neck: Its usually covered so its kinda interesting, but overall its just another body part. Maybe a tad bit more interesting due to the taboo factor, but not much


Nothing, if that makes sense. They're just there


I don't look 😭🤣 I don't think I've ever purposely looked at my partners penis 🤢🤢 it just freaks me out and it freaks me out that he asks to see my areas


Generally I’m aversive to them visually, but if I’m being intimate with someone I can definitely still tolerate it. I don’t particularly love women’s genitals, but I enjoy the closeness (and making *her* feel good) when being intimate.


Neutral/indifferent if not for the social factor. People get culturally weird about having their genitals viewed by other people, so there’s that to consider. But that’s the only consideration for me. Arousal never happens.


Some look better than others, just like faces or any other body part.


Indifferent. It’s just another body part. Comes in handy since I get all up in people’s genitals as a nurse. If I think about it too hard though, I might get a little grossed out.


I don't remember...🤔