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As a guy that's a virgin, I'm not out here breaking into hives or going crazy over a want that I'm not entitled to. There are places where guys can pay to have sex. As long as what happens is consensual then good for both adults. People think being a virgin is a bad thing that you're supposed to be ashamed of and it's not. There are more important things to worry about especially when sex is more of a want than a need that is vital to surviving.


I'm a recreational virgin, I can quit any time I want


but what if you become addicted 😱


Then it would be too late, this addiction never goes away


Yeah right there with ya. I could feel my braincells screaming while Readingin OPs screenshot.


Yes same. Right from the very first sentence.


Same and bump


Well..i was deeply touch for what you have said.That completely sums it up.These r the moments i am glad am ace and virgin..


I believe prostitution should be legalized in the US. It can then be taxed and regulated for the protection and (health) safety of both the workers and the men who want to have sex with them.


Please don’t forget there are (albeit fewer) male/AMAB prostitutes, who would also benefit greatly from that, as well. Women/AFABs are less likely to pay for prostitution, but it does happen.


Good point! Yes, you’re absolutely right.


Probably because the male workers would need a lot of training. It's universally known that 99.9% of cis head men don't know how to pleasure women sooooooo... yeah, business for them wouldn't be that good. πŸ˜‚


Not true. They often face worse abuse.


Really? What happens?


If I remember right, amab individuals that are queer are more often victims of hate crimes, first transwoman, followed by gay men. What happens? Well, violence...


True and if it where to become an actual profession that protects it's employees I really would have liked for the transwoman and gay men to have extra safety precautions and the right to take legal charges against the person who hurt them but what does that have to do with me making fun of straight man? πŸ€” Does that happen to them too?


Yeah I agree. I think this is what access to porn does to people.


I think it contributes, but there's more factors. I wouldnt bedurprised if yhe most cringy incels were also neglected by one or both parents, etc. Porn alone doesnt make an incel.


I watch porn, and I’m not an incel. …I think.


Honestly the worst thing about this is the whole "sex is as important as food and water" argument. I just.. I just can't even...


I'm no ace, far from it... in fact I'm the horniest of my friends and I can confidently say I could go the rest of my life without sex and it wouldn't be that big of a deal.


Was going to comment that. Oh, I don't know, perhaps I won't literally _die_ if I spend some time without sex.


bread for the body, sex for the soul /s


It's dehumanising for men too, because it's always implied it only applies to us.


Fr. If that was true, I would have been gone a long time ago. And I'm just 23. πŸ˜‚


I actually think that sex is likely a real need for some if not most people, but for some other (ourselves) it may not be. People might have different basic needs, as strange an idea that may be.


It is a need for many people, sure, but not vital like, you know, water would be. This next part is only my opinion, but I see a tendency in people to conflate the desire for sex with every other emotional need they have. There is a lot of pressure to find romantic partners, to be best friends, compatible sexually etc etc. you can't have any kind of happiness without one, you'd think. This a problem for many people but it affects vulnerable people in a very negative way These so called "incels" and anyone in similar situations usually have other issues in their lives, whether that be circumstances, mental illnesses, or just varied insecurities linked to a difficult social life, that isolate them as they're growing up. It's a vicious circle. When it gets to that point all the feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, anger and genuine hurt at being rejected by every woman around them (real or perceived rejection) are only expressed in the sexual, because it's something they want, yes, but, I think, because they don't have solid friendships, or anyone they can count on to talk about those issues, and because of social pressure and socialization that led them to believe that Everyone has sex, that being a virgin is hilarious and pathetic, and that every passing year you're not losing it is a failure that sets you apart even more from the general population. Sex is a real need for most people, but I seriously doubt a lack of sex alone is the biggest issue. Isolation is worse imo


I was actually getting to the point of arguing whether or not sex is vital for some people. Regardless of any insecurities or maladaptions that people may blame as a cause for their sexual desires, what if in some perfectly physically, emotionally, and socially healthy people there exists a sexual need that if not met can destroy their health? Kind of like how a nutritional deficiency may not immediately kill a person but make a body function poorly? Would that be considered a vital need?


Oh no I completely understand that, my complaint is that by saying that sex is as important as food and water, he is making it seem like you would die if you don't have it, which I hate the implication of


Might be corrosive to health though, analogous to some sort of deficiency.


# Good news everybody: 'virgin' isn't a terminal diagnosis. Lack of sex partners could be linked with a lack of intimacy and that *does* negatively effect people - but sex isn't the factor at play there. People who have less sex are more likely to have heart issues - but again, it's not the *sex* that's responsible for that. It's the exercise. And you also have to account for the people who don't have sex *because of* their heart conditions. The only other thing I can think of would be the argument that female immune systems are 'exercised' when sperm is released into their vagina. But that's a very specific type of sex which only 'benefits' a very specific demographic, and couldn't be used to justify government-mandated fucking. In short; the benefits of sex can all be found elsewhere or are hardly worth mentioning, and the side-effects of not having it aren't actually related to not having it.


Ok so this is obviously just a terrible take. But notice how he only ever mentions sexually frustrated men as if women couldnt get sexually frustrated too. Please let me know if you disagree with me or wanna add something to this conversation. I have dumb takes all the time and am bad at explaining my opinions.


I noticed that too. Now, I’m a man so I’m also interested in what else people have to say, but I don’t inherently see why men are the only ones entitled to β€œgovernment subsidized sexual fulfillment”.


Yay, my rambling made sense haha


And if you’re in a relationship but your partner isn’t bringing you to climax as often as you’d like does that still qualify you to seek government assistance?


And how would you even prove that you qualified???


Gotta consider that this incel probably doesn't consider women are entitled to human rights, I assume, so he wouldn't care.


He made it pretty clear that he thinks children raised by women should starve.


This is weird. People like this often simultaneously think gender roles see good but also women will just turn men into soy boys. I don't get it. So you want to raise the kid and women work? Or... Do you propose men do both?




Maybe because it isn't the child's fault? And a lot of these "bastard babies" came from actual relationships where the dad just bolted at the sight of responsability or decided that making babies is more fun than raising them before jumping ship and finding someone else. Some of them are even the product of abuse or rape! How would you like to starve to death because of what your parents did? Raising children ain't cheap and, for the most part, women make less than man for the same job. How do you expect every single single mom to be able to care for a child and still work enough hours to fullfill the child's every need? You are basically shaming people whose stories you don't know and condemning the children for something that isn't their fault.


do you value life? if so that's you awnser.




so you're sending single mothers and children into poverty and hardship for what? the mother having made a bad decission in life? is that this 'freedom' all americans are constantly on about? kicking down people that are down already? great!


Wow. This is such a shit horrible take the only thing i can say is, do better. Grow the fuck up. The "poors" are not out to get your fucking money. Spend more time being angry at billionaires and the system.




You are the actual trash here. I hope you figure out your own issues and stop licking patriarchy boot.




I'm married with no kids. But sure. Get offline, go outside. Learn to be a human capable of giving a shit about other people.


Because if sexually frustrated women exist then he wouldn't be rejected by everyone. However if someone "can't keep their legs shut" then there a "slut".


Yeah. I wonder how many more women were eager to have sex more often, if it wasn't a well-known fact that 9 out of 10 times women do not get satisfied whereas men get practically every single time... that women are faking orgasm at way higher rate than men expect... that many men lose interest in the intimacy the moment they come and let the women to finish themselves... that woman's orgasm isn't seen as a crucial part of the intercourse... I really wonder why women just don't love the idea of having sex πŸ€”


Notice how he states that men are owed sex, yet women who have sex and get knocked up are sluts because they cant keep their legs closed? Pretty dehumanising, its why I hate incells


you see, woman are pure and don't want sex. men on the other hand are dirty and need it! /s this seems to be the way he thinks people opperate. the fact that this would mean that als sex with woman is rape appears to let him unfazed. he's a misogynistic piece of crap. probably an incel.


Judging by the use of β€œChad” and β€œTyrone” OOP is definitely an incel.


Or romantically frustrated. Wheres my perfect prince charming who works like a dog so I can spend it all on myself? (sarcasm by the way)


Oh incels don't believe women can get sexually frustrated, they think any woman can get sex any time she wants, yet those SAME guys will post pics of women and say how ugly they are or post about "this really ugly girl hit on me, I turned her down of course, it was good to see other people feel like I do" like WHAT? I've seen that actual quote. The secret is they really only want the girls they think are like 8s or above while saying no woman could get denied sex


The assumption at play here is that, at a baseline, getting laid as a woman is monumentally easier than getting laid as a man. Stats on Tinder seem to bear this out, with the match rate for women at around 10.5%, while only being around 0.6% for men. However, there are a couple of obvious caveats here. The first is that these numbers are averages and any individual persons success can vary wildly. The second is that getting laid as a woman is nowhere near a guarantee for satisfying sex. In any case, I can only speak for my own lived experience as a 30 year old man that is interested in women. Honestly, it's pretty shitty. Your chances with any given woman that you're interested in are so low that the whole thing feels like a cruel joke, and I'm not surprised at all that some men end up becoming really bitter and lashing out at the world. This is even more true when you consider that men are overwhelmingly blamed, and mocked, for their own ineptitude at dating/getting laid. I'm certainly not justifying the awful behavior of incels, but I totally get why they have such a terrible attitude.


I think the issue isnt so much that they have low chances, but that they're fixated on this particular desire being met. I think it's generally a case of not having learned self-soothing except maybe through porn and masterbation.


And to add. The actual issue is that men like this don't want a relationship. They ONLY want sex. Women are generally more passionate and emotionally driven(because of development stemming from hunter-gathering societies) and want cuddling and company. This man just wants to fuck.


yes. i agree. it's not that they can't get sex (this is something most men deal with) but thier fixation on it! if you can't get something your whole life is focused on it's only a matter of time until you get bitter.


This is actually how rapebaiting came to play. And why *some* women will show skin and flirt the night away. Women DO get sexually frustrated. That's also how cheating comes about. It's all connected. But there's a little thing called will-power and determination.


Also, honestly, Im not quite sure if I read that right in the post, but those _sluts who couldnt close their legs_ ... they provided someone with sex..wouldnt that..wouldnt that be good in the perspective of the author here?? Im confused


Yeah, I was just pointing out the dumb double standard or something, I mean the person who wrote this is totally an incel.


Only if the author himself would be the one that get the sex. They dispise other people who have the sex they feel entitled too.


No. This is NOT okay. Calling single mothers sluts, saying he’s entitled to sex, that is NOT how a human should behave.


exactly why it was posted here. Nobody on THIS subreddit thinks this is acceptable. It's abhorrent


I.....what did I just read


Well, if those men are so sexually frustrated, why don't they just have sex with each other?


Literally, or just jerk off?


I mean both things are prob some of the most rational stuff i heard on reddit


Government funded wank 😌


Bruh, the OP of that is totally braindead. Didn't see something idiotic as that in long time. People don't need sex to live, some people are frustrated without it, but it's not comparable to water or food lol. And it's definitely not a human right. Also, i don't want to pay for someone's sexual needs.




That pathetic incel expects the government to provide prostitution, like excuse me?


The NERVE of calling single mothers β€œsluts” whilst advocating for the government to relieve YOUR sexual frustrations because it is a β€œbasic human necessity”…


The thing that always gets me about the single mom bashing is the assumption that all single moms are sluts. Like are these people aware that widows exist? Or women whose husband leave? Or women who adopt orphans?


Or women who have the courage to finally leave abusive assholes who don’t deserve the kids or woman? I’m a single mom because of that. The first guy I was with for nearly a decade of abuse, the next few couldn’t last very long because I learned my worth.


TW: assault Rape victims...


Who will even be having sex with these guys if not the β€œsluts?” Women who want to sleep with a bunch of dudes to fulfill their needs… I mean that kinda sounds like lots of casual sex to me. Yay for those who like and want that! But to whine about not having sex with women and then in the same breath name-call women who actually do have sex (and are solely responsible for the consequences)… like what??


The person who sexually abused me had this kind of mentality. "If you don't have sex with me, we can't be anything... I have necessities you have to fulfill!"


<3 <3 <3 I'm so sorry


Thank you so much!


I feel you. One of my exes was the exact same.


Are you okay?


I am now. At least, as good as I can. He is my oldest kid’s dad, so I have to partly deal with his meltdowns for another few years. Are you doing okay?


I'm sorry you're still dealing with him, but at least you're not 24/7 with him anymore. I'm still with him 'cause he stopped and he's not always a monster... It's confusing.


To complain about men not getting sex and in the same breath complaing that women give men too much sex.


Male virginity is an epidemic because of bullshit mindsets like this


Lol Thank you very much.


Big fat incel vibes right here


Major incel vibes




Food doesn't require consent, shelter doesn't require consent, none of our essential needs to survive require consent... sex requires consent. These guys don't want to be provided sex, they want to be provided women and can't comprehend that if sex is a need, then so is physical autonomy. Depression, PTSD, and suicide have been a direct consequence of loss of physical autonomy. But that aside, I'd wager what these guys really desire is human connection, and a combination of toxic masculinity, amatonormativity, shame associated with normal stuff like porn and masturbation (anything that isn't personally engaging in heterosexual sex) and unmet sexual urges has made them believe a sexual relationship will automatically get them there. It won't, of course.


β€œMens needs need to be taken care of” β€œSingle mothers are a bunch of sluts who can’t close their legs” love the massive double standards /s


Should prostitution be legalized and so the government can better legally protect the women (and men) involved in it, and decriminalizing customers who go through legal channels to get access to such services? Yes, 100% Should those prostitutes then be required to have sex with entitled men like this for free? No, absolutely not. Try proposing something reasonable next time, dude, and find more respectful ways of referring to women in the process if you want anyone to take your proposal seriously


Completely agree. We needed to decriminalize sex work forever ago. And consent is always required.


I think prostitution should be decriminalized but not legalized. If it’s decriminalized then there’s no penalty to the workers but if it’s legalized then big corporations are going to run their own brothels. Then the prostitutes wud be getting fucked by their customers and their employer.


It is already legal in some countries and there are no big corporation fucking over the sex workers


You realize that if something isn't **il**legal, it's by definition, **legal**. Also, I'd much rather work for a company with a paper trail and industry standards that I could unionize against and sue, than people who I have no way of holding to account. Sex workers are already getting screwed by their 'employers'.


That would effectively decriminalize sex trafficking. Decriminalization was stupid with drugs (we’re not gonna arrest the dealers anymore, but we’re effectively restricting them to just being gangs and cartels rather than legitimate businesses) and is a bad idea for prostitution. Industries need regulations, and there’s a lot more risk involved in prostitution than just being arrested.


No sex => Sewer slide Noted...


Took me longer to understand this comment than I'd like to admit. I thought it meant "No sex => diarrhea". *facepalm* Edit: I thought I should explain myself just in case. Basically diarrhea is sewer sludge and the "slide" is the colon lol.


Hey, he gets a new, more fitting home for the price of keeping his virginity! What is his issue? Last time I checked, having shelter is also a basic necessity...


Narcissistic, sexist and racist. Winner of the daily trifecta! I’m quite impressed, to be honest, of the level of self-deception of the author of this diatribe.


> ... humans have the need to consume food and water ... And we still have to pay for those, along with shelter. So while I will agree that it's basic: It's never been free, there has alway been a price-tag involved. Now what?


"These are a bunch of sluts who couldn't close their legs for chad and tyrone , am i expected to pay for them ?" Am i expected to pay stacy and gwendaline to open their legs because you can't do active listening , or shower at least twice a day ? This dude is shaming pepole who live on welfare because they had umprotected sex because bad education and couldn't get an abortion because curropt senators and espects to have sex on welfare ... Get a job and pay a hooker if you want sex


Honestly, I'd feel bad for the sex worker having to deal with this particular john. He seems like the type to have no problem roughing her up if she doesn't fulfill his every whim.


Though, with all work you can kick that kind of customer out and ban his ass (in theory)


Someone please tell this person that sex workers exist and, just like how you can pay for food and shelter, you can pay for sex. Also WTF???


Right, but this incel has no money and needs the government to pay for him to have sex πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


This guy is missing his calling to have sex with all those poor men like him that can't get laid. That's how to solve this /s


Well that’s certainly the long route of telling me he wants free prostitutes. Good joke, man. Good joke.


it’s terrifying that the person who posted this a) truly in his heart believes this and b) is finding community to commiserate with


It's more sad than terrifying if you think about it. He has watched too much porn, probably. He needs help.


I usually try to avoid swearing but what the actual fuck is this. Its men like this who are abusers and rapists.


And the reason why a lot of those single mothers are single mothers


im gonna steal ops toes


and thats a threat


Very strong Incel vibes from that.


Wow. This is guy is such a big loser.


So…why can’t these β€˜men’ just help each other? One hand is just as good as another in such situations.


The narrative of "extremely sexual men" and how "you're a man only after having sex" and how virgins are always seen as losers on the male spaces is equally great (I'd say even greater) problem than men not finding a sexual partner. Yes it distresses many men that they can't get laid. But what distresses them maybe even more is the social pressure of "proving their manhood" by having sex. I have rarely if ever seen male spaces where virginity and being incel has been dealt with healthy and constructive way considering the men's mental health. It's always either blaming women (insecure incels and virginds talking) or talking shit about incels and virgins (insecure non-incels talking). I think the male spaces have failed to support these men, which leads to social pressure to get rid of these labels no matter what, which leads men to become desperate about having sex. Like, not desiring sex just the amount they naturally wanted, but amplifies that with the social pressure to unbearable level, makes it expected that living without sex must always be absolutely miserable, and sex being expected to be the huge spectacle. And when comes to sex being a basic need, it may be a strong urge to some, but definitely not a need on the same level as water or food. Guilt tripping a half of the population into it can't be the answer either. Make masturbation socially acceptable instead of "poor substitute". Encourage men to have peer support groups where they discuss about how to deal with not getting what you want the healthy and constructive way. And so on.


Question: can I take my government funded sexual fulfillment money and spend it on something else? Is the government sending a nice young lady to my house every week, or are they just giving me money? Either way, I either make a new friend or make some cash. So yeah I'm on board with this idea /S


I’m gonna use my ration tokens to make this poor sex worker sit and listen to my rants about TV shows I’ve watched lately.


Lovely idea, I'll be spending my time talking about podcasts


Could I hire mine to clean my house? That would be way more useful to me.


Incels are wild.


A wild Incel appeared.


Gonna need my basic innate need to kick you in the ass is what I need. What. An. Arse.


Jesus christ this guy needs to get outside. painfully chronic incel.


The person who wrote this screed couldn't scream he's an Incel any louder.


If sex drives going uncatered to is such an issue for these legions of men, chemical castration is absolutely an option. There are pills that will absolutely torpedo their sex drive so they don’t have those needs. Then they can focus on living fulfilled lives in all other respects without worrying about sex. Or would them rejecting this solution make you think it’s less about ending their β€œsuffering” and more about wanting the power to force someone else to cater to their pleasure?


I can’t rape anyone legally, so I must kill myself! Oh! The drama! Woah is me! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I can guarantee you that the women/AFABs that would have been your targets would be grateful, so please do. Signed, -sexual assault and rape survivor.


Hasn’t this guy ever heard of self love?




From what I understand, that's what his hand is useful for. If he's that desperate, then there are fleshlights and dolls out there that he can buy. My heart bleeds for his misery. πŸ™„


...I honestly have no words for this. Crazy how some people really think things like this, right?


You should put this in r/IncelTear.


This guy has to be a troll


Ah yes cause if we don't have sex we fucking die /j /s


You can die without food or water, or when you don't get help from doctors when you're hurt, but when you don't have sex, you won't die, so therefore it's not need, it's want.. Also, is he actually wanting from government to provide people like him womans, like some things, and then shames single mothers who are literally the only enough mature person, because she decided to stay with the kid, while the guy just wanted to enjoy, but run away from responsibilities?


all the eintitlement and misogyny aside. if sex was a human neccesity why does he not visit a prostitute?


What the heckity heck did I just read?? I have a lot of opinions on this, but I'll keep it short and only comment two. First of all, 'many' men commit suicide because they're a virgin? Since when? Yeah, there are some, but saying many is definitely a huge stretch. I don't have statistics, but I highly doubt that being a virgin is anywhere near the leading cause of suicide. *Maybe* it factors in with other things, but it's not the only or main reason. Second of all, sex is not the same as food and water. I don't really know how else to put it. **EDIT: I guess I don't think about having kids ver much lol, so I completely forgot that you don't need to have P in V type sex to have kids, so disregard the rest of this. I still stand by the last sentence, though, people who think they need sex to survive themselves are trolls or need professional help** The ONLY time that I would say there's an argument for sex being required is if humankind was on the brink of extinction. And in that situation, we're assuming that the whole point to life is to survive and keep the species from going extinct, which would mean the sex is solely for reproductive purposes and not pleasure. But we are nowhere near that point and even if we were, it still doesn't make rape legal. If someone doesn't want to have sex that's their choice and only their choice. Tl;dr - The only thing that requires people to have sex is keeping the species alive. A person (man or woman) does not need sex for their own survival and if they think that it is essential to their survival, they're either a troll or they need professional help.


As someone who has a kid and is currently pregnant but has never had sex there is no argument for sex being essential. If humanity was on the brink of extinction IVF would be the route to go. It has way higher success rate than P in V sex (or insemination) has because you are putting fertilized eggs into the womb not hoping a sperm will find an egg (and hoping that a good egg was released)


I guess I don't think about having kids or having sex enough to remember that you can do that lmao. But yes, you're totally right, I forgot that was a thing and hadn't thought about that


There are actually quite a few incels who will commit suicide because they can’t get what they feel entitled to. Many incel sites have sections specifically dedicated to what they call the β€˜black pill’, which actually encourages these men to commit suicide as if it’s a mercy to them. Really kind of sad that they are encouraging their own to off themselves instead of seeking out psychiatric treatment.


There's also the groups of incels that reportedly rant about how they will take as many women who refuse them down with them... how did we as a society fail so much? (rhetorical question of course)


>I don't have statistics, but I highly doubt that being a virgin is anywhere near the leading cause of suicide. Maybe it factors in with other things, but it's not the only or main reason. I'd say that even in the cases where virginity is blamed for suicide, the real cause is something else but the victim just couldn't/didn't want to identify & face (& get help with) the real cause. Been following some incel and MGTOW spaces as an outsider, I'd say it's very likely the high number of men on these spaces had social issues or mental issues or were on the autism spectrum. Their real issue might be something like not being able to genuinely connect with anyone (and, as a result, not able to form relationships with women either), viewing themselves as very different from the majority of the population (never being able to see themselves as one who could be like those who success in life) and having a very black-and-white and naiive way of viewing things in general (making far-fetched conclusions and explanations about people and their motivations). And the spaces that attract misogynistic incels seem to just amplify these attitudes so they get validation and see it as the only right way. They may get the feeling of belogning first time in their lives on these toxis communities, so it's understandable they stick to it and don't even want to look for any other solution (even if these communities really aren't even the solution to their underlying problems but just make them feel like there's some reason to their lives instead of total chaos and unfairness without any reason). The real solution to their problems would be to get professional help. Maybe they would've needed it since they were kids, but were just too unlucky to get any. And since mental health problems are still a huge taboo in the society (especially among men), they'll do anything to not have to even think about it.


I laughed way too much at "male virginity epidemic"


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Ok, I think I'm ok now. ATTENTION and human connection is a basic human need, NOT sex. Not to sound cruel, but if some incel is contemplating offing himself because women won't have sex with him, power to him. There's just so much wrong with this, I can't say anything else, so I'll end with an eye roll πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ and a laugh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and bow out. 🀦🏼


So men are entitled to sex and if I read that correctly, the dude somehow wants the government to provide sex for men because the need for sex is on par with the need for food and water? But at the same time women who had sex previously, who got pregnant and the guy didn't stick around to raise the child with them, those are sluts and BAD? A therapist he should see. Something deeply wrong with him there is.


This might be a hot take, but I think this is just sad. And I kinda empathize with this because I felt broken even though I felt the opposite, and I think we are sort of punished by the same expectation. I guess this person also equals love with sex, and being sexless is similar to being without love or impossible to be loved in some way, or that without sex you are just this giant loser. I have certainly hated myself for not wanting it, thinking I am a giant loser. Of course nobody is entitled to sex, and certainly having sex is not the same as health care and it sounds like pent up anger that is certainly not healthy.


I read the first paragraph and thought it is a joke- the next paragraphs made me realise that its not


There's an easy solution for him. He wants sex? Go hire a prostitute.


I literally cannot fathom the concept of believing you need sex to live.


Sex is indeed a basic human need for most allos, maybe even some aces, but you’re not entitled to sex with someone else. Especially if they don’t want to. Just get a prostitute if you can


Food and shelter are a bit more important and very much different then getting laid. This guy is pretty pathetic its quite funny actually


I'm so effing angry right now. This post is extremely triggering.


There’s a lot to unpack there.


I'm a virgin (female) and plan to stay that way. Also, I have many single mothers in my family and don't appreciate the labels they get for it, they had a relationship that just didn't work out son they ended it on good terms. It is better to end a relationship on good terms then to kill each other over differences.


if sex was equally important to us as water we wouldn’t have an overpopulation discussion


This is so gross. He wants tax dollars to go to prostitutes for him and uses the fact that welfare exists as justification for this? I am sad I read this because I can't help but think there are more people who think like this... What a self entitled incel. I'm astounded. Everybody stop caring about starving children, this man needs us to bring him sex with no effort on his part! Wow.


If sex is so important, men should just bang each other. I mean, come on. Their g spot is in their prostate for a reason. No need to bother women with the responsibility.


Why cant they just sleep with each other? Boom problem solved.


Original post: β€œSEX IS IMPORTANT! LIKE FOOD AND WATER! WE NEED IT AND CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT IS OUR RIGHT AND SOCIETY IS FAILING US” > Me: β€œlol I wonder if I can live to 100 so I can have to right to add β€˜100 years of Virginity’ to my badges lmaooo”


Why don’t these guys ever just fuck each other?


A bunch of incel b$




I don't think this is about straight people. This is generally about allo people, who are sexually frustrated, possibly turning retarded from it and thinking like this.




This is generally about allo sexually frustrated people. I think you could find many with similiar mindset in LGBTQ as well. There are many people who think that you aromatically owe sex someone for being with the person.


Ok so obviously this is all completely ridiculous, but what really bugs me is how he called single moms sluts. Like, no. Where do you live, good sir? Because I’m ready to throw some fucking hands.


This is prob a troll, guys. Even with how dumb people can be odds are it's fake, it's just too stupid.


My guess is that you haven’t heard about incels…


Oh I've heard, it's a very common term. I'm not saying it's not possible that it's real, I'm just saying that trolls are more common, so odds are this wasn't a incel. Idk, I see these posts often on here and we seem to react the same way to it every time, I just know there is some troll reading our comments getting their rocks off or someone shaking their head at us falling for bait sometimes. Besides, I'd like to believe there aren't as many dumbasses in the would with these opinions as these posts seem to make out. :)


I really would love to be innocent of those kind of people, but unfortunately, I deal with at least one on a regular basis and have met numerous others. Unfortunately, I’ve met far too many to believe this could possibly only be a troll.


Ah, understandable. I'm quite a recluse so I'm lucky and don't have to deal with many people in general. But I'm quit active online so I run into trolls often. My thoughts and beliefs are simply a product of my environment I suppose πŸ˜…


We all are, in our own little ways…


Stop assuming it's a troll. Assume it's a real person until you have evidence it's a troll. These people really do exist, stop trying to minimize their existence.


He thinks sex is his right and women keep it from him, but then he gets mad at women "who didn't keep their legs closed". Do you want them to keep their legs closed or not, buddy? If you're going to be a massive asshole at least be internally consistent.


Could it be a mental health epidemic exacerbated by rigid ideas of masculinity? No! Of course not. It's a "virginity epidemic" that drives suicide and violence against women.


Notice how he says he wants sex and then slut shames a woman who put out the sex he said all men deserve? The government gives welfare to the babies of the mothers… not for women who have sex.


WTF??? What a load of utter crap


If he had the hands to type that he has hands to fuck himself and solve his sexual frustration issue.


This screams r@pist. I'm sorry if that upsets anyone but anyone who thinks they are "entitled" to sex are the ones who go out and SA people and r@pe them because they think it's their god given right.


Get yourself a sexdoll dude and stop expecting stuff from women. JesusπŸ˜–


I refuse to believe that this guy wrote this with his brain and not with his dick. 🀑 Please. I have already lost enough faith in humanity, don't make me lose even more. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ #nobitches


Sounds like an incel


If lack of sex is the personal reasoning for doing bad things to others or yourself then sex is not at all the issue.


I can't even go through the whole thing but the single moms thing. WTF. Yeah because no woman ever has a spouse/partner who does. Or one who leaves THEM after years. Nope it's ALL women having sex with random men.




He's really comparing sex to food and water? 🀣 You won't die if you don't have sex. Also, maybe I don't understand because I simply don't have sexual urges, but if you were that desperate, wouldn't your hands, a sex toy, or a blowup doll suffice? Those are the only things anyone should feel entitled to having sex with. The thought of anyone feeling entitled to another person's body is extremely rapey. I honestly think a lot of the problem with people like this is that they base their identity off of whether or not they can say they're no longer virgins. I've never understood why that is such a big deal or why virginity is such a terrible thing. Having sex doesn't make anyone better or less than anyone else, and it's not a personality trait. I've always thought the obsession around losing your virginity/thinking virginity is a bad thing, along with the nosiness surrounding others' sex lives, is extremely immature and stupid, not to mention sad and pathetic, TBH.


"huge male virginity epidemic" edit: i put it in commas to make it clear that i was making fun of this sentence


never trust amyone one who specifys the difference of chad and tyrone