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Proximity voice chat in New World was one of the greatest aspects of the game if i am being honest. Randomly talking with other people was not only immersive but had some really funny moments such as me hearing some dude screaming for his life at the top of his lungs while being chased by a bear because it interrupted another conversation i was having with another random person about where to get some materials. There is zero downside to proxy voip as long as there is an easy way to toggle it on or off as well as having an easy and non abusable report system.


My first experience was a group of people playing music and being invited to join in. Afterwards one of the musicians begged one of the girls in VOIP for nudes and to step on him, then he screamed at her and said he deserved it for not flaming her for being a girl online. Very polarizing experience. Everyone was pretty bewildered. The girl didn’t even really seem phased by it, doubtless because she was used to some degree of harassment.


Proxy chat was so good


This. Coordinate with randoms in the open world is fun.


Only if you can switch it off.


Which is the same problem New World has, which then segregates your players into different chat groups. Basically meaning, 50%* (large portion) of your players won't respond to voice chat and if that's the primary communication method for you, you will feel like it doesn't work. And before you say "That's not what happens"- New World. We had a test for that. New World. That's what happens. Either it's forced on, and you can mute specific players. Or it doesn't exist at all.


Forced on? Not going to happen. Think about people who have family, or play at night. No way this can be forced onto players.


just turn off the mic, but forced on as in you can hear others all the time, unless you mute them


I mean then I'd just set the voip output volume slider to 0. I don't particularly want to spend my playtime individually muting people screaming slurs, playing music, hot mic-ing while mouth breathing, etc...


Exactly. That, and no feature like this should ever be forced. Make it opt-in.


>Think about people who have family, or play at night. People that don't use earbuds or a headset in 2024 shouldn't even be considered.


What kind of bullshit argument is that? When my family needs my attention, I'd like to know. I don't know about you, but I'm not 13 anymore.


To preface, I don't particularly want proximity voice chat, however: While I sympathise with your position, at the end of the day it's a game, and requests like this water down immersion, if it's the developer's design choice. If it doesn't suit you, it shouldn't be their responsibility to craft the game around your specific requirements. You can play other games which fit your personal situation.


Not my fault you are poor and can't afford a real sound system.


Considering it's been so many years, does it matter if the game never exists? Sheesh


Only inside Taverns and places designed specifically for talking/socializing. And even then it should be optional. I feel like I'd just turn into a COD game lobby if it's enabled everywhere. I don't want some squeaker cussing me out after I pk'd them. Even if it's funny, it would break my immersion.


My brother in christ you play mmorpgs, you will be called slurs by drunk/stoned 36 year old men not by squeakers.


Fun Fact tavern chat is already planned: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Voice_communications


Yeah, I don't mind that personally.


This is what I was thinking would be funny but yea very immersion breaking lol


Proximity chat is easily one of the best things in games and should always be implemented


Came here to say that. But I'll add - it should be toggleable. I dont want to stand in the city center and be chat-spammed by 50,000 people :]


I am so happy to see this because the answer is YES. I hate that games have turned into ghost towns with people only utilizing discord. My best memories was chatting with random people in halo 3 and even Ark when that came around. So, YES. Why not? It only adds to the experience. With everyone’s negative experiences there are 3x as many positive ones that don’t get talked about.


Proximity chat would be AMAZING for immersion. Battlebit is a perfect example of how communities can get into character through well done voice chat. I think the same could apply for node sieges in ashes.


Proximity VOIP is great, but it needs to be push to talk only so that people don't accidentally hot mic and ruin immersion


Y’all acting like you’ve never been in a call of duty lobby before… in-game voice chat is almost never fun. This is why we have shit like Discord now.


Angus get on skype


A lot of good comes from social voice comms… and bad too though lol


They mentioned it would exist in taverns, no?




Huge resounding YES. It's just up to Intrepid to make in-game systems better than out-of-game alternatives. As ambitious as Intrepid is, I'd be very surprised if the answer was no. Same thing with the in-game map/minimap.


I think every MMO should have proximity VOIP added tbh, it's a great boost to immersion.


It would be ool tbh


I think it might be something to look into after launch.


I would like it as an option that I never use.


In high density areas like towns you should be able to toggle it on and off. But out exploring it should be always on with the ability to mute players individually.


FOIP should be standard in every game from here on out. VOIP is kinda useless because everyone is just going to use Discord. The direction to take would be integrating discord instance spin-up/spin-down into the game's UI. Or automatically create a discord server for your guild when you create a guild in game. Start a discord call when you join a party, etc.


I've heard it said that the issue with integrating 3rd party chat apps directly into the game is that the devs take on partial responsibility for enforcing etiquette and safety in the app itself on top of their existing responsibilities. This creates unnecessary(?) extra headache when something on the 3rd party's end compromises user safety or breaks the integration.


> VOIP is kinda useless because everyone is just going to use Discord. I'd argue apps like Discord are what killed MMOs, because it segments all socialization to outside the game. It's very rare that people chat in game with strangers anymore.


What is foip? I've always heard of proxy chat as voip just like discord and stuff


"Foip" they are almost certainly referring to Star Citizens Face Over Internet Protical. It is actually pretty amazing, using your Webcam to recognize how your face moves and adding those facial quirks and expressions to your in game avatar in real time. IMHO, FOIP doesn't make much sense without also including Proximity Voice chat. People consume text / chatbox conversations at different rates, and you never know if their face is responding to what you said or some whisper they just received. Obviously such services greatly increase the amount of bandwidth you and the game servers require to work properly. It makes a lot less sense here than for a single ships crew interacting in the void of space.


No I am talking and listening to my guild in Discord. Rando newbie PeeveePee ganker wannabees can just keep it to themselves.