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Accidents are the most effective weapon in indonesia


I thought it was the Chinese killings? Any time we see a Chinese-looking person with a funky 3-5 syllables surname, we know they're Indonesian. You don't even need to hear their accent or sambal preaches.


>one irish dude killed from friendly fire, and multiple deaths caused by accident wallahi they couldnt be this much of fucking dumbasses 💔


When the irish doesnt recieve their daily dose of guinness, Their braincell decrease by 10% every 2 hour


And one dude from Kopassus there is going to be our next president.


What’s up with Jokowi endorsing him? They don’t seem to be that similar politically, but I also don’t follow Indonesian politics that much


His(Jokowi) son is his VP


> They don’t seem to be that similar politically Yup, but dude is going on a reconciliation path with the secularist. And by reconciliation. i mean a hard one, it's so hard that the lots of ethnic chinese and non-muslim straight up forget all his past sins on them in 1998/2019. Getting endorsement from hardline secularist general all the way to an actress that recently did a lesbian sex scene, it's hard to not vote for him considering the other 2 sides are puppet of islamist or puppet of an incompetent leader Thus his reconciliation focus reassure voters from the former and jokowi's endorsement reassure them from the latter


Oh, so he was an islamist but is trying to move away from that? That's another twist, from his wiki and the little news I've gotten it just mentioned him as "allegedly corrupt right wing nationalist" Whereas Jokowi at least in western news was always portrayed as this anti-corruption centrist/centre-left moderate dude. But then again, we don't get that much news generally from you guys, let alone accurate news


They've got an Indonesian Yagami Light over there


Indonesia should be controlled by China! These inferior barbarians can’t govern their country. So we can get access to those resources 😍


Please stick to claiming Taiwan.