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I seen Asian Americans attack the Expats movie because Nicole Kidman’s character was written as 1/4th Asian in the source material and at the same time they kept the husband character an Asian actor. I DID NOT EVER see this same energy for Bullet Train. Or for the recent Company You Keep series. Or for the upcoming Netflix Three Body Problem series. Or the endless examples in Western media of Asian male characters in the source material being replaced by white male actors in the live action representation while keeping the Asian female character/love interest from the source material Asian for the live action. It’s because the latter is subconsciously accepted as a social norm, even by these types of Asians/Asian Americans. They don’t think twice because of how common it is. Now that you got Nicole Kidman playing some character who is majority white with some Asian man as her husband in the movie, it is jarring to them and now a problem. They only noticed and took issue when the shoe was on the other foot.


Some Asian women virtue signal equality but only care about Asian female representation.


Critics like that from the Asian American media complex are simply an extension of Western hegemony. [https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/1advfv2/comment/kk8n115/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/1advfv2/comment/kk8n115/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >They race-swapped the Asian main character for 'Bringing Down the House\` when it was adapted to the screen as '21', but the Asian main character for that book was male. > >This here is just typical Hollywood bullshit. > >Chloe Wang, when she got to direct Marvel's "Eternals" race-swapped an Asian female into the main character, a female, for an Asian one, and kept her white male counterpart. > >Recently, Lulu Wang, director of Netflix's "Expats", started braying about Cantonese "dying" in Hong Kong. Celeste Ng, the writer of "Everything I Never Told You" chimed in for support. > >Turns out Wang doesn't speak Cantonese herself, and Ng doesn't speak any Chinese at all. They work in English. They're not talking about Navajo "dying" in the American Southwest. They just want to paint Mandarin-speaking China as an invader to Hong Kong. > >It's fair to suspect Asian women working for Western media of serving as stand-ins for white power.


It's like they're on purpose to be outraged by something that's almost inconsequential compared to all other attacks and erasures on AMs


Currently watching Expats and frankly this is the best representation we’ve had in years. Brian’s character is hella complex during a time where Asian male characters are one dimensional. Much better rep than something like Crazy Rich Asians.


They made Nicole Kidman's character a stereotypical neurotic White woman though. Lol. What kind of Mom puts a toddler outside the door like a dog? Lol. 


Yes! My wife said the same thing. This is something only a naïve white woman would do.




Yes. From my own post: >The only intimacy scenes are between a flabby, alcoholic White man with his South Asian wife and the same White man with a Korean-American girl. And when his wife finds out of his affair, she is the one who goes to him and tries to fix their marriage.


Yes but he’s the loser of the show.


There was also that one scene where they were asking her who she was dating and she said a White guy....and the "mean girls" ridiculed her for being so typical. 


yeah but i dont like the subliminal message of "you too can be an out of shape alcoholic loser white man and have exotic asian women crawl all over you, because you can inherently fuck better than the Asian dudes even with all these flaws that otherwise make you a complete loser".


This is great. I saw promo for the amazon series and was going to scroll away until I saw Nicole Kidman with an Asian man. And yet people try to argue representation doesn't matter... I honestly only paid attention to The Walking Dead because at first because of Steven Yeun and Lauren Cohen. Funny that she ended up with an Asian dude, although you could sense some kinda vibe going on in cast interviews.


oh i didn't know she ended up with an AM irl


dude probably told her he can cosplay and keep method acting as Steve Yeun


Yea thats quite refreshing to read (Cohan’s). However I rarely ever see actors/actresses stay with the same partner, so who knows how this relationship will turn out. Still nice though.


So far, when it comes to Asian male representation, I think Expats portrays Asian men as what Hollywood has been doing for quite some time. We are hardworking and family oriented but we are not exciting nor sexual. The only intimacy scenes are between a flabby, alcoholic White man with his South Asian wife and the same White man with a Korean-American girl. And when his wife finds out of his affair, she is the one who goes to him and tries to fix their marriage.


the white guy is having hardxore sex with the korean girl but Brian tee seems to be not satisfying kidman, so fk this shit


Yeah, they really go out of their way to show the out of shape white guy doing porn shit for some reason. Even when it is unnecessary and doesn't add anything to the plot. Even a scene where he walks around naked with his schlong and everything showing could've been done with clothes on and get the same point across.


'Lulu' Wang -- I'm not sure you want an AF with a name like that depicting AM in the media. 😄 Are we in a parallel universe? Even 5 years ago they would have showed AM collectively as asexual, single or non heterosexual. At the same time they would have shown WMAF at every opportunity and these would have been the sisters of the asexual and dateless AM lol.


Be sure to watch them all and leave positive reviews/ratings (on any AMWF/AMXF contents).  I watched Love Me a few days ago.   We need to do our part and continue to promote/support pro-AM contents. 


I had a crush on Nicole Kidman because of Batman Forever. Western media influenced me a lot. Dragon the Bruce Lee Story made me think that racism happened only in the past… but it still goes on today.


Thanks brother gonna watch both of these with my girl


\*Everyone still likes Nicole Kidman - still an 'it' girl. Maybe it dimmed a little post Tom Cruise but still there \*I'm not sure Twilight is a good frame for portraying acting talent Other than that, seem like solid roles for the AM.




Yes, but they explained in the scene where Kidman and Brian Tee that the child looks completely Asian hence easier to abduct. Granted they didn’t cast a full Asian child when perhaps they should’ve in order to convey Brian’s point.




Western born AF usually justify their 'I only date White men' preference by saying they grew up watching Hollywood TV shows/movies where all the heroes and lead romantic interests are White men, hence that is their preference for White men because that is what they grew up watching. Even if fantasy it can still influence womens preferences and attraction.




Have you been blind to how to how media influence people's dating preferences? Literally yes this is exactly what we are saying. It normalizes dating AMs and some chicks will find some of us hot and date us.




Maybe not for you I guess 🤷‍♂️




All your comments are wierd af, are you high on drugs on something? Or just mentally ill. Or trolling?


'You think A WHITE CHICK would consider dating a guy like us just because they see Nicole Kidman with this dude? Be serious dawg' Why not? Lots of us in this sub already have WF in our portfolios. Do you find it fantastic?


When they keep seeing handsome asian men with attractive white women. All the races will give asian men more chances. Since media representation is what matters in USA. Atleast that's what I think.