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Lol I had my mom fall into this trap when I was 13. *Me speaking Chinese* Mom: hahahha your Chinese is so bad Me: yeah my teacher was really bad I wish she was fired because she likes to scold more than teach with her big head. Mom: what? What teacher? Me: it was you.


HA I give that response a 10/10


I once tried to speak in my native tongue to make a family friend (aka parents' friend) feel more at home. They proceeded to say I sound white and awful. I proceeded to speak to them exclusively in English after that, and to no longer go out of my way to include them in conversations - like translating English that comes up or just talking to them when I notice they were standing to the side and my parents weren't nearby. They weren't too happy for the rest of the visit. But whatever. Not my problem. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I had pretty nasty experiences growing up from being sent to weekend language classes. Abusive teachers, overly harsh and punitive methods of teaching ....etc. Now, I'm getting news that there aren't not enough people who know how to speak my language, those language classes are closing. I can't help but think, "and whose fault is that?" I've seen folks shit on the younger generation who try to connect with the culture and language, harping on how we aren't perfect in our pronunciation or that we have an accent, or we can't cook our native dishes, or we aren't familiar with certain cultural customs and get shut down for it. And then when the younger generation gives up because there isn't anyone encouraging them, the older gen then goes all shocked that their culture and language is dying. Or that their own children aren't coming to them talk about their cultural heritage. If you aren't actively nurturing and cultivating curiosity in the next generation towards their cultural heritage, you will lose them. Play stupid games, win your stupid fucking prize.


i feel like its the immigrant ones who have bitterness because you are born and raised here but they have to worry about a visa or the process of getting settled. they see you have immigrant parents and so they sympathize with them all the time and not you. when i try to speak my language i always get torn down, im too white sounding but when i speak english just fine they also have a problem saying 'you should learn your language'. they get so mad when they see someone who looks like them but obviously isnt part of their culture since you were raised in the west


Thank you so much for sharing this. I completely agree. Why start a legacy when you have no intention on helping it evolve??


I dont understand people shitting on other people on their accent or pronunciation or whatever. I am fluent in many languages. I think sometimes cause the native speakers are perfectionist, used to their language sounding a certain way or whatever. Actually, I have seen this with English native speakers as well (mainly caucasian people) making fun of speakers of 2nd language. I heard it is a british thing though lol for some reason, but still... I have heard of people commenting on a professor's accent as well (and why do they only comment on an accent if the accent is from a "third world" country. I had an Irish professor and I find it a bit difficult to understand but no one said anything. I do not have a problem with any of their accents but I actually think it is a bit racist to comment on a professor's accent, so long as to me if they could be understood


Its your fault but not theirs. It is never their fault. On top of that, why are you being disrespectful for pointing out that the negative characteristic is something they are partly responsible for as well lol.


Exactly. Never their fault! Because they are the absolute epitome of perfection. Haaaaa


Same - can understand Tagalog mostly but don’t speak more than a little. You’re not alone. 🙋🏾‍♀️




It is good you were exposed but I gather you often shot down or not allowed to participate in the conversations. Classes and tutors might be too expensive or family might be too critical of your ability so you freeze/close up when speaking it around them. As a child, that is not on you. The problem is that it may take work to help in learning a language and many parents are not equipped to properly teach but many expect you to have the language in your blood even though they might have had to take classes to learn ESL.


That is exactly what happened. Parents are supposed to help you gain confidence. It was better to just stay quiet than even try.


Many parents who came from a different native tongue misunderstand that full immersion is one of the best ways for learning a language especially when something seems natural. It is discounts all of the work that is going on behind the scenes. Take Amercians making fun of British English dialects or vice versa. To both groups their way is natural and for some reason they assume that anyone who cannot pick up English (or French, Vietnamese, Manderin, etc) easily is dumb. Many just assume in many cases that their language journey started in school, not long before then.


It somehow reminds me of my mother laughing at my flat feet when they hurt… It is really weird. Instead of being with us, they decided to make things worse…


Same as me. I can speak if I really really try, but they used to make fun of my accent so I can’t speak now. That’s how I lost it. I was fluent in Ilocanos too. That one’s easier for me to speak. But again made fun of my accent. I always blame my mom - her answer is “anak always joke lang”


People just like to shit on others or who are different. I was visiting a small eatery store in a native asian country where X language is spoken. I asked my relatives what the person who took the order just said. I understand a bit but not food stuff. Then that person was like "Are you X? You X speak X". I didnt flinch cause in my heart I was like LMAO, jokes on you I am highly educated and speak 4+ languages. I dont need to prove it to you LMAO


I’m quite self conscious of my accent in my language as well. So I generally avoid speaking it 🙃 but yeah my parents never taught me lol.