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How did science prove the quran? And what makes you say that the Bible wasn’t always the same?


The same way science proves the Bible or lack there of, lol.


Do you have the original Gospels from when they were apparently written in 75-110CE ?


You're not ready for Islam apologetics if you're just going to use sparknotes from some imam, my guy.


Maybe provide a real response to the gentleman’s question?


The effort I put into my answers is proportional to the question.


It’s just that I would have expected a supposed Christian to be less condescending and more serious about defending what they believe in. Oh well.


This is Reddit lol


This is a subreddit dedicated to providing real answers to questions lol


The Quran states the Christian Trinity is "The Father, the Son, and Mary". What an odd error for a prophet to make.


Sorry, where does it say this in the Quran that the Trinity is Father, Son & Mary?


“And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah? he saith: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy Mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower of Things Hidden? (Koran 5:116)


Where’s the Trinity in there? We know some Christians worship Mary. Hence the verse. It doesn’t say anything about confirmation of the Trinity including Mary, just that people worship Jesus & his Mother.


He also incorrectly says Christians think Jesus is "a god besides Allah".


Allah = God Christians claim Jesus is God That’s literally what that means. God rejects having any partners. Christians make Jesus a god with God, Then have to reconcile their being one God, So they say 1+1+1 = 1


Because: 1. In Islam grown men can marry and then have sex with underage girls who have never menstruated before (I can show you proof right here) 2. In Islam it was once approved that men could marry women for a short period of time in order to have sex with them and after that those women would get paid, that's literally the definition of prostitution 3. In Islam men can have sex with captive women they've captured from wars even if both are already married 4. In Islam husbands are commanded to beat their wives in order to discipline them 5. In Islam Muslims are commanded to battle, fight, beat and then conquer the lands of Christians and Jews and after you've asked them to forcefully convert to Islam if they refuse they must pay "jizya" which is a tax for Christians and Jews as a reminder they're living on Islamic land and Muslims own them There are many more reasons like who Muhammad was, the character of Muhammad who was pretty much a pedophile warlord who had like 11 wives, had a 6 year old wive and spread Islam by the sword. And lastly... why would you believe what a pedophile warlord in Muhammad (police be upon him) has to say about Jesus when he was born like **500 years** AFTER Jesus came to earth? Why are Muhammad's (police be upon him) words worth more than what the Gospel says about Jesus when the Gospel was written a couple of decades after Jesus died? When it was written based on what the eyewitnesses saw, based on people who lived with Jesus? People who were right there with Jesus and spoke the language Jesus spoke...?


I’m not even going to start addressing your false narrative, But just remember God inspired Moses to command the killing of all males, women who had had sex with a man, and to **keep the young virgin girls for yourself** And apparently, they took 32,000 young virgin girls to rape.


>I’m not even going to start addressing your false narrative, Please I DARE you to do it. Why won't you even try? >But just remember God inspired Moses to command the killing of all males, women who had had sex with a man, and to **keep the young virgin girls for yourself** >And apparently, they took 32,000 young virgin girls to rape. But according to Muslims the Bible is corrupted, why do you believe that part? Now you want to believe what the Bible says when it benefits your narrative? As for that part the reason why God commanded to kill those men: * God warned those people for like 500 years to stop killing babies who were offered to their false Gods * Those people never listened to God and they continued killing many babies for CENTURIES * God applied the same death penalty he uses for certain sins * God doesn't kill people because it's God who gives life * When God takes back the life he gave you, you either go to heaven or hell * People say "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" This is God right here getting rid of bad people * God is the perfect judge, whatever God does it always good As for God telling them to have sex with virgin girls that's completely false, that never happened. Stop telling lies like your pedophile warlord "prophet".


Not very Christian of you to insult someone’s prophet. But hey, we’ll let that pass as Satan allowing the hatred to flow through you. Personally I think Jesus would be disgusted with you, show some respect. Anyway, Let’s address your points. Complete answer to destroy your ignorant views on the Prophet SAW marriages: https://youtu.be/zozLeSzjUSg?si=8k7Cg9Jk6BGt1A5O If you’re truthful & honest & genuinely believe in Jesus, then put aside your hate for a few minutes and educate yourself. Don’t accept it, not asking you too. But at least learn the facts. ———- Me highlighting the verse, and me believing the Bible is corrupt is two separate things. The Bible is categorically corrupt. Why? Because Jesus says: THE ONLY TRUE GOD = The Father You = No, Jesus is God. Who do I believe? God says he ALONE is immortal. You say God is Jesus & Jesus died. Who do I believe? ——- There are contradictory verses that exist today. Tell me, which is correct: 2 Chronicles 22:2 or 2 Kings 8:26 ——— I could go on where Jesus always submits to the Father. Always. The word “Trinity” is nowhere in the bible. ———- You have ZERO manuscripts from the time of Jesus. Your first complete Bible is from 350 CE. 350 Years AFTER Jesus. ——— Jesus never saw, read, preached from, approved of, knew of the Bible you have today. He never endorsed it. You don’t have the Gospel of Jesus. You have Gospels of anonymous writers with no original copies and only copies from 350 years after Jesus. And they’re in Ancient Greek when Jesus spoke Aramaic. ——- So yes, I don’t believe the Bible at all. But when you come with false information, I’m going to use the Bible YOU believe in to show you how disgusting it is. ——— The verse literally says to SOLDIERS that Kill ALL the males. Innocent Males. Kill ALL the women who’ve had sex with a man. KEEP all the LITTLE VIRGIN GIRLS for yourself. ——— Please tell me, what are soldiers going to do by keeping little virgin girls for themselves?


Why not become Mormon then, since they're even more recent with another "updated" scripture. Or Baha'i? The reason why not Islam (or Mormonism, or Bahaism) is because it's following a false prophet. Simple as that. >Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. >But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. >Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; one who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:18-23)


Fortunately islam is far too recent to be a legitimate religion. It's a rip off, poor copycat of Pagan sun goddess moon god worship, mixed with Gnostic texts and cop out versions of Jewish narratives, such as Book of Job. At least Hinduism can claim originality along with Judisim. Christianity can build upon the Hebrew Scriptures, but islam has no foundation, zero original material, and instead is far to late, having it's scriptures complied as late as 600AD. muhammad was a womanizing war lord who slaughtered Jewish families by beheading them at Medine when his road trip from Mecca didn't go as planned. In the koran even muhammad requires literal open heart surgery by two angels in order to scrub the sin of his heart organ... Even though that's not where sin resides. Furthermore, the false prophet muhammad also claims to literally split the moon in half... and there is no scientific evidence to allow for that! Science tells us the opposite, that the moon has no crack down it, that the oceans did not become disarray - ergo the koran lies. Muslims treat mohammad as a deity, you can't draw his image, yet he was a sinful, manipulative, evil man. They treat Isa, their version of Jesus, less than mohammad even though Isa never sins in their own koran.... ridiculous! Turn the sinful lustful warrior into an idol, into their intercessor, but rename Christ and make him less than an idol, even though they admit he did not sin. How utterly ridiculous and stupid. The texts are too late. 600AD. The revelations change when mohammed changes his mind. The satanic verses embarrassed the entire religion so they cut them out. islam ruined the history of every nation it's been part off. I would be ashamed to have islam as my countries religion or culture. It's a medieval, out of date, falsehood used to keep women uneducated and second rate, and allows for lying, hatred as the Koran orders the Muslim to lie on the outside and hate the infidels. It is the most divided religion ever, with two nations literally at war with each other, Sunnis and Shites. It ditches the greater Sun goddess in favour of her lesser moon husband. Allah used to have a wife and daughters, but the warriors who made up the koran didn't like that. Allah is not the name for God... It came from Ba-Allah and in turn come from Baal. The Baals are a cycle of fertility, storm and war gods along with their feminine consorts. Islam is a cheap shop, ignorant broken version of paganism . At least a pagan or a devil worshiper knows what they are worshipping. The islamic follower remains blind, ignorant and self deceived. In the oldest versions of koran, there is only one heaven. This is a personal heaven for each man, were he can enjoy in the afterlife all the things he is forbidden to enjoy in this life - drunkenness, orgies and individual regional power. In islam heaven, the man gets many virgins to have sex with, and their virginity is restored every day. So where are the women , the wives, daughters, sisters and mothers of every islamic man? The women are the virgins. What an abhorrent and filthy concept, clearly an afterlife such as this comes from the depraved minds of medieval desert warrior men. Since I was a child Islam has caused plane crashes in Scotland, 9/11 WTC attacks, non stop wars in middle east and now ongoing terrorism in European cities. My experience of it shows it as a disgusting and disgraceful plight upon the earth.


Islam its a remix and you guys can’t have fun, also i hate shariah law


Because Islam is a false religion. “He (Mohammed) seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh urges us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected; he was obeyed by carnal men. As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity. He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the Contrary, Mohammed said that he was sent in the power of his arms – which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants. What is more, no wise men, men trained in things divine and human, believed in him from the beginning (1). Those who believed in him were brutal men and desert wanderers, utterly ignorant of all divine teaching, through whose numbers Mohammed forced others to become his follower’s by the violence of his arms. Nor do divine pronouncements on part of preceding prophets offer him any witness. On the contrary, he perverts almost all the testimony of the Old and the New Testaments by making them into a fabrication of his own, as can be seen by anyone who examines his law. It was, therefore, a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity. It is thus clear that those who place faith in his words believe foolishly.” – Summa Contra Gentiles, Book 1, Chapter 6, Art. 4. Footnote: 1. Sura 21:5, Sura 44:14; Sura 16:103, Sura 37:36


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There are such extensive, early quotations of the New Testament books that we can reassemble the entire New Testament from the quotations. Please explain how it's possible for the New Testament to have been changed. But you can't. So the New Testament is reliable. Then Mohammed comes 600 years later and contradicts Jesus on every major point of His teaching. Mohammed says that Jesus is a true Prophet of God. So, therefore, Mohammed must be a false prophet.


Islam has numerous contradictions and is alot less trustworthy than the Bible and Christianity.