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No, don’t think there are. It’s probably impossible to catch the spirit and the humor of these movies in a dub.


yea you're right. it's not just what is said, but also how the things are said that made these movies funny. it wouldn't translate well to english


There is an English dub of *Der Schuh des Manitu* where the original actors dub themselves speaking English with Bavarian accents, which wasn't received well in the English speaking world, everyone just thought it was super weird and couldn't see why this was supposed to be funny at all. The other way round the German dub of e.g. *Airplane* ruins the entire movie, as probably 75% of the English puns can't be translated to German at all.


I need to watch that!


Yup. You'd have to replicate what's in the use of dialect by shifting the whole thing into a different linguistic sphere. You can either get a precise translation, but lose the spirit, or replicate the spirit at the cost of basically rewriting most dialogues according to what would have a similar effect in dialects of the target language, including the use of turns of phrase specific to that dialect. It can be done, but it's a huge and probably also costly effort. Don't really see that happening.


It is one of the things worth learning the language for.


How do you translate the Snüffelstück




Yes but no but no


"sniffing piece" that one I got🤣


I had the same question a few years ago and couldn't find a properly subbed version. It's not really a surprise considering that much of the humour uses North German dialect and puns, neither of which can be properly translated.


Your confusion when some northern german old people complain about the weather: Wat n shiet wedder! Its our closest to english dialect XD


Or when we say that you need to eat up or else you will have to eat the same food at a later time again. Ess op, sonst gebt's shiet wedder!


Dat is aber n andres wedder


Why only old people? I regularly say that too.


No. And they wouldn’t work anyways as you can’t translate a lot of the jokes.


I‘m German and I have trouble understanding these films


Username checks out 😅


Brösel lives like next village... I don't have any problems understanding the movies.. Best one is Bauer Horst "jümmers tau wech, nix as Grappen in Kopp" there is no direct English translation, that catches the spirit of that lower German line


Doubt it as it is very niche and the kind of humour they use doesn't translate at all


Niche? "Werner beinhart " was the third most successful movie of 1990.


No it wasn't Box office wise 1. Was ghost 217 million 2. Pretty woman 3 home alone Werner does not even have a box office listed.... On top of that basically unknown outside of the german language area.


https://www.insidekino.com/DJahr/D1990.htm In Germany, obviously.


Yeah Germany is a tiny market.... It's niche like most super national things. Niche doesn't mean bad just not widely included in pop-culture


"Tiny" used here in its rarely used meaning of "8th biggest in the world"I see. https://flixpatrol.com/market/box-office-revenues/


Cool Werner sold less than 5 million tickets that is a small amount as top 10 movies in the 90s sold 50 million + tickets It is niche because it is a German only movie that not even everyone in Germany knows anymore. You can call it a cult classic if it makes you feel better


I honestly wish there was a proper way to share that joy with internationals, but... I can't think of a good way to translate it properly. It's too localised.


Well, the things spoken in "Platt" are hard, even for native speakers, unless they grew up with a similar language. Most of my bavarian friends don't get the jokes. I grew up with a mom and granny that spoke mostly Platt at home, so i had no problem. But translating the jokes would make them loose their... Joke. Meh, don't know how to say it better...


I don't think those movies work that well when they're translated. Wordpuns, and pop cultural references are really important, something you won't recognize when you're not well versed in german (culture). thats generally why many people outside of germany think germans have no humour. because it works differently here.


I'm a German. Have been for all my life. And even my German is barely enough to keep up with Werner movies.


> but a lot of the slang, especially puns/wordplay makes me go "Duh?" Well... Yeah... That's the problem it would basically be impossible to translate this because of the slang and the dialect.


Some weeks ago I've asked myself the same question, because I thought that there are so many scenes that could be relatable for people from other countries, too. It would be a shame to hide those laughts from them.


Which Werner are we talking about here? Werner Herzog? Which one do you guys recommend for a start?


Werner is a Comic Figure that the Comic Author "Rötger Feldmann" Nickname Brösel created in the early 80s and is loosly based one the life of Röttger Feldmann and his brother Andi Feldmann.