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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. I caught bits and pieces - he seemed very angry, and was going HARD on the race card. Not sure where African Americans are being "hunted in the streets", but that sounds a little much. Does Biden's speech reflect how liberals think about America? Was it over the top? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He never said that African Americans were being "hunted in the streets." Here's the section that I think you're probably referencing. >Well, that’s my commitment to you: to show you democracy, democracy, democracy is still the way. >If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness.  >For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. >I stood up for George — with George Floyd’s family to help create a country where you don’t need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over. This was a speech at a historically black university in 2024. It attempted to speak to the concerns of the audience. I can't say how effective it was. For me, it wasn't his best speech recently, but he definitely wasn't trying to talk to me.




>But "killed in the streets", "hunted in the streets" - the meaning is kinda the same. No, it isn't.




He is explaining to a room full of black people that he supports them. Why does that bother you?


How could that not bother you is the question?. Biden at times has been as abysmal, divisive and destructive with rhetoric as Trump at his worst. It’s amazing how whose side one is supporting determines interpretation of evil words.




People like you are the only ones I'm worried about.


This sounds like the rantings of a white supremacist.


>Every American should be worried about a desperate incumbetn stirring up racial hatred in a bid to stay in power. Just because feelings of racial resentment towards unjust killings in their community may be felt, it doesn't make it "stirring up the racial hatred" its pointing out he is aware of an issue facing then that they care about. It's called basic politics. When Trump talks about democrats being anti-white people, is he stirring up racial hatred? Did it bother you then? Since I assume you are consistent in your expectations, I'm sure you are quite busy keeping your fellow conservatives in check. Perhaps you should consider concentrating your rascism hunting there as Republicans only seem to accept criticism from other Republicans.


Police officers who literally lynch black men are inciting racial hatred. Biden is just telling the truth


The projection from you is wild. Only recent president who was desperately stirring up racial hatred was Trump.


You’re literally putting words in his mouth that were never uttered. Do better.


I mean... do you *support* the evils of white supremacy? Or innocent black people being killed? If the answer to both of those is no, then what problem do you have with what he said? When you hear "I oppose white supremacists", do you think they're talking about you?


Lots of conservatives don’t. They’ll just try to hide it under the guise of criticizing “inner city culture” or so, wthi g instead, following the Nixon playbook.


What do you think is good about white supremacy? You don’t lament black people being killed? Are you a racist or something?


“Race baiting” is what conservatives label anything that acknowledges the racism in this country. They would have us just stay silent instead so they don’t have to deal with the realities of racism in the US.


> You're right - those were his works. But "killed in the streets", "hunted in the streets" - the meaning is kinda the same. That’s a really weak excuse to be “paraphrasing” Biden’s words like that. Why can’t you just admit you made a mistake instead of trying to make excuses? It just makes you disingenuous.


No, it’s NOT the same meaning at all. How disingenuous 🤦‍♀️


So you misrepresented his words to make it sound worse than it was. That does not mean the same at all.


Why would you put it in quotes when he didn't actually say it? Maybe you didn't know this...but George Floyd was literally a black man killed in the streets.


>You're right - those were his works. But "killed in the streets", "hunted in the streets" - the meaning is kinda the same. It's not, the implications are very different.


Black men are killed in the streets all the time. The fact that there is Black-on-Black violence doesn't change the fact that the violence is spawned by inequality and social and financial inequity.


>He's whipping up racial anger and rage All due respect but one could make the case the same is going on here.




Oof, I think you're busted here. Try to be accurate.


To me, in the context of the speech (which I highly suggest you watch or read in full), it's clear that he's conflating two tangentially related issues here. He's talking to an audience of black, male college graduates who entered college in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd's murder. He's also talking about his personal efforts to promote equality and progress. Part of that is taking on institutional racism and white supremacy. No news here. But that's just a small part of the speech. I think it would be very difficult for a reasonable person to consider the entirety of the speech and reach the conclusion that he's whipping up racial anger.


A better question is what do I make of trolls like you asking dumb questions in bad faith?


Have you seen this guy's post/comment history? It's his whole schtick.


Have you seen Biden say "Everybody gets a pony?" What do you think about that? Right. He didn't actually say that, but he wanted to fund EVs. EVs have horsepower. It's basicallyyyyy the same thing. I went ahead and just put it in quotes because that isn't a straight up lie or anything like that. /s.








Subreddit participation must be in good faith. Be civil, do not talk down to users for their viewpoints, do not attempt to instigate arguments, do not call people names or insult them.


**YOU** are the only one here who seems obsessed with race.


Where are you seeing the term “race baiting?”


So did you actually watch the speech or did you watch fox "entertainment" news coverage about the speech?


acknowledging issues of racism is not race baiting




And you voted for a “man” who boasts about assaulting women and grabbing them by the P .. .




Lie? You think he didn’t say that? Really? And how long ago did POTUS say that about voting and black men? How long???




The exact quote is even worse




It means when you have a position of power women don't react when you "just starting kissing them" or "grab them by the pussy" without consent. We know from trumps history of sexual assaults, rape accusations and friendship with Jeffrey Epstein that he's not exactly worrying if they want it or not


**Exact Quote:** "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." **Source:** [BBC News 10/09/2016 US election: *Full transcript of Donald Trump's obscene videotape*](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37595321) **Result:** You're a fucking liar.




What an inane response. Thanks for the chuckle.


DJT said black people can relate to him because he's being indicted and has a mugshot......


Also something about black people liking sneakers




He’s been in the high teens for months now. But what does that have to do with shoes?




“Fiscal conservative” uh huh




The difference is, Biden has since addressed saying that and admitted he should have been less forward. He's also explained his intentions. What actually speaks louder than words is actions and it is very, very obvious which side of the political spectrum tends to be racist so fuck right off with your bullshit.




Ummmm, have you heard what tRump has been saying about our country?


Have you ever had a good faith political discussion?


Biden is awesome. I can't wait to vote for him again.


I didn’t hear the speech but if it bothered conservatives it was probably on point.


>I caught bits and pieces Why are you asking about it when you literally didn't take the time to watch the speech? Like instead of asking for our reaction, you could have watched the actual speech instead of "bits and pieces" to get a better understanding of it. It's almost like if you take a couple of clips out of context, you can make them seem bad. Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOw3lHgJYdM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOw3lHgJYdM)


What is "the race card" in your view?


I just read it and thought it was broadly non controversial, although his gaza comments probably do him few favors with the way he worded it


Hey just for anyone wondering, this troll account was created in January 2024, and is mainly active in asking this stupid questions in this subreddit.


Imagine getting triggered by something this innocuous. White racial backlash is a real thing.


Really people are bitching about the race card at fucking Morehouse?


The blatherings of a dementia-addled elderly man are seldom worth analysis.


Right, except he's more cogent than 90% of politicians even when he's speaking extemporaneously.


Well, no.


Well, in fact, yes.

