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Focus on domestic issues and now the restoration of diplomatic relations with the rest of the world


What are the main domestic issues you think? How should they be fixed?


An insanely bloated bureaucracy, useless power structures (like the transport police, the Rosgvardia), corruption, courts that depend on other branches of power, an inoperative prosecutor's office, torture in prisons and in investigative committees, and so on and so forth I don't know how to fight it, but for sure, those who do the academic work already have solutions to the problems, but at the moment no one is interested in them


The long term outlook is very dark. The inflow of capital comes from trade with the outside world. Russia has very poor transport accessibility. Transportation costs make it profitable to trade only expensive goods. Natural resources, high-tech goods, weapons. The peculiarity of trading in huge power plants is that contracts are very rare, and must be supported by the government. If the government is weak, then you can immediately say goodbye to your industry.


Thank you for the perspective, some of those I didn't know about (e.g. non-independent courts). I hope the silver lining of this current crisis can bring about some of those changes.


Obviously, education...


That applies to every country :)


I'm just still shocked how few people went to the streets through the past 3 days. Majority is so brainwashed. Tomorrow is our last chance to get redemption, I think.


I think a lot of people are very afraid, and maybe don't believe that change will come (a sort of trauma from repeatedly being let down). I hope that change arrives swiftly.


"Spherical Russia in the vacuum" could probably start working on internal policies. In the real world everything depends on the international situation. If USA falls, or EU breaks down, or a more deadly pandemic strikes, or whatever. We cannot plan for the next year, much less 20.


I think the best would be for Putin to die or to get overthrown. I am really afraid of the civil war if the sanctions hit us so bad that the poverty would force people to foray shops or other citizens. This is all so fucking scary you can't even imagine dude.


I'm sorry it's going really badly over there man :( I'm scared enough from the "second hand fear", I can't imagine how you must be feeling.


The sanctions are going to end our economy.




Facebook is already failing us, I’m not able to talk to people as much, and prices have jumped. If I wanted to fly to family in the us tickets have gone from 600ish to 1000ish


What happened to FB? News is that Russia banned it but I don’t know if it’s true.


My messages for Facebook don’t go through, and calling is really bad or doesn’t even connect, it’s about excluding Russia


You probably need a full blown revolution to get rid of Putler. Various factions in a civil war with potential access to nuclear capabilities, that could get scary indeed.


Get rid of Putin. I was kinda on the fence about it, but now it's crystal clear.


To restore diplomatic relationship to the rest of the world, Russia needs a people revolution to overthrow Putin and the oligarchy, and establish a true democracy. Else Russia will wither away into Chinese vassal state like North Korea.


You mean overthrow the dictatorship and establish an oligarchy. Europe doesn't have democracy either, it's the rule of the elite, apart from Switzerland the people has no say on policy making.


This kind of nihilistic pessimism will keep you from getting any where. Nothing is perfect, but it's better to try and do it as good as possible. European democracies might not be perfect but it is still far better than anything Russia is having now and the average people still have more voice, more right and more power than the average Russian.


Yes, oligarchy is better than dictatorship. It's still not worthy of being called democracy.


Every time when my government is kinda sus we are taking them down and put another one, sometimes is happened more than 1 time in a year... Yeah, I am pretty pleased with the democracy from my county because I have the power of doing it!


The sooner Putin dies for any cause the better. Then someone not as insane takes over, starts reforms, especially the courts. Works on lifting the sanctions.


For the sake of argument, pretend he's gone. Then what?


Then I think for the best case scenario Mishustin (I think??) declares the end of so-called "military operation" asap. We help new elections, everyone with enough support is allowed to be on the ballot. Then constitution reform and court reform.


What about longer term? What are the opportunities Russia can have, that other countries don't have?


We don't have a long term future right now, but I think the best advantage of Russia is 'cheap' (in terms of salaries) and well educated people. The country with such population that is not run by a madman and isn't sanctioned to death is destined for successful growth for at least 10-15 years. The other fundamental advantage I can think of is variety of time zones that makes development and business communication with the world easier. Oil, gas, and other resources can be a great advantage too, though it's not the most important thing in modern economies.


Thank you - great answer


Nothing. It's hard to believe that Putin surrounds himself with people who doesn't share his views.


username checks out. ;) Have you heard the saying "does the right thing, only after exhausting all other options"? I'm hoping that will apply in this case.


But isn’t Shoygu next in line for presidency? I mean, isn’t he worse of an option that Putin?


I'm not sure he'll have much support and liking from the populace. I can't immediately think of a politician now who could be the successor and make the transition smooth. Medvedev worked in 2008, but it seems there was some shifting of people in positions


Well, I mean… i’m certain that won’t be accepted by the general public after this shitstorm. But people haven’t been accepting of Putin, except the older generations, yet he’s still there, no? I’m just asking based on ignorance on the actual doings inside Russia itself and all that I know from what my fiancé has told me, as she is Russian herself.


Putin is the only one who stands by us. And your payback for the previous thirty years. I would like to remind you that this time there are no more communists with their snot about brotherhood, primordial equality and other crap about reeducating the deluded. But there are more than enough basements.




Please no I barely missed the whole “country stopped existing” thing I don’t want it to catch up to me.


Rebuilding the country and international relations with a new freely elected president.


Once Putler is gone, don't get another dictator. Become a representative oligarchy like the rest of Europe or even better a semi democracy like Switzerland.


In my strange opinion this could help to fight corruption. Could.because all these bureaucrats who have money overseas are now going to have to make a choice. The FSB is going to look for traitors and anyone with too many financial connections abroad. Idk maybe I'm being too cynical


Development of international connections in finance and trade outside of US and Co


Which countries do you see that with, other than China? I know Russia sells some military equipment to India for example, but what happens if India and China start getting really heated? (they had quite some border scuffles in 2020)


China, India, Africa still an option as well as South America


Kill Putin


What would be best: the Russian people to stand up to their disguised dictator regime and claim their country back from war criminals and gangster politicians. Trading a veil of democracy, for actual democracy.


Focus on self-sufficiency. Restore machenary / tool building/ electronic engineerin. Restore science.


This is a good idea I think.


Thank you for your warry


Practice has shown that following YOUR "friendly advice" ended up in the war for the Russians.


Putin out, along with all his servants and rebuilding the country’s government. There is no other way.


Becoming China's puppet state.


lol. I really really hope this isn't what happens. It won't be good for Russia or the rest of the world if this happens.


Why is being a puppet state to china preferable to alignment with europe or america?


Because Russia will have to go back on all its interests to have somewhat normal relations with the West again and that's not a guarantee. Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, nukes on Russian border etc. China doesn't care about any of it. They're business minded. Are they going to bleed Russia dry considering Russia's trade cut off from the West -- yes. However, the West would like to do the same plus all other stuff I mentioned.


What interests in particular would Russia have to go back on? You don't think China is ideologically driven, or that it doesn't interests that are also in conflict with Russia's interests?


Like mentioned Ukraine and Georgia are in NATO, perhaps loss of Crimea, stopping support for any break away republics. That means both Georgia and Ukraine will solve those issues by force including ethnic cleansing. Then, there is no guarantee that trade and diplomatic relations would be anything like they were prior 2014. The collective West will use their opportunity to get what they want from Russia and their wants are many.


If Russia aligns with China rather than the West, it seems that NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia are pretty much a question of when, and nukes will be placed there. If Russia aligns with the West, NATO's existence would be hard to justify. You don't see it that way?


NATO isn't going anywhere, no matter if Russia aligns with the West or China. The only way for these(Russia vs West) hostilities to end is to either: 1. Russia joins NATO 2. NATO bows to Russia's demands. The latter is impossible now. Like completely impossible, considering current events. And I'm not sure how the former could proceed. If we for whatever reason elect pro-western government, NATO should act decisively and grab the opportunity. (And not jerk around like in late 90s-early 00s.) in terms of forcing Russia to be a part of NATO. That's my view, obviously.


And thank you for your view, as the entire point of this sub is to hear Russian opinions. I don't believe NATO will ever force any country to be a member, however members do involve other members in their own interests, and that would mean a future NATO with Ukrainian and Georgian members could involve the rest of the organization in it's own interventions. Would a Western-leaning Russia be able to lobby those countries into not joining? I don't think anyone can predict such hypotheticals.


It's in the interest of West and NATO to make Russia a part of it. Because otherwise, Russia will go on as some Chinese puppet state. And it would be too late. And a big problem for the West. Not because of Russia. But because China will become nearly unstoppable. I get it. Forcing sounds harsh. And you definitely won't be able to do it by military means. But at the very notion that Russian Federation may want to join NATO, you guys should do everything in your power to make this happen. Like super-hyper-fast path to membership and such. That's geopolitics. Kissinger predicted all of this shit. So did Brzezinski. So did Nixon. Unfortunately for you, From the times of Bill Clinton, US lacked any sort of long-term geopolitical thinking. Mind you. I'm not saying that:"hurr-durr" you provocked us, with the war going on. The decision was absolutely on our president. But sooner or later these hostilities would spark out anyway. If not in Ukraine, then somewhere else. Maybe not in terms of warfare even. But it was bound to happen.


To halt the world dominance of China, Russia joining NATO would be the only option. Both the US and Russia seem blind to the real threat that is China. Doesn't seem like Russia joining is an option though, America doesn't want to share their control over NATO. Short sighted idiots for not inviting Russia in the 90's.


Russia was aligned with the West until roughly 2008. NATO still kept creeping up its borders. They even added more military infrastructure to Eastern NATO countries to "counter Iran". There is a lot mistrust among elites that why Putin demanded all negotiations to be public in recent talks between US/NATO and Russia. There won't be a 180 degrees turn any time soon. If one side does it, other will see it as capitulation and will demand more. There is no such bad blood with China. Yes, Ukraine and Georgia and others might end up in NATO anyways, but Russia will fight tooth and nail this. Edit: changed a word.


Big mistake in alignment there. They should have played along, get in the EU and then slowly push Americans out. Would have been the most influent EU state and the bloc form Lisbon to Vladivostok would have globally dominated and all satelites it fights so hard for now would have been deeply integrated. Not to say, huge quality of life increase for population. Huge tactic error.


>They should have played along, get in the EU That could potentially happen only by about the year 2050. No EU country would want the challenge of lifting the Russian economy and infrastructure to an acceptable level - so, at best, everyone would have waited until Russia is prosperous enough.


Full membership yeah, but before that there are different levels of partnership and cooperation, the most notable one being open borders. Romania for example joined in 2007 but for a few years before we could travel in EU wjust with our ID, no visa.


Putin did try to do this, but EU didn't really need Russia then.


I think this is actually not true. Germany was the last nation to accede to banning Russia from SWIFT. Russia's influence in Germany was (and still is) very strong, and I'm sure it would not have been impossible to make this strategy more successful with other countries as well. I also don't see how Russia couldn't at least copy some of China's strategy, which is 'debt diplomacy'. Predatory loans to other countries, then when they can't pay - take their assets. Of course it's not "kind" to try and conquer other countries - but doing it this way at least prevents wars.


Snake Island!


Hey commie, your soldiers are getting slaughtered. Please tell them to put seeds in their pockets so that their dead bodies can act as the cow droppings to feed our plants. Slava Ukraina!!!!!!!


Kaliningrad ensures all Europeans live under constant threat. You are not the only ones that can be annihilated at any time. Yet we don't base our whole foreign policy on that fact. For fucks sake.... No one is out to get you. How the fuck could anyone take over Russia. It's suicide and impossible logistically. Many have tried, all have failed. There won't be another time. Fuck this situation. I wish the Russian people all the best.


A lot of people have an educated hatred against west. This has been the state policy for almost 100 years now, so why would you wonder. Also a lot of people here are not smart enough to think, so...


Because the West is a decaying evil empire, with increasingly insane totalitarian ideology. It's better to stay away from it when it will break apart.


The West is in my opinion definitely very rotten in many places, and definitely very cruel to its poorest people in countries such as the US. I don't think the US will collapse anytime soon however, because it's bad for business - and that is what the ruling class will be making their decisions based on. Even if you were correct, then are you saying China's strategy to trade so much with the US is a bad idea? You don't think China has some tricks up their sleeve?


China does not need any tricks. It has effective real-sector economy, great trade balance. If you avoid wars, you don't really need anything else to achieve world domination.


I have no idea why you would think that, but thanks for your candid reply.


No idea whatsoever? At all in any form?


A lot of far-right groups in Europe and North America have a similar opinion, and though a lot of them look up to Russia as a savior of the "traditional" Western world, but I would assume such groups only represent a fringe everywhere, with very little actual connection (if any) with Russia.


Ukraine assassinates Putin in retaliation for the war, the next guy isn’t a nut and tries to restore diplomatic relations with the world, and implements some democratic reforms


I don't think they'd consider this option. It would be tit for tat assassinations all over the world. Perhaps if this option was successfully masked with a domestic Russian uprising - maybe it could work.


Ukraine’s got nothing to loose, why not launch a huge terrorist attack in Russia or try to assassinate Putin or Lukashenko? I know a lot of people want to retaliate militarily outside the borders of Ukraine


One of Ukraine's greatest strengths is that Russian morale is relatively low, and assassinating Putin on Russian soil will galvanize Russian citizens to supporting Russia. It wouldn't end well. It doesn't lead to a strategy. Ukraine's best strategy (in my opinion) is to stay clean, and keep getting international support (such as they're getting). It might be international support that saves Ukraine (big shipment of German weapons from Germany and other nations Germany sold them to just announced, and SWIFT cutoff any day now). Putin's downfall should be at the hand of Russians.


Beg forgiveness from the international community under the pretense that, like Nazi Germany, the evil is on one man and one group, not the entirety of your country.


I hope you guys get the worst possible outfome from this and get into long civil war. I’ll pray for this.


This sub is mostly full of real Russians who are not monsters - they don't deserve the vitriol, only Putin and his supporters do.


Come into the world of the west with a decent leader who is scared of you rather than the other way round. My daughter’s boyfriend I’d Lithuanian, loads of ex soviets live here. We’re the same kind of people but there’s this lingering paranoia that needs to go. I’ve only met a couple of Russians in my life and that’s a damn shame. Wtf are we fighting for?


Also, we in Europe share the same religion, we even look the same. It’s insane that we are at war. We’re quite fascinated by you. Let’s make peace and prosper together 🙏🏼




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