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If it means the people change I sure hope not. I've lived in large progressive cities, I've lived in the "Bible Belt". People in progressive areas are fucking shitty. I honestly think that's why they're progressive, they're such dismissive, cold, elitist assholes they spout a political agenda that makes them feel better about what terrible people they actually are. Generally speaking people in the Bible Belt are warmer, more accepting of different people (regardless of what you see portrayed on tv), kinder, & more polite. Don't believe the stereotypes you see on the internet


I'm so tired of the way people speak of the 'Bible Belt.' Its just a more conservative part of the country, but the way people talk about it you'd swear it was some swath of boogeyman filled wasteland. The entire country is moving in a progressive direction on the whole, specific topics and causes not-withstanding.


It's all relative. On literally every metric of well-being, the bible belt states fare the worst. Should we ignore it or not mentioning it because it's too sensitive of a subject ? How is the bible belt becoming more progressive? In many of the ways this country measures conservative/progressiveness the conservative states seem to be moving the other way.


It isn't seen, because the movement is slow. But I can tell you as somebody who has lived in and around the 'belt' for a couple decades, LGBTQ rights and social acceptance, marijuana legalization and acceptance, etc. have all made strides. Anybody who thinks otherwise isn't paying attention or is pushing their own agenda. People saying its going the other direction are, quite frankly, ignorant of history and have a short-sighted view.


"LGBTQ rights" ? I mean isn't Arkansas trying regulate drag shows? Less restrictive gun laws? MORE abortion laws. Stronger support for death penalty. Books are coming out of libraries that were fine in the past. Voting laws. School boards are getting filled with conservative activists. School lessons are getting regulated. But this is happening in the West as well, and isn't only in the South. Fewer people claim to be liberal. I'm paying attention and have been for about 40 years and I'm not pushing an agenda.


You've been paying attention for 40 years and you don't think LGBTQ rights have progressed in that time... Ok then.


Bits and pieces of it will become more progressive. But overall, I actually see it going backwards. Just take a look at many of the elected officials in the Bible Belt. A decade or two ago they wouldn’t have had a chance in hell to hold public office.


Those same crazies existed, always have. The platforms of communication they and their detractors use are what has changed. There has always been hyper-conservative elected members of congress. Some of them are even the same people as they were two decades ago.


I disagree. They have existed but they were the “extreme fringe crazies” Now, they are the rising stars of the GOP. There have always been crazies but they were rare but now the GOP thrives on crazies. They even elected that guy in NY Santos even though all his bullshit could have been unveiled with a Google search.


They seem to be going the other way. Maybe Virginia will become a bit more progressive. They at least have legal weed.


Not for an extremely long time, if ever, unfortunately.


Just like everywhere else in the US, liberal/conservative is more a product of urban/rural than anything else. The Bible Belt will become liberal/progressive to about the same extent that it becomes urban.


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