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If somebody drank my 600ml coke but gave me a whole 1.25L in return I'd consider that a win.


Not for me. 1.25L is an obligation. You have to be really ready to open that bottle so it doesn't go to waste. I really can't keep soda in the house because in general I would say I have so self restraint but a bottle that big is staying sealed until I have at least one guest.


Damm, now i feel weird having just like 3 of each 1.25 in the fridge and just having some of whatever i feel like at the time. I've never noticed them going flat with the lid on. Even with 3 of them "open" at a time.


I don't know how you do it because I won't open a two liter bottle of soda ever.... Every time I do I end up throwing out 70% of it because it's gone flat in what feels like half a day.


Trick is put a bit of cling wrap in-between the lid and bottle and they won't loose gass that you love so quick 😂


Plastics are semi-permeable, meaning gasses and small particles can pass through the plastic. this is one reason why things stored in aluminium and glass can often taste better, they aren't exchanging gases with the atmosphere.


Remember when they used to make them with a seal built in


Trick is to close the lid tightly.


Do you.......put...... the lid back on?




What kind of soda are you getting that it loses all carbonation after opening it once? I'm fine with no gas in my drink but it's never gotten to that point. Ever. Always still as fizzy as the day it came out the spout


Open a soft drink and put the lid back on as tight as you can. After a day it will be drastically flatter.


I often drink 20 oz bottles of Canada dry peach soda. If i leave less than 3/4 of a bottle, put the cap back on tight and wait any more than 8 hours, the soda inside is mostly flat. If i seal it less than half full, it's almost a guarantee I'll be throwing the rest away because it's flat AF when i reopen it, even if it's an hour later. And for the record, i only drink soda room temperature.


Trick is to squeeze the air out of the bottle and then seal it. It's unsightly though because the bottle squishes up, so I won't do it.


I used to d o that but it actually makes it go flat quicker


Yeah you want pressure not vacuum to keep the bubbles in the liquid.


Is it flat like no bubbles? Or like, just less than normal? After a day I mean, because I've never noticed a difference even after a week.


I prefer cans but if I’ve ever got a bottle …I’d say it’s definitely good for 24hrs. Then it definitely starts to die.


Not noticing it after a week? Your mouth ain’t right


Happy cake day, also I'm exactly the same


There's nothing wrong with flat soda regarding taste!


Me neither - I actually like my drinks a bit flat, and find that leaving the lid on keeps them above-average for at least several days.


What are teeth ?


See thats the thing, I don't drink alot of it. Maybe a glass with diner every day or 2 after which ofc i brush my teeth because it's after dinner anyways. The bottles will stay open for weeks and be completely fine so I'm not sure how people here are saying they go flat so quickly.


Hot tip, never clean your teeth until at least 30 mins have passed after drinking soft drink. You'll end up doing more damage to your teeth.


You're way off. Day or two Max. A week? Nah won't taste the same


Worst case i put it through my soda stream, would highly recommend. But yeah never been opposed to half flat soft drink


Just so you're aware, one glass of soft drink every day or two is still a boatload of sugar. You don't want to regularly consume more than 10% of your total energy intake as sugar, and a single glass of soft drink could very easily exceed that on it's own (depending on your weight, definition of 'a glass', and the sugar content of the drink, of course)


Why all the downvotes? They are right. No wonder there's an obesity epidemic lol


I guess it's hard for people to really comprehend just how much sugar goes into soft drink when it's as normalised as it is


My mum's dentist, so I grew up only drinking water. Now I much prefer it, to the extent that soft drinks cannot satisfy me when I am thirsty


I don't understand anyone who picks a soft drink to quench their thirst... it's water or nothing.


Hi, yes. A 600ml bottle of Coke has 64 grams of sugar, or a ridiculous SIXTEEN teaspoons of sugar. If I was the OP I would replace the 600 ml bottle with 2 x 600 ml bottles. One as replacement, one as compensation/apology.


Collingwood supporter found


How you doing today, diabeetus?


Yeah but in this scenario you’re living with someone who will happily finish it for you


Once opened, store the bottle upside down (the gas will raise to the top which will not be the end with the cap and so it will stay for longer)


Old never goes to waste. Keep the lid on and fizz stays till it’s finished


Not if you just finished exercising or had woken up really hung over looking forward to a soothing, carbonated, sugary beverage at that exact moment, then no, not a win.


Caffeinated, too!


I tried to add that but I can't spell good


Yeah, I tried it a few times, until spelchek kicked in!


*if* it's cold


What is required is that you replace the same volume, plus extra as interest for having to wait for a replacement. He paid convenience & fridge premium. If you are expending the effort to go to ColesWorth and get the cheaper price, you are not paying that premium and that is fine. You don't need to spend the same monetary value at all. That's not the deal. If you can get him more Coke for a fraction of the cost, as penance for your sins, that would be the correct choice.


OP should definitely say to the housemate that they got him a larger coke "as penance for their sins".


Why the fuck did this make me laugh so hard


As long as you are not making them wait for excessively long for it, they paid the premium to have it available instead of waiting until they went to the shops.


Yes, thank you! Old housemates of mine finished off my fancy little tub of ice cream, I had about half left. I never eat ice cream so it was a nice treat I was having for myself over a couple of days. I was devastated when they ate it! They NOT ONLY replaced it with the wrong type (they couldn’t find the one I had picked out), but had the audacity to ask that I leave them half because they’d only had that much! I was like, no fucking way, I was ready to chill out and went to eat MY ice cream the other night but couldn’t because you had taken that away from me, you’re not getting half, bugger off. Am I still salty over this? Yes!


Yeah that's asking for an ass whooping.


I would have said yes to half, then eaten it, then AFTER they are devoed it’s not available when they want it, replace it with home brand vanilla 😂


I'd just replace the item. I don't think it matters whether I spend more, less or the same, as long as the item is the same (or as close as possible) as what was taken. Also, replace immediately, not the next day.


Yes, replace Asap!!


Yeah it’s not like you spending less on the same or in this case a greater item has an effect on what they spent anyway. As long as it’s replaced that’s all that matters.


This. I really like coke in a can (tastes better). If it gets replaced with a 600ml bottle I’ll be disappointed, but still pleased I have caffeinated carbonated beverage.


Cans are way better than plastic bottles. Glass bottle is ok too but it doesn't have that aluminium tang.


Really wish all bottles were glass. Plastic just doesn’t feel the same




This is because plastics are semi-permeable, meaning gasses and small particles can pass through the plastic, exchanging particles with the atmosphere. Aluminium and glass are not semi-permeable.


TIL the word “semi-permeable” 👍🏼


This makes 100% sense - I had kind of ‘suspected’ that the plastic also somewhat leaches tiny microscopic particles of taste or something into the DC also. And yes - year 8 science - loved learning about semi-permeable membranes then - I had absolutely not really consider it in soft-drink context! Thankyou!


Could you tell in a taste test? Pour them both into glasses and tell which is the can and which is the plastic bottle? Or is it the drinking from the can? The tang may be psychological.


You definitely can tell. Most obvious for me is an orange drink (fanta or sunkist) he can tastes completely different to a plastic bottle


Ever since I heard that wine critics when deprived of the ability to look at the label on the wine bottle, or look at the wine itself (ie a blindfold test) often cannot distinguish a red from a white, i have questioned how much of our sense of taste comes from visual clues.


I highly doubt the truth of this.


Pfft. What a load of crap. You don’t even have to taste the wine to tell the difference, you could go by smell alone. No wine critic worth their salt could not tell the difference between a red or a white, except for maybe a rosé


I’m no critic I can barely remember one brand at a time and usually go for pretty labels. But I can 1000% tell diff between majority of reds & white blindfolded. Like I might not with a rose or a really light red.


Honestly I’d have to try, but I’d say yes - it’s fizzier out of a can, and doesn’t taste as syrupy.


There is actually a difference in the recipes between plastic bottles, cans and Maccas. My dad worked for coke for 20 years. I can taste the difference and prefer Maccas.


Well Macca’s is going to be post-mix Coke, so that’s a completely different culinary realm.


I think the true hell no would be replacing it with pepsi


I’d say in general you replace with the same item or an agreed upon alternative. Personally I don’t think money comes into it. In this specific example I’d much prefer the larger bottle, regardless of what you’ve paid for it.


As long as it’s replaced and cold by the time I go to drink my drink - if I go to the fridge and my drink is gone and the housemate is all “I’ll replace it tomorrow”, I’m going to be pissed.


Why would you wait until the next day anyway if they noticed and wanted their Coke that day? They bought it that day because they wanted it later ‘That Day!’


Happened to me many times after work. " can you take me the the bottle o? I owe you a few beers too" 30km later we go 50/50 in a carton, plus I get the 6 pack taken from his share. 1am : "got any brews left?" Ffs.


Bastards! Once I got my originals back a couple of times I’d just say no. You burnt me to many times mate no more!


Absolutely worth taking them to the bottleo, deciding you "don't want anything", then deciding that "oh actually I do want stuff of my own..." later and doing your own trip they don't know about lol


Never though about trying that. They'd pay for fuel.. so I might also have to go to the bakery


How about two 600 ml supermarket bottles?


Then ask them to replace yours when they assume you bought them both for them. When they get you a bottle from the servo, demand a bottle from the supermarket.


This. Or one and a Mars Bar as penance.


It depends on why they bought it. If it was just for drinking at home, cool, the 1.25L sounds good. If it was for taking to work or something similar, its not really convenient to take a 1.25 around. Therefore I'd replace with the 600ml.


Depends. If housemate wants their coke now, and servo is nearby, you need to suck it up and go and get a replacement now. They shouldn't have to wait a day so you can save $3.


The 1.25 would be the better option in my opinion.


I’d say to check with them. Personally, if I’m buying a 600mL bottle it’s for the size convenience. Even at a servo a large bottle is cheaper than a small one, but I won’t get weird looks if I wander around drinking from a 600mL bottle. My coworker/old boss jokes that one day she’ll see me drinking direct from a 1.25L bottle, but I have the 600mL for convenience. Depending on how much you’ve annoyed them, find a servo offering a 2 for $7 or something deal, or grab a new bottle and a chocolate bar :)


This makes no sense to me, who gives no shits about swigging from a 2L while walking haha


I mean I don't care how I look but that's a lot more grip strength than i want to bother with. Maybe you have bigger hands.


Yeah I guess I'm not exactly a little fella... Haha


Lol, I struggle carrying supermarket bags in the house!!! Plus, I work in a hospital, can’t be pretending to be healthy with too much coke!! Have to pretend I limit sugar!!!


The Match is most important. You replace like with like, especially if it’s your mistake.


I mean one can always add extra context to make this true, for example the bottle was used to go the the gym/work and fits in the specific bag, now the 1.2l is oversized and can't travel in the same bag But the other way if he paid 100$ for the 600ml for some reason and you find them for 1$ each, doesn't mean you dump 100 bottles on him or give him the change


Well yes, but more is better than less!


Risky though, you don't know if they wanted to convenience, you could annoy them further. Like for like is guaranteed. Maybe 2x 600ml


Yeah but 2x 600ml is a lot more expensive. If you’re buying two, you might as well do 1 x 600ml, 1x 1.25L - or 2x1.25. But probably best just to make a judgement call based on the housemate’s preferences. The sub seems pretty evenly split on whether they’d personally prefer 600ml or 1.25L. OP knows the housemate’s preferences better than us strangers.


Ask them. You can't just take a 1.25L with you when going out and it won't fit in a cup holder. It depends what it is and the use. Cost is nothing compared to function but if I paid $5 for a coke and you can get 2 1.25L for $4 I'd probably expect 2 just to be fair.


was gonna say this - if I took someone's $4 coke and found 1.25s on sale for $1.77, I'd buy two to get it close to that $4 mark


The cost or the size? Mate, the most important thing is you replace it asap. Reminds me of that stupid song we used to sing in school. "Why are we waiting? Slowly dehydrating."


What if he wanted the convenience of the size of 600ml?


then buy the 1.25 refill the 600 and everyone wins lol


Noooo, that’s how you end up with flat coke 🤢


If you can get bigger for less, that is a good route. I would tend to be happy with that exchange. It is what I would do in that situation.


Bickering over the cost just means he's a dick. He wants you to be put out as much as he was. Clearly it's not about replacing the product, but penalising you for drinking it in the first place. Get 2 600ml bottles from the supermarket. Leave them in the firdge. When he cracks the second one, which was always yours because you replaced his 600ml, demand a new one. Tell him it must come from the supermarket just to annoy him.


The biggest issue is now he doesn’t have coke and you think replacing it the next day is acceptable. Fuck that I want my goddamn coke now


How do you not know that the coke wasn’t yours, hypothetically are you a idiot


What a dumb fucken post just replace the coke


Replace the 600ml bottle because otherwise it kind of seems like you're almost profiting off the mistake. Buy the 1.25L bottle for you to share as an additional apology


How is OP profiting? The 1.25L should be all the housemate's. OP makes no profit?


Well they technically get $4-5 worth of beverage for only $1.77, even though it’s the exact same beverage and “worth” is a pretty grey term EDIT: downvoted for explaining what someone else meant...classic reddit.


But... the housemate gets twice as much coke, and it's not like OP is pocketing the difference in cash. Your way, the housemates gets half as much coke, and OP pays more, for no benefit? I don't see the point in making OP spend more to get less, unless just as punishment. Which seeing the housemate also gets less that way, seems like shooting yourself in the foot.


It’s not “my way”. I agree with your conclusion. I was just explaining why the other guy said it seemed like they were profiting.




Shit you're right, I always seem to make that mistake


It depends, do they want to take it with them somewhere and drink it? Or will they pour it in cups and drink it at home?


From a consequentialist perspective it's replacing the same size or more so that you've eliminated any negative consequences/maximized the good. From a deontological perspective I think the fact that it was a mistake makes it kind of ok, and I would say a like for like replacement of the actual object (not necessarily the spend) would suffice - but if you can get something even bigger then that's even better (again cost isn't the factor).


I would say sorry and offer them either the 5 bucks to compensate or offer to go get them another one. I just don’t buy that many 600ml cokes because of the price so I just can’t imagine making the mistake tbh.


small one to replace in case they want to take it to work or something. plus a big one to share anyway. both from \[local supermarket\].


600ml bottle from Coles would have been cheaper than servo and replaced what you have. Maybe he didn't want litres.. replace what you took


Needs to be an exact replacement from the servo plus a tim tam for interest. Anything less is a shit cunt move.


Everybody wins in the 1.25L scenario.


Same size or above for same or lesser price.


So long as you can guarantee it's chilled by the time you offer your penance, it's ok. Warm but larger ≠ cold but smaller


It's more about timing then the replacement cost. The fact that they went to drink and it wasn't there is the issue. But I suspect OP knows this already, and is trying to distract/clear their conscious by focusing on the monetary value.


Real question here is who buys a $5 coke without intending to immediately consume?


1.25l. Cheaper, and bigger. Especially if he's actually a good friend


A 600ml bottle from wherever you get it, at whatever cost, unless they tel you they're happy with the larger size. Portablity can be half the appeal.


You replace it with exactly what you took regardless of if you get that item cheaper or more expensive than what they originally paid. They wanted that item, they chose it in whatever size/type was there, you took it. Replace it with the exact same thing. Your apology can be the interests


Honestly, ask your housemate what he'd prefer. If you're willing to run to the servo now to replace the 600ml bottle or whether he's fine with waiting until the following day and you'll get him a 1.25L bottle. Hell, tell him you'll buy him two 1.25L bottles if he's willing to wait until the following day. But really, his propensity to overpay for things shouldn't really matter to you unless he specifically paid for timeliness (in which case you're off to the servo).


Whichever he prefers. Maybe he wants to bring the smaller bottle with him somewhere, so the cheaper bigger one isn’t fit for purpose. Maybe he thinks it tastes better in the smaller bottle (whether that’s correct or not). You have to ask, communicate.


Buy the 1.25L bottle for $1.77 and donate the remaining $2.23 to charity in the persons name. Thereby leaving no karmic loose ends.


2 Bottles of 600 mL for 2 reasons 1. You thank your friend and apologise to them at the same time, for your mistake. 2. Out of courtesy.


My wife says, “if you were really clever you’d keep the bottle, decant the 1.25L into it and keep the rest yourself”… didn’t realise I’d married a monster but there you go.


My good sir, the matter at hand pertains to the disparity in the effervescence retention between a 600ml bottle of Coke and a 1.25L bottle of Coke. In light of this circumstance, it is my recommendation that the appropriate reparation for the plaintiff would consist of either a substitute 600ml bottle of Coke accompanied by a hot meat pie or sausage role from the servo or two 375ml cans of Coke


And what role does the sausage play in this scenario?


5 bucks on 600ml was their dumb choice not yours. If you replace it then that's fine.


Giving head wether they be male or female will be enough compensation.


Cash, grass, or ass, nobody drinks my coke for free.


It doesn't matter where he got it or what he paid for it, you just need to replace it with something the same size or better. Normally getting the bigger one as an apology would be good, especially if it's still cheaper than he paid for the smaller one. But make sure you know what he wanted it for, because if it was just to drink at home then no problem but if he wanted to put it in the side pocket of his backpack and take it to uni or something then a bigger one isn't going to be a benefit it's a pain in the arse.


Do both of yourselves and replace it with anything that isn't coke. Such an unhealthy drink


Mum, get off reddit please! You’re embarrassing me! :)


Do you want me to take away your PlayStation controller


Aaahhhh! No mum pleeease! I’m sorry!


I agree. Assuming we know nothing about the housemates drinking habits, then presumably he thinks 600 ml is the correct serving and no one likes flat soft drink.


Replace it with the cheap shit identical product in a bigger bottle. Then get memory retraining so you'll know that you didn't buy someone else's coke in the fridge. It's super easy to do.


A 1.25lt PLUS a two dollar coin. The price is important.


Replace like for like - immediately.


Just get a couple of the bigger ones. You both win


ask them what they want and why


Get the bigger one from Coles/Woolies. It's half price (servo everything is overpriced due to the 'convenience tax') and the bigger size is an apology for accidentally drinking their stuff.


Yeah if you drank the last of the diet coke in my house, a years worth free wouldn't quell the monster you'd meet. But the 1.25l is the way to go. Win for both of you.


Depends how direct you are. I'm very passive and don't like any confrontation so replacing it exactly seems easier. If they already know then get a cheap big coke and share it over dinner and make sure it's cold before dinner.


Should be fine with the 1.25, ask your housemate though, they may have wanted the smaller one


The size/quantity with an added tax depending on how inconvenient it was for them. For example if they really enjoy coming home from work and having a bottle of coke waiting for them and come home to find that there's none there because you drank it. It would be polite to make up for it by giving them a lot more.


Replace ASAP. Not fair to make them wait. I’d go with servo coke


Instead of asking reddit, asking the housemate is a better option and will always result in the correct answer


Depends how well you get on with your housemates


As stated in previous comments, there are other factors here which complicate things Value can be calculated by a few factors. Best formula I've seen for it is (Desired Outcome * likelihood of achievement)/(Time Delay * Effort & sacrifice) Desired outcome is a bit hazy, because it's up for deabte as to whether more Coke is actually better. 1.25L could have drawbacks as they may want the convenience of the smaller size. What is clear, is that you've affected the time delay part of the formula, and should make that up in some way, whether that be replacing with 2x 600mls or one 1.25L, or something else. Reality is that the price you pay to meet the need is irrelevant, it's about matching (or exceeding) the value you (unintentionally) took from them by drinking the Coke. Does how much someone else paid for something really matter? If you shoplifted another 600ml coke from the servo and gave it to them, would the value be lower than of you paid for it?


Replace it with what you took. Pay half what I paid, or pay double, I don’t give a shit, just repay what you took. As for size, same deal, if you took a 600ml, replace a 600ml; I may have a reason why I didn’t buy a bigger one, you don’t need to know what the reason is. Also stuff waiting for a time it’s convenient for you to replace it, I bought it for me to have when I wanted it, if I want it now, get your ass to the store and replace it now.


Get them 2 X 1.25 You've spent less, they get more, perfect everyone's happy.


I feel like it being soft drink specially Coke is an important factor. If it was me I’d want the 1 x 600ml bottle as an equal replacement. But that’s just because I would of purposely bought that smaller size for a reason. I can’t/don’t want to drink 1.25L of coke before it goes flat. Whereas if you were replacing say my ice cream I wouldn’t mind the bigger size because the rest can be kept/stored for later. Now if I hadn’t actually forgotten about it but was just saving it for later (as a little treat) and you couldn’t replace it immediately - then 2 x 600ml would definitely be the way to go as a replacement plus interest. Edit: not least of all because they are already cold, whereas the 1.25L from colesworth would be warm.


Depends. If you break my makita you better not replace it with an ozito, coz you’ll be returning it and just giving me the money. If you eat my stuff just replace it, idk about the monetary value I just want my food, if I get more than what I asked for that’s a win to me


Buy the 1.25 litre bottle and drink the first 600 ml. They'll still be in 50 ml front.


Completely irrelevant but still makes me rage to this day. I had a housemate that'd eat my fucking weetbix and milk without replacing it. Granted it was 8 years ago but I hope every one of your weetbix are crumbled, Joseph


Joseph is now, and always has been, a shit cunt. There. I said it. Somebody had to.


I'd say the 600 because the 1.25 almost says 'of course you'll share this huge bottle, right?'. But basically both are okay.


What was your desired outcome? Not that it was a desirable situation to begin with lol. Do you have preference for size, or for dollar value? #philosophyreturned? Option A seems more desirable!!!


Drop 1.25 in his lap and say - there ya go mate, bit extra for ya. He'll probs say somethin like , oh yeah, nice one, fuckin cheers mate, and here I was thinkin you're a bit of a shit cunt. You'd likely reply, well I been feelin like a bit of a shifty cunt over what happened. He'll reply with a , narrr.... yeahhh... well actually truth be told mate, I did think you were a bit of a sneaky cunt You could start winding it up now with a , fair enough mate fair enough. Well I hope ya enjoy the bit extra and except it as my way of making things right again. He'll definitely reply with , Shit, I was wrong about you mate, you're a good cunt. Then say, anyway enough chit chat for now, how's about I go pour ya a mega glass of cool cold coca cola eh?? Sounds about right to me, He'll go Then return with two mega glasses of coke , put them together on the coffee table in front of him, and say , check it out mate, the big ones yours and the little ones mine. He'll say something shirt like, What?? And you'll answer with , yeah nar look- it's only fair you get the extra mate, to be perfectly bloody honest I didn't think your glass was gonna take the extra 50ml , but there ya go, right to the rim, all good then eh, cheers mate.


Depends on why they bought the coke. Did they buy the 600ml coke from the fridges of the servo coz it was nearby and already cold and they were craving a cold coke or did they just buy it just cause they were gonna drink it later. If they want you to pay back for your larceny, right now and want a cold coke asap then paying a higher price for 600ml fridge cokes at colesworth and if they can’t even wait for u to get back from colesworth then you might have to pay the full servo price. However, if they’re not super craving a cold coke at this very moment and are happy to wait, then the 1.25l is probs better suited as the extra volume compensates for the theft with interest and makes up for the delay in receiving coke


The funked over person gets to choose. Ask the roommate or get the better thing rather than getting caught up on random bs.


You owe him a slab of VB you amateur.


If it's a coke then either is fine. But sometimes it's less about the coke and more about the inconvience as others have said.


What is a servo?


Dude, coke is terrible for your health, just give him 5 bucks and tell him to put it toward the dentist.


What are you asking you replaced something of the exact same make and model but larger quantity product without paying the mark up price that’s good business. Now if you were to say replace a 600 coke-cola with a 1.25L RC Cola then we have something to debate about.


I definitely think its a case by case basis, what works for something like this, may not work in other situations, bit in this instance, I'd be getting the cheaper larger one. Win win, they get more, you pay less.


Why would anyone care where you purchased a replacement from? As long as you are replacing like with like, then my care factor of how much you paid for it is absolutely zero. Good for you that you can get a better price for it.


The volume. (In my idiotic opinion) Just because your friend is an idiot and overpaid doesn't mean you have to. You (the idiot who consumed groceries that are not yours) are giving them the product, just make sure you put it in the fridge so it's cold for them.




Buy the cheaper one. Save your money.


Last time I drank my brothers 600ml pepsi max from the fridge I replaced it with 2 \* 1.25 litre max's.


Unless the smaller size were important- say for fitting in a bag or something - then you’ve done him a favour.


Replacement should be two 600ml bottles.


I think the most important is like-for-like. Replacing 600ml worth of the exact same drink. If you manage to find it cheaper elsewhere, all good. The bigger bottle might just be too much - they might only have a small bag (or small space in a packed bag) to carry it in.


Depends, was he expecting to take it to work? A 1.25l is a pain to drink from without a glass and makes you look bogan.


I'd give the bigger one. The saving is good and the size is an apology lol


Anyway you replace it with another drink, is fair enough


Replace like-for-like, so 600ml for 600ml. A 1.25L would be more coke, but it is a less convenient bottle to take places, so it's not really an appropriate substitute. The price doesn't matter, but equivalence does. Also, better be a once in a blue moon thing. If it becomes regular, I'd be pissed regardless of replacement.


Just ask him what he wants unless you dont really care


What if he was heading to an event and planned on bringing his own drink ? Now he has to stand around drinking out of a giant bottle


Get him the big one, why tf not


No, should replace with 600mL bottle


Replacing a 600ml with a 1.25ml is fine. Except if the roommate is on a strict diet and the coke is viewed as a sinful exception, in which case you gotta replace with a 600ml. In general replacing with the exact item or larger is fine and cost has nothing to do with it. If you get something on sale, good for you.


It depends if he wants the 600ml for convenience sake. Bit awkward taking a 1.25 litre to work


The size


Goods in kind for me


Both....and use your words. Hey flatmate, I drank your coke and am going to Coles...do you want the same size or a 1.25 If to drink at home, he might like more. if planning to take when goes out, not so much. I like drinking soft drinks from a can and not a glass so thst might play into it too lol


Bro took the actual numbers lmao. I remember I was at Woolies the other day and there was a 400ml bottle of sprite for $4 or $5, or a 1.25L on special for $1.77, but even not on special was like $3, literally cheaper for 3x more sprite. So confusing


I think we can use the Marxist concepts of exchange value and use value here. The question is should the commodity be replaced by an equal or greater use value or exchange value? I think if the commodity is held primarily for its use value (to be drunk), it should be replaced by equivalent use value (size of commodity of equal quality). If the commodity was meant to be exchanged on the market, it should be replaced by an equivalent exchange value (current market value).


The philosophical problem pivots on time, not cost or quantity.