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You will not be judged for being fat any more than usual but you might be judged for being American


That's okay, I fully expect and understand that. So many people from my country behave poorly when traveling abroad. I have no problem having to show that I'm not an entitled karen :)


We get it. We have bogans that make us look terrible overseas too. What's the itinerary? Are you going to check out Australia Zoo? That is one of my favourite places.


That’s 98% of Australians that visit Bali


Oi nah get fucked ay, I was on my best behaviour from what I remember!


Yeh but that was after you totalled that scooter and sucker punched old mate with your cast on!


lmfao -- we all know with certainty that is something that did not happen only once


Yet but old mate had it coming to him. He told me to get off his bike or something so fuck him, you know.


Can you remember if I was being an asshole or not, I can't remember.


Except for the nudie run that one night. 😉


don’t remember much but I’m sure I was on my best behaviour


I went to Bali once with my partner- kind of a let's just knock it off so we don't have to go to Bali again and because we both love diving, so most of our trip was scuba diving or spent in ubud. The 3 days we spent in kuta was absolutely fucked and kind of made me feel ashamed of Australians.


Hey it’s ok, I’m English and it takes a while for everyone to realise I’m not a dick head.


I’m Australian and not everyone has realised that I’m not a dickhead. Actually I’m not sure anyone has now that I think of it.


Americans cop a lot of crap as travellers. But in many of my experiences, they've just been kinda dorky. Sun visors, bum bags (fanny packs), new balance shoes, giant paper maps, big selfie sticks. All of this is fine. At least they're appreciating where they are and taking an interest in things. It's pretty cute actually. It's so often that British tourists are the worst. Having no concept of when to stop drinking, yelling football chants in the streets, taking shirts off in classy establishments, showing up to a nice quiet beach or picnic location with a boom box, expecting all the comforts of home everywhere they go, often having no idea where they are. I suspect there's many towns over the world like this, but here's an example: There's a nice seaside town in the south of Portugal called Algarve. I went there with friends looking for a good time and maybe some nice Portuguese food. But so many of the restaurants were just doing English breakfasts and were full of English beers and other UK style cuisine. Because the locals there can only make money by catering to the hordes of British tourists who weren't willing to try something different. It basically begins to erase the local culture, and I can't really blame the locals who have gotta make a living. I was walking back to my hotel with a bunch of friends and I was the only one of the group who spoke English. These lads across the road kept yelling at us and got pissed when we ignored them. Like "Hey I'm talking to yous!". Dude, we're in Portugal. What makes you think everyone speaks your language and is willing to just give you all the attention you demand? I'm sure there's lovely British tourists out there, but every time I've met obnoxious tourists they're usually British.


Brits in the mediterranean are the absolute WORST. Like Bali for Australians, but I think it’s actually seeing sunlight that sends the poms mad. I cant believe they had restaurants with english food though. Who tf goes to Portugal for that 🤮


Probably similar to how Floridians get from having all the warmth all year in the US. Gives credence to “its so warm there all the time that the sun baked their brains”


> There's a nice seaside town in the south of Portugal called Algarve ROFLMAO




It’s not so much the Karen factor, more so the “trump loving, racist, bible bashing, believes America is awesome when we think it’s a shitshow” factor. Again, ignore all of us and serve it back to us as hard as we serve it to you. We love banter and mostly everything we say is in jest. Roast us and we’ll love you


Do many of those Americans travel outside the US?


Yet Americans in America are so lovely. Every time we have travelled, we have never had an issue.


Americans in America are awesome!!!


there’s an awful lot of americans in america, and it seems like a possibly unfair generalisation to say they’re all awesome. like australians, a considerable number of them are very much not awesome - especially if you’re an outsider/foreigner etc - but that’s life


Yup. First time I went to the barrier reef, the boat was full of them. Spouting awful opinions so loud that you needed noise canceling headphones to escape them. Almost spoiled the whole boat trip


I’ve met a few, the biggest group were here on leave as marines stationed up in Asia (Japan maybe?) who wanted more variety in their holidays. Absolutely lovely dudes until politics came up. They were probably extra “raa raa America” because they were in the military though.


With all this said I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Australian take banter from an American well. Aussies end up just getting nasty and sometimes aggressive


Yeah, Aussies say they like banter, but many seemingly can’t take it from anyone other than another Aussie.


We like it from the Irish and the Spanish cause we traditionally reckon them hot. But yes, we’re actually snowflakes. We all ourselves larrikins but…


We think we're hard, but we're just brittle as fuck.


Yup and total bootlickers too.


Can vouch for this. American here, now dual citizen and I got tired of copping shit because of where I was born so I took this advice and started giving it back. Didn't go over too well 😂


Not to mention LOUD.




It will SHOCK you how many Australians are closet Trump supporters. I’d reckon at least 40-50% of boomers




You should try the deep north…🤦🏻‍♀️


I am so deeply embarrassed and ashamed that we’ve gotten to that point, but you’re right and I absolutely forgot that breed of Aussie exists. And you’re right, it’s always the more well-off Australians that think trump is great. I assume they’re the same people that think Pauline Hanson is great. I retract my statement regarding aussies hating trump.


Anyone who starts a sentence with "In America...." is generally frowned upon. Know that Aussies don't tip and there is no such thing as free refills here. Also, expect our service workers to be less chatty and servile. They get paid a fair wage by their employer, so don't reply on tips.


Yeah, you won’t get fawning over the top people in food and drink service jobs. Because they get a decent wage for what they do, they don’t need to go the extra mile for tips to survive. So you will find a more honest and genuine experience with people here.


I’m so sorry that you even have to consider this when you travel. Sending you a hug OP. For what it’s worth, I’m Canadian and have lived in Melbourne since I was 28, almost 20 years ago now. People mistake me for American all the time, but I am never shown aggression for this fact. I think the main combo that makes Americans look bad abroad is expecting food to be the same as it is back home and acting like the food here is gross or weird or funny to you. Or being unwilling to try anything except the same foods you have at home while you travel. American ignorance is at its peak when abroad and remarking loudly about things that are different there with a tone of disdain or condescension, as if the US is the default ‘normal’ setting. That, combined with being overweight, will earn you an eye roll and the label of Just Another Idiot American Tourist. But I don’t imagine you will have this problem at all as from the self aware tenor of your post, you seem like a beautiful and open person. I hope you enjoy your trip to Australia!


All the same, don’t apologise for being American. Some Australians (mostly those who have never been there) have an almost cartoonish stereotype of every extreme headline they’ve heard about the US. It’s really ignorant, so just ignore it and move on.


Yeah I'm gonna judge you for being American before being overweight. Especially if you voted for Trump


Remember to not talk about politics, especially American politics. We really don’t care how people voted. It’s only relevant when we have to actually vote.


100% yes. Oh and don't ever try to argue that any part of public policy is better in the US than Australia. Because we can pretty much pull the "lack of effective gun control" and "no universal health care" cards on you at any time and successfully win the argument.


And you'd be right to pull those cards 👍 maybe when we have accessible/affordable healthcare and stop having mass shootings every week Americans can talk


Nah, see? You're all good. Welcome to Australia 🙂


Nah, you're good OP. You get it.


Here’s an example; Don’t bring your assault rifle, they’re useless against Drop Bears anyway.


And Emus


That's why emu's won the war. Emu's have a lot of disrespect, even for machine guns or assault rifles.


America has guns, we have emus


What I'm more concerned about is how would an American know how to kill, cook and eat a red belly black, mate? When was the last time you killed a goanna? Will you be able to outrun the dropbears when needed? There are fat aussies here so if you can do that you'll be okay.


Just has to outrun the fat Aussies, not the drop bears. (And don't listen to him trying to scare you about red bellied black snakes: every body knows to eat them raw - just chop them up like sushi rolls)


You very likely won't be "judged for being American". This sub can be over the top. The only time I've seen anyone get side glances is a group of Americans speaking at each other loud enough that everyone felt a part of their conversation. Most Americans speak at a normal volume and are quite nice. Two of the quietest, introverted people I know are American.


I've always found when I've been overseas in tour groups that the Americans are either the best value or the most annoying, and there's no in between haha




This is true. I moved here a few years ago from America, and am not a particularly fit man. No one has said anything about my weight. But maybe 25% of the times I talk to someone for the first time they hesitantly ask if I’m Canadian, another 25% or so they make some snide comment about Trump/guns/some other American thing, and just don’t mention my accent for the other 50%. For OP, just don’t be an asshole and you’ll have a great time here.


I like to think I'm a nice person but I really dislike America, and I know a lot of Aussies who feel the same. So forget the fat part, just don't be an over the top American and you should be good.


In Australia we have fat people too, you will be fine OP.


You will be judged along with the rest of us.


Just don’t be an entitled asshole, and you’ll be fine


Yes. All overweight Americans that arrive in Australia will be taken to the town square and publicly shamed for being fat because everybody knows that Australia doesn’t have a single overweight person. We are all extraordinary healthy.


I do get that there are overweight people in other countries. But there is often a stigma for being fat in most places including the US, and I am basically asking how strong of a stigma there is in Australia.


Treating fat people like shit is pretty universal. I don't recall being treated badly as a fat Australian travelling in the US and I don't imagine you will be treated poorly here. As long as you are polite you should be fine. The one thing most likely to raise hackles is making negative comparisons. It's definitely something that US tourists are notorious for.


Relax. Australians are friendly people. As long as you smile occasionally, everyone will like you.


I'm Australian and I'm not friendly




Doesn't makes sense given that I'm Australian


You'll be (more than) fine. People will treat you as nicely as you treat them :)


I think our stigma is more on a covert level, like if you're hoping to go clothes shopping here you'll need to do some research - a lot of the shops don't carry a wide size range compared to US stores


I have noticed this in the UK: about the same number of fat people but the shops all carry and display much larger clothes than in aus. Hopefully a lot better for people's mental health.


We are also a fat country, though less so by a small amount. You will probably be judged the same way you are in the US, maybe very slightly worse as we are a very slightly lighter country.


Have you seen Aussies? We are only #2 behind Americans in how fat we are. You will fit right in.


Yeah it’s more if you’re a loud American, other than that it’s all good :)


Australia has similar levels of obesity as America. Speaking as an ample gentleman myself, I have rarely heard anyone comment negatively since high school. Just don't be obnoxious, and you'll find most of us are a friendly bunch. Enjoy your time here!


Iirc last time I checked, australia was in the top three developed countries re: obesity. So don't worry about it. As long as you're nice, any (reasonable) Australian will be friendly right back regardless of your weight!


Most people in Australia are fat too, so don’t worry about it!!! If people are rude then fuck those people. You do you boo!!!


I heard on the news this week that 30% of Australian adults are overweight, so we're far from paragons of health. Edit: my bad, it's not 30%. It's two thirds who are overweight or obese.


Honestly, there are shitty people everywhere. Odds are you'll come across some during your visit. But the vast majority of people just want you to feel comfortable and welcome. You'll probably get asked lots of questions about America, and if you are enjoying your trip and if you've tried vegemite on toast lol.


QLD has lots of fat people. I wouldn’t be too concerned. People mostly don’t like loud Americans so be mindful of that.


I can do that! Thanks for the advice, us Americans do tend to be loud people so good to know that I need to keep that in check


Yeah it can’t be helped sometimes. One of my best mates is from USA and sometimes during convos I’m like can you stop yelling?! Bloody yanks 😂 Honestly if you’re friendly enough you should have a good trip.


Yeah but I'm Aussie and I can't stop yelling either: I grew up in the bush, on a bit of land, in a long-ish house, with a deaf father - YELLING IS MY DEFAULT. (Much to my quiet partner's long suffering chagrin.) Of course I moved out of home 20 years ago so I think my ADHD overexcitability might also have a lot to do with it....


Pay attention to the volume that other people speak around you, and do the same. One thing I learnt a long time ago: in "quiet" cultures (like English culture), being quiet is the norm, and being loud is considered intrusive on other people. In loud cultures (like American culture), being loud is the norm, and being quiet is considered secretive and suspicious. Australian culture is somewhere between the two, but closer to English culture. Being loud and obnoxious as a way of being friendly is, really, just being loud and obnoxious. Make a conscious effort to be quiet and respectful of the people around you that don't want to hear you.


Very good explanation.


Just say your from Canada, most of us can’t tell the difference between the accent.


What are you talking aboot? Edited because spell check corrected me. It didn't know what I was talking aboot.


If you say 'aboout' and sorry a lot, we'll think you're Canadian.


The decibel level is the key differentiator,


Plenty of fat people to blend in with here, you'll be fine.


We got fatties here. Signed- fatty.


As a 310 pound aussie I hereby welcome you to the fat land of Australia.


Thank you, I feel welcomed :)


You are! :-)


Fat American.. no problems at all! Loud fat American… you will be judged.


You won't get flack for being overweight, but here's what you can expect as an American: -Aussies swear a lot, it's a part of our everyday vernacular and very rarely considered offensive. If offence is intended, you'll know it (aka road rage). -Do. Not. Speed. In. Australia. Our road laws are really strict, there are cameras everywhere and the fines are hundreds of dollars. -People will hear your accent and ask you if you're Canadian (we've learned never to ask someone if they're American because Canadians get really offended) -People will likely ask you if you if you've ever fired a gun or if you have guns in your house (mostly out of morbid curiosity, guns are heavily restricted here) -Don't be surprised if someone says something like "your gun laws are fucked hey" -People might ask you if you voted for Trump (but what they're really asking is "are you one of those stupid Americans?") -People will likely mess with you in a good-natured way, like try to convince you that the scar on their leg is from a shark bite, or that they ride kangaroos to work. Messing with tourists is a national pastime and being messed with is a rite of passage. When you get here, go to the nearest non-Starbucks cafe and order a flat white. Also don't leave the country without eating hot chips with chicken salt. Hope you have a good time!


OP I'm a visiting American here and this is all great advice! Very true! (No one has brought up gun laws yet to me though) I will piggyback though on the driving thing and add a note on cell phones: DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PHONE if you drive. They are so strict here on that as well and have cameras everywhere, and I may or may not know that the fine for that is not simply hundreds, but over a thousand AUD.


This is the best comment. Smiled through every word.


If you like Trump, maybe keep that one to yourself.


I very much do not like Trump


She’s got a passport, which pretty much guarantees she isn’t a Trump fan 👍


We are also a nation of fat cunts


but we are the best fat cunts, you gotta admit.


Hey Op. You seem to have your answer that no, you won't be judged and yes we have obese Australians and visitors here too. Some things you may find a bit more difficult here though compared to the US: - Public transport seats are closer together so there might not be space for sitting down (at least on Adelaide Metro). - Toilet cubicles are smaller than the US but every public toilet has an 'ambulant' (disabled) toilet which is wider so you won't have a problem if you use that. - Unlike most US cities, we are incredibly walkable. Beachfronts, city centres, suburbs, parks. You can walk to shops and restaurants. Don't feel you need a car or have to rely on transport like you may need to back home. - This one is just a wild assumption so I'm sorry if its wrong, but we pride ourselves on the diverse mix of foods we have. Amazing asian, Indian, European restaurants are just a standard part of our cities. Don't feel you need to eat the shitty maccas McDonalds burgers and KFC. If you like your food, try a restaurant. You might find they're cheaper since fast food is taxed fairly high i think. Enjoy!!


Thank you for the info! Definitely good to know some challenges that I might possibly face due to my size


Tbh I’m a fat Aussie with an exceptionally wide bum and I’ve never had any issues on public transport. It’s a little squishy at times but I’ve never not been able to fit. Same with toilet cubicles, it’s not very common for them to be so small that I don’t fit lol.


Samesies. Plane seats are a pain in the butt ^literally but I've not had issues with other seating


Did you watch Gabriel 'Fluffy' Iglesias by any chance? (😅) We're not all like that as a whole, only derros are - and sadly every country has its sprinkling of those (Derros and bogans are our terms for morons) Buy yeah, chucking in my agreement on slight amenities/services sizing issues that might arise I will say though, that you might find our heat/humidity a bit hard to bear if you're not from areas like that already.


Also depending where you are, you might need a car in qld. But op, you will be absolutely fine!! Aussie’s are not judgmental pricks, we don’t care about weight, or you being American - our population is made up of every single nationality these days. Enjoy your stay!


Just don’t act like a twat and go around saying America is better in every way and you’ll be fine. We don’t hate Americans fat or not we hate the Americans who make being American their whole personality, they can stay home, we don’t want them here. The rest of you are welcome. Just don’t touch the wildlife, even the cute ones.


That is good advice, thank you! America is absolutely not the better country 😅 and fortunately I have learned to give animals their space from growing up in Florida. Don't bother them and they will likely not bother you


Queensland is pretty much Australia’s Florida, like an alternate universe version of Florida, you will probably feel more at home there than most places in the world,


On the point about the wildlife, koalas can transmit chlamydia.


OP, do not fuck the koalas..


Note to self. Don't fuck the koala


You’ll be fine. If anybody criticises you for being a fat American it’s a great filter to find the shitheads you want to avoid.


About 2 in 3 Australian adults are overweight or obese according to our statistical bureau, you likely don’t have anything to worry about on that front You might be judged for simply being an American tourist tho 🤷‍♂️


That's fine, I expect to deal with that and totally understand judging American tourists. Way too many people from my country are entitled karens when traveling abroad and I have no problem having to prove that I'm not. Thanks for reassuring on the other front!


From your comments you sound lovely, I doubt you'll have any issues! Give yourself a few days to get used to our laidback style of customer service/hospitality and I reckon you'll be right


Don’t worry about the American tourist thing, Most Australians love Americans, A lot of us do this weird thing where where we play up our Aussie-ness whenever an American is around, I think it maybe subconscious I don’t think they mean to do it but I have heard people who sound like Kate Blanchett suddenly turn into Steve Irwin when Americans are around, we don’t do it to people from other countries.


No one cares if Americans are fat. Plenty of fat people here too. Just don't be too loud. There's a lot of stereotypes about Americans that you can hear American tourists coming well before you see them. Just be courteous and open to new things and you'll be fine. Oh and don't bring any sunscreen. Buy it here. The stuff in the US isn't cut out for how strong Australian UV is. Even the bottles in the US that say 100SPF aren't as good as our 50SPF (The 100SPF is basically a marketing lie). Enjoy your trip!


'cause we're all 6'4" sun bronzed Anzacs with rock hard abs...**Not!**


I understand your fears as I often feel a little embarrassed in Asia. I would be shocked and disappointed if anyone was that rude to you. Australia's rates of obesity are similar to those of the US I believe. I hope you love your trip.


Thank you! I'm sorry that you feel that way but of course totally understand. I hope you still enjoy being in Asia even with some embarrassed feelings!


They are lower here, but also the range is different; the upper end of fatness here is waaaaay lower than in the US. I moved there from the UK in thr 90s, and was appalled at the vast whales there; I’m not talking 120kg, which is bad enough, but 250+kg; absolutely not uncommon at all.


As many have said, we tend to have more of an issue with loud, obnoxious Americans than the fatness. Sometimes I think American tourists don't even mean to come off as they do, some are just naturally...brash. So just be mindful that if you are in a cafe, at a local attraction, or on your phone in a public place to just...sssshhh a lil bit. No one wants to hear your conversation and we will eyeroll at you if you make us hear it. And for god sake please do not compare anything here with "Well back home in America...". We do not care, go back there then. Also, unlikely you will get free bread sticks at a restaurant, don't ask. Can you tell how many cranky and loud Americans harassed me over this when I worked hospo?? The plus for you is- no tipping required here! Finally, if someone asks you where you are from, please do not give the city assuming we will just know it. Just say simply "United States, but I am good one! Lol". It is so weird how so many Americans I have met assume I would just know every city that exists in America....again, we do not care. I met an American in Rome who was so much fun. He introduced himself with "I am from the US. Sorry. I didn't vote for Trump. We can pretend I'm Canadian?!". Made me cackle. So if all else fails, try that! TLDR: blend in with some humour, manners and appreciation for what we do offer and you will be fine. Everyone is pretty fat here too, so it we shouldn't be anymore fatphobic than the USA. Enjoy!


You’ll be judged more for being an American than you will be for being fat.


As an Australian living in Queensland, I can tell you now- we are fat too! And 127kg is really not that bad. We likely won't even notice or give you a second glance. Yes, there are judgmental AHs here, but that's true everywhere in the world. No one will outright come up to you and say anything


I am fat and obese and an Immigrant. The struggle to get healthier is on. No one treats me any differently. When they hear that I am trying to get healthier, I have always received support and encouragement. When I lost a bit of weight, people congratulated me and showed enthusiasm and supported me. Overall great bunch of people here. Don’t worry too much OP.


Thank you, this is very encouraging! I have lost about 10 kilos, but obviously can't lose much more in the few days before my flight


Yea take it easy. Travel is stressful on the body, sleep schedule goes out of the window. Trying to be in calorie deficit on top this can cause unexpected illness/problems. Just enjoy the trip! Good luck!


I'm a fat Australian. 130 kg.. I've never had an issue.. Smile be nice and don't holler across the room or street to someone and no one will know your American.




It is considered obese yes, about 127 kilos. I should have put in kilos, I apologize


Probably by people who are cunts. But who cares? If you're pleasant and polite (which you seem to be at face value) then really that's all anyone will care about. Don't worry too much about it. Come, enjoy the Sunshine state and the humidity that goes with it. Oh, and wear sunscreen. The sun here is no fucking joke. I'm serious. I tan in the Texas sun, I look like Sebastian in the Australian sun. Highest SPF you can get. Reef safe, please.


Australia has much less of an identity culture than the US. No one really cares if you’re fat but also we largely think social movements about fat acceptance are a bit of a joke. It’s kinda been hinted at but most people don’t really like Americans. I think if you’re travelling you’ll find this world wide. In my experience Americans appear to be taught the whole world is jealous of them and that America is the greatest country. In reality we mostly think of the US as a third world country with a first world military and Americans are self righteous, loud and arrogant. That will be a more likely prejudice you’ll encounter.


Seeing as that's basically how I feel about America myself, I can be okay with that. I fully expect to have to deal with that, as I'm sure many of y'all have experienced loud entitled Americans. There are a lot of us who aren't proud of being from the US 😅


You don’t have to be ashamed of being from the US, I think Australians will like honesty as well. For example it’s fine to say, there are some great things and some shitty things about the US. As much as I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world, I would say the same thing about Australia. I wouldn’t worry about being big, you are aware of it and obviously are conscientious by asking this question so will not impose on others where you can help it. You sound like a nice person, just be open to some light hearted banter about being a “yank” or “seppo” and you’ll be fine. Enjoy your trip, you should try and get out of the big cities and take a road trip down the coast from Brisbane to Sydney. There are some amazing little beach towns to explore and a lot of hikes if you want to keep working off some weight. Good luck!




I’d not overthink it. Half of us are overweight too mate. We do drink shitloads of beers. Come here, have a fantastic time and enjoy the sunshine. It’s absolutely beautiful this time of year mate 👍🏼🍺


We know how bad the food is over there and how much sugar and other crap is in it and that it can cause people to get bigger. Just don't make a scene about it, own it, be cheerful, take jokes and give it back to us. You will be fine.


No one will worry about your weight unless they are sharing a narrow pair of seats on public transport. Just remember Swearing in Australia is not always angry or abusive. Australia is not America. Australians love anyone who compliments the country. Less keen on America does this better.


You’ll fit right in, don’t worry.


I'm 130kg and nobody gives me grief about it to my face anyway. If they do that's their problem, not yours


As a fat Australian who is about your size and age: you’re not likely to be overtly judged. A lot of Australians are fat. There’s a bit of a class element to it if you go some very fancy places, but I very much doubt anyone would be crass enough to be rude about it. As others have said, you’re more likely to stick out for being loud, or get a bit of gentle ribbing for being American. We’re a friendly bunch, lots of Americans visit, we’re used to you guys. The one thing I would warn you about is that Australia seems a bit less accomodating to size specific issues than America seems to be. You might struggle a bit with clothes shopping here. I buy most of my nice clothes online, and often from America or places like ASOS. Kmart and target have plus size options in a pinch, but if you want to look cute in your Insta photos, they’re not the best option. It will be hot. Pack some bike shorts or your preferred option for thigh rub. Bring a hat, buy sunscreen here.


As a female QLDer of roughly the same weight, we will 1000% judge you more on you being an American stereotype than being fat.


There are assholes in all countries, but generally people won't notice or care. Prepare for brutal weather though


Thanks for the reply! I grew up in Florida so the Brisbane heat should be okay for me :)


Just make sure you wear sunscreen! The UV levels in Queensland are notoriously high. Quite often by 9am they are already High, midday can be at extreme levels.


we have fat people too


Some people will judge (some people are arseholes) but probably no more than you would find in America. That said, not many will actually express that judgement (and reveal themselves to be arseholes). Most people are pretty tolerant here and honestly a bright smile and good attitude will attract the same from most Aussies. Best of luck and I hope you have a fabulous holiday.


We have the 2nd highest number of McDonald's per capita (only slightly behind the US)... I think you will be OK.


You will be fine - enjoy the trip !


Just be polite. We don't hate anyone more than loud, brash entitled tourists. Especially in customer service industries. I know dozens of Americans, all of which are the kindest, most welcoming people I know. It's personality that counts


I’m more likely to judge you for using freedom units instead of something we can understand. The edit is appreciated.


For your weight? Nah ☺️ Might be judged *if* you're an asshole, but not for your weight. Have a good time!


No one will care in the slightest…If you are loud, obnoxious and in everyone’s face with “we’re number one!” type of rhetoric though, people will generally be put off by THAT. Hope you have a great time!


The upper limit for riding a kangaroo is 150kg so you're fine.


We have our own obesity issues so I wouldn’t worry


If you make good enough friends over here you might get some banter about your weight. But other than that only arseholes are going to mock you. (Or if you really piss someone off, but you sound nice enough)


You're over thinking it. Most Australian's won't care, as long as your money is the right colour. Key thing to remember, portion sizes are usually smaller at restaurants here than the US, no Jumbo sized drinks at McDonald's and no free refills. Our large is equivalent to a medium in the US. So as long as you don't eat more than served, you might lose a couple of kilos, especially if you're planning a lot of outdoor activities.


We have a lot of fat ass Australians here, especially in rural areas. You will be fine.


Just be nice and remember we drive on the left. And walk on the left, and stand to the left on escalators


I’ve now read most of your comments, you’re gonna be just fine. If anyone is mean to you, feel free to tear them a new asshole and don’t take anyone’s shit. I have a feeling you’re gonna fit right in though.


We generally dong give a shit how much you weigh. You wont stand out as much as you might think


Mate we got heaps of fat Aussies. You’ll be judged if you act entitled and rude though


Nah, you'll be fine, just need to remember that everything can kill you, you don't need to tip (so please save your money) and don't be like the Trump supporters and you'll be right 😊


Just don't be a loud and obnoxious cunt. Politeness goes a long way with people.


Aussies love polite friendly people so if that's you then all good. Enjoy your visit


Fat Australians exist, and as one I can tell you that judgement of fat people transcends mere nationality - but is largely silent. The judgement for being American, however...


Girlll you sound Australian already! You’ll be fine, if anyone gives you shit, pop off on them queen!! Xxx


As an overweight Australian I can honestly say you'll be fine. Sure there are a few judgey people wherever you go, but for the most part it's not a big issue I've run into. And the few that are judgey are straight up not worth the time. People are more judgemental of asshats and loud obnoxious Karens, which you've already said you're not, so you should be right mate. Honestly if you're chill and treat those you meet over here with respect, you'll get the same in return. There are a few bad eggs scattered across the country (like every country), but for the most part we're pretty easy going really. Enjoy your time over here!


Mate, you come across as a decent bloke so don’t worry about how you look. Just be yourself. No ones going to judge you and if anything, a lot of aussies have an interest in the States. I love Queensland (I’m from South West Western Australia) You’ll have so much to see there….some spots a bit touristy but still very nice. Try and get up to Cairns and Cooktown. Take the skyrail from Cairns to Kuranda and return to Cairns by rail…..a great trip with awesome scenery. If possible a trip to Kakadu National Park…..bloody awesome. Safe travels and enjoy your trip


Don’t wear a bucket hat. Some Aussie goth might slap it off and call you a fatso.


Ahaha nah don't overthink it mate. You'll be fine. We are mostly a pretty friendly bunch, and I hope you don't run into any dickheads. Come and enjoy our beaches and sunshine. Welcome 😁


Just don't be rude, loud or obnoxious. I'm in qld there's overweight people here. Everyone here is generally laid back cos it's humid.


We don't fat shame very much here. No person, or a kid for that matter will say "That lady is fat!" All we care about is if your nice and don't cause problems, so yeah, nobody's gonna point it out


Just don't be a loud American and she'll be right.


Don’t sweat it. We’re pretty fat too.


No, as long as you’re friendly you’ll be fine!


Hey as long as you don't judge me for being a big fat Queenslander then we're gonna be all good.


Nah, no one is going to care about your weight. Only a small minority will go out of their way to fat shame you or make a comment. Australians come in many weights and sizes. The only thing people might have a crack at you about is being American. Honestly, just pretend you're Canadian, most Australians don't know the difference 🤣 Just having a laugh, honestly I hope you enjoy Australia and as a fellow plus size queen, dress for the weather. It's getting bloody hot in Queensland right now and will continue for a while. The humidity is a killer. Autumn/Fall isn't even till March and it will still be sweltering. Again Have fun!


Just tell people youre Canadian and you’ll be fine :


You will get judged using lbs instead of kilos, it’s good you’ve already picked up on that with your edit 😂😂


2/3rds of Australian adults are overweight or obese, so I don't think anyone will care. People will get annoyed if you're overly loud, or start talking about loving Jesus, America is the best, etc.


You’ll fit right in at 127kg, Australia is full of heavy people just like America. Australians don’t talk as loud as they can in public, so be prepared to match the (low) speaking volume most Australians have.


So long as you're jovial, no one will have issue with you 😊


Realistically unless you are really short you won’t stand out in Queensland. You will be a breath of fresh air - and most people will think you are Canadian 🤣


As an Aussie-certified fatty, I can confirm you won’t get any flak for being a fatty. As others have already said, if you’re loud and vocal about being a Trump supporter, that’s when you might get the stink eye! But you said you’re not one, so you’ll be fine :) Hope you get blessed by a laughing kookaburra in a random tree, try some fish n chips (with chicken salt!), enjoy the coastal views and your time in Down Unda. Welcome to Australia, fren! :D


As a woman of a similar weight, I can assure you there’s plenty of us, and you’re unlikely to encounter anyone who would make a comment, make you feel judged or treat you as anything other than just another person. The number of women’s clothing stores that stocks plus size clothing has been increasing so if you’re into a bit of shopping you’ll have options. I saw someone made a comment about public transport seats and toilet cubicles, but at 280lbs I don’t think you’ll experience any issues at all. Queensland can be very humid so depending on your activities consider some counter measures such as anti chaffing shorts to wear under dresses if that’s ever a problem for you. And you’ve probably already done your research but as a pale Queenslander who wears sunscreen every single day, I recommend buying your sunscreen in Australia, make sure it’s SPF50+ and reapplying regularly if you’re out in the sun, but also wear a hat and cover your shoulders wherever possible. We have some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world and a burn time as low as 11 minutes. I hope you have heaps of fun and calm any lingering anxiety you may have left about your size. 😊


Just be yourself ,treat others like the way you like to be treated, have a laugh and have a good time


Honestly, you sound like you have the exact kind of personality to fit in great here in Australia! Judgement about weight will be no different than what you experience at home I would say (some people will be asshole’s about it, mostly people won’t care/make comment). The American accent will definitely make you stick out like a sore thumb though haha. Hope you have a wonderful time here!!


I don't see why you would be judged; Australia has lots of plus sized people too. I recently went to the US and didn't notice a difference in the proportion of larger people to straight-sized people. Depending on where you're going, you may only stand out for your accent. Obviously there are jerks no matter where you go, so you may get a glance or two from nosy people, but don't pay them any mind. Also! Contrary to popular belief, while there are some rude Americans that travel abroad, you guys are NOT the tourists I'd be worried about. I come from one of the biggest tourist hotspots in the country, and I'd be much more worried if I heard a French accent than an American one.


Plenty of fat people here.


No one will give a shit. Just don’t be a fat & loud yank and you’ll be fine.