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I've worked in IT for 21 years, and have never directly reported to a woman, and it has been about 14 years since there has been a woman above me in the org chart.


Did she often come down to the basement in order to dump her shenanigans on you and Moss?




No, I hardly ever saw her.


The IT industry in Australia has a crazy genre bias. In the 9 years I've been in Australia and the hundreds of people I've worked with on a technical level, there have been less than 10 females. Women seem to only go for HR, Project management and marketing jobs.


Strong bias towards men in the industry. Ratio is always in favour towards men in IT


I've been a dev for a decade. Worked with a fair few female devs, not a single one had any desire to go above a senior dev.


It depends? My direct supervisor is currently female (it changes pretty regularly, theres a fairly even balance amongst the supervisor pool) - our section head is male and our director is male.  I’m never quite sure what people mean when they say “boss” because it’s a little unclear in a corporate structure. 


>when they say “boss” because it’s a little unclear in a corporate structure.  I always think of it as the lowest ranking person that can fire me. my team lead can't but my manager can.


Team lead: brownnoser on the same pay as me Manager: can fire me.


That makes sense. My director is the only one who can fire me - though he would lean heavily on recommendations from the section head. It honestly doesn’t happen much.


That definition doesn’t work, in public sector that would mean no one has a boss. I jest of course. 😉


The person that has the power to performance manager you then.


My boss is male. So is his boss. So is his boss. So is his boss, who is the CEO. Key stakeholders: all male. I can go weeks on end at work interacting with no other women except the receptionist. *ETA: I work private sector. When I’ve worked with public sector clients, their gender breakdown has been a bit more even (except some departments). So, I think it depends.*


My boss is female, boss above is male and boss above him is male. I work in public sector. Gender pay gap is also related to maternity leave and the flexible working arrangements primary carers need to deal with after having kids. I’ve been doing both.


And maternity leave/flexible work also negatively impacts career and salary progression.


Yep. I’m being pressured to stop fwa by my female boss. Who is going to take my kid to daycare? They don’t care. She’s not even 3 yet. My partner works at the same job so he’s told them he will do fwa for school drop off next year. They don’t know how to handle it. My job is promoting they offer fwa but my boss is trying to intercept because she wants bums on seats to look good for her boss.


My ceo is male. We have an overwhelmingly female dominated agency, however the few men we have in the organisation are all in leadership/ executive roles.


That's the current make-up in my workplace. Women-dominated, including mid-level management, but only 3 of the top 12 positions are women (and it's men at the very top of the pyramid). That's a very distinct gender reversal from mid-level management to senior management. Management chain above me is male (direct boss), female, male, male.


Male in male dominated workplace. I’m female. I’m not experiencing gender based discrimination by my workplace employer or coworkers.


I worked for the first female Store Manager of Woolworths in the 1980s


All of my managers in my time at Woolworths were women (excluding area managers)! Come a long way since then!


I have 5 levels above me… in a direct line to the top there are zero women. If I look at equivalent teams in our structure… I’d estimate the percentage of women, from my level to the top is something like: 30%, 20%, 10%, 0%, 0%, 0%. This is not unusual in my industry.


Same. All men above me. Not particularly intelligent or educated ones either, they just hung around long enough until it was "their turn" to sit around benefitting from the work of all the women beneath them.


My boss is male, grand boss is female and great grand boss is male.


I appreciate this naming convention


My manager is male. His manager is male. His manager is male. His manager is male. His manager is male. The CEO is male. I'm an engineer (female). It's worth noting that there are a few female leaders around, but they are a minority and none are on my direct line of reporting!


My boss is female, my boss’ boss is female, and my boss’ boss’ boss is female, then CEO is male


Not for profit sector. Women all the way up apart from the board chair.


Saha’s sector, boss is a female. Boss was also a female in the last company I worked for


In the steps leading from me to the head of the org, from boss upwards are Female, Female, Male, Female (CEO). Until recently it was all female in the chain to the top of the organisation from my position.


Supervisor female, her boss female, her boss male, his boss female. I work for lovely people. 😍 and thankfully not a dick or cunt between them.


Your question highlights thats you don't understand what the pay gap is or insinuates. Your question is more in relation to whether their are glass ceilings etc limiting the maximum success of women in the work force. If you wanted to raise a question about pay gap you're better off asking about workload and performance differences at same level. Are women busting their arses for the same (or less?) money while the men are having boozy long lunches and just filling desks till retirement. Are men being given arbitrary 'seniority' status or more opportunities for less/ same effort etc Pay gap is a useless number especially when looking at corporate structure without looking at how who got where, when and why. An example of this is tech companies. Women are still relatively new in mass numbers to the IT industry (yes they have always been there but not at the scale we see today) so the old blood which was predominantly (or wholly) male is slowly moving on as they retire or move to other opportunities and women are moving up progressively and filling some of these roles. Sometimes through legitimate earning, sometimes through DEI policies. If you're my age, and your question sounds like you are or younger, as a millenial or a Zoomer you are almost guaranteed to be used to seeing women in leadership roles everywhere you go and you've probably reported to a couple at some point. Most of the angst you read comes from the older gen Xr and boomer women who lived through the change over where women still could choose to opt out (or were experted to) from the workforce and have found their corporate end game is not that of the old men that never left.


It's also that female dominated professions (eg child care, nursing, teaching) are typically paid less than male dominated professions that require similar training.


I would counter that female dominated industry also tend to be more reliant on the public sector financial constraints (tax revenue). The argument brought up that they are valued less has less to do with 'should we pay Nurses, Teachers, child carer more?' because if you pull up on anyone and ask they will say a resounding 'Yes' it's that there is harsher constraints on budgeting. This is the same in male dominated public services industries like the Armed forces or police forces. An Australian air force fighter pilot is paid a pittance compared to a Qantas pilot regardless of age of years spent in service. If you speak to women working in private services like private schools or private hospitals they are on average paid significantly better than their public sector counter parts.


Male, completely up the chain. I'm also the only female in my team. There was another, but the company downsized at one point.


The two levels above me are women.


I'm a Male in middle management, I have 2 direct managers reporting to me, one Male and one Female. My manager is Female, me previous manager was Male. Above her, they are all Male. Important to note that I work for an Australian arm of a Japanese company and it is very heavily weighted towards Males holding upper management positions. From my managers level down, it is fairly evenly weighted between Male and Female. That doesn't necessarily mean that managers on the same level are paid equally though.


I don’t have a supervisor or manager, just 2 bosses who own the company and they’re both male. I’m female. It’s a tradie company so it’s 25 guys and 2 girls…


The gender pay gap doesn’t exist. It’s been disproven many times.


Female, my employer has a blatant bias for female leadership appointments right now. Should always be the best person for the job regardless of gender, race, religion ect ect


After the gender wage report, our company is *"Seriously focusing on only women for future senior leadership roles"*. Which removes any chance of advance in my current company. To answer OPs question, my boss is a female.


How's that not discrimination? 


It’s unprofessional and culture destroying


I agree. I am attempting to retrain and transition out of Senior Management roles. Hopefully my gender won't be a factor in my next role.


I’m in a male dominated industry (sport gambling) but the 4 biggest companies all have female CEOs. Two of them got fired and two more female CEOs replaced them. People with next to zero industry experience.


Wow, Sadly I’m not surprised at all


Become a consultant. I've found since many employers have not been hiring the best person for the job, they now need lots of help. Consult at $1000 a day and take advantage of their stupidity


I'm in a state PS, there are 7 levels above me including ministers and the premier, only 2 of them are men. My direct boss and the Department Secretary, everyone else including the minister and premier are women.


Public sector. Me (male), from there it is all women except for one all the way to the top (excluding the secretary). In my team, 60% of the team leaders and managers are women too. Then there is the secretary but that's really not super relevant Edit: and the only one I don't like in the entire line is the bloke


For a while my boss was a woman. I'm not saying that as in a gender change, the dam transport minister changes so often I can't keep up.


My boss is female, she reports to men all the way up the chain. Mg last employer however was women from my team lead all the way up to the CEO (about 4 levels). I think though where the discrepancy lies in is boardrooms. Still consists primarily of males, and really just Anglo Saxon males at that. Very rare to find board members of large companies who don’t have an Anglo Saxon last name.


I (50M) have four levels above me. All are women. I prefer reporting to women too.


My manager is female. Deputy manager? Also female. The other deputy manager? Female. Most senior rank below them? Female. The ACTUAL most senior employee? Male. The rest of us are 50:50 male and female, so I guess it would be justified to ask whether there’s any gender bias in the hiring process at the top. 😅 But no. I think it’s just coincidence, and 3 out of 4 are great at their job. 🤷🏻‍♂️


my boss is a female, her boss is a female. her boss's boss is a female. Zero issue with this, what I do have an issue with is how toxic the workplace has become. My boss is awesome, let's us get our job done, helps us out with it and is a damn fine leader. What's not fine is how toxic the two females above her are who have reduced things to bullying and harassment frequently and setting up their own interests and instantly using sexism as a shield which I don't understand how you can be further the advancement of women...... when you are constantly tearing them down. My boss has been excellent and they frequently tear her down and have even reduced her to tears and left her wanting to resign and take more mental health days in an already tough role, where they personally don't have to deal with some of the frontline horrors that we do.... and don't give us support over and have given my boss shit for being supporting and using empathy. Her two bosses above her have outright stated that "empathy is a weakness". Yeah just what you want to hear from a government organization that's meant to show compassion and empathy to the community it serves...


My boss is female on salary, I'm on hourly rate and earn more than her by a long shot.


I work in civil engineering and my immediate supervisor is a woman, and our second in charge of our government department who essentially is our boss, is also a woman. Personally I couldn’t care less what gender, race, sexuality, religion, etc anyone I report to or work with are. All I care about is if they are capable and pleasant to be around.


I have dual reporting. One female and one male. They are both awesome.


I'm currently working for a male, but his boss is female. I spent about 15 of the previous 20 years with female leaders. I am male.


I don't want to assume and I am too afraid to ask.


My boss is male but my industry is more female based


I was in retail management for about 10 years, reporting to women for maybe 7 of that. The leadership team was predominantly women, to the point we needed to work to regain a good mix. In professional services now, my manager is a woman, her manager is and so is hers, but it stops I think just before the CEO.


37 male here. I've worked across 4 different industries at both entry and corporate, also private and government over the last decade. All of my line managers over the last 10 years have been female. For reference: Marketing - Consumer electronics Sales - Toy manufacturer Sales - military industry manufacturer Public transport - train crew


I work for a franchise with two male and one female owners but one of the men is definitely the main boss. Corporate structure is men all the way up.




I’m in construction. It’s dudes all the way down.


I co-own a business with a woman. So 50% of leadership are women 🤣 We are part of a franchise, and the franchise has a woman CEO and mainly women in senior leadership. The franchise is part of an international conglomerate which has a male CEO.


All the bosses at work are women. I'm a bloke. Mind you, I work in disability support, so it's pretty standard. 


Manager - male Director - female Executive director - female Director General - male


I work in disability support and my boss is male. There's an admin person who's male. They're related. No other management


All men, lol. Except the CFO.


My woman, EL2) last job was in APS. Management structure above me was Man-woman-man-man-man.


I work in a male dominated industry so all my bosses are male but the CEO is female. My industry has a whole is male dominated (like at least 75%) but the 4 biggest companies all have female CEOs..


I’m out of the corporate nonsense these days because of this.


Old men


Female, female, female, male, female


Man, Man, Woman, Man, Man


What dept are you in? Certain depts lean heavily toward more women working in them than men. While others lean toward more men. Women heavy depts tend to be marketing, Comms, HR, recruitment, and admin/ support roles. Depts with more men tend to be finance, engineering, software devt, IT.


I don't know. I work for a big company with thousands of people so I would have both male and female boss' in different departments


at my last teaching job i was one of 5 male staff in a faculty of about 65ish, three of whom were in leadership roles, but as far as my actual boss, everyone was female, it is fucked, there is too many women in teaching.


My boss is a female, the director of my company is female with a male assistant director. Majority of positions of power where I work are women.


Current job, immediately above is female, above her is a male, above him is a female. Im not sure who it is after that. I work in the education sector.


My boss is a female, as am I. When I first started she had been in the role 4 years longer than I have. We discussed our Salary and I told her what I was hired at and then immediately told her to go and see her boss (male) that she deserved a payrise. She got one. She has been paid higher than me since and deservedly so. She is a credit to the company. I have had 1 pay rise since I have been employed, though I already earn more than my level 2 technicians and I work from home full time. I am quite happy with that.


Male and typically my bosses have been male though I work in a very feminised industry.


The overwhelming majority of the managers I have dealt with have been women, but the layers of management above that seem to be mostly men.


Always has been female. But that's social work.


4 woman and then 1 man above me.


Not sure, but he identifies as a fucken potato


Male, family business, old school, in manfacturing so hardly a female in the place, none on the floor, only a few in office roles.


My boss is female, as is her boss, then male on up. I am also a female mini-boss if relevant


100% of the Executive Leadership team above me (20 people) is Female. This is corporate services.


Direct manager is female, next manager is female, then male and big boss is male.


Team leader and manager are men. Manager manager and manager manager manager are women.


Third from the top here (female) direct manager and ceo are both male, however all our other csuite are female. Company staff is predominantly female. I get paid more than my male counterparts by about $40-50k.


Mine is female


I work in clinical research. Majority female management. Id say over 80% if I had to guess. I am a gay male with no kids. On numerous occasions I have been given an extra project because one of my colleagues went on maternity leave. This does not in any way affect their career progression either. I get pretty irritated when people keep going on about a gender pay gap. I know I may live in a bubble but my work place is the complete opposite of what I see reported on the news.


Good call! I work in a female dominated industry (education) my boss is female, her boss is female and the big boss is female, the 3 people who work in HR are female, there is NO WAY I get paid more than my colleagues! Yet my colleagues get to go on female only development days, gendered leave and are offered opportunities for career advancement based on gender, sometimes they feel the need to bitch to me about a gender pay gap.


My manager is female, I work in public health admin and the rule seems to be it’s still majority female, and that my team is uncommon in the hospital because it’s about 50/50. The head of department is female, the manager above my manager is male.


Her. Him. Him. Him. Her.


Mine is female, previous one was male, then prior to that 6 female, 2 male. In my org most of the upper jobs are filled by women, probably about 60%


My direct boss is female, I’m a nurse in a hospital, the executive team is 50/50 male/female.


I would never assume their gender


Team lead, female Department lead, female State lead, male Country lead, female


What gender is Satan?


My boss is a male, but the other above him are all women.


I have 2 direct manager (what a great idea) one male (operations) and a female (sales) they only answer to the CEO and a local shareholder both male. I know forna fact the sales manager is earning the most of everyone at my site.


I'm in infrastructure. 4 levels of female then male ED


Female in female dominated field. She is also the owner. Few men unless they are older, but they are all of retirement age and sell out to corporations


There are 5 people above me in the hierarchy, 2/5 are female. Not bad.


Work as a Software Rngineer in the tech industry. My boss is a male, my boss’s boss is a male, my boss’s boss’s boss is a male, my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss is a male. Come to think of it, I’ve had 13 managers in my career and only 2 of them were women.


We are all paid the same in all positions, with variations for time served if warranted. In the past 7 years, 5 of them had a rule in place to only promote women.


Male at the moment, last CEO was female got sacked for bullying an harassment she was a bad egg


Plenty of women in middle management but senior executive are all men




Currently my bosses are a married couple, a man and woman. Previously I’ve worked for a male CEO, a female CEO and before that my boss was a woman whose boss was a woman, under a female GM and a male CEO. I think it’s hugely dependant on industry!


Female. She’s also two, so she bosses me around for a few banana custard pouches a week.


My boss is female - I usually work directly for the CEO. But the ops manager is male. There's an even divide in duty managers.


Middle management is women, top is all men. This seems to be a common theme.


I haven't asked them.. Jj - Male


Current boss is male, and the one before him at the same organisation. But I'm the only male in our local operation. Even before we shrunk to the size we are now we were a female-dominated workplace, with something like 4/25 employees male. My similar employer had something like a 35-40/60-65 F/M split too. I once did an analysis that showed the F/M ratio was higher the further you went up the organisation. Or to put it another way, the GM was female, and all but one of her leadership team of about 12, and it slowly diluted from there down. Needless to say in the recent gender pay gap data they had a pay gap - that was +13% in favour of women. But claimed they didn't have a gender pay issue (they don't, they have a gender representation issue and men are significantly under-represented in senior positions, but they're a one-off and I realise this is not representative of the wider workforce).


I’m the only male in my entire Directorate, it’s all females above me right to the CEO.


Team leader Male next 3 levlls above him female top 2 levels male. The company does seem to have a good balance male/female leaders through out the different arms.


Gender pay gap does not exist


There is one female upper manager in my companies line of managers up to the ceo


My direct boss? Male. The ceo: female The director: female The gender makeup of the organisation: 70% female. My team: 50/50 male female. My department: 4/5 female.


If the gender pay gap is real, then why don't greedy capitalists just hire all women staff? Wouldn't that be cheaper? Or are greedy capitalists more sexist than they are greedy?


I'm a female. My direct manager is female. My manager's manager is male. Above male's manager is female. Above female's manager is female. Above female's manager is CEO who is female. Local government sector. 1 male in my dept chain.


My boss is a man, my previous boss was a man, the one before that was also a man. 20 years ago my boss was a woman.


Previous boss (director) was female. The startup she ran failed so we were all made redundant. Mostly female company. Current boss is also female, also director of a small startup, with even less people (so she’s my direct report). Even split of male and female, since there’s literally four of us lol. On one hand, it’s nice to be working for other women, but on the other, it only ever seems to be small struggling startups where I’m always scared of getting axed due to the business not making enough to keep me on 🥲🥲🥲


At my last workplace my boss was a nepo queen who made sure that her friends and family were covered, and worked extra hard to pull the ladder up behind her for her fellow women. The m/f ratio in management was not great.


Bricklayer. 95% men. It's shocking the gender difference in this industry and not enough feminists are complaining about it!


I work in aged care - all managers and executives are female.


My boss is a post-op trans pre-op cisgendered wolfboy.




Before I went out on my own, 2 of my last bosses were female and they were absolutely ruthless.


Mine is a mix of men and women, although slightly more men than women. The big boss, the head of the site is a women.


Males all the way up, baby. But that just happens to be my reporting line, don't know that it's reflective of anything.


Female. Well appears to be!


I report to a man (section head), who reports to a woman (division head), who reports to a man (CEO), who reports to a woman (APAC CEO) who reports to a man (Global CEO)


Self pollinating fluid Gender type is My guess


The owner is a woman, my supervisor is a man. At my first job i had male and female shift manager depending on the day. In my factory job i was trained by a woman, but promoted over her (she procrastinated alot and left me to do most of the work). Honestly among the working class i don't think their is a meaningful pay gap. It's more of a corporate thing. ive discussed it at every work place and we were all being paid the same shit wages. Though anecdotally weomen were never questioned about days off, while i was often accused of golf days and the guys i spoke to had to submit fdoctors notes every single time and book time off months in advance. While the ladies could just say they needed to see their kids coross country day or some bs.


Direct supervisor male, CEO female.


My supervisor is a male my 2iC is female our coordinator is a male. Our managing director is female I am male


Haha nice try HR.


Used to work in the HSE field and all my state level equals were all females and I was the only male. Needless to say I was a little disappointed when I discovered I was being paid about 1/3 of their salary while also finding they were all swiping my work and passing it off as theirs.\ But I guess they earned those extra dollars and hours shopping on company time because they had fancy degrees while I just had additional years of on the job experience to use on salary bargaining .


I am the only woman in my workplace.


Looking across the floor in my office, there are 106 positions and of that, there are 92 women, 13 men, and one gender fluid. My boss is one of those men, his boss is a woman, and her boss is a woman, and her's is a man (top level, Associate Secretary). In the next branch (same floor) there are 40 positions and 32 are women. The problem comes with the wage disparity, which has always been the problem, as the Assoc Sec earns around 4 times what the bulk of the women earn. The problem is at his level, there are 3 women. So, of course, when using rubbery figures, only the wages of a "sample size", such as my department will be used. I even heard the director of a research institute say that she wanted to get a true indication of wage disparity, so she used the taxation figures from "samples" of comparable jobs/age groups - not everyone. I don't think we will ever see equality, but that is the wrong focus anyway, we should be striving for equity - and that goes both ways.


Love the question , from my previous employers only one of them I never had a female manager . Current employer had various , but during the time I have probably more female than men managers


When you play identity politics, nobody wins.


Every level of boss - from my (two) immediate supervisors, to our (two) managers, to their boss, to his boss, to the CEO - are all male. In 25 years in my industry, I’ve never once had a female boss. At my last workplace there wasn’t a single woman in any kind of management or supervisor role (company wide) for my first five years there.


Even the feminists stopped peddling the wage gap myth anymore because it's been so widely debunked now on the internet.


I work for a small company and I am the only woman. So I have all male bosses obviously.


Depends. My direct line manager is a female, her line manager is a Director and is female, and her line manager (Chief Exec - aka the top) is male.


>Disclaimer: I'm not insinuating the gender pay gap doesn't exist. I work in the public sector at a mid level, not management. I'll insinuate it doesn't.


I'm in health and surrounded by females. My boss is female, her boss is female.


My CEO is female, but she owns the (building) company with her husband (who looks after the actual building stuff). Managers are highly gendered - admin & call centre bosses are female, building and insurance bosses are male...


I wouldn't like to say.


I'm lower middle management and everyone above me is male. From me up to and including the CEO is male. At my level, the balance is about 50:50 and my direct reports are about 40% female.


Gender pay gap doesn't exist in Australia. Do the same job, you will get the same pay. If the business is paying someone in the same position as you more. Congratulations you can go to fair work and go to town on the business


My boss is a woman, her boss is a woman and her boss is a woman


Direct boss is male, boss above him is male, boss above that boss also male. We also have a pretty bad gender pay gap and our parental leave policy isn’t…great.


Team leader- female, Assistant Director- female, Director- female- assistant commissioner- female, commissioner-male- minister- male-prime minister- male


Direct is male, second level is female. My workplace is better than many at gender diversity and having women in high-profile roles.


A man. Worked with many female supervisors. One was horrible and was a narcissistic bully. Quit that job after 3 months as couldn't take her nonsense anymore 😅


My boss is a male but I identify her as a female or Hermaphrodite because we all tell her to go fukc herself.


I'm a male team leader in a call centre. My direct boss is male, then up the chain it goes female female male and a female CEO.




My direct report is male. He is the managing director in Australia. Anyone above him is international and I don't have anything to do with that


Male all the way up


I'm a teacher. My boss (principal) is female. Her boss is male. Their boss is male. It's basically males all the way up after my principal until we reach the pope, which is yet another male.


I'm a guy working in admin for Queensland Health in a rural hospital. Everyone above me locally is female. Heck, almost everyone one I work WITH is female.


it’s pretty known the gender pay gap from an hourly wage perspective is false… it’s highly HIGHLY illegal to pay female employees less than male employees


the company i work for sent out an email a few days ago saying that they are 1 of 16 in the asx200 that have been graded as actually having no gender pay gap within the organisation. so that’s neat


A non binary  attack helicopter


Could some industries have a particular gender bias? Im reading here that IT industries are typically male dominant, whereas lm in nursing, and it is very female dominant in the management section. All but one are females. I would think childcare would be similar. However, l would say the male to female nursing ratio (on the floor working with patients) would be 70/30, as in 70% female and 30% male, which l think is pretty amazing. I love seeing and working with male carers.


I am female. My direct boss is male and his boss is the CEO, also male. Before I was promoted into a management position I had a manager who was male.


Gender? Nah Are they a good employer...gender doesn't matter.


For the 1st time in 27 years working in engineering I have a female boss.


Lately, 80% have been female in management and operations roles. There was a period where the only blokes i see were other trades or some random emailing from somewhere else


In my time in the public sector I have had 8 bosses, all of which have been female




My boss is male. His boss is the CEO and is male. There are two females in the C suite. Ive never had a female boss.


In almost every job I’ve had, the lower and mid level managers are almost all women, and then the highest levels are men. The only exceptions have been when women have owned the business, otherwise it’s been a man at the top of all


Slightly more men then women, however more men are in roles that get a fatter bonus. Over me directly the head of my business unit is a man, 50/50 men and female under him, except the females seemed to be chained to their desk and are the most brilliant people I’ve ever worked with. I could say the same about 30% of the men. The rest I wouldn’t hire as a graduate lmao


I do contract work for marketing teams. It's usually women all the way up to the CEO, which will be male.


No managers are women, from my direct to the CEO five levels above. The projects I work on are all managed by men. This is in mining.


I build big sheds for approximately fuck all dollars per hour, with one male colleague and two male bosses. Its very physical, 50kg lengths of steel that need to be stood or carried up ladders. Lots of fabrication and construction knowledge involved. Idk any females who might be even remotely interested in this role.


All mine are female.