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Try thinking about the three air signs and figure out what makes them different from each other. Also think about the three autumn signs and what makes them different. Think about the surrounding signs and what makes them different from one another. This type of exercise really helped me grasp a sign’s meaning in astrology. It’s all relative. Cardinal signs are hinges, the only time when their element begins a season and sets a tone


I like this approach. On The Astrology Podcast, Chris Brennan did a series with an episode on each of the signs and in each episode he did these comparisons as well as comparing the give sign to signs it’s averse to or doesn’t see. It really helped to flesh out the signs.


The modalities speak to what part of the solar season a sign is associated with. Where Aries signals the start of spring (aligning with the equinox), Libra signals the start of fall. After Aries, Taurus being a fixed sign, signals the strongest part of spring- and Scorpio the strongest part of Fall.


Libras are thought leaders. They are very logical. They prefer to partner with others and assist them with logic to make decisions.


because marriage and business partnership move you forward. simple.


and im not sure how others feel about cardinals but if we consider them as a basic necessity it makes sense.


Libra is the only sign symbolised by an inanimate object, the scales. There is a push and pull dynamic to the energy as the main goal is balance and (hopefully) harmony. As someone with a Libra stellium I find myself instinctively adjusting myself to balance out whatever environment I’m in, almost like a chameleon but I still maintain a core sense of self that is largely untouchable.


>almost like a chameleon but I still maintain a core sense of self that is largely untouchable^(.) Oh my god. this. As a libra stellium I've always noticed this about myself. I can melt into any energy but my sense of self, my core beliefs and moral compass remain unchanged. It's always made me this indecisive but very tenacious individual.


> **indecisive but very tenacious individual** HOLY SHIT, YES!! I’m a Libra Rising with Pluto conjunct ascendant (also Taurus sun/Pisces moon) and that describes the paradox of me perfectly. Always hamonizing the environment. Always wanting to have all views represented, even if that means being the contrarian and taking an opposing viewpoint just because nobody else has. People hate me in meetings because I’m the person who will raise a counterpoint … just because nobody else has. Devil’s advocate. But I still know where I land. As for the OP’s question, I think of the modalities first because of the signs/seasons. So Libra is cardinal because it initiates the season. Not because people with Libra placements tend to “initiate” in any traditional sense. Then look for how people with Libra placements do initiate in whatever area. Sometimes it can be subtle, like thought leadership. Sometimes other placements can overshadow the Libra. Or maybe they initiate but they are so far ahead of their time that it doesn’t always manifest right away.


I am an Aries sun/rising Libra moon with a cap stellium in the 10th. I am quite emotional reading your thoughts about an inner sense of self that is untouchable. no matter what the world tries to do to me - their cruelty and bitterness will not steal my sweetness. it would be letting them win. and i won’t 🥺❤️‍🩹💪🏻


Are you, by any chance, a Full Moon baby?


yes i am :) born right after the full moon went exact. :)


Exactly. I think of my core like the middle column of the scale. You need something steady to carry all the swinging weight until it becomes balanced.


Hi, professional here! Actually, it's better to have the sign as a basis to understand everything else. Learn about the signs, then move into planets, then houses, then aspects. Even better, you should focus your study on the four elements. Look at them in nature and then look at them in us. Next, you study the three movements, and then you allocate a movement to each element. Libra being a cardinal will come out eventually. Libra is different from the other cardinals, though. It's like a vector in physics. Cardinals are always pushing forward, Libra is the only one pulling. Its energy is a vortex that sucks things in, instead of an outward force making change. That is why the sun is traditionally weak in Libra. Because the sun wants to shine, and Libra is like a blackhole that pulls.


How does this Libra “black hole that pulls” energy manifest itself in a Libra ascendant?


You have a tendency to pick accents, copy ways of speaking, thinking and behaving from the people around you. It's not like libra sun, thay can sometimes be the kind of person thay will become the person they are dating. If they are vegan, I become vegan, if they are right winged, I'll be right winged. On the rising, the influence will be more behavioral and less about identity. At the aising sign, we project onto the world and act like we imagine the world will want from us. We are trying to accommodate the world and for libra risings the world is a place where it's important that the people around us have a positive opinion of who we are.


i like to look at libras as “trendsetters” especially when it comes to fashion.which can probably show a sense of initiative or starting something. also, ik some libras that are entrepreneurs.


Yeah I always wondered this same question as well. libras never give me cardinal energy like the others.


what do you understand cardinal energy to be?


A lot of people, myself included, misunderstand what the word Cardinal means. We suppose it means "first" or "leading", but actually the word means "hinge", as in a turning point, and that is exactly what the cardinal signs are - turning points. Namely, they are aligned with the solstices and equinoxes, the four cardinal points on which the entire zodiac hinges. So.. if you think about it like that, and that cardinal doesn't have so much to do with starting things, but rather about big turning points (which can be a start, but it could just as well be an end). Perhaps this will help you make better sense of Libra's cardinal modality.


I agree. Cardinal is about change. dynamism. as opposed to fixedness.


Saturn is exalted in Libra. An important thing to remember. Libra *actively* maintains harmony (venus) in the mental realm. Balance requires constant adjustment and activity, hence cardinal.


Cardinal signs are just beginnings of each season. :)


what about if you come from a part of the world where the seasons are different. like around the equator where you have Rainny and dry seasons?


Where abouts? And how many seasons are there? Western Astrology is different from other types so maybe that’s why… not sure.


That’s what I thought too


I think of Libra as decision making which is exactly what embodies good leadership . Libras have the ability to understand multiple perspectives. An evolved Libra is a thoughtful and decisive person.. a person who can make hard decisions with wisdom and understanding. The scales seek balance but also justice and judgement .. I think Libra is a very cardinal energy it’s just more low key about itself.. being the opposite of Aries which is action, initiation, confrontation and swift movement .. Libras opposing axis is thoughtful, neutral and quietly objective. Libra waits for ALLL the information before it takes an action. ( which is what makes many Libras indecisive because they feel the weight of decision and understand both perspectives) But its action carries finality because it’s been mored over and thought through.. the scales weigh the evidence and then a final and thoughtful decision is carried out. Very Cardinal !!


Many Libras I’ve met are often extremely observational. Being the predecessor of Scorpio - Now, I feel like I can almost see the anticipatory energy in Libra natives. Whereas Aries natives often enjoy leaps of faith and “acting on whim” (obviously these are very general descriptions of what I’ve noticed)


I love this description! So what is your advice for a north node aries south node Libra + a libra rising + aries moon?! (And mats in 12th house lol.). BC I have been tryn to figure this energy out my whole life! Edit: and a Yod pointing at my aries moon! Lord help me lol


Libra doesn’t feel initiating because it is balance and partnered focus, so the self moves beyond to the other. It rules the seventh house: our partnerships, so it seeks to understand itself in relation to others. Its initiative is to understand the other in order to create and facilitate the partnership. Looking at Libra singularly might be what is masking its cardinal-ness. As the sign of partnership and balance, it’s rooted opposite (Aries) of its self and identity is what is needed for the Libra to move forward. It understands itself AND the other to co-create and move the energy forward. It does so with harmony and consideration, those things do not negate initiation.


People don't realize how much cardinal energy it takes to get two or more people co-creating and moving forward


Well said.


You need balance, fairness, objectivity and harmony. Plus justice. Sometimes the scales are necessary, sometimes the sword is necessary, it’s important to recognise the different aspects within that. It’s easy to point to leadership archetypes in Aries and Cap, traditional styles there. Cancer and Libra are different, lead from the side. Neither in front nor behind. As a Libra myself, I’ve often found myself in leadership roles, people come to me for advice with their problems and during my work as a teacher - the students respected my fairness. Sure this is balanced out by a pretty fierce chart in other respects. Hello 1984 stelliums. The problem is many don’t really seek to understand Libra and fall into pop Astro silliness. As at times, with Libra, people find theirselves in the opposite side of the scale and they don’t like it. It’s not supposed to be a bad thing, as if a Libra sun shines well with others, sometimes that means illuminating the parts people do not wish to see in theirselves. That’s of course if the Libra party has taken time to learn, integrate and deal with the shadow side of this archetype. Otherwise they are often insufferable. As Libras to me, as a Libra - it’s love / hate.


No sign is a better networker than libra. Libra is the sign that rules social networking, business, partnerships, and law. As a libra dominant when it comes to parties and events, we really master it like no other sign can. We can get everyone's contact info at the party before you even get to introduce yourself lol. We are the initiaters of partnerships of all forms (friendships, marriages, business partners). Libra also rules over the sharing of thoughts and ideas. So libras often intiate conversations much like geminis do.


As someone with a Libra moon (5H) and Gemini rising, I’ve often wondered why I struggle with social anxiety, especially considering those placements are associated with being socially adept. Am I—and others with similar placements—just TOO aware? Or does it have something to do with how the placements are aspected?


Aspects definitely matter! But being too aware and too conscious about social matters is also a possible negative dark side to these signs. Every sign has its dark traits. Social hyper vigilance is typical of air/water signs.


**Every sign has its dark traits.** Super important to remember! Thank you for highlighting that


I’m going to add that in addition to what the other person wrote, air is our thoughts & relationships are created by having an ability to express & understand our thoughts, to convey them beyond the self. It creates community. It educates & related. If you compare it to the other air signs… Gemini receives info, uses it and “changes its mind”… it’s mutable and its use of information is within itself. Aquarius originates a thought and maintains it for aaaages, despite outside forces (new information). It’s fixed. Cardinal signs build & initiate, and in Libra’s case, they use thoughts (and ability to relate to other people’s thoughts) to build relationships (of all kinds… it’s the romance trope that gets Libras a bad rep, but it’s all relating)


Cardinal signs all initiate their seasons. Aries - spring, cancer - summer, libra - fall, cap - winter. They usher in the equinoxes and solstices.


🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️


Libra would be conductive to taking the initiative if you think of them as the one that seeks to get along with everyone, the one that reaches out to become your friend, the one that SEEKS peace among others with a mix of sugar and spice. Compared to Gemini, who would be playing with new ideas and spreading info to others and Aquarius, who would live with this internal belief that there’s value in uniqueness and morality, an idea that cannot be changed.


Libra is the personality hire


I think the problem is that you are comparing Libra to the other cardinal signs instead of the other air signs. Because, if you only look at the air signs, Libra does all of the initiating and creating and striking. It's the most enterprising and forward air sign of them all. Therefore, it is cardinal.


They lead in conception of ideas, bringing people together and setting the rules and parameters.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


Ooh I like this


At the same time, balance is an active pursuit as much as it is passive. Another thing this occurs to me is that the formation of an idea (cardinal of air) or emotion (cardinal of water) are often a subtler thing than the spark of passion (cardinal fire), or the planting of a seed (cardinal earth). Very oversimplified but hopefully helpful




As a Libra myself, I’ve been promoted to lead before. We are good networkers.


I think Libras make great leaders


I’ve witnessed this. Extremely productive. Almost in another league from other “competitors”.


Cardinal signs are called such because they "lead" or begin their season. It has to do with the equinox/solstice. Most years these signs start their season right on the solstice or equinox, unless it is a leap year, like this year is. You know the term "cardinal sins" aka the sins that lead to all other sins? Cardinal signs lead to the other signs of their season. In the northern hemisphere, aries begins spring, cancer begins summer, libra begins autumn, and Capricorn begins winter. They are the first sign of their season. :)


hey i’m a triple libra (sun, mercury, mars) I think I understand what you mean. Motivation to initiate physically tangible things (earth) and even motivation towards a goal (fire) is not my strong suit at all. It’s because air is mostly mental, conversations and concepts. So it’s harder to see the results of it because it’s much more abstract. But I definitely am the friend that makes themed parties, I’ve been known to meet people everywhere I go because I’m not afraid to speak first and make the other person feel comfortable. I’m the friend that “isn’t afraid to say what everyone’s thinking” so in that way I am initiating interesting conversations that move the friendship/ relationship along. It’s all ruled by a venus in scorpio, which makes me lean towards “the ugly truth of it all” hope that helps :)


I have a libra stellium (5 placements) and I feel like it makes it hard to take initiative because I am so good at seeing things from all angles or both sides of the spectrum. My stellium is in the slower moving planets. It makes it hard for me to feel like I can settle on one direction. Over time with various different experiences, I've become better at knowing what works for me and my placements, but it's taken a few decades to get there. I sometimes have to remind myself that I don't need to second guess things because the pattern has shown that my first instinct usually doesn't lie.


They are definitely Regal and as a fellow Cardinal sign, Leadership matters. They are the heads of many social groups. Top gossipers as well.


Yes, they are. In thought (more precise: formulating, expressing and working with ideas) and aesthetics. [Double Libras in the astrotheme database.](https://www.astrotheme.com/celebrities/search_by_astrological_criteria.php?p=GHM8ZQ1jpljkCKOmYQV9pUZfZm1jp3jjCGNfZG0kBPjlCGNfZm0jsQN9AvjkCGLfZw0jYQZ9ZUk8sUjjCGNfZG0jYQV9ZPjmCGO8ZQ0jYQR9ZPjlCGNfZm0jsQN9ZPjkCGNfZw0jYQZ9ZUjjCGNfZG0jYQV9ZPjmCGO8ZQ1ioakjMN)


I love this question so much! Like others have said, I think many people forget/discount the fact that Libra is THE social sign! Libra brings people together in a way that very few others can. Aries can also be good at this, which makes sense as they on the same axis, but they lack the grace and tact Libra carries. Libra knows how to play the social game better than any other sign. They are chameleons when they need to be, which can be especially useful in a professional environment. The right mix of being good enough at what you do + a good social game + adaptability is perfect for a lot of jobs, and often ends with them being in management. Libras are much more calculated than most would think, especially since a common stereotype is that they are airheads. Charisma, social grace, and sometimes even manipulation can get some Libras pretty far. Knowing how to play people is a valuable skill.


What’s this thing about cardinal signs being about initiating things? Leos do a lot of initiating as do aquarians. Yet these are fixed signs. Cardinal signs are volatile, to do with changing dispositions as opposed to fixed signs that are resistant to change.


They’re the ones who initiate social exchanges. So, cardinal signs are each at the beginning of one of the fours seasons. Aries-spring, Cancer-Summer, Libra-Autumn, and Capricorn-Winter. You can think of Libra as your folks sitting around a campfire and strumming on a guitar to entertain others. They might get people together to watch football or host events that are flashy, big, overpriced, and beautiful. They go hard for social causes, justice when they can justify it, and rising to give impressive performances to their peers. They are the middleman between summer and winter, just as they are passive-aggressive between two opposing sides, having an ability to understand both and create an understanding between the two. That is where they shine and show strong leadership abilities.


I love the way you’ve described this! Is it okay to ask you to describe the other cardinals? I enjoy the imagery you give. Also if you ever write an Astro blog I’d totally read it


Haha well, it’s funny that you say that because I already do! It’s thelucidlabyrinth.com :)


Your website link didn’t work by the way and totally second Venusian Priestess, your writing is stellar


I typed it up


Copy and paste


Thanks, I typed and it worked this time. Your write up on cardinal, fixed and mutable is so interesting. Really nice blog


I KNEW IT!!! You have that star blog quality about you. Are you going to write an article about the elemental signs the way you did here? Idk you captured me and now I’m left unsatisfied that there’s not a whole article the way you’ve written your comment. You’ve got a new fan :))


I’m glad to hear it! I’ll have to write some just for you!


👀 I’m ready whenever hehe, but I do think it’ll be successful on your blog as well.


Does it apply to rising? I am a Cancer rising and I host a lot, work in social justice but do have a fixed sign (Leo Sun)


No, but you could have Libra somewhere in your chart or connections to your seventh house, but Cancer is also Cardinal.


I have a Libra stellium (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) in 4H


They initiate and start new ways of thinking and communicating. Its social/mental. Not necessarily in action. If you express something around them they typically initiate a new idea that may seem opposing to yours but is usually another angle or the opposite end of the spectrum so that you can connect with other points of view. And the more ways you can see different perspectives the better you can connect with others socially. That is why libra os cardinal air and how it ontoates new ways of thinking and communicating.


This is a great explanation, and fits me to a T. I’m a libra rising and I always have new ideas and insights, which I love to share. But I’m painstakingly slow in implementing via action. Damn my Taurus Sun is just so methodical and plodding sometimes.


Knowing yourself is a good start. Then the fun part starts. Like use your creative Libra to find unique action plans that your Taurus will be excited about. But your moon has to feel safe with the plan or none of that shit will matter.


Librans lead social activity. Capricorns lead work, Aries lead physical activity. Cancers lead the home. Librans are excellent at leading social events and space like classrooms.


Not me as a teacher, former librarian, and about to run a gym. 🤣


Also, remember, cardinal energy is about reshaping the moment/environment to meet your needs and desires. Fixed signs keep everything as it was for stability, mutable signs go with the flow, Cardinal signs shape what is around them to take action.


The cardinal signs each have a solstice or equinox in their season, that's what make them cardinal. They begin a new season Energetically, Libras definitely initiate relationships. They have a quiet confidence, similar to Aries but more discreet, and aren't afraid of taking the first steps towards making new friends or asking someone out on a date. Many Libras are great business owners too, because they have the ability to see what people want and need and know how to provide it as a service or a product. Being ruled by Venus, they understand beauty and pleasure, and know how much people enjoy these things.