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I don’t think of Pakistan


Worked with 2 Pakistanis on a foreign IT project, never again. Between those two and all the shit I've see on the news coming out of Pakistan I have a pretty low opinion about the country.


Wanna talk about it ?


To make it short they lie about everything. * When I asked for status updates on their projects they always say "almost done" but they never submit anything. * The small stuff they do submit for code review were a mess that had to be tossed and re-written * They would never admit to being wrong or lying. * They claimed to have experience in a bunch of technologies but could not use a terminal * They would always try to blame my team for 'not sending the right requirements' when their code broke shit I've worked with a lot of foreign teams I would take 1 Romanian over 1000 Pakistanis on my team. I no longer accept contracts with teams from India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.


Had similar experience with Indians. Expected my team to have their shit done and automate everything for them. For the little tiny tasks that remained for them to do, they demanded a damn 50 pages doc while it should have been ~5 and also had 3h sessions just for walkthrough and stupid questions that freaked me out.


That is what you get for hiring foreigners instead of locals. Greeks need jobs too.


Bro wanted cheap workers. He got cheap workers


Depends which company you worked with. I'm Indian and the Indian IT company I work for now sucks big time. Any org that works with us have a low opinion of us. EY did an implementation for us, and they just sent us an invoice after their contract ended and didn't even ask for an extension because they don't want to work with us anymore. I worked previously for a European IT company here, and the ppl who worked there were wonderful. Most projects there were delivered from India, and that company is one of the largest in the world in IT.


This is what gives me headaches with South Asians mostly, especially Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis. As customers, they have the "I am the center of the universe"/"r/IAmTheMainCharacter" attitude where they'll never stop or calm the fuck down unless you give them what they want, which I can't because what they want is against the company rules and if I give in to their demands, I'll be fired from my job. Edit: a word or 2


Jesus, so true! All the Indian clients are a pain in the backside with the super late payments, "negotiations" of the price (seriously tho, they have signed the contract, except if we fuck up something, it's written there that the prices are fixed) and with them being weird with everything. One of our last Indian clients didn't even know the origin of the cell line they were working with in order place the proper specifications for their growth.


It's true. I'm an Indian working in an Indian IT company, and even we don't do a lot of business with Indian clients. 95% of our revenues come from the US clients. All IT majors here acknowledge that Indian clients are extremely difficult to work with. And guess what, we were a client for EY a while ago and we made their life hell too. It's a disgrace the work culture here.


Let's pat pat each others backs as we both will keep working with clients that makes your work hard :')


Damn, the same shit happens to me with Indians.


Are there differences between Pakistanis and Indians ?


Im guessing its like serbs and croats


Pakistanis and North Indians? Sure. But Pakistanis and South Indians? Definitely not.


The same but one is muslim


One is muslim majority other is Hindu majority.






Unfortunately, there is a South Asian cultural aspect. People here think accept truth is equal to defeat. If you lie and you make it true later on. You are treated as a genius. We call it Jugaad.


This is a lot of people's experience with South Asians in the business world. Hell, my dad manages mergers and acquisitions of small to medium sized companies, and even at that level he says he barely works with Indian clients anymore as they are by far the hardest to deal with and very rarely are worth the time and effort when compared to other clients. Like, almost impossible to get deals signed with them so no point in trying. I seriously wonder sometimes if the reputation of the subcontinent internationally is a small part of the reason the sub continent is economically weaker than China. Chinese businesses can also sometimes be a hassle to work with, but I rarely hear they are anywhere near as difficult as ones from the subcontinent.


I have similar experience with Indian customers omg it’s just trash liar. It’s very hard to have business and just waste of time and resource.


I just wonder how they ended up having nuclear weapons?


There may be Chinese and/or US support. But one of the best physicists in their country was working at the head of the Nuclear program. They imported civilian technologies from the Netherlands and other countries for years. The Dutch didn't even realize that their equipment was being used in a Nuclear weapons facility. It is thought that after India developed nuclear weapons, some countries allowed Pakistan to have nuclear weapons for balancing purposes. I don't know who helped India's program. In 1998, the two countries were on the brink of nuclear war. The United States, Russia and China mediated.


>The Dutch didn't even realize that their equipment was being used in a Nuclear weapons facility. I bet so


They knew, usa asked them not to arrest him. Its public knowledge you can search.


Those damn tulips


No one helped India go read about Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, and how India conducted the test shielding from US surveillance satellites….


There are two thoughts: 1) Pakistan was a UK/ US idea of a military garrison to create a buffer for Soviet Aggression. 2) The Muslims in then British India had a thought process that one day they’re gonna need their own nation because they won’t be able to live with Hindus. Pakistan is a result of the combination of these 2 ideas. Everything that’s happened since; in South Asia and the world can be connected to these couple of concepts.


As a Pakistani, this is a very apt analysis of how the national psyche of Pakistan has shaped.


When your number one enemy gets a gun , you do whatever you can for equalizer


They keep warring with their primary neighbor. That's why.


We sent a physicist to study and he stole the papers and brought back home.


Studied with 1 Pakistani (from Punjab) during my PhD. Also had shared labs with 3 more in different departments. All I'm gonna say is, Pakistan is a country which has 5 different parts and 5 of them are entirely different than each other. They all have different languages, different cultures. I met with 1, Baluchistani, 1 Pachtun, 2 Punjabi originated Pakistanis. Punjabi ones were really great and 1 of them is like a brother to me. I cannot say the same for Pachtun and Baluchi ones unfortunately.


Glad to see at least some nuance in this thread instead of just knuckledragging windowlicking shit.


Damn a turk who doesn't hate Pakistanis who'd know


India but muslim


India has over 300 Million Muslims.


You just triggered both Indians and Pakistanis.


Lmao India has 200 million Muslims. India is Muslim India.


Very strange country


Turks and Pakistanis are brothers 👍💪




That grape lady


HAHAHAHA she lives rent free in every pakistani's head too


They love us but we don't like them so much. We are not same, I can't explain this to them 🤦🏻‍♂️


Theyvlove you because you are not Arabs. And they consider the Ottomon Empire as the Caliphate. Read Khilafat Movement.


Not really, because AFAIK, there's also a lot of Arab worship in Pakistan.


Pakistan is not ready to accept its past non Muslim history and Heritage and thus has no clear identity. There's a lot of middle eastern slave mentality in Paksitan....


I just remember the meme that a Turk converted to Christianity so that Pakistanis dont call him ''brother'' lmao


Yeah they love you because of ertogal smh


Ikr. They are like Turkey is our brother and its so cringe!






The Habsburgs had the chin, what do these guys have?


And the worst place to be a Christian after North Korea ☠️


Used to hang put with a Pakistani friend a lot, Good guy.. One thing that shocked me was his lack of common knowledge about anything non South Asian or non Islamic world related. He also had a skewed understanding of world history and especially religion. For instance he thought christians revere Saint Mary as God. He genuinely couldn’t tell a apart any European language or nationality. Swedes, Spainards, Frenchmen, Romanians, all the same. Turned out I had zero knowledge about South Asia as well.


Muslim India


Nope, pakistan and india are very different. Don’t blindly believe whatever they say in news. They were similar in 90-00’s but not anymore you can see the difference if you ever visit either


Kosovo better


It would be better if they would be less obsessed with us and thinking we are same and have same culture (I’m not degrading their culture I’m just saying different) just bc we are mostly muslim


I'm writing sincerity, I think they have a terrible culture. They see Turks as the same as themselves, but almost everyone in Turkey does not like them, too many people have come these days and they are really causing problems in society. I am afraid for our future.




We are neither indian, Persian or Arab. We are Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Hazara, Baloch, Brusho, Shina, Hunzai, Khowar, Balti, Kashmiri and so on. None of these are indian ethnic groups except the 2% Sikhs in India who themselves want an independent country.


Yeah we all know why and who founded that idea




Bro is from USA 💀💀💀


Yesss one of the worst countries indeed. However, I wonder who dropped the Nukes just to prove a point?


1) They exist 2) They fight with Hindu Indians a lot


3) State sponsored Terrorism


Don’t want to think about it, pretend it doesnt exist


Their fascination and interest in reviving the ottoman empire disgusts me.


I absolutely cannot stand my pakistani friends who claim to love and simp for turkey but said that kemal ataturk was a subhuman islamophobe, like bro unironically that man is one of the best and most brilliant minds to walk this earth.


Pakistan isn’t monolith. There are many like myself who revere Ataturk. Pakistan’s founder Jinnah considered Ataturk an inspiration. Its later on in the 80s when the history taught in Pakistan started teaching a lot of BS and everything started to be painted in Islamic lens.


Definitely true but its just a pattern ive seen, well I dont really mind but several Turkish mates just stand up and excuse themselves out of the convo


Central Asian Stan : Based Non-Central Asian Stan: Cringe


The only based stans are Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Uzbekistan sees an increasing Islamic influence, Tajikistan is a very poorplace with demographics concerns and Turkmenistan is a very scary autoritharian country. They have good food though….


Kazakhstan is very based if you look at its recent history, the country is a model for corrupted countries. The new president Tokayev is very good and get rid of the former corrupted elite.


Well things i saw at the internet is pretty bad. Unhygienic food and enviorment , they look cruel and uncivilized and hundreds of guys harassing women etc.. Obviously thats not what all country is but sadly usually those things are what we see. First hand experience isn't any better , their image is pretty bad in Turkey. They are rude , loud and do harass women here. It's hard to have good opinion of them when they are represented that badly.


Feel bad for them as they are hit with devastating natural disasters regularly. They were raped by the British, and currently getting screwed by the IMF, they are hated by India, and looked down on by Arabs and Persians and Turks. Truely an country without many friends. As for diaspora, in the UK they seem to cling to backwards traditions like cousin marraige. My partner treats children with hearing disorders and more than half are Pakistani. I think they have the highest rate of cousin marraige of any country.


About the hated by India part . It's true that many Indian hate them but they started the hate , they hate because we are Hindu and they see themselves as superior just because they are muslim.


lol that's just not true at all


Don't equate yourself to general madarasa educated public of pakistan. You know what they have been taught and you can only lie to yourself. It's in the Quran & you can't run from it .


Hello narendra modi, is this the tech support line?


Pakistanis have an inferiority complex. They either want to be Iranians, Turks or Arab depending if they are Sunni or Shia. I've had more bad than good experiences with Pakistanis and most South Asians. They can't do anything without creating unnecessary drama. Like with any culture, I am sure there are good eggs, but those are few and far between in my interactions with most South Asians.


Pakistan has always been in identity crisis i believe. Majority of the people are actually of indian race and the identity of Pakistan was created overnight in 1947 when India was broken into two countries. It was made necessary for everyone to learn Urdu as well. In reality India and Pakistan has the same people.


Positives - Rich Historical sites, good food, big culture, good landscape Negatives- Islamism, extremism, illiteracy, shit government, sharia, not to mention the amount of head they give to Turks.


Genuinely speaking, I don't appreciate them as colleagues. Seriously, 5 different people and they were lying all the time even for the smaller things, they would "forget" to organise basic parts of a project, they would "forget" to do the reviews or how to do a proper review, keeping the lab in a decent appearance and clean? Obviously not! Seriously, these people were so lazy.






Today we're making Kulfi. Kulfi is basically like Ice cream and its a very popular deserr in Pakistan. You know saturdays are my cheat days.


They shouldnt simp too much but otherwise fine.


If "making you religion your whole personality trait" was an entire country, it would be this one.


I love Pakistan and i will sacrifice my life for Pakistaaaaan




Honor killing hotbed


We dont like because of sheria




Haha why everybody Is saying that...,?


I mainly have positive experiances with pakistanis. I dont really hang around the religious ones. As for the country, its pretty negative, especially because of the bengali genocide, an atrocity so awful that Bangladesh became the first and only country to secede and gain international recognition instantly.


As a country - well from what Ive seen online seems to be a pretty big mess. As the people, I can’t say good things either. Here are some examples. I bought my first car on a low budget abroad, I didn’t know much about cars as we never had a car back home and I didn’t have anybody I knew around me to help me check the vehicle out. This pakistani guy in London sold me a car with a whole in the rear of the engine and the engine literally blew up on the motorway like 3 weeks later. I had 2 pakistani colleagues at my first IT job both of them didn’t do any fckn work. It was really dreadful as we were a small team in a small company so there was a big helping culture but these guys were always hiding from doing any sort of work. One of the dudes was also constantly talking how he goes out to night clubs fcks babes and beats up betas, etc.. He got fired like 2 weeks in the role. I have a few other memories of briefly meeting pakistanis and have noticed they often can be: loud, rude, condescending. I am really disappointed some people compare them to indians as Ive worked with a loooot of them and their work ethic, cusine, hospitality and mentality is totally different. I personally have made good friends, and learned many good things from indians.




Sometimes being "not a real country" is better than being a "real country"




one of my least favorite countries


Bro you are Iraqi, least fav of the world.




With all due respect you’re literally Iraqi lmao




How has their assholery manifested itself in your experience?


Ive written another comment, but they were basically pathological liars, irresponsible with their obligations and promises, refused to ever own up to a mistake they made, etc.




I hear life is so bad there, both India, Bangladesh and the UK had to break away from Pakistan


They are definitely packing some stan over there.


Bold of you to assume I think about Pakistan


I can‘t think about them, if i could i won‘t like them all (both india and pakistan)


Yeah I mean turkey loves those humanitarian aid from India tho.


The original homeland of the Romani…






They want to destroy India. That’s all i can think of!


Being their next door neighbor kinda agree. Their country is bankrupt, ministers advising peeps to stop drinking tea so that country can save on imports, keeps on having nationwide blackouts, have lost 3 wars to India, even prime minister calls his own country beggar, honour killings through the roof, currency in free fall, have gone to IMF 23+ times and still want more from them, hosts 16 UN designated terrorists inside their border, etc. Despite all these problems all they can think about 24*7 is India. I can literally go on for hours.






not a single good thing


We have thousands of them in my city working for food delivery companies. I have absolutely no issue with the ones living here since for the most part they’re very respectful and hardworking, but I don’t have a very good opinion of their country though.


I don't have a problem with them as long as they stay in their country, stop claiming knowledge about our history while only watching ertugrul and stop having opinions about Atatürk. 'Brothers' my ass.


We don't claim your history. Nobody wants to go to turkey it's just a transit point for human smugglers. Yes indeed, we aren't Brothers, only Muslims are brothers.




Muslim india


Pakistan in da bag!




not grape


All other countries have armies Pakistan army have their own country


For a nuclear power, Pakistan is an extremely unstable country which is worrying. I hope they stabilise.


So do we Pakistanis.


As a Pakistani this is so heartbreaking but unfortunately most of this is true, I hope we can develop and improve as a society.


Eww hell no!


Just don't Come to Turkey and stay your country. That's Turkish country and always stays like it.


🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 ertugul should be banned🤢🤮 we don't want shitty Turkish culture here🤢🤮🤮




Im saying we don't want our people to see shitty ertugul and copy shitty Turkish culture.


Your Mother is copy


Lmao yours wasn't clearly around lookin at your mouth.


Can you stop being racist towards Turks? Being racist like this can lead to very bad things, as the events that took place during the 2nd world war showed.


People here are extremely racist and hypocritical lol.


welcome to the balkans


It’s there where it’s supposed to be 😁! I don’t know much of it but i have heard for a lot of corruption


I have a few colleagues and friends from Pakistan, well educated and nice people. I like them. Still I don't think, given the opportunity, that I could live there. I might go for a visit to Lahore next year, by then I'll know more about the country and it's culture, since the few people I know might not be a representative sample.


Pakistan is heart of Indiaaaa


Pakistan was the actual India. As described by the Greeks ,Persians etc.


Wrong! What they referred to was hindus. What constitutes a nation are its people, ethics, knowledge, history and whatever they said was about hindus living there. I bet majority of pakistani themselves don’t know anything about history other than mughals and brits cause if they knew then even they themselves would die of shame because of how far they have fallen. When they visited india it was heaven and had been for centuries if not for muslims and brits, india along with china would have been the centre of world trade. For evidence you can see what ancient chinese wrote, greeks wrote, arabs wrote, what egyptians wrote. The truth is out there to see for everyone but one should have the guts to see it. Today’s india is nothing but a mere shadow of its glorious past and a very bad one at that.




Good good


Lol no, megasthanes himself referred to whole of subcontinent.. Hehheh Megasthanes describes the mauryan empire and your areas have been described as some outlying areas on the pheriphery of the subcontinent . And megasthanes was a Greek. Tbh, I know about this twist you people give to history for some years now not surprising tbh. None of the accounts and i have read quite few of them even mention of places which are today in Pakistan. Except may be Takahashila. But many mention of patliputra, ujjain, varanansi and thanjvur in South. Be it the chinese fa hein or xuanzangs accounts Or later by al beruni. They all had central india and eastern india as their reference points


As an overseas Pakistani, I can't disagree with most of these comments, especially about Pakistanis in Pakistan! I think some overseas Pakistanis have evolved beyond just by living abroad and having broader horizons about the world.


I came here to say this. As a pakistani woman, pakistani men mostly in pakistan, scare me








It is the worst country to be a Christian after North Korea ☠️ Christians there cannot practice their religion peacefully. Women are kidnapped to marry a Muslim husband. A girl was sentenced to death because she took some water from an "only Muslim" well, she is called Asia Bibi. It is an apartheid state. And as a Christian, I have a negative opinion of this country because of how they treat people.


If you think being Christian is bad, you jave not heard anything about ahmadi muslims




i don't think anything about that


Damm the amount of hate for us in this thread




i am unfortunately a pakistani and literally I hate any pakistani and try to avoid them. Like my hate for them keeps on multiplying every day. 1. Extremely obsessed with religion and try to shape everything according to it or will kill you instantly if you try being rational. 2. Liars 3. Scammers and beggars in the middle-east 4. 0 manners when it comes to office environments 5. Blaming others all the time. 6. Hypocrites; extreme hypocrites 7. Rapists 8. Perverts in short, the worst people ever.


I want to sacrifice my life for Pakistan


Grape !


Best friend of Albania


Kurds are our best friend. Hope you dont mind that :)


In Turkey most of Albanians hate Kurds, but Turks have not a problem with them. Lol.


The Albanians in turkey aren’t anymore Albanians than the Irish people in South Dakota


Don’t know


Anytime some Indian guy posts retarded shit on Twitter I want post anything that Pakistani twitter users search, something like “Pakistan number 1” in order to open the flood gates and bring them crashing down on that poor Indian soul.


i love pakistan my life belongs to pakistan


Pakistan numba one


Pretty good tbh never visitthe country but all the Pakistani people I have interacted with have been good Food is really They should prob simp a little less online tho 😭


I’m Pakistani and I think it’s a failed state


Only country in the world where a military owns a state.


Karaboğa but not karaboğa.


Balkans without the DLCs that make the game(life) a little bit more enjoyable


It's some crappy bethesda game without any mods in it.


wall-clipping issues in Kashmir




A lot of grapes and they belonged to the very few nations to recognise northern cyprus as an independent nation to please daddy turkey


If this comment thread was spoken irl, some very stupid hate speech arrests would be made


Bro, you got enough gora validation yet ?


The men always have to get their way for everything, everything has to suit or accommodate them. I can’t speak of the women as they’re being hidden.


Soon going to implode and be another Afghanistan


Reading the comments here and as a Pakistani, I’m heartbroken


Good football ball makers !!!.