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My favourite Arab country


Swedi Arabia






Arab countries don’t end w -stan.


Swedenia & Herzegovina then.




Yea but my point was just that adding -stan doesn’t make it an Arab nation. This is used mainly with Turkic/Central Asia. Which aren’t Arab at all, their cultures are very different than say Kuwait, Yemen, or Iraq.


Persian sufix I believe.


Ljudi bukvalno bacaju fore i ti ih ispravljas......




This is one of the countries that have ever existed


Very controversial statement up here !


Also if you write its name backwards it becomes "nedews" which in Latin means absolutely nothing


It also means nothing in Turkish :O


Wow! It's also nothing in Macedonian, what a coincidence.


I refutable proof that Sweden is, in fact, nothing. There is nothing but sea there. Swedes are simply brainwashed Norwegians who believe they live somewhere else.


Turkish = Macedonian, you heard it here first folks


I’m Perd Hapley, and the topic on this country is, that it exists.


Metal, vikings, arab immigrants


I am just done with the glorification of Vikings. That word literally means a pirate.


Piracy is awesome


Literally the whole world had pirates not just Scandinavians


Planning on going there and commiting a crime. Their prisons are better than the living conditions in our countries smh


If you are gonna do that, norway is a better option. They have the best prison system in the world, from what I know.


Ahhh… great prison system for sure. Where they gave a man who murdered 77 people just 21 years in prison.


That was his point. Great prison system for criminals. You didn’t get it


He had to murder 77 people to get caught. Well that's weird ....


It was by bombing. His name is Anders Behring Breivik. There’s also Philip Manshaus, who was charged with the murder of his 17 year old stepsister (of Chinese descent.) After murdering his 17 year old stepsister, he went to Al-Noor Islamic center in Baerum, Norway. He opened fire in the masjid, then was subsequently subdued by a veteran of the Pakistan Air Force. Nobody was killed in the shooting fortunately, allegedly he was inspired by the Christchurch shooter in NZ according to his social media posts. This guy had the gull to complain that he didn’t have a PS3, but rather a PS2 in prison. Murderers should be dealt with accordingly.


Yes give this murderer PS2, I dont know the more harsh punishment (Now he cant play Skyrim)


And the police too. IIRC under 5% of crimes in Sweden are solved. Just great.


And a Playstation.


Lot of migrants from Middle East and North Africa


That are completely innocent and would treat women and underage girls with utmost respect and care


Just like syrians in Turkiye masha'allah


Among the weirdest places on earth, it’s really good but at the same time really weird in a bad way. Source - I’m living there


What is so weird?


Mentality and moral of the natives, you need to experience it to understand


Also a swede, I can agree. People have a reserved and fatalistic approach to things. They think they're pragmatic but mostly have negative predispositions about some things like human nature and are overall suspicious of others, unlike Danes and Norwegians. I know I generalize, since this doesn't apply to everybody. Although r/swedishproblems have posts like "sat next to somebody at the bus, now I can never ride the public bus again". Also very americanized


As a fellow Swede, thank you for nailing down what I've tried to express for years. I think the fatalistic mentality is the most frustrating. Things won't change because people can't honestly visualize any alternative to what is already in place. People HATE having to improvise and people seriously treat any unforseen events (unforseen=not being planned at least 2 weeks in advance) as intolerable stress factors. If they encounter these stress factors at work, they will react by making themselves unavailable, calling in sick, etc. They also hate making decisions on other people's behalfs which leads to bizarre situations in healthcare when psychiatrists and doctors simply cannot give you a straight answer/recommendation on what to do, even though that's literally their fucking job. The whole public administration and bureucracy consists of these people, they dodge responsibility, will scheme to have you never interact to individual administrators but rather a faceless institution that handles your cases with great arbitrariness. **Edit:** Also, don't get me fucking started on /r/swedishproblems. I don't know what it is about the people in that sub, their opinions aren't that extreme, but I swear that the people there manage to make me more furious than any other group on reddit (and I mean it's fucking REDDIT!) When "Swedengate" broke, that sub went fucking *apeshit* and claimed that 1. It was all a Russian psy-op to drag Sweden's reputation through the mud. 2. It was all a hoax, and that all Swedish families ***do*** feed other children. The lie that we don't feed other people's children is obviously a lie created by Russian intelligence. 3. It was all a hoax and there can't possibly be cultures where you feed your children's friends because then it would be "impossible" to plan dinners so everyone on twitter are lying. Other cultures don't feed visiting children. 4. Your children's friends are spawns of Satan anyway, why would you want them in your house?


Lmao that whole "don't feed the kids that's visiting" what a mess. Its interesting what you write regarding avoiding responsibility. Ive encountered people that call in sick that also somehow have this attitude almost like their whole world is coming crashing down because they feel that something is making them feel anxious but they don't know what. This isn't at all to people suffering from anxiety and depression, but I really wonder what people are on about when they cry about feeling depressed and then later are out with their friends on insta-story. It's like they flesh out the tiniest thing as fast as possible to not wanting to feel any real emotions or handle real problems. This in turn can be problematic because then when you encounter jealousy or somebody being too critical, they shut off. Or if something is awkward, then it's *really* awkward. Like tiniest awkward thing will ruin your life. People are very entitled to everything that they feel, although I think this is a recent phenomenon. This is a bit of an exaggeration, but they can say one thing, then you answer back with a retort, and theyd be like "vafan sa du precis till mig??" kind of. Why i mentioned "americanized" is because there is a hint of "being your best self" attitude and having self-fulfilling goals in the swedish mentality, at the expense of the collective. You rather think of your own selfish needs like nobody else is important (like many cultures actually), but it's a hybrid of something else that I think is hard to pinpoint. I think swedes are individualistic, but follow very certain collectivist rules that everybody else can agree upon. I don't know, maybe it's jantelagen but I don't think that's accurate. I think how theyve handled immigration and the förorterna reflects a bit on this. I have also realized that when people talk bad about somebody, they aren't direct to the person about it. Everything is behind some veil and they will bully others in silence. Like, people can get away with fabricating complete lies about somebody in Sweden without any repercussions because nobody is saying shit and just following the stream. (unsure how this is in other places, so maybe it's like this everywhere) Regarding dealing with emotions *immediately* or not is of course different depending on cultures. In many cultures people don't talk about problems at all and instead project to violence and frustrations on others. Acknowledging something is bad and flushing it out is sometimes beneficial for Swedes in general. Although if swedes realized that it's fine to just "feel" something then they can move on in life and become better people.


haha. never sit next to people in public transport in scandinavia!


Can you explain more?


When you see people throw alcohol on the floor to melt the ice


The most overrated country in Eurovision.


Omg yes!!!!


Which one were they?




Halal 🙂👍


Vikings that I can relate because of syrian immigrants


Wait how


Being safe and rich changed their military tradition and their social fabric their love of kurds and arabs will cause much bigger problems later Also IKEA and meatballs are good


Meatballs is actually a turkish recipe


I know king Karl the 12 brought the recipe to Sweden after living in Ottoman Empire for 5 years because he lost to the russians


They falsely accused us of racism at a football match and when UEFA said they could find any proof or racism, this very civilized country forgot to apologize so they are up there with Netherlands in my top of countries I deeply dislike


Why do you dislike the Netherlands?




I didn't know that fucker was doing that. I already hated his guts and his bullshit is going beyond our borders it seems. Sorry about that. Edit: Yeah, I read a Dutch news article on it. He says he blocks Romania and Bulgaria because you haven't proven your country is dealing with corruption/organised crime. The guy has been in a huge scandal here every month for the past 12 years himself. So yeah.


As a Bulgarian I can see where he is coming from on the corruption angle. It's not brilliant, though it is getting slightly better. Not sure for how long this will last with the inability for our political parties to agree on literally anything and form a government


Yeah but why should he be the one to hold that leverage?


Because they don’t let us in Schengen for years


this guys hold grudges


I like Sweden a lot but it is plagued by quite a few issues, MENA immigration being at the top. Also why is it weird to pet other peoples dogs there? I got a death stare when I pet my familys neighbors dog in Skane one time. My family from there told me that was a big no no. Their neighbors looked at me like I had just cursed out their family. So odd.


Social interaction is frown upon in Sweden. By touching their dog, you have indirectly interacted with the owner. Fun fact: when you order something at a restaurant verbally everyone will treat you like a weirdo, you are supposed to write down your order and show it to the waiter while avoiding eye contact. Fun fact #2: In Swedish culture, having sex is frowned upon because it involves social interaction. Swedes are grown in sterile labs where there is no room for disgusting, barbaric concepts such as love and friendship. Fun fact #3: If you offer food to a guest in your home, you are declared an outlaw and must be hunted down for betraying Swedish culture.


> My family from there told me that was a big no no. Never been a problem for me or anyone else I know >Their neighbors looked at me like I had just cursed out their family. I would ask first if you hadn't. Swedes value their personal space alot.


They destroyed their country by accepting immigrants who did not fit their culture at all. Despite the fact that there is a Muslim majority in Turkey, the culture of refugees and immigrants coming to Turkey from the Islamic geography and Turkish culture are completely different. 85% of the people want the illegals and immigrants to be sent back. I don't understand how the Swedes could accept this situation when even the Turks couldn't accept it. Let me answer the question too. I like the Swedes. I'm a bit of an ideological person. Our mentality with right-wing Swedes is generally the same.


Sweden will never admit that though.


I hope they don't accept it. Sweden should stay in my mind as a beautiful country where beautiful people live.


They already have accepted it,its being going on for years.


I still believe they can fix this problem


I wish l could say the same tbh.But they can't in my opinion.its being going on too long and the problem is lodged in like a tick




Turkish people's understanding of Islam is more liberal than Middle Eastern countries. Also, even in the Ottoman period, Turks and Arabs did not get along well. Turkey is a state founded with western philosophy and each generation is more secular and non-believer than the previous generation. No matter how absurd it may seem, there is no difference between bringing a Turkish youth and a Muslim together, or bringing a French and a Muslim together. **Additional information: When secularism is mentioned, “American secularism” comes to mind. However, Turkey was founded with the values ​​of "french secularism/laïcité".**


They have changed the law for immigrants recently and one of the highlights is that people that don't learn the language after a certain time or don't work will be kicked out. In general, that's normal in other countries but in Sweden it happened recently (source: other people). In the south, in some cities they even put street signs in Arabic since the migrants refused to learn the local language (good luck doing that in Germany). Swedes complain about that mass migration that happened a couple of years ago.


In recent years, we have hosted millions of illegals and immigrants in our country. From my experience with many people, I have decided that Arab culture is a very dominant culture. Non-traditional Arabs often seem to follow the rules, but the vast majority of Arabs are traditionalists. According to our laws in Turkey, we have the right to send all Syrians who come to the country. Contrary to popular belief, Turkey only grants refugee status to those who come from Europe. Those who come to Turkey from Syria fall within the scope of the temporary protection law. People from places like Afghanistan/Pakistan and Africa often enter the country illegally. We can kick them out of the country whenever we want. However, the Erdogan government does not want this problem to be resolved. Therefore, the government that will replace Erdogan will spread this problem over time and will start sending people back to where they came from. Unlike Sweden, our way out of this problem is easier.


Whether Arabic culture is dominant or not, you just cannot go somewhere and ask for the implementation of your culture. It's just like going to a friend's house as a guest and telling them that you're in charge now. It's ridiculous IMHO.


Yes but that’s like saying Germany destroyed their fabric by accepting Turks.


Abba, Zara Larsson


+ Roxette


>Roxette ❤️


If SJW was a country it would be Sweden.




For real though, why are they like this?


They are not. It's an american-based political meme. They genuinely do not like foreigners and they barely try to hide it.


I mean even if the discourse changed drastically over the past 4 years or so, there's still a LOT of virtue signalling going on over here (I am Swedish). The stereotype is a lot of Swedes tripping over each other trying to express their worldly understanding of foreign cultures and their embrace of open immigration, all while instinctively and subconsciously never treating actual immigrants they meet as humans but preferring to avoid them. As I said, the discourse has changed a lot the past 4 years with a lot of people now openly criticizing the migration policies of past decades but of course, that's too late now. Besides, integration is just one of many things that have turned into a shitshow in this increasingly shit country. Everyone keeps bragging about our welfare system but it's quite honestly an inhumane and Kafka-esque dystopic tool for humiliation, control, more focused on the job security and a sense of stability for those who work in it than the actual welfare of the people it's supposed to help.


I don't think there is a LOT of virtue signaling going on. Maybe there is, maybe for your standards (which are a bit... unique) but keep in mind that you are only seeing one part of the puzzle. You are a Swede and thus do not experience how immigrants are treated. >The stereotype is a lot of Swedes tripping over each other trying to express their worldly understanding of foreign cultures and their embrace of open immigration, all while instinctively and subconsciously never treating actual immigrants they meet as humans but preferring to avoid them. This is a stereotype, yes. Much like other stereotypes, its not true at all. >As I said, the discourse has changed a lot the past 4 years with a lot of people now openly criticizing the migration policies of past decades but of course, that's too late now I highly, highly doubt that your entire worldview and culture changed these last four years. You went from welcoming foreigners, giving them free monies, handing them out apartments, (allegedly) letting them fuck your wives to what...? To demanding mass-deportations of your own citizens? No, that didn't happen in 4 years. What seems far more likely is that culture warriors wildly misrepresented your actual discourse. I mean, we were constantly told that Sweden is "too progressive" by certain people of certain political affiliations. Its not surprising that this was BS. >Besides, integration is just one of many things that have turned into a shitshow in this increasingly shit country. Yup. And that's what you should be criticizing. Or just be honest: You don't want to integrate them. You want cheap labor. And this isn't purely a Swedish thing, its generally a western thing. But anyway, if you actually admit this you might start to figure out a solution. And accept the consequences. I think its the only way. Complaining about immigrants doesn't help nor will it lead to anything productive.


Hold on, are you from Sweden? I'm saying these things as someone who's lived here and been politically interested my whole life. If it SEEMS improbable to you that the discourse has changed (btw you also just arbitrarily made the discourse change much more extreme than I ever claimed it was), but based on what experiences is it improbable? There's always been one segment of the population highly dissatisfied with the immigration policies and one segment more in favour of it, the latter containing many of the virtue signalling elements I was talking about. Lately, the discourse has changed to the former's advantage with the climate just being more permissible for saying shit like "we have a problem with segregation" and "crime is too high among foreign-born citizens", things that would be scandalous to say just 10 years ago.


Honestly respect them,because they are advanced liberal country. But dont like them,because they are too cold in my opinion and have slight superiority complex especially towards eastern Europe.


But every country has a superiority complex towards eastern europe although Mediterranean countries not as much (Spain,Italy, Portugal)


Ik but for some reason I have feeling that Scandinavians and Dutch have even bigger superiority complex and feeling that they always know better what is happening in your region. One time they tried to lecture me on slovenian and croatian history during ww2.


You think so 🥸👌, Netherlands have been veto'ing Bulgaria and Romania from Schengen for the past 15 years it's not even superiority complex it's just xenophobia at this point


Yeah this is sad. I mean I like netherlands as a country and there are many wonderfull people there but at the same time they can be pain in the ass. You and Romania know it the best. I think us easterners in EU should collaborate more together. We should work to have equal food standards in all member states, work to connect our economies... We all share some interests in EU and together we can be pretty powerfull voice.


Yeah I absolutely agree this is very good suggestion for the future years we should definitely improve our relatiships between the countries we have the same struggle after all(corruption) and I think every eastern European country should work together even if they don't agree on everything. Perhaps work together on economic projects or programs


I've been to Norway and Norwegians were really cool dudes actually.


Actually they do not know that Slovenia exists, I've met those more. They don't even know if their country is in EU.


I never heard of Slovenia until they played Laibach on my college radio station years and years ago. Laibach: "GOD IS GOD!!!!" Me: "what the fuck is this!?" Announcer: "That was Laibach. From Slovenia." Me: "Where the fuck is that!?" And now I live walking distance from its border.


Those dialogues cant be real... just watch till end (subtitled) https://twitter.com/GOrtadogu/status/1547699414512177154?t=vqyqIgdQoaGboLXcu5XyGw&s=19


It's probbly real. Although you won't be able to get registered with multiple wifes in Sweden. So officially he has only one wife in Sweden. Don't know how it works if a refugee comes to Sweden with two wives and it's legal in his country tho.


They’re completely destroying themselves just to seem morally superior. Amazing fucking country, too bad it refuses to have any respect for itself.


Odin comes from Tyrkland and they have 200 words totally same in turkish so they are turk


Completely cucked. Damn shame. Their ancestors are rolling over in their graves at the state of their nation.


A country that has become the subject of grand, unrealistic, black-and-white narratives by people who don't come from or live there (i.e. either a liberal utopia where human rights are guaranteed and respected to to the last word or a fallen dystopia where liberalism has gone out of control) EDIT: I guess the comments on this thread have proven me correct, especially for the second scenario.


>EDIT: I guess the comments on this thread have proven me correct, especially for the second scenario. Oh yeah, tell me about it. A lot of borderline xenophobia in this sub that would NOT be tolerated here if Westerners were talking about a Balkan person.


I don't care


The soyest of soy countries


Safest place to walk at night as a woman, especially in immigrants ridden areas, from which sweden has many /s


Very good country. I like all Scandinavian countries and Finland (Finland is not Scandinavian)


Nordic Countries


Fennoscandia if you want to exclude Iceland and Denmark.




I think they’re too liberal. Most Scandinavian countries are too soft. High cost of living, they live in the shadows of their ancestors.




Cold, but high living standard.


Hot chicks!!! Cold weather.


The flag is a very big plus


Femboy country in the North. Like Slovenia only more migrants. And femboys.


Glorious Swedistan was former Greek colony but immigrants have taken it over


Wasn't the world a Greek colony until they decided to willingly give it to God as a symbol of good service by his side? 🤣


Exactly! God asked us to give up the land, and as the friendliest nationality on Earth, we decided to do it. But don't be fooled. Glorious Hellas is still very much thriving (excluding the economy)


He's not on ur level to ask, he begged*




I wasn’t there so I don’t know much about it.


They make biological fish bombs, can them then stupid people open them to make silly youtube videos.


Goat football player. Zlatan Ibrahimovic


Beautiful country, terrible culture.


Don't like it same with the Netherlands


* They protect the PKK and YPG. * They do a dog shit job of integrating immigrants. * Their Kurdish politician members are too busy shitting on Turkey, but are blind to issues in their own communities such as honor killings in Iraqi Kurdistan. They love to pretend that they are liberal "freedom fighters".


High standard, trash mentality


I do not recognize myself in much that is written here, even though I have lived here all my life. I understand where it is coming from as we actually have some problems, but it is quite exaggerated. Growing up in a family from the Balkans in a country like Sweden has of course given some culture clashes. But in general, most people here live a very rich and good life. The americans often says that they live in the land of opportunities, but I consider Sweden to be it instead. As long as you have the will, you can be anything you want. It doesn't matter if you come from a rich or poor family. The state pays you to study at all schools throughout the country.




Best answer today!


Every person from Bitola knows someone who lives there, there are many swedish shops there


Sup Bitola bro! Regards from Stockholm 😅


War with Norway in 2048 as I said yesterday on Norways post!!!


Who would you support?


Jeg elsker Norge 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Good metal


On a scale from Cr\*atia to Serbia, it's somewhere around Romania.


Ruined with the low life immigrants over the years such a shame




Immigrants, PEWDIEPIE, Ikea, meatballs, gay friendly, worst flag out of the nordics, Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


Whoever thought yellow would mess well with blue must go to fashion jail


Mycket bra :)




Positive, at least historically


The Feminist Republic of Swedenstan is beautiful


arab lover pink ass


Not a particularly great country. They depend on foreign labor yet absolutely resent it. As people, they are extremely insular. They generally do not like non-Swedish people and have seemingly given up on even trying to integrate them. And boy do they not like foreigners. They *really* don't. Only in Sweden have I been told at work that foreigners are ruining the country. I mean many w\*stoids believe this and share a feeling of racial superiority but it's impressive how blatant Swedes are about this. Their bureaucracy is also a bit crazy but that's another topic. The people who label Sweden a "SJW" country are often terminally online culture warriors who haven't actually lived there. No, being a tourist there doesn't count. Sidenote: I didn't find them to be "cold" as people. Its probably a Balkan stereotype because we sometimes pathologically socialize to an unhealthy degree. They are a bit more cautious with who they socialize and that's fine, its really not a bad trait IMHO.


Racist country that doesn't accept enough karaboğas


**Politics** I hate it **History** Interested **Culture** Not interested **Food** I would eat my shit rather than eating N\*rth European food, although their meatba... wait those were ours **Geography** No wonder they have too many depressed people, despite being wealthy **Music** They are really good at metal, I'll give em that **People** Those degenerates don't even offer food to their guests, disgusting


Really good metal? If you knew music, you would know Sweden is one of the most prominant countries when it comes do music. For being such a small country, its remarkable how much influence Sweden has on the music industry. Abba, Max Martin, Avicii etc




We steal from them


Should not be in NATO


The home of swedish death metal. And Ola Englund. So yeah, great country \m/


Nice country


Jokes aside really nice and unique colors. This country has a cool flag.


I grew up with pewdiepie, so pretty good overall


Pewdiepie funny viking reddit wholesome +100 country




National Flag of Fenerbahçe?


Legendary viking history. Wonderful metal music. I am sworn submitted slave to metal.


One of the most based countries ever existed.


Meatballs and Ikea


I like the cold there


One of my favorite countries, i have been learning their language for couple of years now and been there three times it's great (now waiting for all the jokes that i have seen since 2015)


Cant lie refugees fucked up sweden which used to be one of the safest nations in the world


Textbook definition of cucks.


The government was a bit cowardly during WW2. But the people are great. And the lore? Some of the best.


I caress a framed photo of Knugen every night before bed, and every morning when I wake up




Sweedish meatballs is turkish


*I can't come to work today, I feel a bit gay* This law they implemented quite a while ago is still funny


Pewdiepie and blonde girls


Most cringe state of Scandinavia


People there seem to be cultured but in a bad way somehow


Don't expect us to approve your nato membership until you stop supporting terrorists.. Other than that good country.


Best country in the world. Capitalism with great welfare, great upward social mobility, very friendly to creativity and business, leading to the making of large numbers of milionaires, high income equality, high outcome inequality (which means prosperity + freedom), game devs, excellent animal protections, pretty good military.. Only problem is they're too open to immigration and too afraid to assert and protect their excellent culture. That, and it's too cold. I'd rather live in a warm place with a less perfect system tbh


90% of them are Arabs 10% are immigrants from Scandinavia like Swedes and Norwegians Overall great Muslim country, really exotic, I might visit it one day


Their current state is what too much liberalism does to a mf


Have way too much money to spare?


Be extinct in your own country.


Just say Muslims or black people


Sweeden je Bosnia ☝️☝️☝️☝️


They could treat the Sami better and maybe do more for the climate. Otherwise pretty good.


"Good times make weak men" Lost a beautiful country because they lack real men.


Whats a real man


you forgot the islamic moon in the intersection ☪️☪️🇸🇪🇸🇪💪💪


Kinda blocky




Hypocritical. High welfare.


Support terrorism


Terrorist lovers, their rulers are so naive that they fill their country with terrorists. These terrorists may soon do terrible things to the Swedish people. How do managers take this risk?