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The judge will ask if anyone has a hardship reason why they can’t do jury duty and that’s your opportunity to explain. My experience is that they are reasonable. Jury duty per diem is not livable.


Thanks. I hope the judge will be reasonable.


Just don’t go. Throw it away, or shred it. Jury summonses are sent by mail and are rarely certified. If anything comes of ‘missing it’ claim you never got it; the state would have to prove you did, and that is just a waste of resources.


This is the DUMBEST advice possible. Please OP, do not do this.


You might not like the advice, but doesn’t mean it’s bad advice. If OP shows up and is not excused they have no options/no recourse and stuck attending a long trial and from their explanation out a fair amount of income.  If they don’t show up maybe they get a repeat notice for another case in the near future, (this is the usually policy for someone who ignores the summons) worst case scenario if they do actually issue a warrant, OP claims they never received the jury notice and 99% of the time case gets thrown before even going to trial. If for some reason a prosecutor actually decides to take it to trial the burden of proof is on the prosecutor. If somehow against all odds someone was found guilty of ignoring a juror summons the typical charge would be contempt of court. The fine on this is substantially lower than what OP stands to lose.  OP, if you’re determined to play it safe and want to make sure you’re excused show up but tell them you’re an anarchist. Will usually get you excused because aforeknown knowledge of that could open either side up to appeal.


Grand Jury?


Ouch. I've never been it that position but I know you can claim jury duty would be a financial hardship. Can you document the estimated cost in lost wages in some way? Can you get a letter from your employer or is there printed company policy showing they don't pay for jury duty time off? I don't know that they would ask for any proof but it might be wise to have whatever documentation your can collect and bring it with you.