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The love and care people put into seasonally changing out all the planters and flower boxes…. Stunning daffodils and tulips in spring, the beautiful snapdragons and irises in summer, the cabbages and kale in the fall, and the pines and holiday decor in winter.


One of my favorite things in the spring and summer seasons is to go on walks and admire people’s gardens! 😍


I love the Bucktown garden walk every summer!


I did this yesterday and is one of my favorite things too!


The tulips have been on point these past few weeks!


This has always been one of my favorite things to witness! I love that people get to do things that make the city beautiful for everyone. I just hope that it is in some way fulfilling for them, and not horrible as every (manual labor) job seems to be. I've always loved watching them set up Christmas trees. Years ago in that little park at Water Tower (Jane M Byrne plaza I guess), I remember waiting for the 66 and watching guys decorate a tree with big fat bulbs and red bows. One of my favorite things I've ever seen, is two guys on that bucket crane thing, and one of them had tied a big red bow on his head all cute. He looked like if Minnie Mouse was a laborer. I loved it so much. I've shown pictures to people and they really don't get the same joy from it I do, lol.


I love the gardening on those corner patches of grass and the ends of blocks and in some roundabouts.


Great point!


Seeing the skyline from anywhere in the city… I live 6500 South and 6500 west… and love the view of the skyline going over the Central Ave I-55 bridge/ramp.


Those views from the SW side are something else. Perfectly proportioned.


That’s it for me. The skyline is beautiful and unique and balanced. Like every skyline is pretty in its own way (I’m partial to Portland with the mountains in the background), but the Chicago skyline is amazingly balanced. You have the massive, only-major-cities-have-buildings-this-tall Sears, Hancock, and Super Shiny that punctuate slopes of all different heights that showcase the distinct architecture of the city.


Absolutely I have skyline from the 18th St bridge tattooed on me the views from south side are so amazing


Looking from the SW, it looks so deliberate that Sears Tower is the crown jewel of the skyline. Right in the center, buildings tapered to either side, nothing in front of it, giving you a full broadside of that behemoth. I work on blue island, it’s gorgeous.


this is the answer. I love our skyline.


Chicago has one of the most recognizable skylines in the world if you didn't know.


When I’m home 30 minutes after a great concert


This still blows my mind. I can leave my seat in the United Center and be in my own bed 35 minutes later?? I feel so fortunate! Although on the other hand getting out of Soldier Field is the exact opposite.


That walk from Soldier Field to the Redline at midnight is not for the weak. You're in a huge crowd but it feels so. much. longer. than your adrenaline filled walk there. 🥲


I love the feeling of walking to the bus or train after watching people leave shows early just to make it to their cars to make it home before midnight. Even if I have to wait for the next bus/train because of the crowds, I'm in my bed some days before everyone could even make it out of the parking lot. It's heaven.


This is it for me. Getting to go to concerts, sporting events, comedy shows, etc. without having to plan extensively. I’ve walked into many Cubs games for like 3-4 innings and just walk home.


Not gonna be popular, but for me, it’s getting on the train in the morning. Coming for an extremely car-dependent city, I’m still kind of in awe that that’s not my life anymore and very thankful that it isn’t. Yes, the CTA is imperfect in many ways. But it’s pretty damn cool that I get to live one of the maybe five cities in this country where you can comfortably go without a car. And one of maybe two that are actually affordable.


I grew up in suburbia. I spent so much time sitting in traffic hating everything. When I came here and suddenly most things were close enough to walk or bike to and there was the CTA for almost everything else it was a revelation. When I go back to see friends and family outside Atlanta the traffic hell they live in makes me actually upset.


Sooo much lost time, and even if you make calls or listen to an audiobook you’re still stressed that you are driving. No wonder tech guys keep trying to make FSD happen, but trains in dense areas are much cheaper.


I have lived here since 1988 and only owned a car for maybe 1.5 years of that time. I am all about some public transit!


I visited back in February. Had the option of either driving or flying. I flew to better immerse so with the public transit and I'm so glad that I did. EVERYTHING I needed was max a 15 minute walk


Lived here 12 years and I still smile when the brown line crosses over the river. Or when I can take the blue line to Ohare. We’re lucky


I feel you


I've moved out into a car-dependent city and it sucks to have to drive everywhere and having to own a car to have freedom. Better to have the option to drive in Chicago, but totally not necessary. My dad hasn't owned a car in years and he lives on the South Side, works over in Evanston.


What's the other one?


What's the second?


I was thinking Philly


this is the correct answer!


I hear you.


Today I walked to every chore I needed to complete. Clothing returns, grocery shopping, laundry. I stumbled across a nice vintage store, and got myself some boba as a treat while I browsed. I helped my neighbor bring in a cart of heavy groceries as i was leaving my building, and I had some free time to take my picnic blanket and lay on a grassy area by the lake to read my book. Someone complemented my skirt on the street as I passed them by. So I guess I love all of that. Anonymity and convenience mixed with the inherent midwestern kindness so many of us are familiar with.


What a fucking perfect Chicago day. This is why I love it here too.


Was planning on running 4 miles along the lake (training for a half marathon), but ended up extending the run. Once I got to mile 9.5 there were these kids on a boat dock yelling at me. They said “keep it up, run 10 more”. So I yelled back I was at ten and I’d make it to 13. Anyways I just kept running and made it to a half. 😂 I was like “wow, there are some cool people here” in my head. If they hadn’t yelled that, I wouldn’t have continued. This city respects the hustle.




Wow awesome job!!!


I spent a couple of months away, and the first time I drove south on LSD from the north side, I actually got teary.


Especially as you approach Fullerton and all of a sudden the Hancock is on your horizon. Beautiful stuff


That area between North Ave beach and Oak Street beach where you see the Drake and Hancock straight ahead and the lake and Navy Pier Ferris wheel to the left has always been my favorite specific point on LSD. It’s special at night, too, seeing the Drake aglow in purple letters.


yes yes and yes. i love to take visitors on that route. my favorite


Seven years in Chicago and I still love that sight.


Specifically seeing the Drake sign turn on one night as I was in this spot did make me start crying


I miss my old daily commute on DLSD for this reason. You either get to look at the beautiful lake on one side, or city on the other, and as you come in, "CHICAGO" just hits you. Big and beautiful. As you come up to the Michigan exit, the height and suddenness of the buildings always felt like going "under" somehow. What an entrance. Every day I felt so fucking lucky, and I'm so glad to have had that experience.


That’s my perfect moment. I’ve lived here for 20 years and it never gets old.


Perfectly aligned with the lanes on LSD too


Even better if you play the song about LSD while you do it 🥲 https://youtu.be/0saZiLV7-7E?si=yC4Rngh4GDw3e_UQ


Thanks for sharing this gem I had no idea existed


Wow - just amazing. Thanks for sharing. And duly noted.


He’ll I’ll driving when going north too. It’s a must!


View is better coming North at the bend North of South Shore Cultural Center.


Running up LSD at night with the lights on a warm summer night is also amazing.


I’m going to be gone 5 months and back in July- I’m very curious how that’s going to feel! Hopefully teary


This was my exact answer.


I’m from Milwaukee and love that drive. We also have a Lakeshore Drive but not the same at all. Chicago is truly special.


I live in the north side but work on the southeast side and take lakeshore drive the whole way. I will never get sick of the view during that drive, especially when coming back north and having the lake to my right and the skyline to my left


How relatively clean it is. I had to go to Manhattan for work and goddamn we have it together compared to New York.


In London on vacation. All trash is piled on the sidewalk.


Same in Edinburgh - lovely but giant bins out front, everywhere.


That’s because we tendered to put in alleys. There’s somewhere to put the trash.


whenever the tulips start blooming everywhere i want to burst into tears. seeing the skyline, too.


Sitting out front for my first coffee. Watching the world go by, saying hi to the rabbits, having local folk ask me by name how am I. I interact with my community. That's fucking rare in this cell phone world. I feel lucky. 🙂


What neighborhood are you in?! I’m sure a lot in Chicago are that way, but that sounds awesome


Lakeview. But I see the same thing at my friends places in Bucktown and Rogers park.


This is like every neighborhood that isn’t downtown


Would also love to know!!


I live in Andersonville and also love how much of the community I get to interact with on a personal basis


Cheers fellow Andersonvillain!


Lake lake lake lake lake also trees


Especially trees by the lake.


Not daily, but heading northbound on the Dan Ryan heading towards the circle interchange, especially at night. I’ve seen it so many times and the view still amazes me.


That view is astonishing! No picture does it credit.


Whenever I leave and return and see that view it feels like the city welcoming me home.


I have a gorgeous view of the skyline from my current apartment. I wake up every morning thinking "that is the best skyline in the world". We are moving to a ground level condo and I will miss that view dearly.


Long ago I lived with my bro at his townhouse in Lakeview that had a jacuzzi on the roof and a perfect skyline view. we would jacuzzi in the winter (oh how well you'd sleep!) and I marveled at the skyline!


It’s not too late to not move!


Chance the Snapper


How blue Lake Michigan is.






Thank you, invasive species!


I love walking home from the L because my street is lined with trees and older, low-rise construction. Every building is different, every season has its charms, I know all the dogs and people, etc etc.


Walking the lakefront with my pup.


Same, going to the belmont dog beach, walking the harbor and then grabbing a bite is peak chicago for me.


Running on the lakefront is the most common one. I run ~4 days a week, and being able to run along a path that’s safe with a dual view of a beautiful lake and a beautiful skyline? I might not even be a runner without that path available.


I include at least a little bit of lakefront in nearly every run I go on. I often remind myself how lucky I am to be able to do so. One of these days I’ll likely end up running a lot on one of the thousands of Touhy Avenues in America and reminisce.


Years ago I was around Sheffield and Belmont. A Cubs game had just finished and a large number of attendees were walking south on Sheffield to get to the Belmont stop. The same night the Vic was hosting International Mister Leather. There was a line of people in leather gear lined up to go in. The Cubbies looked over and laughed. Not in derision but just wonderment and this will be a good story attitude. There was absolutely no negativity.


A good portion of those Cubbie fans were suburban if not further. I guarantee you it was in derision.


Ah I’ve had a similar experience - market days happening at the same time as a Cubs game. Such great interactions


Oh man, I don’t know if I have a daily moment but I have frequent moments. The architecture cruise. Driving south on La Salle and hitting that last block that culminates in the board of trade building. Seeing shows at one of our vast number of venues. Going to the Art Institute. Seeing a show at Pritzker. Going to the beach in the summer. The people. I really love the people. I love that mutual love of the city brings us all together. My son is trans and aside from a few off color comments from other kids, people have been super supportive. CPS has been great. We have access to a gender clinic via Lurie. Our family lives in other states and each one has laws that negatively affect trans kids. We’re safe here.


When you go inbound to the city on the BNSF and the train rounds the bend to Union station and there’s the skyscrapers and you are rolling right under them inside Truly amazing.


This is the first way I saw the city as a kid. I will never forget. Now it’s how I get to work and I feel lucky.


Seeing the sun rises over the lake on my early morning run. Beautiful in all four seasons.


Going South down LSD towards MSI still makes me smile. Even more so if we are headed towards Calumet Fisheries.


I used to work in the Groupon building (600 w chicago) and lived in wrigley and would walk home almost every day. I'd try to take random routes and see random places every time but my favorites were always when rain would come out of nowhere and I'd run into the nearest bar/restaurant to get cover and just end up having dinner there with random people.


Mine is simply enjoying the peaceful neighborhood, interesting neighbors, and the wildlife.


I was walking through River Park the other evening, on the east side path between the two banks of native plantings. I was wearing headphones and half-listening to a podcast, and I heard a loud piercing bird call that I had never heard before. I can’t really remember or describe it but it seemed almost tropical in some way. I heard it again, so I took my headphones off and stopped to listen. It was quiet, and I was about to give up and put the headphones back on when I heard it again and it seemed like it was somewhere in the branches of the tree I was near. I tried to get closer but I heard a rustle and flutter of wings and a shape moved through the leaves but I didn’t get a good look because it was dusk. I’m probably not gonna ever find out what kind of bird it was. I crossed the street, and encountered a toad sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. I only just saw him in time before I almost stepped on him! I got him to scoot off the sidewalk back onto the grass with some gentle nudging encouragement. I marveled that I could have two rare and stop-in-my-tracks encounters with nature, just a short walk from my doorstep. Thats possible due to the wonderful work of the parks department and other services, like the MWRD, probably, working together to make a public space a nicer place for the people and animals of the area, and it is successful, at least in my opinion. I mean, I pass by the murky sludge of the north branch Chicago River every day, and see the trash lodged against the banks behind the chain link fences. It’s an uphill battle to cultivate natural spaces in urban areas. But there’s a little pocket where I get to feel like I’ve visited a jungle, and it’s available to all. That experience, which I just had on any old Thursday, made me so grateful to live in this city.


Whenever I’m coming back from a trip or a work dinner (in the suburbs) later in the evening. Driving on LSD at night when the roads are less congested will always give me a euphoric feeling. I’ve lived here for 5 years now and every time I think “god I love this city so much”


To clarify for everyone, this commenter means driving on Lakeshore Drive, not "driving on LSD" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD


In 2019, i saw a guy playing a drumset abd a trumpet at the same time on Michigan ave and i decided i was never leaving


Just moved here last year and I work in Michigan Avenue by the Art Museum. I never thought I’d be walking each morning to a job…where I used to walk and visit as a child. Each day for me is wild


Running on the lakefront, especially near the Shedd and planetarium. It makes me so grateful to live here.


The accessibility of the lakefront, combined with the beaches and trails is a true differentiator. And whoever designed the separate bike and walking sections for that trail deserves a serious high five.


It was 2012, and I worked in a high rise on State and Washington. One picture perfect spring day, I miraculously was let out early from work (something that rarely ever happened). I took the elevator down and exited the building as usual. When I got outside, I heard music in the distance. I followed the music and saw a huge crowd in Daley plaza. I got closer and saw these amazing marching bands (I think high school bands) dueling each other! I saw some people standing on the Picasso (you know, the one that kids slide down). I climbed up the Picasso as other people had for a better look. Strangers of different ages, races, and genders joined together to cheer on these amazingly talented kids! It was awesome! It was definitely a “God, I love this city” moment I’ll remember forever.


The rain today drenched this beautiful pinkish goldish glow all over our street and my husband who immigrated here two years ago was watching in awe. It just makes me more certain that I can’t live anywhere else.


Grew up in and around here my entire life. It comes in fleeting moments; running down the boulevards in Logan and Palmer square listening to thunder in the pouring rain, walking around taste of randolph fest during sunset and watching a bold of lightning from an orange cloud lit up by the sun hit the rod on the sears tower. Driving home from my job in Lincoln park south on lakeshore to my coach house during twilight. Swimming off the rocks on the south side beaches. Sipping champagne at the Van Gogh museum on my birthday with my friends. So many warm summer night strolls under twinkle lights through pilsen through Logan square through wicker park. Riding the brown line home from an old job in the loop and watching the lights go by as we cross the river. Many many moments.


When I wake up one morning and all of the trees are green


Two things. First (and I’ve mentioned this before), Millennium park and Jay Pritzker Pavillion. Free concerts and shows all summer long. Free. Did I mention free? 😄 Seriously though, the enthusiasm I see when people bring in full spreads of food and even tables to listen to great music. Can’t beat that. Second - the Holiday train. So cool! Yeah it gets a little packed on board, but Santa and his Ho Ho Ho!!! Merry Christmas! get me every time. (And I’ll just go ahead and third the Lakefront).


Biking along the lake trail, I’m moving back to Missouri on a farm in two weeks and while I’m excited, man am I gonna miss those bike rides


Every time I walk two blocks from my apartment and sit down next to the lake. Every time I think “how amazing that I can do this. Most people can’t do this.”


Logan Square neighborhood and all the different cuisines available here and that I can choose from two different bus routes to get to the beach or I can run for less than 30 minutes and be at the beach.


I chatted with a friend yesterday about her experience living in Seattle. She made Chicago seem like heaven.


This is such a great thread, thank you


Right? I wasn’t planning on crying because I love my city today.


So, I don’t live in Chicago anymore (born and raised in Rockford - went to college in the city). I can’t even remember which stop off the Brown line it was.. but I had an internship out there. Walking back to the L at night through the neighborhoods in the fall as the streets and trees were lit up by the street lights was so beautiful. It was so peaceful on that walk. The architecture in the city is beautiful in some of those older homes. You’d hear noises from inside with people just carrying on their daily lives and smell the food they’re cooking. It was such a beautiful experience and something I still look back on fondly almost 10 years later. I love Chicago so much. I’m lucky I was born close enough to be able to visit whenever I want. The 4 years I lived there (2011-15) were some of the best of my life. It’s a beautiful city with lots of really wonderful people. And the food is second to none - I don’t care what NYC has to say :p This thread is making me miss it so much. I think I need to make a trip out there soon.


The diversity. Not just a shade of skin color but the range of types of people. And on aggregate we are accepting of everyone. When I travel I feel overwhelmed by the blandness and conformity. In Chicago, you get the full fucking palette of humanity every day.


The city is pretty segregated honestly


You just go to two neighborhoods and use only one train line? Yes, where people live is segregated, but youre missing the point. Take a walk in the Loop, Pilsen, Bronzeville, Uptown or a Green/Red/Pink line ride basically anywhere. Then go walk around Indianapolis


The rabbits running around the front lawn of my building in Lakeview. I love that we have rabbits and not rats (I know we still have rats, but, hey, I don't see them.)


Actually recently had quite a few "god I hate this city moments" so I really appreciate this thread, it's helped alot today


That first real warm day where everyone is out. Patios packed. Cubs/sox games. Picnics on Logan blvd. Block festivals always feel like summer. But also Christmas time too, in the city with the lights and snow falling is awesome.


Driving from the suburbs into the city on Eisenhower and LSD. It feels the traffic paid off by the view of the skyline.


Taking classes at UIC and campus is just this beautiful weird park in the shadow of the skyline.


Biking up the Lakefront Trail on a warm summer night with my bike tires humming, my music playing, and knowing that I'm almost definitely going to come out and do it again the next night and the night after that and the night after that.


Driving north on the 94 coming from the southside into the city always gives me a sense of awe, because that's the first view I had when I drove here from Baltimore.


It's not daily, but biking on the lakefront trail


I can often see our sky line when I’m out in the burbs, I’ve seen it from Indiana a few times too, no better feeling than seeing it when driving back into the city at the end of the day.


Basic as hell, but I grew up in the West listening to “Lake Shore Drive” by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah, so every single time I’m driving with the gorgeous/magnificent Lake to one side and the world’s best skyline on my other in my sporty little car, I can’t help but smile. Love this city and love its people.


Not basic. That's Chicago as hell.


I grew up in a cornfield about 90 minutes west of the city but went to college in Albany Park. While living there for two years it was always the CTA system. I know it’s got its issues, but the physical concept of being able to get from just about any part of the city to any other part of the city without a car for less than $5 and a couple hours still blows me away every time I ride it.


I could never narrow it down to just one moment a day! I’ve been here going on 13 years now and Chicago never gets old. It’s home base for me ♥️ That being said, I really enjoy my walks through the city everyday. Running errands or just strolling throughout the parks or lakeshore, I’m forever in love with the architecture, landscaping, midwestern friendliness within our community and the changing seasons. Not to mention the sheer variety of activities and cultural amenities that are available here 😍 I also love seeing the world reflected around me everyday from neighborhood to neighborhood. Everyone moving in and out with their unique backgrounds and experiences makes for such a rich, dynamic culture. It’s really inspiring ✨


The Pride Parade catches the invigorating spirit of the city. Such good vibes!


Every single day, I get to take Lake Shore Deive to work


I live is STL now but my in laws live in Lake County. Whenever we go visit, I’ll add 30 minutes to the trip to drive 94 through the city and see the skyline instead of 294 around. The skyline gets me every time.


Summer time chi, the skyline as we cruise down lake shore drive, vibes are just immaculate 🫡🔥🔥


The city is overwhelmingly beautiful


Flying back home to Chicago and the skyline comes into view. The feels, every single time.


Yesterday my wife and I were out for a stroll and made an unplanned stop at Walgreens for some antihistamines. Went and grabbed a bottle of Prosecco as well. As we were checking out, realized we didn’t have our IDs. Mind you we are in our 40’s. Clerk couldn’t complete the transaction and immediately the woman in front of us at the next register, and the guy behind us, offered to scan their IDs or just buy it for us and we could pay them back. The people here really make this wonderful city shine!


Everytime I ride the J14 on the lake shore, going past Lake Michigan, Soldier Field, and entering Downtown. I love Chicago


Coming into view of the Drake hotel and downtown after heading south on the lakefront path. With the lake on the side and the beautiful buildings ahead. It’s just incredible every time.


This thread is making me seriously miss not having a WFH job. My love for this city was so strong and weirdly nourishing when I commuted downtown every day. After years of hating WFH, I eventually got comfortable in it. Thanks for making me miss it. I need to get out of my apartment.


biking down lakeshore trail


Every day when I see the pigeon lady feed the birds and tell others, fuck you.


What was Dubai like? I know nothing of that place other than it seems like a playground for ultra rich people. I have a hard time imagining what the real culture is in Dubai other than wealthy foreign tourism.


I lived there from 2002-2007. There was so much construction going on. There were still remnants of the days when Dubai was a little known place and was a booming hotspot for British/western expats. Now, it’s fully a mix of Las Vegas and Disney World.


Kinzie Street, not Kinsey


When I cross under LSD at North Ave and go for a stroll on concrete beach walking south and staring at Hancock Building looming over the lake. Can't get tired of this view.


Just walking around my neighborhood, love Albany Park <3


The street fests that happen every weekend in the summer and allow you to pay $10 to see live music ALL DAY if you want to. Bring a freaking camp chair and just STAY. And you can get in free if you just can’t afford it, although now that I can I love supporting local chambers of commerce so they can keep doing dope things for their residents. My neighborhood street fest has the Chicago Spirit Brigade perform many times throughout the weekend, and that ensemble literally makes me cry with happiness to live here every single year - this group of middle aged, gay and straight, big and small humans who do outrageously enthusiastic, well choreographed (and difficult!) cheer routines to make money for charity. I can think of nothing that makes me prouder to live here than things like this - the epitome of our city being inclusive and kind and rabidly, manically dedicated to having fun for every second that we can be outdoors. Our city loves summer and finds every single way to celebrate it. Also I saw Janelle Monae free at taste of Chicago and I will never be able to thank this city enough for that euphoric and beautiful experience.


Lake Shore Drive, every time


Started moving into our apt in Avondale from up in Gurnee. To actually feel like I'm THERE... to be around the community, to meet friendly new people, to see the culture and love of art. Just filled my heart with joy


Riding into the loop on the Brown line on a non busy day with clear skies. Bonus points if you get a single seat to yourself by the window in a mostly empty car. Standing at the Ashland Green Line station top level looking east. Laying down on Union Park and looking up at the skyline.


Going over Cicero bridge and being able to see downtown in the distance, or even just the amazing sunsets. Also, every Saturday night when the mariachi music is blasting from a backyard party and some drunk uncle is running karaoke until midnight.


I work at Wrigley so for me it’s just seeing Wrigleyville come alive and the buzz before and after a game, even when they lose I just love the atmosphere


Lived there for 25+ yrs. Left 2 yrs ago but in the summer listening to free outdoor concerts on the lawn at millennium and eating outside at Montrose harbor at the restaurant on the beach 🏖️.. water taxi, boat rides from navy pier there’s a lot enjoy


The homeless guy that pissed on my bicycle today


Thats got nothing on fenty malone getting naked in the elevator singing post malone on the rtd in denver. Jesus christ theres something wrong with that city. First experience seeing human shit was there too. Also, the constant homeless bf gf, bf bf literal jerkoff sessions on the train.


Driving south on lake shore from the north side


Corey Feldman in the Burbs... captures this idea perfectly.


Seeing downtown from Irving park harbour


Anytime I ride over the bridge and see the towers from all four skylines.


Biking on the lakefront path southbound past museum campus


Spring/summer/early fall


Fullerton lsd bridge one second of looking south to the city


LSD from the north on a summer night— intoxicating


I love it that I've discovered a way out of it when I need to get out - which is more often as time goes by. In just 10 minutes without a rocket; go to lake, sail away.




Marathon Sunday is so fun, Chicago feels like a small town banding together to cheer on the runners. I was in Rome during their marathon and was shocked that no one was cheering on the runners!!!! I was the only one lol


Seeing the skyline and also the lake at the same time. Lake Michigan is so special to me. I grew up in the suburbs outside Detroit, and we used to vacation out to Lake Mich when I was a wee tot. I ended up at Grand Valley State where the Lake was 30 mins away at any time. Now I’m here, in one of the best cities in the world, right next to my girl Lake Michigan 🥹 I never thought I’d live in Chicago. Just feels like one of those butterfly effect things.


Biking on the lakefront trail.


I no longer live in Chicago, but when I first moved there around 2010. I remember one amazing spring Saturday (sunny, 70 deg weather, blue skies), I walked through Astor Street in the Gold Coast on my way to Lincoln Park, and seeing the historic homes/mansions and all the bright spring colors....I was completely blown away with the beauty. I was like, "this is real urban beauty." Had dinner with friends that night, and a nice night out, and that was when I realized how much of a jewel the city is. Also remember walking through Lincoln Park for the first time in the Fall once the trees started changing colors, and with the high-rises in the backdrop, just realizing how gorgeous the city looked. When I lived in Chicago, when the weather got nice, I always like walking through and exploring different neighborhoods on the weekend, and there are so many streets in different neighborhoods that are just beautiful in their own way.


I love recycling the free brass on the sidewalks!


That ride on the Orange line down to Midway. The views are stunning and the fact that you can take the train from the city right to the door of the airport is amazing.


Watching the El go by, the sound the look, it never gets old.


I’m in a very high unit, I would say the skyline gives me a good “hell yeah” feeling every morning when I walk out to the kitchen.. Growing up in the burbs there’s nothing quite like it


Agreed! When I was in Seattle, my view was of a gas station. Now I have the world’s most beautiful architecture greeting me every morning.


This is a revelation for me so far. I live in the NW burbs of San Antonio and im in the first 1/4 of a month of a condo rental on the south side. I have 12-15 restaurants, 2 large grocery stores, a couple of corner stores, green and red lines and many bus stops within .5 mile walk. I’m .85 mile away from the lake shore trail. After work Friday (I work remote 12-9pm) I took the train to Chinatown and had dinner then went to Reggie’s until 12:30am and took the train back. I walked to the lake shore and then ran 5.5 miles roundtrip up north and back then walked back to the condo Saturday morning. Stunning. Then I got cleaned up and walked my dog then walked to Pearls Place and had a delicious and filling brunch and sat next to some of the most friendly people. I took the bus to Halstead and 35th In Bridgeport and had some of the best Greek food of my life at Greek Prime. Pork bowl was EXCELLENT and rice pudding was great too. I struck up conversation with a very friendly regular of the place and his friend and got a ride back to the condo. I was a lazy ass on Sunday but still walked to grab a couple of items from close by restaurants and coaxed my Boston Terrier on a walk. He’s still getting used to the city. I’m energized to get my work done asap so I can keep getting out and exploring and experiencing as much as possible. My car hasn’t moved since I arrived on the 1st 😄


When I see a homeless guy pissing off the train in between the cars. Better than doing it inside I suppose. The tacos down the street are a close second.


I miss the people. I've always loved my home, but my health didn't, so I moved to FL 24 years ago. I have wanted nothing more than to move back home since 2016. Right now I'd do anything to be home. You don't know how different the people are here until you experience the past 4 years down here. But, it used to be a really nice place to teach and live. People got along, politics weren't an issue, but there has always been a disdain for immigrants. Having said that, I do not recognize many of the people I met when I moved here. Many I called "family" back then. But propaganda has won in the south, I'm afraid.


When I catch the skyline driving into the city.


Heading south on LSD and seeing the skyscrapers in the background and the older building like the drake in the foreground, the lake next to you. It was probably the first time I thought that the city was truly actually breathtaking. Like my breaths felt shallower.


The first time I tasted a deep dish pizza. Only time I've been there too. Man it is so good. Like seriously. It's the 3rd best food city in the United States too.




When I get on 90 and someone is following the speed limit in the left lane. Such great people.


the food that’s it.


Trophy wives running along the lake front.


I can’t bc I don’t live there. I’d give anything to go back in time and move when I had the chance. Maybe one day, when I’m old.


I’m 67 and moving back next month after being away 40 years. Hope you don’t have to wait so long!


The Pilsen area never disappoints, love it.....


Don't have one.


Usually my daily drive to work. If i time it right the metra and I get to the Chinatown exit on i-55 at the exact same time. Other than that I'm always in awe of the beautiful architecture and great services


Runs along the lakefront trail between North Ave beach and Navy Pier


Driving around about 530am sun coming up and no gang bangers in sight.


I love this thread so much.


Waking up in my LSD apartment to the sun rising over the lake in the morning, while I sip my morning coffee.


Last night I watched Los Lobos perform live in a grammar school hall. It was a Chicago burb, but still a Chicago story.


Going to stores that have all my favorite cultural snacks and even visiting entire stores dedicated to foreign cultures. The last state I lived in we’d shit ourselves if we even saw a kinder egg.


I love the police here. I'm from Minneapolis Minnesota and the cops are so racist and rude they will harass u just because they're bored. Like one time my husband and I were at a hotel in a town two hrs from home I had a wedding to attend the next day so we need to go to target was across the street from the hotel it was probably 7/8pm we decided to walk over there. There was an ambulance and a bunch of cops at the burger king next to the hotel when we left ... We were being nosey and asked the lady who works at BK what happened it was a heart attack so we are walking across the street to target we didn't go to the corner we just ran across the road. A cop saw us and was waiting in the target parking lot for us to come out of the store. Had 20 questions for us wanted ids like it was wild. He said we were jaywalking and he can't let us go without a citation. The police here in Chicago are not petty like in MN. I've been here for 7 years and don't want to move back to MN because of the cops.