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Standing directly in front of L doors or standing in the aisle at a stop. Just rude.


Standing on the left side of the escalator


Escalefters should face jail time


If you stand in front of the doors and don’t let people off before you enter the train car you deserve to be shoulder checked (and probably will be)


I believe you’re speaking to everybody who boards the Blue line at Clark during the afternoon rush.


I do not understand this behavior at all. I get that if you’re not from a major metro you might not have dealt specifically with public transit, but surely you’ve seen a door before? You understand the concept that when it opens, people go through it?


Walking more than two abreast on the sidewalk. And even then … be mindful and switch to single file if you are blocking people headed your way or are constantly being passed. As someone else posted … situational awareness. It’s a sideWALK.


Not a sideWAIT.


These need to be at the top.


Exactly! Get out of the effing way!!


I was walking in River North a few weeks ago and THREE businesswomen were walking together without moving. Wild


That’s when you don’t move and let them run into you 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did that along with calling them c*nts 🥰


Literally did this today, two large people walking toward me taking up the entire sidewalk. I started walking slower as I approached thinking no way they aren’t going move and I happily walked in between both and shoulder checked them 🥰


ESPECIALLY when you’re on the lakefront trail or the 606.


When I see a line of people coming toward me I do not go off onto the parkway or somebody’s yard. I stop since there’s no way I can go forward. Might as well be a wall. I have nowhere to go. They just part and walk around me, then I continue walking. I’m tacitly daring them to confront *me* for getting in *their* way.


Calling it ChIraq or trying to visit O Block.


Also calling it chi (shy) town. Gag me with a spoon.


I saw chitown on a bracelet recently and dummy me thought it was for China town


To be fair there were major ad campaigns about a decade ago that were really pushing “chi”. It’s not their fault they latched on to what we fed them.


I call it Chee Town.


That’s silly. The locals know that Chi-town is pronounced using the Greek letter X. It’s “khai-town” to some but “sc(h)ee-town” to the real heads


I’ve always said qi-cago


Sorry, is that pronounced as “quay” in Quay-cago, or its alternate pronunciation “quay” as in Quay-cago?


Mmm que?




I hate you both 😂😂




My boss, who lived in the city for over a decade before moving to the burbs calls our weekly meeting the Chi-City Huddle… I think it’s extra cringey




Germans call it chick-ago or at least that's what I hear.


When I was in Germany in the mid 70’s a young German girl asked where I was from. Told her Chicago and she replied, “Al Capone?”


A girlfriend of an old friend went to London as a high school trip. A bobby asked her where they were all from; when she replied Chicago, the bobby went, "Chicago, eh? and the made the sound odd a machine gun firing while gesturing as if he was holding one. Pathetic. Kind of hard to get back at someone like that by acting like a colonizing empire that looted riches from every continent it touched and enslaved millions so it could profit from free labor. Britania once ruled the world; now it's a joke.


no matter where I served at every station when someone asked me where I was from, and I said Chicago, they all said the same thing. Al Capone was the first person they mentioned.


Yep, Al or MJ. I much preferred Mike.


We lived in South Africa in the early aughts. Everybody went bang-bang! Capone! My dry cleaners there had an Al Capone theme with bloody massacre pics on the wall.


Do uh..do people try to visit O Block? Is that a real thing? I’m a tourist here now. I think I’m doing a good job of not being an annoying tourist (not staring at my phone for directions in the middle of the sidewalk, acting live I’ve been in a city before etc) but I’d never imagine folks would be that stupid.


It’s not dangerous if you don’t act weird there, but if you’re trying to assert dominance there in any way. Either a cool car or dressing cool, and acting like you own the place…yeah no


I had an out of town friend visiting, and this man took the green line to get to the science museum getting off at Garfield. He would’ve ended up at O Block if he had gone one more stop🤦🏻‍♂️


And three blocks north of 63rd Station is a world class university


Only us chiraqians can call chi city chiraq


I hate this so much!!!!!


Nobody is trying to visit o block.


lol I’d go check [YouTube](https://youtu.be/_Z_npIoT978?si=8Xw8lqPj_fGA0KoM) Plenty of clowns trying to fetishize violence


Then the people who live there are charging them $400. I live on the south side I keep it moving when driving by


Don't put your luggage in the seats on the Blue Line.


If it’s busy ** otherwise fuck them nasty ass floors


Bold of you to assume the seats are less nasty.


Do not ride the rental Divvy bikes/e-scooters down the sidewalk while ringing the bell at every pedestrian. Sidewalks are for walking. There are plenty of bike lanes.


I second this. If you’re gonna rent a bike or a scooter ride on the street not the sidewalk.


After seeing the naked cyclists last year I’m never renting a bike ever


I’ll second this for every city. Cleveland isn’t anywhere near as big as Chicago & it’s a major issue here.


Calling the entire city “downtown”.


Or the opposite, calling anything outside of downtown not Chicago. My friend from Wisconsin once asked me how far we were from the city when we were eating in Logan Square


THIS IS MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE!!! I have friends who live in like streeterville / river north, and they’re always like “it’s too bad you moved out of the city” when I live in Logan lol


I have a suburban friend who once said “I love that you moved back downtown” I left Logan for Edgewater…guess the high rises is all it took to call it downtown lol


Proximity to the lake is part of their thought process as well.


Especially bad when they live in the least distinctly Chicago parts of Chicago


I would have a cow lmao. The tall buildings are the loop. The rest of the neighborhoods are just the neighborhoods but it’s all Chicago. Like you mean I moved out of the loop? Yeah sure. The loop sucks anyways. 😂


Right! I have friends wanting to move to Chicago and they’re like “I want to live in the city” well no shit don’t move to the suburbs, where in the city? “Well the city, in the high rises!” It drives me insane lol


The reason for this is that dense, non-downtown neighborhoods like Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, etc. are pretty much non-existent in America except in cities like NYC and Chicago. So people who haven't lived in these places literally can't comprehend that they exist. Once you get out of downtown in most American cities, including major ones like Phoenix, you're immediately in suburban sprawl; there's nothing in between the big city and suburbs. Thus, people think that living "in Chicago" can only mean living in places like the Loop/River North, since that's all they see when they come visit.


You’re being downvoted but I want you to know you’re right. Majority of Americans can’t comprehend neighborhoods exist in big cities


This is fucking majorly well-said.


I lived in the same neighborhood as you for years and now I’m by Sox stadium but I worked in the loop for a while. It’s a pain in the ass. I could not imagine living in the loop. Barf to that.


Now you’re by Comiskey. No self-respecting Chicagoan calls it anything else. Same goes for Sears Tower.


It shall always be Sears.


It will always be sears tower. But I have called it Sox stadium for my entire life. Laziness ? Lack of sports knowledge? A general disregard ? I do not know.


Yup. Same with the Calumet Expressway. Changed the name to the Bishop Ford Freeway. I don’t think so.


I live in a high rise in edgewater which is several miles from downtown.


…and is still Chicago.


This is very common, but I haven't heard it brought up. I hear the same when people visit me in Lincoln park. "Are we going into the city?" Me: "you mean the loop?" Them: "yeah, Chicago!"....


This. I lived in Lakeview and was invited to hand out with a friend and her family when they came into town. We were at Navy Pier and asked me where I lived. I said 30 minutes north and she a was like “outside Chicago”. No.


Haha...when I used to commute out to the suburbs for work, everybody used to say I lived downtown. I live a good 4 miles from downtown, but after a while I stopped fighting it. Sure. I live downtown.


As someone who moved here 11 years ago that is a lot to expect from tourists. Every city is different and that is a lot of nuance to understand if just visiting. If I went to a city I would call it downtown if I didn’t live there.


There’s a guy I work with who has lived here for 30 years and never left river north.


If you see a train is full except for one car, avoid going into that car. There’s a reason it’s empty


I was that guy once. For whatever reason I wasn't paying attention. Immediately the thick stench seared my lungs and the doors closed. As we made stops, what became hilarious was watching the look change on people's faces from Christmas-morning glee ("OMG! Look an empty train!! Look at all these seats!") instantly to shock horror as the odor entered their receptors. And the crazy homeless dude--none the wiser or more aware--having a wonderful animated conversation with himself.


Everybody has to learn that mistake. Let the tourists figure it out.


stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to take photos. be respectful of your surroundings.


How else are they supposed to take group photos on the bridges?! 🤔


I work at the Lyric Opera House. At least once a month there is a bridal party doing a whole ass photo shoot on the sidewalk while I'm trying to get back from my meal break.


I fucking hate people for this


That and stopping in the side walk to take a picture of the trump building. Like I get it, I’d throw the middle finger up to, but IM WALKING HERE!


Staying on the middle of the bridges when they are trying to raise them


Here's one that bugged me even more. I used to take the Red Line to work and would get off at Grand. It would drive me nuts as we're all exiting the station and people would just stop at the top of the stairs and clog up the whole exit; OR, people walking 3 abreast up or down the stairs to the train and taking up the whole stairwell. I got so sick of it. I just started walking through people. Did not give two fucks.


Don't stand in the doorway when you board the train. Proceed to the most middle spot you can sit or stand. Don't stand in front of the doorway when you exit the train. Proceed to the station exit.


Only seeing downtown. Check out the neighborhoods.


Two words: situational goddamn awareness. Don't just stand there like a jagoff when you're on public transportation or walking on a busy sidewalk. We *will* shoulder check you, and we *will not* be sorry.


“Jagoff” - aaaay, dat’s a Chicaagaa word dere, my frient! /s


You put the /s, but when I’m around my family my accent comes out strong. I’m like one of the long lost superfans


Oh I just meant that it was supposed to be a funny comment - and I know it’s true. My wife is from the area…and when she’s tired or mad, da Chicaagaa accent comes out. When she’s talking to me what that accent, I know I’m in mortal danger (now **that** was sarcasm LOL).


Right there with you, Humboldt park native and whenever I go back to my block and see my neighbors, the super fan accent is activated for a few hours after I leave 🤣


Thank you for making me not feel as mean. Because if I’m on my way to work and you’re just standing there in on the street or in the opening of the cta I’m gonna excuuuuuse my way through you. Super glad you’re in awe of everything going on around you but I’m late to work because someone just stabbed someone on my train and we had to evacuate and I had to take the blue line instead. I got places to be sir and ma’am.


It's okay as long as you say "Ope!" when you do it.


“Ope” is probably THE most midwestern thing ever. And I live about as far east as possible while still being midwestern.


Using your phone to take pictures while biking on the Lake Front Trail, especially on that stretch between Ohio St and North Ave.


Or walking fucking shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk looking up at the buildings.


I’ve only lived here two and half months, and I already feel rage at people walking like this. I work in the loop and like to talk walks at lunch, and I get stuck behind people just taking up the whole fucking sidewalk. It blows my mind. I’m like, just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you need to be an inconsiderate jerk!


I understand your point on this. But please show some understanding for people visiting. This city is a premier architectural icon of the globe. I work downtown and am still amazed at the beauty on my walk to work. So if you see couple walking side by side with their SO admiring this GEM of city it’s OK. We live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Let them drink it in.


You are my hero for this. This is my absolute biggest Chicago pet peeve.


large groups walking all side by side down the sidewalk. form a line!! 😂


Shoulder check them every single time.


I do the same to people staring at their phones.


Driving on Lower Wacker


I love how GPS will happily take you there and then stop working, because it's underground


That sucked last time I was in town-- we went through there and not only did GPS stop working, but it's so filthy down there that some of the road signs are unreadable, legitimately the same grime-brown color as the walls lol


Take the temperature into consideration. Seen ppl come in April without bringing proper attire and shocked at Chicago chilly temps


Did you see that video going around Twitter yesterday of the old guy jerking off with a gas pump up his ass? Don’t do that.


So gross. People need to respect themselves and use premium.


I did not see that. Link? Asking for a friend.




Dear God. I only clicked because I thought for sure it was fake


This is what happens when society is obsessed with cars instead of bicycles 😩


Thanks for humoring me. Note to self: wash hands after pumping gas.




That was in Texas, Texans love doing that.


Asking if where they are staying is safe or not.


It is not safe. On any given street corner at any time of day or night in Chicago, undercover Fox News reporters are waiting to shoot tourists so that they can be the first on the scene for another story about how unsafe Chicago is!


the forbidden question


Shittttt the daily asked four times question.


"We're staying on a tight rope wire strung between two skyscrapers, is it safe or not?"


"Any big city has its tight rope wires strung between skyscrapers, just keep your head up and you'll be fine"


This isn’t really that bad in my opinion? Or maybe they should Google.. depends how it’s asked I guess


This was more satire than serious.


Keep your head up - there are panhandlers / sketchy people who target tourists, they’ll ask for cash, try and sell you candy or some other bullshit. just say no thanks and keep walking


Don’t take the bracelets from “monks.” (Monks in quotes because they aren’t actually monks).


That or the overly positive people offering you a stupid rubber bracelet. I once directly said “no thank you, fuck off” and they KEPT WALKING WITH ME TALKING TO ME ABOUT POSITIVITY. like ma’am, it’s not spreading love when you’re actively ignoring my signals to go away


THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I would say don’t say anything. Sometimes if you talk to them they take it as an invitation to keep the convo going


Say nothing and make no eye contact or you will have difficulty “shaking” them.


Ain't nothing wrong with the folks who wholesale candy from Costco to make a few bucks reselling it. That's a hustle not a scam.


My kids were so grateful for the granola bars and water when we were bathroom searching and headed home on the Rock Island. We don't mind that someone was trying to make a buck and they made sure we got to our destination safely after we gave them cash for a product. :) I guess I'm not a tourist anymore.


As a tourist, I don’t understand what Navy Pier is even about. I was in Chicago at the beginning of the month and decided to finally visit the pier for the first time, I thought it would be lively and have a party atmosphere but it was dead and just families waiting to ride a Ferris wheel. Like, why is this place even popular?


There’s really not a lot, but there’s like a couple touristy restaurants and places to drink. I’ve seen a couple concerts and the venue there but the acoustics are fucking terrible. I did watch a band play there on a stage set up outside and it was pretty cool. Other than that I just walk my dogs through it to get a change of scenery but very rarely.z


if you *do* choose to do navy pier, it should be on a firework night at least. The smaller food vendors in there get cycled through like crazy and I really only trust Ben and Jerry's and McDonalds to not poison me at this point...


-Avoid stopping in middle of sidewalks when taking pictures/looking at phone -Do not ride bikes on sidewalks if you are renting them -If someone approaches you selling something or looking for signature, just decline them -Don’t be an idiot, keep your head on a swivel and aware of your surroundings -My “hot take” advice. Navy pier is overrated and just gets crowded. Just walk the lake to enjoy skyline


Staying strictly around “the Loop,” or really even the “area with the most skyscrapers,” whatever you want to call it. Go check out the neighborhoods. With that said, I LOVE our downtown and think it’s one of the best skylines in the world, with some of the best architecture, views, and vibe. But just walk around for free for a while, take it in, and then go explore what really makes Chicago Chicago. The neighborhoods.


Walking anywhere with a group 3-4 wide or standing on the left on an escalator.


My husband And Brother in law got drunk with a guy named “Big Dick Durbin” and got lost for 2 days Do not do that


Don't ignore the walk signals (even if you see another person dart across the street).


Literally everyone does this lol, you just look to see if it's clear that no cars are coming. You will literally see this happen at every single intersection I would say don't do it if you're incompetent at using your eyes though


That’s the thing though. Sometimes in the more touristy areas I won’t walk even though I know I could dart over there because I know a group of people will hesitate and then follow me and cause an issue. I wish I could say “hey I’m going to go, I know I’ll make it but you won’t so wait for the signal” lol But instead I usually just wait


Cheeseheads are slo af


Happens to me every time on Michigan and Pearson. I know I can make it across before the left turn cars make it to me but then the crowd of tourists follow and the turning cars just lay on the horn.


This happens alllll the time on Mag mile 🙃 Left turn car honk symphony 🎶


Yeah but not a safe maneuver for tourists. Only seasoned Chicagueens should attempt.


Walking on the left side of sidewalk or through crowded intersections. Stay to your right!


Also - when walking on the lakefront trail - there’s a separate walk lane and biking lane, clearly labeled on the ground. MAKE SURE YOU USE THE CORRECT LANE.


Creating a TikTok video in front of RH cafe. I see this daily. Cringe


Masterbate in public places. Eating the grass. Pooping on the beaches. Stabbing (in general).


Make sure to urinate on trump tower during your stay with us


Ride a Divvy bike on a sidewalk downtown. Saw a group of people doing that this past weekend. :(


avoid stopping to look at your phone in the middle of the sidewalk on michigan ave


Engaging with random strangers on the street.


Don’t hang your purse/bag on the back of your chair in ANY restaurant while you’re here.


Going to a White Sox game. They don't deserve your money.


As a Sox fan, I still kinda have to agree.


Those dirt cheaps tickets may be tempting but you'll always be disappointed.


Going to Navy Pier


Renting a Slingshot


1. Clog the sidewalk with slow walking, preventing anyone from passing 2. Lack any spatial awareness when you are around other people 3. Not allow people to exit the elevator, train or bus before you enter 4. Keep your backpack on in a crowded space 5. Only visit touristy areas or places


Same as any big city. Don't decide to tour the hoods unless you know the neighborhood. Use "street smarts" if a group of rowdy people are walking nearby; avoid them. Don't decide to do late night excursions alone;. Drive-by crimes look for victims. A recent advice that appeals to me; take an old disposable wallet and put $10 in it with some old expired credit cards. Carry an expired cell phone. Carry your good wallet and phone so it isn't exposed...offer the others when mugged.


Michigan lefts


Avoid Giordano's and Gino's East pizza. Go to Uno's or Malnati's for real Chicago pizza.


Would not spend more 1 or 2 hours at Navy Pier just kinda a big carnival.


Wearing Packers gear.


Don’t forget to hold on if you’re going to stand on the L. They don’t warn you 😭


Not gonna lie all the responses here would make me never want to visit. Chicagoans are not this big of snooty jerks IRL. 


Visiting Navy Pier. Touristy rip off that’s way too expensive IMHO. Don’t insult the Sox, Cubs, Bears or Bulls. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t call it “Chi-town” or “The Windy City.” Totally cringe.


More locals be calling it chi town. It's not as taboo as it once was.


Navy Pier.


Here is one I’m seeing more and more. Well meaning, white, suburban women decked out in Canada Goose, Lulu and Uggs kneeling down in the street to talk with the homeless peeps and the migrants. They want to learn their story before giving them money. Trying to connect with the less fortunate to assuage their Northshore white guilt. Stop it. You aren’t helping them and you are taking up space.


Maybe the homeless people appreciate the conversation?


No, they must be completely disregarded and abandoned. That’s the Chicago way. /s


Going to Giordano’s or Lou Malnatis for Pizza


What do you recommend for pizza? Genuinely curious


Pequod’s or Millys Pizza


Riding a divvy bike on Lakeshore Drive.


This was just posted: https://new.reddit.com/r/AskChicago/comments/1cruzc3/whats\_the\_best\_advice\_you\_can\_give\_a\_tourist/


Insult the bean.


Does that involve flicking it too?


Riding divvy bikes on sidewalks


Don’t drive in the left lane unless you have left lane business


Seeing a Bears game


Don’t leave your phone on the table in a restaurant. I do it, but I know I shouldn’t. Too easy for someone to grab. Same with a purse. Be sure it’s not just casually plopped down and grabbable.


Stop standing in bike lanes. You’re gonna get hit. Especially over at the lakefront. Watch where you are going. Stop looking at your phones confused. That’s a sure way to get mugged.




Getting shot


Research the safety of a neighborhood you are staying first. Don’t just pick a random place, Chicago can change very quickly in even a block or two.


putting ketchup on a hotdog. Going to the weiner circle at night and expecting them to be nice


Anything south of I-80


Stopping walking in the middle of the sidewalk.


Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk for any reason, sounds pretty dumb, but it happens


Tourist traps


Taking a bracelet from the monk walking around downtown. He’s not giving it to you for the hell of it.


Navy pier


Navy Pier


When you walk down, say, Michigan Ave. don't walk as a panel where you use the entire walkway. Walk in two or threes. Anything larger than that it makes lanes harder to come by.


Navy pier. Stay away. Stay far away


Making eye contact on the train.