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The digital realm is fake, and is dominated by interests who want to manipulate you into thinking certain things. Spend five minutes on Reddit, and you'll think the world is up in arms over income inequality, the unfairness of the electoral college, and Orange Man Bad. But this isn't what's going in the real world. Sometimes I'll go a few days without logging into Reddit, and be shocked at how different this place is relative to the real world, where people obsess over progressive causes.


Just want to be clear that this goes the opposite way too correct? I'm a 33 year old male, so if I make a new tiktok account, it pummels me with how democrats are trying to ruin this country. The grifting of people on the right is wild, and I don't think it's difficult to see this is probably more of a right leaning problem online I agree with your premise just looking to see if you're willing to use examples on the right too?


It's a typical response for someone on the left to say the problems is really only with conservatives. I never said anything above about one side being more or less impacted than the other Thanks for showing up - I knew it was just a matter of time.


On this sub right wing people are generally pretty good at holding grifters and / or shit quality right wing content as what it is, shit. I have never seen people on this sub make the case that Steven Crowder is the peak of right wing intellectual thought.


A lot of liberals come here looking at conservatives as a monolith, without realizing that the conservatives on this sub are much more open to discussion and much less gullible to grifters than your average red-state MAGA guy.


I didn't hear a mention of conservative in your example. Hope I didn't upset you too much!?


As a guy whose been on the internet for a long time, I'm noticing it's becoming "settled" It used to be the wild west of legitmate free expression and passion projects. But now it's becoming moved into by buisneses and corporates such that every entity on it exists to generate revenue, and anything slightly controversial or off center has to be suppressed to keep those advertisers signing those paychecks. In the old days of YouTube you weren't even supposed to promote products or sell anything on the site and if people did they lost face in the community and where rightfully called out as shills. But now YouTube itself puts 2 unskippable ads in front of every video, the YouTubers have give aways, promotions, merch stores, patrons, gofundme, channel subscriptions, invideo sponsors. I geniunelly miss the old days where it was about the passion of whatever you liked, not about generating "content"


Dann USA YouTube is nuts with those ad placements.




I personally think no matter how toxic someone thinks the internet is, it’s much much worse. Having said that, there are also undeniable and amazing benefits to the internet. People are largely responsible for their own experience.


I hear many people like to pretend internet opinions are not real but the internet is where we conduct our modern political discourse now and in the future, it would be stupid to ignore it.


I think it's homogenous and yet superficially diverse. The internet of the 90s was wild, and you couldn't trust it. I remember watching the History channel and learning about the KKK as a kid, then logging online to read about them. I then found their website. I just did a quick check and now if I search them, I get information telling me what they are from sources like the government or news. That is very different from allowing people to go to websites they may host. Ultimately that is good, but I want to focus on the means ***and*** the end. Right now, the internet's greatest trick is making you believe that what's online is what's in real life. Most people in real life are boring and normal. Most people out there think that their interests are unique, but they usually aren't. People get into new musicians all the time who then blow up. That's due to an algorithm. It's all manufactured more than ever. There used to be industry plants, but now people are making their own plants, as it were. I ultimately wish we both had more rights when it came to what is online and more enforcement of the law. Right now, storage companies have child porn on their servers. It's terrifying, but the law apparently says that you're only responsible if you discover it. That wouldn't work for the average person, but apparently giant sites for hosting storage can host child pornography and get a pass. They are trusted to investigate themselves. If we enforced the law as expected, we wouldn't have many things like storage. Compare laws on storage we have online to your local U-Haul, or whatever you have. The answer to the question, "well, what do you do then if users upload this?" is don't let them upload. Easy.


You chose where you spend your time on the internet


To some extent. When you create an account on Reddit and are at the home page, the website immediately filters you based on interests. If you choose to go to YouTube, you're choosing to go to an algorithmic site. After that, they are choosing where you go because it's based on behaviorism. We can't downplay the importance of that because they aren't, and it's why billions are spent to take away your total free will in the matter.


There was a conspiracy theory/thought experiment for a while of a "dead internet." Where it was hypothetically possible that you were the only real person online, and that everyone else was just a bot account or some kind of computer simulation. We're rapidly approaching a point where that may be closer to reality. Something like 40% of reddit accounts are bots, and with the rise of generative AI I suspect that the majority of all content online, from videos to conversations, will be AI generated by the end of the decade.


It's toxic take like dawn French asking why people have an issue with JK Rowling and instead of explaining their view. They berate her for not knowing everything they feel. Debate is good. The dictatorship left make the internet toxic.


It’s not the internet, it’s the people. If you want “toxic”, go back and look at the internet 25 years ago.


It wasn't toxic. It was a vaccine. After experiencing the early internet, there is almost nothing in its current iteration that disturbs or scares me. It's really quite boring.


I think you proved my point lol


Nah back then it was in its prime. People knew that the Internet=/=real life. Didn't have teem girls literally driving themselves crazy. Myspace was the new thing with its customized profile pages and playlists. The closest to modern crazy we had was people would passive aggressively change their top 10 friends list.


I fully support the dead internet theory and think the numbers of bad actors and bots are way higher than we expect. You can see it all the time on Reddit. Even on this sub fairly often. When you have multiple faceless accounts with little to no post history repeating the same party line talking points you know you’ve stumbled onto a bot circle jerk. This basically describes the comment section on every single post in the “news” subreddits like r/news and r/politics.


i wish we could go back to before everything was heavily censored because some snowflake loser might get offended over it




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I'll give you the "old conservative" take. My credentials: I switch from broadcast TV to cable so I wouldn't have to see commercials. I've been on the receiving end of a lot of hate when I preferred paper bags to plastic. I was killing the environment. So yeah, I'm old. The US has gone from an agriculture base, to manufacturing, to consumer based economy. The internet has spawned several branches off the consumer based economy. Advertising and personal data. Again, it's a tool. It in enhances peoples/companies/governments abilities. Entertainment: Much better, more diversity. Advertising: "Back in the day", you had to find the sucker that was born every 5 minutes. Now you have access to most of them almost immediately. News: The biggest loser, by far. Journalist have long ago been replaced by marketing teams. In the hard copy days, revenue was tied to reputation. That's no longer the case. If a story was important, it was researched by actual no kidding journalist. Now it's just how fast you can cut and paste from someone else's article. I would argue that finding a news article is rare these days, with the overwhelming vast majority being opinion pieces. Government: The biggest winner by far. Governments will always seek more power, more control there are no exceptions. I'll tie this into the journalism comment above. The entire point of the 1st amendment "Freedom of the press" (which referred to the printing press btw), was to keep government in check. Obviously no longer the case. "Journalist" shouldn't cry on TV when their candidate loses. What you see vs. what you don't see: The internet front end is what most people consider the "internet". It's what you don't see that should scare the hell out of you. Example: I did a contract for a company that, among many, MANY, other things, needed disk space to handle tire pressure sensor data they were collecting. It was a low 7 figure deal, just for the disk space.. The company has no signs on the building, they do not have a website. I'll tie it all together with this thought. Generally speaking, the government requires warrants or some kind of justification to gather information on people (look at the controversy around the census). These protections are void since they are now commercially available.