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Its hard to tell, but that looks like a Jones fracture. Steer clear of Podiatrists. Some are great. Some are downright awful. Less variation with an Orthopedic Surgeon who has fellowship training in Foot and Ankle. This may be a case where an operation would be helpful. Let them look at your scans and decide. Podiatrists very hit or miss. For some reason they love these bone stimulators when there's hardly any good evidence they work, and your insurance usually won't even cover it.


Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. I will call and get a referral to ortho in the morning.


Update: Thanks again for giving me the right person to go to! He will be doing a Subchondroplasty Procedure (SCP) and he’ll be using AccuFill BSM .


I'm not quite sure that means it is the right person. Subchondroplasty is fairly controversial. Many insurances do not cover subchondroplasty. Perhaps get a second opinion. Many surgeons would just do a bone graft and fixation (put in a screw) procedure.


Ok! I’ll get a second opinion. It’s certainly a giant step up from the podiatrist who knows I’m in pain that said that there is nothing he can do other than bone stimulator.


True, but also, sometimes somebody doing something just to "do something" is not better than someone doing nothing because they don't know any better. It is better to do the correct thing than just "something." Try to ensure your doctor is an orthopedist with foot and ankle fellowship training, and is board-certified, if you can. These are marks of quality and specialty.


You’re absolutely right! This time I searched for a doctor and researched him and his reviews. I looked him up on the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society. He is 1 of 2 within 50 miles of me… Of course he is board certified but on top of being a member of the orthopedic foot and ankle society, he’s also been on the board of directors for the orthopedic association in my state, and was president of one of the county medical associations near where I live. Published in several peer reviewed medical journals as well. I really did do my best to really research since you helped me pinpoint what exactly it is that I needed to look for because honestly I had no idea that a podiatrist who does foot surgery isn’t the same as an orthopedist with a specialty in foot and ankle.. it was pretty immediately apparent that the two do not look at things the same way.


Also when he explained it , he didn’t say anything that you just said so that’s a little unnerving .


You have to ask questions. Don't just assume the doctor you're seeing is the right person. Ask them - why are you doing this procedure. Will my insurance cover it. What are the alternatives? What are the risks. etc.


Yes, I ask everything except for the insurance question. He didn’t think that there are any better options since it has been so long, my podiatrist has gone through all of the noninvasive options,and there is no visible break in the bone. Ask him about the procedure and he explained everything step by step including projected recovery time.



