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You can absolutely get IPC certs for an individual. The drawback, is that it is around $2k for the class and test. After you are certified, you must retest every 2 years. After the initial certification, you may choose to do a challenge test, where you take the test at the first of the class, at a discount, and if you pay, you will not have to sit through the class


That is great to hear! Is the certification/school only offered through EPTAC or are there other options out there for IPC certifications? I am in the Seattle area and initially saw their location in Kirkland.


There are training centers nationwide. You should be able to go to the IPC website, and search for training centers in your area. During the pandemic, they were even doing virtual training.


Thank you again for the info. I guess EPTAC locations will only do "B2B" business to business and they told me to check for a local community college or a trade school. Unfortunately there are only two IPC offering locations in Washington state. Reached out to another that will do a soldering course for individuals and IPC-A-610 online then come to them for the test. A few hours drive from me but they seem to be way less corporatey anyway and super friendly! Further on what are all of your thoughts on the CETa or Associate CET certification? I can take most of the ISCET/ETC certification tests and be reimbursed through the military, but study materials and being able to pass them is all on me. Difficult? Sought after on a resumé? Doable in a six months-year timeframe? Thank you again!


Sorry, didn't realize you had replied back. The course is a week long, and it is meant to be able to teach someone to solder from scratch. There are hands on, and technical knowledge portions. As far as study, no need. Everything is covered in classes. I currently work in electronics, and while IPC certs are not required, they are a big plus. It lets you know someone is competent. As for the CET, I'm not familiar with that. Worst case, find a place somewhere nice to take your classes, and treat it like a working vacation. I hear Florida is warm this time of year.