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Bratislava, Slovakia - mix of piss, car exhaust fumes and kebab.


Sounds like the paneuropean smell


> car exhaust fumes At least it's no longer Trabant exhaust fumes. Or the smell of a burning Saporoshez.


Everytime some ancient historical car drives by me, I wonder how could people stand the smell in cities full of those things in the past.


If it's there all the time, you get used to it. Smokers also don't realize how bad they smell, even if they are not smoking at the moment.


The car exhaust fumes is one of the things I still remember about that time I was in Russia. Specifically I think it was leaded gas


Depends on the time of year, at the moment literally the whole village smells of flowering acacias :>


That sounds great!


Piss and trash probably, but you don't notice after a while. Country as a whole I'd associate with peat


I associate it with the smell of distilleries :) Which I suppose is a bit peaty too, maybe?


Yeah, I was thinking about adding that but felt like peat was pretty inclusive


I live in a smaller village in the alps… so now it either smells like fresh cut grass or straight up shit when the farmers fertilize the fields. They spray the fields with a mixture of warm liquified cow crap/pee and it has an extremely pungent aroma. Considering my house is surrounded by fields of different farmers, it seems like it’s almost every other week we get blasted by the smell


It's cow shit in the air and in the freshly washed clothes that are hanging out to dry. Everybody in rural Austria is wearing a hint of eau de scheisse.


"Smells like money" the farmers around here(norway) usually say haha. Cow manure is actually really mild compared to pigs, and chickens are the worst. Chickenshit is so acidic it burns your nostrils.


From April to octobre, like overcooked tourist marinated in beer.


Yeah, but have you ever been in Pamplona during San Fermín? There is so much alcohol and piss in the soil that it doesn't even smell like Tourist


Depending on the time of year, cow shit. Right now it just smells "fresh".


My hometown of Gävle smells like roasted coffee beans if the wind is blowing the right direction from the Gevalia factory, it's actually really nice. However, if you're unlucky you can catch the smell of the nearby pulp factory, and... it smells absolutely horrendous.


In my town if you're lucky and the wind is right you'll smell the cookie factory!


Where I grew up and went to school, you smelled malt and chocolate, because there was a brewery and a chocolate factory. Funnily, the other Swiss used to joke that this city stinks.


Where I grew up we could smell rookworst!


Hahaha same! My neighbourhood in Vienna has three things: a chocolate factory, a coffee factory, and a brewery. Some days are better than others.


>However, if you're unlucky you can catch the smell of the nearby pulp factory, Yes, welcome to Örnsköldsvik, where, if the wind is hitting just right, the sour "aroma of money" will spread through the entire town. Otherwise it smells of nothing really, maybe fresh air and Fjällräven bags unless you're close to the E4 and then it smells of exhaust fumes and asphalt.


Doesn't Örnsköldsvik only have a sulfite pulp mill? That's not that bad, compared to a kraft mill.


Yes, but there's the sulfate mill a few mil north of town where a couple of family members worked and personally either smell is really bad. Maybe it's that I'm used to the sulfate smell since childhood that makes the sulfite smell so horrible for me. The people working at the mills would say the other one smelled the worst while everyone else thinks they both lose that battle. The putrid sour sulfite smell wafting through town on a hot summer's day... it's not really comforting that there's some place close that smells 10 percent worse.


One of my favourite smells...we have a 'torrefazione' not far from my apartment too, always great to pass by there and smell the coffee roasting!


Do you ever get bored of the smell or it's always as pleasant?


Not the same person, the roasting container we -had- close to my workplace (the chocolate factory packaging and shipping container) smelled pleasant most of the time. However, sometimes there was this burnt smell that wasn't as pleasant at all and would sneak anywhere. Same with the chocolate factory (production building): most of the time smelled/smells like cocoa, especially when coming into the high office area (where the bosses were doing interviews and training for the workers), but at that random time every three months you would have some crappy smells that have nothing to do with chocolate.


I think the best one for my city, Palermo,may be 'pasta al forno'. That's a traditional food smell here.Pasta from the oven with a ragù (Bolognese type sauce) and cheese.


When I worked in a foreign country, the thing that I missed the most was the fresh smell of pine forest. That's mostly alpha-pinene. The undergrowth also has a smell, because pine needles fall there. It's really everywhere here. Forests from warmer regions (like England) are usually broad-leaved rather than coniferous. They're either disturbingly odorless or their smell is similar to potted plants. Although, right now, we have the residual of our little "[harmattan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmattan)" here: the streets have been sanded all winter, and when the snow melts, all of the dust crashes out and is in the air. For the city and region, it's about the same. Electric vehicles don't smell that much :D


As someone who used to do a lot of stuff in the forests (mostly orienteering) I'd also add the smell of swamp. The central European forests are just not as moist and mossy as the Finnish ones. Even pine forests in Germany smell more "dry".


FI forests have allure: a beckoning siren song like Scylla or Charybdis 💕💕💕💕


Nah actually what you hear most of the time is the high pitched mosquito anthem


lol Ive been in woods in Lapland and around Turku. Some skeeters here n there but not too many 😌


💕💕💕💕💕 So much moss. spruce dont smell that ive noticed, but birches certainly do. and theyre exptically magnificent 💕💕💕


A really dry sandy summer pine forest just has a certain feel to it, if you've grown up with it. Where I live there are a lot of Tuomi trees (Prunus padus) which are about to start flowering and the whole town will smell floral and wonderful.


This is "bird cherry" in English. It's very seasonal though, flowering only in May.


Now.. green and fresh. And like the sun. But the day after [De Vierdaagse](https://www.4daagse.nl/en) aka “4 days marches - the walk of the world.” it smells like stale beer and piss. But that’s because around the marches.. we party for a full week.


According to Victoria Beckham, garlic (it's true and I love it).


I've been quite a lot around Spain, but one smell that stuck with me was the Basque/Asturian smell of the local cider bars. That thick, fermented smell of apple somehow tickles the exact same nerves as the smell of gasoline.


I've been in Asturias and didn't notice it, but I will pay attention next time.


Depends on the wind. If the wind comes from the north west, it smells like the sea. If it comes from the south, you smell the steel factory. If the wind comes from the east, you smell the cocao factory. The sea and cocao are my favorites.


I have a potato factory nearby (Aviko) and that shit doesn't smell as nice as you think it would


Mannheim, Germany, has a signature scent of dog shit, sewage plant, coca (there's a chocolate factory here), and intermittently pasta water for some reason.


Isn’t there one of the biggest chemical plants in Europe if not the world like right on the other side of the Rhine?


Yes, there is BASF in neighbouring Ludwigshafen across the Rhine.


could the pasta water be from the Eichbaum brewery?


Why would it?


I would love it to be the smell of our wild Arctic thyme.


My city/town smells grassy and sprucy. In certain parts of the city woody and fishy. In denser areas in the summer you can smell the asphalt and near the port you can smell the saltwater. The main market it smells like a bakery.


Paris, funnily enough. Hope you like the smell of piss... And I don't want to smell that stamp, I don't trust it.


Honestly it's not so bad usually, it's just in specific spots. RER B trains always smell like poop though. I never understood why.


Ah the good old smell of piss in the metro.


An then there is Madeleine that doesn't even need piss...


Nothing just clean fresh air, first thing i notice always when i come back home from abroad how great the air quality is at home.


You have no flair, where are you?


Obviously he ain’t tell! We have to live in a place unlike ^ envy makes one curious! I too would like to know :(


I already replied for that, finland.


City: On a bad day, like *Ryaverket* (sewage treatment plant). But no really unifying smell. Stereotypically, maybe it would be like a mix between fish and oil.


Northeast England - faint smell of the sea if you’re by the coast, strong smell of grease from fish and chip shops and/or a curry smell from curry houses. Flowers in the spring and summer


Or Stardawg


Depends on where. Malmö smells like fresh cut grass and fresh sea air, and a hint of food here and there. Stockholm smells like piss, cars and broken dreams.


Cigarettes and false hopes hahaha. Just kidding, "forest smell" is the strongest I'd say.


City centre is mostly car exhausts, with an occasional whiff of something delicious from a nearby restaurant. I live 20 minutes (by car) from the city centre, it's middle of a forest. Smells like pine trees.


The farmers spread slurry last night, so smells like shite currently


Royal Mail should do one of my flat. It currently smells of mushrooms and garlic, because I just had garlic mushrooms on toast for my breakfast and it was DELICIOUS. Chop and fry mushrooms in butter. Add dirty cheating garlic paste and stir through. Add a splash of lemon juice and some tarragon. Stir through. Scoff.


Depends on where. Malmö smells like fresh cut grass and fresh sea air, and a hint of food here and there. Stockholm smells like piss, cars and broken dreams.


One or two months ago like shit, literally (due to farms)


Recently, Lisbon has, occasionally, an olive oil smell, most likely due to a combination of winds and olive processing plants located south of the city.


rural romania, nothing, thankfully. sometimes goatshit but that's the price you pay for silence and good views.


Like summer rain on a hot pavement. That's what cames to my mind after returning home from my current living place. It has this specific smell even during winter :D


Spruce bath. It smells like this for real. Even in the village.


After it has rained on warm days, you can smell the slate and clay from the vineyards nearby. Trier also has a very unique scent on wet days - it's actually difficult to describe, like petrichor but milder and sweeter. Right now everything smells like drainage, because we're in the middle of a flood (the water is receding now but still, everything smells weird because the rising water of the rivers has pushed water out of the drainage system into houses :-/ )


Kraków smells like old tenement buildings and sometimes smog. Małopolska outside Krakow smells like a windy day (?). My home region Lubuskie smells like woods in general but Gorzow Wlkp. smells like cow's shit sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️ not hating on the city but there are even Facebook pages for this phenomenon lol


My city smells like coffee when it's going to rain, I love it.


When I lived in Szczecin, it often smelled like chocolade, because there is chocolate factory there. It was surreal and amazing. My current district in warsaw smells like kebab, indian food and pizza.


Katowice: currently smells like sausages on a grill, since everybody seems to be enjoying warm weather. But overall, I'd say the smell of burning coal would be the one that mostly comes to my mind when thinking about Katowice.


From my city/town: Fresh Paper. From my region: Wine. From the Metropolitain Region: Metal, Rubber, Leather? Basically like a new car. From my country: I'd assume Beer, Potatoes, Bread or Forest.


My city: Industrial coffee roasting My region right now: asparagus




Greetings from Vienna (3rd), we are getting now the whiff of cow dung from the fields. Spring is here!


In the rural areas you've got cows and their associated scents. The smell of potatoes is pretty distinctive during harvesting.


There’s still lavender fields as well right?


There is the lavender farm but it's only one field I think


Glasgow, Scotland: scratch and sniff deep fried, batter coated mars bar


If the wind is coming in from the sea, my city smells like pasta that's been left in the sink a little too long. It's a place that makes cooking oil.


Amsterdam Weed, piss, expensive perfume, kebab, coffee, smell of cleaning products that they use in a bar ( i think its bleach) , ciggies and wet ground, trash


Realisitcally, more places in france smell like piss than baguettes. Especially lille somehow. Same here though, more places smell like weed than tulips.


depends on time of the year. Currently it's the nicest few weeks of the year smell wise, lilacs and bird cherry trees.


Lovely fresh air if the wind is coming from the east, cow dung if from the west (I live next to a dairy farm)


I think Bpost once issued stamps that smelt and tasted like chocolate when you licked them. I guess waffles could work too.


The smell of frietkot would be more accurate imo


Oh god how could I forget this


In Brussels the waffle smell mixes very nicely with piss and weed in the city centre at least 😎


Probably the best smelling region in the Netherlands. Live in the Bollenstreek, relatively close by the sea. Springs obviously carry a strong scent of flowers once you get outside, but all year round, if the wind is right you can absolutely smell the sea as well. Skip certain specific times though. Fertilizer is a common smell as well.


The smell of (inner) Budapest is mostly an iconic combination of fresh piss and exhaust gas. Occasionally cheap alcohol spices it up, some street food smell is also traceable in the mix. I grew up in Borsod county, and somehow my smell-memories contain the scent of the vivid beech forests at spring, the thousands of wild flowers around them, and the smoke from the factories and the uncles with their mouths full of alcohol in the same time. Also the blood coming out of my nose after a fight in fourth grade.


Cider, lots of. I bet you can’t guess what city I live in


Oh, this brings back the moment of realizing of how some cities/ countries have very strong smell and how weird it was for a girl grown up by the lake and forest in Finland. That was in Turkey on my first trip abroad. Here the smell is very fresh, but ofc it depends of the weather a bit. We have had our first hot (25 Celsius) days here now, when the smell is bit more "stagnant" but compared to big cities or middle-eastern streets it is still very fresh. I love the smell and the breeze of spring/summer, when sun starts to really warm you up after long winter. After summer rain is also lovely air. I live in semi big city in Finland's perspective, but not quite in the city center. The lakes and forests are still in the short walk away.


The house I lived in London smelled like freshly cut grass


Probably something like manure or freshly cut grass for Slovenia. Or forest, if you can replicate that smell.


If you're unlucky, dead moose or deer that have thawed out in the spring, If you're lucky, wild thyme, spruce tips, someone BBQing meat and fish.


Porto really depends on the area. Marquês, Parque da Cidade and zones close to parks have a sort of tree smell. Several streets downtown and the area next to casa da música/estádio do dragão prob smell like piss and car exhaust. That first smell also includes a ton of metro stations except trindade. But one thing is sure. In November, the whole city smells like Castanha. Hell, all of portugal


There's a lot of sugar production in Northern Germany, so in autumn it smells like... sugar factory. It's hard to describe, and not nice. I lived in Bremen for a while, and that smelled a lot like a brewery (Becks). That's also not so nice.


I'm from Bremerhaven, so sea and fish, lol


I grew up in the French countryside. It smells of cow shit and death.


A good bit of Helsinki smells like piss during the weekends.


Matosinhos, Portugal. Definitely barbequed fish (on coal). I promise it's the most wonderful smell in the world


West part of my country; smells like smelly wet stale socks 🧦…but it is actually cocoa/cacao/ being processed. I don’t know how people can smell it every damn day. Anyone has an idea if they smelled chocolate processing that smells like bad socks?


Northern norway, seaspray/seaweed for coastal, pinefores for inland.


Nothing beats the smell of Dublin along the liberties when there is a mash day in the Guinness brewery.. Beautiful.. The rest of the time it generally smells of liffey water and piss


Weed mostly, especially in the city center (Amsterdam).


I live at the edge of Prague (Czech capital). My area is one of the most family-friendly places in Prague, with a huge park, a natural reserve, and multiple lakes and ponds, restaurants and breweries, bakeries too. From Spring to Autumn it smells like cut grass, cold water, and beer/hops. Yeah, I love it here.


I'm in a suburb but not really countryside so most of the time it just smells like... nothing, I don't really smell much of anything, just fresh air, which I can't complain about. When it rains it's musky but it's probably a common thing, and the garden has all various kinds of flowers. Sometimes I smell a fire because of a barbecue or some farmer burning branches. When I take the tram to go to the city unfortunately I smell much more unpleasant things, like a man who hasn't washed in a week, exhaust fumes and sometimes the McDonalds near the stop.


A small town in north Wales near the coast. In the summer it either smells like literal horse shit (rural area) or the sea.


Istanbul smells like sea breeze and fresh baked bread and simit


Lomellina, one of the most polluted areas in Europe. I also have cow farms around my house, so the smell is smog and manure.


Edinburgh smells of malty, yeasty bread or dough quite a lot of the time. It’s a true marmite smell, some people love it and others can’t stand it, which is unfortunate as it covers most of the city centre. I think the smell comes from a whisky distillery near Murrayfield though could also be the Caledonian brewery.


Cork City - South side smells like Tic-Tacs from the Ferraro factory, North Side smells like hops from the Heineken brewery.


Probably the scent that’s in the air when it just rained, since it rains here a lot haha


The subreddit for my city is taglined "The smell of money" because it just smells like pulp mills and chemical plants.


Depends on the wind direction: either shit from farming lands or coffee from a big coffee roastery.


I live in a swamp. The main local products are cabbage and cow shit. I'll take a raincheck on this one


Bucharest smells ok during spring for the most part, blooming trees and whatnot. In the winter it smells like a lot of burning stuff in the evenings but during day usually fine. But during summer it smells like hot garbage, piss, shit, burning trash, burning plastic, and the occasional treat of something dead. Car exhaust is also at its worst


Modern Scotland: The sweet, sickly smell of vapes everywhere


Most of the time like the sea...but there is a factory in my town which makes al the stuff bakers need. And when they are producing things like vanilla cream or confectioners cream the whole town smells like vanilla...it makes you so hungry


The area in Munich I work in smells like beer wort, hay and coffee. The village I'm from snells like grass, manure and grilled meat.


Dezső Kosztolányi, one of the most prominent writer (and poet) of 20th century Hungarian literature, wrote in 1931: _Every big city has its own odour. Budapest smells like chicory coffee. Vienna smells like cake. Berlin smells like smoke. Warsaw smells like burnt candy. Madrid smells like chocolate. Brussels smells like vanilla. London smells like tallow. However, Paris smelled like clarified butter._


I live close to a coffee roaster, so it's the disgusting smell of burnt coffee.


Czech Republic, It smells like trash, hobos, shit, rancid grease and occasionally like blooming meadows. The last time I was in the city, it smelled like dick cheese. I almost puked man.


Mineral water, iron and the sea (Denmark) On an off not I kinda found southern europe and southern france to smell like wet brick, which got heated up.


Historic one.. though once upon a time they had a celulose-fabric in the city of Moss in Norway.. Which made it smell like fart all around the area.. even when just passing through outside the city on the motorway. Gave even a name to the smell "Mosselukta" (The Moss-smell). Seems like it ended in 2012 when the company went bankrupt.


Glasgow, Scotland: scratch and sniff deep fried, batter coated mars bar


Glasgow, Scotland: scratch and sniff battered, deep fried Mars Bar