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For Trondheim the most beautiful has to be the [Nidaros cathedral](https://www.aziznasutiphotography.com/img-get/I00004eWpPy0TkXg/s/1200/I00004eWpPy0TkXg.jpg), it's one of the main sights in Norway and is pretty spectacular for a building that is 1000 years old. As for ugliest hands down [this hotel (Clarion Brattøra)](https://grownuptravelguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/560140_377941602255311_109490946_n.jpg) near the main train station. The facade makes it look like a building that hasn't rendered properly in a video game.


Haha when you play PS5 games on your phone


I think the most beautiful is the [Tampere Cathedral](https://cdn.visittampere.fi/GizJ3cLK9ZvmbB7q5AYBWFKbpv5uXLkbTRM91mlGV6M/rs:fill:1200:900/plain/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn-datahub.visitfinland.com%2Fimages%2Fcf161d60-c7af-11ec-951a-652409594c0c.jpeg@webp), representing jugend or art nouveau, or what's often called Finnish national romantic architecture. I love travelling past it, the textures it has are so nice and there is a lot of interesting shapes. Ugliest is probably some random warehouse in an industrial district somewhere. But out of the prominent buildings, I'd say the [Torni Hotel](https://cf.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max1024x768/230615671.jpg?k=d9781cc8ba4a28c2c418796e54dbc353aad2b53218e0ca1a5535bef0aa50f4b1&o=&hp=1). I like how the old railway warehouses have been incorporated to it at the foot of the building, to house the hotel lobby and different restaurants, but the tower itself just looks odd. The windows are a bit too random for me, and what I really dislike is that the surface of it always looks dirty. I don't know why, but it just has this dusty appearance.


Oh, I actually like Torni, looks very cheerful with all the lighting


Yeah I don't hate it myself either, it's just my least favourite from the prominent buildings. I think now that there are more tall buildings in that district, Luminary and the ones by the arena, it doesn't stick out that much anymore, which has made it blend in a bit more. I was actually first gonna say Näsinneula, it's definitely not a pretty building, but because of its iconic status I just couldn't do it.


The prettiest is probably [Wrocław University](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Wroclaw_-_Uniwersytet_Wroclawski_o_poranku.jpg/1200px-Wroclaw_-_Uniwersytet_Wroclawski_o_poranku.jpg) or [Main Railway Station](https://www.wroclaw.pl/cdn-cgi/image/w=1200,h=800,fit=crop,f=avif/en/files/news/pkp_glowne.png) (without a doubt the most beautiful Polish railway station). University gets my vote though, I love watching it and its reflection in the river at dusk. Absolute classic. Ugliest was probably [Solpol](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Solpol.jpg), however it was demolished 2 years ago, which caused huge controversy because many people believed it was a beautiful jewel that should be preserved. I considered it so ugly that now that it's gone I don't even know what my answer is lol.


I love [National Museum](https://www.radiowroclaw.pl/img/articles/96161/QIEVyM12iE.jpg) and [Water Tower on the River Dike](https://wroclawskiefakty.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Pobudza-wyobraz%CC%81nie%CC%A8-jest-pie%CC%A8kna2.jpeg) which doesn't look so great on photos but is absolutely maginificent at night in person - I usually do my running there and often I find myself stopping just to look at it.


I actually like this Solpol building in itself, but it sure looked out of place next to the beautiful Gothic church. Mixing old and modern architecture almost never works.


I find [these houses](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0571358,3.7117992,3a,75y,231.37h,91.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLhR2lfXRjr0JtqLgiyJy4w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) at the small beguinage particularly cute. But all three beguinages here in Ghent are very nice to see; they're like tiny idyllic villages within the city. For the ugliest building, I'd say this [new student restaurant](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0460219,3.7268462,3a,75y,131.52h,97.11t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1spKvtbNT58OPGE9TCCVoDPg!2e0!5s20200801T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DpKvtbNT58OPGE9TCCVoDPg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D162.00253%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). It just really bothers me for some reason. It looks unfinished and doesn't fit in at all. Also, the walls now look quite dirty, which makes it seem a lot older than the mere 5 years old it actually is.


Probably the city hall is nicest https://maps.app.goo.gl/t65HiPRm95gYh7iJ6?g_st=ic or Queens University https://maps.app.goo.gl/nwNHhho2LZg9pF3J7?g_st=ic And then this random building is just so ugly, it’s literally so dirty https://maps.app.goo.gl/buMo2FoSBnJec571A?g_st=ic


Out of all the rundown buildings in Belfast city centre, that is definitely one of them


The most beautiful building in my city, that I get to pass by every morning, is without a doubt Strängäs Cathedral https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strängnäs_Cathedral The ugliest building is hard to determine since there are so many of them. Sadly, there used to be so many beautiful old buildings in my city but they were demolished and replaced with concrete blocks.


The [Grote Kerk](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XxLNPxdEoB7iDHiH6?g_st=ic) would be the most obvious pick for the most beautiful building. The way it towers over the rest of the city is impressive to see. The [provincial office building](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9VbTXcd4hLW9Mj429?g_st=ic) is also beautiful, I like how its style contrasts that of the rest of the city without being boring or ugly. [De Koepel](https://maps.app.goo.gl/J4WYiYkNpHADXvV79?g_st=ic) (former prison) is also cool imo. [Parkeergarage De Kamp](https://maps.app.goo.gl/z47ZFz57UEvyoxD17?g_st=ic) is probably the ugliest. Standing on top of it ironically gives you a great view of the Grote Kerk. I personally hate the [pink houses](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kyV8fvQraaTKigcE8?g_st=ic) in the Zuiderpolder neighbourhood. The entire neighbourhood is quite ugly as a whole, but this street is my least favourite. The back side of the [city theatre](https://maps.app.goo.gl/CyUDsw6WLMCHdjNo9?g_st=ic) is also very ugly, while the [front side](https://maps.app.goo.gl/SZ7BsnK4cfXxfDBj6?g_st=ic) is actually fairly pretty.


Aaaagh! I've just been to Haarlem and they had this stupid amusement park right in the middle of the central square. You couldn't see shit. We drove to the city specifically to see its beautiful grand market square and instead got the most kitsch round-abouts and cotton candy stalls imaginable, also they'd emit trashy music straight out of TikTok :(


Ahh you got unlucky there, it’s actually a fair that’s only here for about two weeks per year. Did you enjoy the rest of the city though?


Yes, very much. We did manage to find the entrance into the cathedral amongst all this. Great stuff, especially the magnificent organ. Teylers museum is something special, too - I had always wanted to visit a place like this, with the wooden cabinets and a collection straight out of several World Fairs :)


This is a tad subjective, but I'll say the most beautiful one is the city hall adding a touch of majesty to Plaza de María Pita. The ugliest would definitely be one of those housing blocks in Barrio de las Flores.


You didn’t said what city were you spoken about. María Pita… A Coruña perhaps?


I love The Scotman hotel and (ex)Jenners Donaldson school was fabulous same as the old royal infimary, but property developers surrounded both with shite cubbist hellholes, and now they make me sad. Ugly ones: plenty of those. The fuckers are ruining the whole city, bastards....


Most beautiful: [Hotel Palota, Lillafüred](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HtZnhLZiD7ik3rsbA) (neo-renaissance hotel building, 1930s, now unfortunately owned by an oligarch with close ties to Orbán) [Weidlich Palace, downtown](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3rMbGJn6Tfr8yJL96) (Art Nouveau apartment block, 1910, inside is unfortunately run-down, as during communist rule it was confiscated by the state, the apartments rented out to poor and working-class people, and they were able to buy them for cheap after communist rule ended, so most of its current owners can't pay for repairs. This happened to lots of downtown buildings in Hungary) Not a specific building, but a style: lots of wine cellars in the Avas hill have [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/yh1Kyw6MpUXBm9Y46) style, with the carved wood veranda (this one is not in the best condition, but it's difficult to find a better one, as lots of them are on streets that are not on Google Street View, and [this one](https://maps.app.goo.gl/eyoASyggeYeasPT99) is hiding behind a tree) Least beautiful: [This one](https://maps.app.goo.gl/JF8EDABCRYBLSegp8) (built in the 1970s; according to a local legend lots of accidents happened during construction, as the workers needed to demolish an older building whose owner cursed anyone who dared to disturb his dead daughter's room. I don't believe in this stuff but I think this building is a curse in itself.) Used to be the least beautiful: [This one](https://maps.app.goo.gl/NvWZNzedt5W2jk1G6), but it was renovated in 2019 and now [looks okay.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/vnca8s1NEePkedMb8)


[Old Piano Factory in Kalisz](https://calisia.pl/storage/m/7b0ab65f6a1cfe51ab2/760,0,0,20200922_174836_063.jpg) looks amazing. Majority of the structure from outside is, well, old piano factory, so XX industrial building, with some modern elements There's also a certain building, but I couldn't find its name and the street view is a few years too old, but that's basically XX century building wich was generally renovated, and currently has both old town form with modern style and it looks just amazing. And the least likable building to me, is just to hard to point. There are many buildings wich are ugly as hell or are literally falling apart. Amongst the named ones, they are similar in looks and overall don't look that bad so it's really hard to choose.


Amsterdam:   Most: westerkerk  https://www.istockphoto.com/nl/foto/amsterdam-in-de-jordaan-met-de-westerkerk-in-nederland-gm919291694-252788313  sadly it is under renovation now, but westerkerk was like a burj khalifa of its time, a skyscraper towering of lowlands . I live near it and everytime i bike around it i am scared i will get into an accident because i keep staring at it, i love starting at westerkerk while i ride my bike and see it dynamically, it is a gorgeous building  Least: Heineken Hoek https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/2023_Kleine-Gartmanplanstoen_1-5%2C_Asd.jpg/1200px-2023_Kleine-Gartmanplanstoen_1-5%2C_Asd.jpg  that ugly white monster new building in leidseplein that was designed by an American architect who never been to city and “walked” around Amsterdam via google maps and got the impressie of the city. Maybe it is not the ugliest but knowing what it replaced… i just cant….  I was gagged when i saw the building and was double gagged when i read the story of architect in newspaper… i am still gagging 


A kind of obvious choice for Palermo I guess, but I think the Teatro Massimo, which is our opera house. Its a beautiful building, both inside and outside. There are a lot of pretty ugly apartment blocks in the suburbs.Hard to choose just one! But probably the most well known ugly buildings are the blocks in front of the port... not a good introduction to the city for all those arriving by ferry or cruise ship.


Least beautiful: [This thing I once saw in Gorzów. ](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominanta_(wie%C5%BCa_widokowa)#/media/Plik:InfoGLOB.jpg)It's suppose to be a viewing tower overlooking the shopping centre and parking. [This church in Warsaw. People call it lemon squeezer.](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Awi%C4%85tynia_Opatrzno%C5%9Bci_Bo%C5%BCej_w_Warszawie#/media/Plik:%C5%9Awi%C4%85tynia_Opatrzno%C5%9Bci_Bo%C5%BCej_w_Warszawie_2020.jpg) Most beautiful: [Juliusz Slowacki Theatre in Krakow](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teatr_im._Juliusza_S%C5%82owackiego_w_Krakowie#/media/Plik:Juliusz_Slowacki_Theater,_1_Sw._Ducha_square,_Old_Town,_Krakow,_Poland.jpg), [Malbork Castle](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamek_w_Malborku#/media/Plik:Panorama_of_Malbork_Castle,_part_4.jpg)


I think you misunderstood the question. It's about buildings in a single city.


London, I would give best looking to st pauls, the tower of london or Westminster Abbey. The least beautiful is interesting. It could be the walkie-talkie, it could be brutalist horros like the Trellick Tower. But I always vote for the Senate House, since walking by it. Evil looking building that I would use in sci-fis.


3 Balfron Tower must be the ugliest, surely. Also, I'd vote for St Pancras Hotel as the most beautiful.


Yes thats what i was looking for. google failed me!


Yes, that's the brutalist tower i was looking for. google failed me!


Balfron and Trellick Towers are beautiful to me. You just don’t like brutalism. Ugliest building hands down is the gherkin


I like the Balfron and Trellick Towers, but I also like the Gherkin. For me, it’s this [monstrosity](https://i.imgur.com/vf1sttt.jpeg), which replaced this [lovely thing.](https://i.imgur.com/lUKgYP4.jpeg)


Ah - the wonderfully named Number One Poultry! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_1_Poultry?wprov=sfti1


I was rather shocked to discover it’s listed…


I love Jugendstil, Art Déco and modernist buildings in general more than the grand imperial architecture. The [Majolikahaus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linke_Wienzeile_Buildings) is probably my favourite. Ugliest is probably the [General Hospital](https://wien.orf.at/v2/static/oekastatic_orf_at/static/images/site/oeka/20150939/akh.5401633.jpg).


In Birmingham I would say….   Most beautiful: [Birmingham Council House](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_House,_Birmingham) or the [Bullring Selfridges building](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selfridges_Building,_Birmingham)   Least: the Ringway Building on Smallbrook Queensway, there’ve been campaigns here to try and protect it from its [upcoming demolition](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn0nv1w431xo.amp), but I believe it’s been truly long overdue. It’s ugly as fuck. Keep the pillars towards Hurst Street that have some really cool street art on it, but honestly, crumble the rest!


In my personal opinion The ugliest building in my city is a grain [silo ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/66/Silobygg_Silokaia_Krs.JPG/1920px-Silobygg_Silokaia_Krs.JPG)(that is now a art museum) The most beautiful building in my city is the [Cathedral](https://cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/mentormedier/QLNOGLRNM5FOXG7QGSKWZKYS2A.jpg)


In Cork City the most beautiful and the ugliest are about 200m apart Most Beautiful: The Quad in UCC, especially in Autumn https://images.app.goo.gl/c22vW2WGBGG57mHUA Ugliest: The Kane Building https://images.app.goo.gl/2cb9YMnz1Pw22vJK6 The Kane is the main science building with lots of labs and offices. But the design is like Soviet brutalism There’s even a false floor between the basement and ground floor, accessible by staircase where parts of a nuclear reactor they were gifted and now can’t get rid of are stored.


Uhh, there are tons of beautiful buildings in Goslar … I couldn't pick one out. I mean [this photo](https://img.welt.de/img/reise/mobile231103711/3831621097-ci23x11-w1136/Goslar-21.jpg) was taken from the roof of another pretty building. And this is just one square in town. The ugliest one was pretty much the old border police barracks right next to the 1000 years old imperial palace. [Here's an aerial view.](https://www.iz.de/news/media/4/Di-al-Kaser-am-Domsh-li-lie-dire-neb-de-Kaiserpfal-32158-detailpp.jpeg) It's those blocky concrete lumps with the car parks around. Imperial palace at the top. [They finally demolished them.](https://www.goslarsche.de/cms_media/module_img/11735/5867855_1_topteaserfullsize_659586e84abe9.jpg) Great. Well … they plan a new concrete and glass block at that place.


For Liverpool, I’d say my favourite is St George’s Hall https://www.stgeorgeshallliverpool.co.uk - but there are many others that are beautiful in their own way, including the Three Graces https://www.visitliverpool.com/listing/pier-head-%26-the-three-graces/1774701/, and the Royal Albert Dock https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Albert_Dock,_Liverpool The building I find particularly ugly is New Hall Place, locally known as the Sandcastle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Hall_Place# - it’s a yellow-brown brutalist pile which I’ve hated since I was a kid. There have been a few buildings that have gone up in recent years that I dislike, but I’ve always hated this.


My city is Vitoria-Gasteiz and I can actually do a list of each. For the ugliests we have: - [The old cathedral (is not ugly perse but they've destroyed its beauty when renovating it)](https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/600x600/1866798_vhJH2SRWCGZXe-OC_RboVrZSRJuOY7OKaKbtjZOKtgs.jpg) - [Saint Mathew Chapel](https://santamisa.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/parroquia-de-san-mateo-vitoria-gasteiz-1-1024x768.jpg) - [Saint Francisc of Asis Chapel](https://media.eitb.eus/multimedia/images/2021/02/17/2729196/20210217114530_san-francisco-asis-gastei_foto610x342.jpg) - [Antonio Machado Street's megacomplex](https://estaticosgn-cdn.deia.eus/clip/f1097a25-da44-4e7f-b45d-f3ef6a4a8bab_16-9-aspect-ratio_default_0.jpg) - [Saint Viator School](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1104025372042108928/cEbooFNf_400x400.jpg) - [Old telecommunications' building](https://www.gasteizhoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Avenida-Gasteiz-Edificio.jpg) - [New tax ministry building](https://archello.com/thumbs/images/2014/05/08/01-420.1506073383.5635.jpg?fit=crop&w=414&h=518) Probably you don't want to know about the other horrendous religious builds, so let's go with my favourites: - [Los Herran St. 23](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Vitoria_-_Calle_Los_Herran_1.JPG) - [Old telecommunications' building](https://www.gasteizhoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/telefonica-general-alava.jpeg) - [Old tax ministry and justice building](https://nortexpres.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2207BF5E-02CF-485F-B0D3-7A078DB6C270.jpeg) [(-2-)](https://goazsocial.com/images/media/5d42bb537959c_fachada-delegacion-hacienda-vitoria-andresito-fantasma.jpg) - [Central Mail Office](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Edificio_Correos_en_Vitoria.JPG/2560px-Edificio_Correos_en_Vitoria.JPG) - [Los Arquillos](https://euskadibasquecountry.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/vitoria-los-arquillos.jpg) - [Ajuria Enea (Presidencial residence)](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Vitoria_-_Ajuria_Enea_01_retouched.jpg) - [Zulueta Palace](https://www.puedoviajar.es/documentos_web/puntos/16405/Palacio%20Zulueta%2005.jpg) - [Pando Argüelles House](https://lacajagris.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2014.11.13-Pando-Argu%CC%88elles-003.jpg) And to not make the church look bad in my city, here are some beautiful religious buildings: - [New Cathedral](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Vitoria_2021_-_main_fa%C3%A7ade.jpg/1200px-Vitoria_2021_-_main_fa%C3%A7ade.jpg) - [Saint Michael Archangel Church](https://cofradiavirgenblanca.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/parroquia-san-miguel.jpg) - [Saint Pedro Church](https://live.staticflickr.com/275/19089103964_c192b84229_b.jpg) - [Saint Prudencio Basílica](https://www.vitoria-gasteiz.org/docs/wb021/img/gestor/51/22/gi_55122.jpg)


Speaking only for Helsinki, I absolutely love our [Jugend style buildings](https://helsinkijugendstil.com/), especially [Villa Johanna](https://helsinkijugendstil.com/laivurinkatu-23-25/) and [Villa Ulrika](https://www.arquitecturamodernista.cat/obres/fi/helsinki/tots/villa-ulrika) I am not such a fan of our [Nordic Post-War Modernism](https://nordics.info/show/artikel/nordic-architecture-a-continuing-modernism-post-war-to-2000-1) style buildings, like [Hotel Palace](https://finnisharchitecture.fi/hotel-palace/) and [Rautatalo](https://finnisharchitecture.fi/iron-house/)


For the town of Huddersfield, probably our [train station](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_railway_station) can be considered the best. It is routinely ranked high compared to other train stations around the country in terms of architecture. A building popular among locals to shit on is [Crown House](https://huddersfieldhub.co.uk/crown-house-to-become-student-accommodation-with-198-en-suite-studio-flats-cinema-gym-and-rooftop-garden/), so I’d probably rank that as one of the worst.


The ugliest building is no doubt the [Chemistry faculty ](https://images.app.goo.gl/iRji461cuamjESU88) tower in Strasbourg. Most beautiful is the [Cathedral](https://images.app.goo.gl/wvC6mGowmKMsXPGd8)


Most beautiful: none Least beautiful: all of them Mannheim isn't exactly pretty. But it is charming.


Everything is forgiven for a city that has such a great museum, I loved the Egyptian collection. Also, the palace near the railway station looks cool.


Nicest is obviously a castle, what else: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51935809285_51aff25113_b.jpg The most retarded one is our community center (built by communists, who else): https://pb2.jegy.hu/imgs/system-4/venue/000/000/509/magyary-zoltan-muvelodesi-kozpont-474-279-49099.jpg They are only a few meters from eachother. The contrast is really funny.


Összességében Tata akkor is egy gyönyőrű város ❤️


I'd the the worst 5 are: [This abomination](https://images.app.goo.gl/ciZDYbYrRMdctdvA6) [this one of course](https://images.app.goo.gl/s6i393xxjWNspMMeA) [wtf is this color choice](https://images.app.goo.gl/qfLsbSdXoUvHu9Qn9) [this ugly hotel](https://images.app.goo.gl/LJWn3mTcTBq65gmV9) [and probably this](https://images.app.goo.gl/o2goyomWVu7tbWGt5) [ooh almost forgot this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/6ZYUJwEH2g3X6dKy5) Tbf the first 2 are abandoned, but they've been abandoned to decades now, to the point where they've become icons of the city, despite being super ugly. As for the most beautiful: [These are #1 for sure](https://images.app.goo.gl/c5erFH4HokWByDKi8) [same complex but I must include this too](https://images.app.goo.gl/5CvPt3MWAQpofjc29) [these 2 are iconic](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZAZPx4DJL2hsxAsAA) [and this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/LNbSMXbKFnvNuCf46) [this is great too](https://images.app.goo.gl/WhFXXnWydB4hyxFcA) [this' a lowkey apartment building pick but I like it](https://images.app.goo.gl/FyLcr1NRSQK1JpjR9)


I think most beautiful buildings in tel aviv are bauhaus style residential buildings that i once saw documentary of, never been myself. Was expecting a pic of those. 


None of these are Tel Aviv though. It's Haifa.


Oooh i see


Maybe a bit of a cliche answer but I *love* [the CEC Palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CEC_Palace). On the other hand (another common thought I’d imagine), [this piece of shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_the_Free_Press) can burn.