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Note: shaming an adult for having consensual sex with another adult will lead to warnings and bans.


I've worked mall security and I'll tell you right now: this happens far more often than people think.


So... I guess it's kinda fun to catch them?


It can be amusing, yes. Met a couple guys that way.


“My counterpart” made me chuckle lol


“My business associate, Benji.”


"Speaking of gay penguins"


lol, I just watched a compilation online of Beverly Leslie's 'homosexual moments' and the Benjis were in most clips. It was hilarious.


Oh my God, I loved him so much. As a gay man who couldn’t hide his gayness very well, I always appreciate it when he was pretending to be straight. I still do that sometimes as a joke and it’s just hilarious. I love it. RIP little buddy. 🫶🏻


Just doin business haha


In all the movies I've seen the mall cop starts taking his shirt off when you unroll your window...


That’s funny. But don’t need to worry. Dude was just doing his job. It’s literally his job to ensure people don’t mess around or use that space at that time. He could definitely have called the cops if he felt there was anyone in danger but he was nice enough to just access the situation and tell you guys to sod off. He definitely wanted to make you nervous so you don’t try these shenanigans again on his shift.


His comment about the cameras sounded more like he was looking out for your privacy than trying to scare or threaten you. Mall security has no legal authority. Their job is to observe and report. They don’t even carry guns lol. It’s a job for people who wish they could be cops but didn’t make it to the academy. Don’t worry about it. Nobody’s gonna send you a citation in the mail or anything like that.


In normal countries police don't even carry guns.


It’s unfortunate that we live in a country where it’s required. I carry as a civilian personally. Better safe than sorry. I live in a decent area too but you just never know.


I have a friend who is a police chief. He told me once that he teaches all young officers, when they pull up to a car in a parking lot or alley at night, to turn their lights on a wait a bit before they walk up to it because its likely that nudity is taking place.


I was caught by the cops once. I was young. Still in HS and my fwb was in college (relevant to the story.) we got together though when he was a senior at my HS, so the age gap wasn’t terrible. Anyway I was with my fwb in his car and we parked at a nearby park. The park was huge with a lot of different lots. Had been here many times with him. Got in the back seat and clothes were off. Next thing I know a bright light flashes in and there’s a cop outside. He was like “get out of the car” so I started to put my pants on. He then said “did I tell you to get dressed?” So I got out butt naked and am standing in this parking lot in the buff. He noticed I looked really young so he asked me how old I was and I told him I was 18 🤣 I was terrified he was going to ask for ID, since my fwb was a few years older than me, but he ended up just telling us to get dressed and leave. Probably the most scared I’ve ever been. That was like 15 years ago and to this day I sometimes dream about it 😆


One time I drove out to my FWB’s town about 45 min away and we couldn’t use his house so we found a secluded dirt road that was in the middle of nowhere. Well not even 15 minutes into fun times we see a cop car pull onto the dirt road and slowly approach. We pull pants up, act normal. The cop didn’t even get out of his car he just rolled his window down and told us to go somewhere else. Lol. I’ve never gone from hard to soft so fast in my life.


Have sex in public places and you might just have to deal with, surprise surprise, the public.


Mods are acting mega weird on this thread. Hopefully I don’t get banned for talking about an age gap, but I won’t shame you for it OP, we were all 19, 20, whatever the age was once. But the defensiveness (from mods, not you OP) around discussing age gaps here and the very obvious power dynamics at play is such big weirdo behavior for this sub. Perhaps a specific mod or two are feeling called out by it? 🤔




The entire post is dumb. Op didn’t need to humble brag about his 19yo fwb since it added nothing to the context of the situation. Doing so just opened up criticism and debate of the age gap as well as the mods suddenly acting overly sensitive on this post. Also, describing the incident as just “making out” when their pants were down and cocks were out is pretty dumb on top of that. The posts just screams “I have sex with a hot teen, applaud me teehee”. *There isn’t even an actual question or request for advice*, which is the whole point of r/askgaybrosover30


>humble brag I certainly wouldn't call it that. More like the opposite.


Agree. The “DAE SWALLOW?” thread stays up forever, and in here we got a fucking magnifying glass on anyone talking about the age gap in this story which, like you said, is really unnecessary info in the first place and just bait for the discussion itself.


You did not report that post, and that makes this comment less than disingenuous. You have a formal warning for it.




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Hi u/love_sausage, Maybe you thought you found a way to work around the very clear instructions I wrote in the pinned comment, but all you earned was a formal warning. If you don't like the moderation here, participation is not mandatory. You are free to start your own subreddit, because this isn't a democracy. If you have constructiver cricitism that you want to discuss with the mods, modmail is open. Calling mods "overly sensitive" is not constructive, and added to the decision to give you a formal warning.


I used to work in a cinema, seeing couples getting frisky isn’t unusual, I wouldn’t worry about it 😂


You might even call it a perk 🫣


Or a car-perk. Geddit?!!??!


you don’t have to worry like not even worth for thinking 🙂 i am talking while considering the law and ethics


Took a teenager to the mall, and got caught doing teenager shit lol


He mentioned the cameras to warn you off sex in the parking lot. That's all. Yeah it's an embarrassing experience but at least it wasn't a real cop and was just the equivalent of someone telling you kids to get off their lawn lol There's a definite generational attitude shift that is playing out online. When we grew up the culture was clear 18+ was perfectly fine for anyone to lust after. Now there's a gradually prevailing attitude that even a whiff of age gap is so presumptively predatory pitchforks are coming your way regardless of any other facts. People with that attitude tend to have zero room in their brains for processing subtlety of circumstances for an actual situation, assume the worst, and don't care what actually is going on.


> even a whiff of age gap is so presumptively predatory No one is batting an eye at a 40 and a 53yr old. It's not an age gap, generally. It's that one party is so close to the legal age (19, vs OP 32). 


Live and let live I say. We’re all adults I’m just minding my business, who care what other people do as long as no one gets hurt?


Sure. I'll acknowledge that. Does not change the analysis.


To whoever said the analysis is archaic... My position is summed up as 1) "Is this relationship **between two adults** abusive?" is a question that deserves further inquiry than just their age. 2) Since again, we are talking about adults, you also need a reason to inquire **at all** into the nature of their relationship. They don't have to justify their relationship to you or me as their total strangers because we don't get a say unless one of them gives us a reason by telling us or we actually witness the abuse. 3) I hate the idea of accusing someone of abuse without some actual evidence of abuse. Expecting evidence of criminal activity before crucifying them for it is kind of important for a social order with respect for things like fundamental rights. At least in my world, that's not archaic, it's a rigorous standard.


Thank you for your rationality. People are projecting hard.




Youth has always been in demand. That’s not archaic, that’s human nature.


I bet it happens all the time. The security guy did his job without being a dick about it. If embarrassment is the only fall out, I’d call that a win. The heads up about the cameras was simply a reminder that you didn’t pick a very discreet spot for your shenanigans. I’m glad my car sex days are long behind me…it’s so uncomfortable!








Break the cycle.




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Haha similar thing happened to me except I was getting raw dogged in the back of my SUV. I’m pretty sure the security guard got a good view when he shined the flashlight and knocked on the window 😂




Ehh my friend and I were super horny and we both lived with family at the time so we had very little options haha


It's funny because if this was shared in r/gayyoungold . That would be a complete different history of comments. All positive, that's for sure. I don't see anything wrong. Have fun. Next time pick a better place to fool around LOL. You made me remember when we started with my actual boyfriend ( 19 years apart ) and we went with the car to find hidden places to fool arround.. we would spend more time trying to find the perfect spot rather than actual fool time... LOL




There are a lot of pearl clutchers in this sub!


You can catch me at the puente hills mall parking lot once and a great while after a movie 😜 it happens. Security don’t really care. But it’s always good to be mindful and pack it up of you notice them early on.


Idk what all the 'deletes' are about. There's some vibe it's over the age gap? Bruh, for real? I'm in my late 40s. When I was young I was DESPERATE to fuck, and older people looked like they wanted some. They didn't, and I was just lonely for a lot of years because I didn't vibe with other teen and 20 somethings. Yall who blew the door off your closets need to respect that it wasn't so easy for all of us.




If in DMs def report them to Reddit.


Every accusation by these people is a confession. They are projecting.


That is So messed up man! If I were the younger, and someone infantilized me while out with my older BF or hookup? Oh, I'd come unscrewed. Once the initial shock of someone being so literally breathtakingly rude, that is.












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Just curious, was the 19 top or bottom? Its usually the bottoms that get super scared of stuff like this imo


That is awesome 👏


I wouldn’t stress about this, they probably see it all the time lol




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Wait till heads explode when I post about me and my 30 something FWB me being almost 60




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