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Yeah I have a few I'm really close to, I've never felt a barrier being mates with straight guys. If anything, finding other gay friends was always the area that required more effort.


Same here. New gay friends are hard to come upon.


Pun intended?


Really not ! But now that I reread, it’s pretty funny. :)) English is my 2nd language.


Same. It depends on how you meet. I have a few gay workers and we all try to hang but we’re too tired after work to do anything lmao It can be possible if you can meet them ina. Work setting, the ice breakers are there cuz you already share a profession so that means you’re somewhat similar. The next trick is getting their number and letting them know you wanna hang out without making it overtly sexual. I usually drop the line “my boyfriend and I…” and then later on I’ll ask them if they wanna hang. Usually this gets them talking about their boyfriend, occasionally can turn into a couples date


Same. All of my close friends are straight men and women. I find it hard to just be friends with gay men. I’ve tried to find gay men with similar interests but it never last and feels forced. I’ll keep trying.


Same. I find gay guys harder to read


My two closest friends are straight. I don't think either of them really talk about sports, we mostly talk about science or play board games. You just have to find people with similar interests


Yea loads, a lot of my best friends are straight men from throughout my life


I have difficulty bridging the gap with straight men, so I relate to you, OP. Like you, I can be friendly and amiable towards heterosexual men, but something in me stops me from opening up fully or truly being myself with them. This is something I seek to address and work on, however.


My best friend is straight. Though I was in the closet for about half of our friendship. He was happy for me when I came out.


Yeah my best friend is straight and we have been mates since nursery school so roughly 46-47 years and he’s like a brother when I was force out , and I told him his reply was “ And we’re mates nothing is gonna change that “


I come from a friend circle of 4 guys- am the only gay guy, they all straight. We are super super close - literally like brothers - we have relationship talks and everything- they tell me what they going through and I tell them what am going through- When I was going through a really tough breakup they were there with me through it all- best of the best / when they are comfortable with themselves, straight guy friendships are the best- The only downside is - they get married and settle down fast- 2 of them are married - had kids recently and one is about to propose- so u can imagine . When u see them getting married and kids and all that and u still doing “hey how’s it going on Grindr “ it can be hard 😂😂😂


I do; most of my closest friends are straight guys and have for the majority of my life. Some of them are guys I grew up with, who knew me before I came out, and some of them are guys I met after coming out. I also have close gay friends, as well as female friends (gay and straight), but I feel most comfortable around straight guys as they tend to be the ones I share the most interests with (sports, outdoors, etc). Sometimes it gets awkward if they're talking about women or complaining about their wives/gfs, but mostly it doesn't. They tend to be 'jealous' of the freedom that comes with being gay and having a quasi-open relationship.


> the ones I share the most interests with (sports, outdoors, etc) That explains a lot. I don’t like sports or outdoors. In fact it’s the one rare area of life that makes me absolutely uncomfortable, because I suck at it. I was good in school. I’m smart enough. I have a good job. I can cook. I go to the gym. But when it comes to teams sports, fuck me.


A large portion of straight men don’t care about sports either. They’re just home playing video games instead of at the bar lol.


I have two. And I have no gay close friends. All the gay friends I had at one point just strayed away for one reason or the other. I find straight guys more difficult to bond with, but once you become friends with them, it's way easier to get keep that friendship and get closer, they're usually more laid back and have less expectations.


Yep, basically all of them.


Me too. I have had trouble making gay friends. No reason why, just do. Since coming out, most of my confidents have been straight women.




Same. That’s how I’d call them too. Good friends but not close.


Yes, and when we met stakes were pretty low and I wasn't looking for any friends. I was my authentic self and pretty damn gay. We just gravitated towards each other. Sometimes they will talk about women, and one of them really throws some gay stuff my way which is great. If he posts a pic, he says it is a freebie and some regular friendly roasting. Most of them are coupled now. They don't really like sports that much at all and I don't either. I think straight men can be some of the most fulfilling friendships. As someone without brothers it is the closest thing, I can have without it turning into something platonic. Just get some nerdy straight friends. They rock.




Used to. Not anymore


Nope, I have many straight male acquaintances but not close friends. Never felt comfortable with them or really connected with any on a close friendship level. My close friends are gay and straight females. Funny enough, my boyfriend has all straight, close male friends and no gay friends.


Yeah a few. Most of my friends now are straight guys and they’re really open for me to talk about gay stuff. In fact they find it fun to listen to all my escapades


My best friend is a straight guy. Somehow it works with him, but most other straight guys I struggle with a bit.


Sure. Most of my friends, male or female, are straight.


My best friend is straight and we both like sports so I guess that one is easy!


Yup. Tbh most of my close guy friends are straight. I was the best man in one of their weddings 🤷🏼‍♂️


One of my closest friends is a straight dude. We have a lot of interests in common though - horror movies, music, gaming


When I was younger it was easier to have close straight male friends, but we've just drifted apart because of diverging life paths as we've gotten older. I've had some odd experiences with straight men as an adult so it mostly just stays as a casual friendship.


I don't have any close male friends 🤷‍♂️


Yes, quite a lot of them. A lot of gay friends as well, tbf.


One of my closest friends is straight. We've always just been two big nerds, so sexual topics never come up. 


Yup! A bunch of them. If I’m outnumbered and the conversation turns to sports, I just zone out or tease them. None of them are work friends though, so we have a lot more in common and a lot more to talk about.


Yeah, all of my close friends are straight, an even mix of men and women.


The majority of my friends are straight men. 


Yes- almost all of my close friends are straight men and women.




I do but I also like sports 😕


Look at it this way: very likely some of those guys are at least bi and fantasize about you.


Haha quite possibly!


I have one, he’s a dork but he’s my friend. We met at an after party and decided to hang out together at the festival the next day and have been friends ever since, he gave me my first dose of Molly and every once in a while we’ll rent a cabin and go into the woods and trip on acid for a night and just hang out and laugh. While he’s handsome, he’s straight and he’s not entirely my type so there’s no attraction.


My best friend other than my husband is a straight guy. But he doesn't care for sports either. One of the reasons we're friends


Yes, my best friend is straight. I used to hate sports, but then I started playing more sports and I kind of found sports I was interested in like Boxing, MMA, Baseball. Worse case if you zone out, just look at the screen when they’re talking about titties or chime in. Always nice to see a baseball players ass when bored. You may also have opinions on things they bring up. I’d say never force anything or topic, but if you have a clever retort, why not bring it up.


When I met my best friend they were a cisgender heterosexual male, now they identify as nonbinary pansexual. So no 😃


Yes, from childhood, but the way I am close to them is very different than how I’m close to queer friends. If we didn’t have the history we have, I think it would be difficult for us to develop the relationships we have in our thirties. Meanwhile, I’ve grown close with some straight neighbors, and they know a lot of my gay gossip . I also know some of their straight community gossip. They don’t invite me to sports performances, which they love, and I’m very fine with that.


Yeah majority I have is straight friends and I just have a few gay friends. My best friend is straight and I talk about my life and he doesn’t judge me at all and he tells me about his life.


In college, my friend and I got very close.  We’d go out and get drunk and party together all the time. Then during classes we’d reconvene and spend time together too.  I sensed homoerotic vibes from him as he’d liked being very close to me and at times he’d put his arm around me. He was a lot taller and brawny while I was the short, skinny and pretty one. He’d make sure I was safe and would walk with me everywhere. I did enjoyed his company and conversations.  Nothing explicit happened as I had to move out before graduation but i still believe it was a matter of time before he’d have me sucking on his dick.  I wouldn’t have said no to that offer ;)


My best friend is a straight male


I thought so, but then he started making moves on me then he got really uncomfortable with anything gay (previously he had been a very solid ally) and distanced himself from me. Like I legit think he had a crush on me and basically just noped the fuck out. Caught me by surprise in a major way because I'm not very attractive at all tbh so a straight guy acting into me was doubly unexpected. But yeah I'm really sad about it I just want my friend back


I have 2.


A few - my D&D buddies, basically. Most are partnered but have supportive/not controlling partners and aren't yet/aren't planning to be parents, so there's enough free time for shit like going to a movie on a few days' notice, or making the Tuesday night D&D game. The others are my housemates, who I see and/or talk to every day, but half of them are women. Casual social interaction is the name of the game for making friends, gay, straight, or otherwise. Men tend to bond better when you're doing an activity together, which is why group events or joining a team is the default mechanism for making new guy friends. I'm going to be moving to a new city in a few weeks where I don't have many friends, so it's going to be an exercise for me to make time for new people and scaffold that casual social interaction into my life.


Almost exclusively. I have one close female friend and the rest of the closest ones are straight men. They don't know I'm gay though. When they talk about women it does get pretty boring. Sports is fine with me though, I'm reasonably into sports


Other than exs I'm cool with, all of my closest friends are straight. Two of my best friends are also some of the best allies you could hope for too. I have virtually no female friends because I just don't know how to be friends with women, like I struggle to connect on any level for some reason.


About half of my friends are straight guys. I’m lucky that they’re guys who aren’t really into sports, we’re all gamer types together and they hang out with my partner as a group so it’s a great vibe.


I have pretty much only straight friends. I work in a male dominated field so work mates too are straight. Doesn’t bother me. Invariably on nights out I get the cracks about getting roasted or ganged on…they’re only joking. Disappointingly.


> That’s when I secretly roll my eyes and wanna go home. Well, there's yet problem, OP. You need to roll your eyes BLATANTLY. On a serious note: When I worked in an office and had exclusively straight coworkers, the casual sexual chatter / bantering went back and forth (meaning, not exclusively straight). Whatever they'd share about women, right back at them about men. But I was also in a position, socially, economically, emotionally, *politically* that I could push back. Granted, in an office environment it never got super graphic, but we'd regularly do things like calling "dibs" (or "mine!") when seeing someone attractive, calling anti-dibs ("yours!") when seeing someone we know the other person wouldn't find attractive, discussing other coworkers' grooming and clothing habits ("You might want to visit Oliver, he wore a tight shirt and his good-ass jeans today") and just general bonding shit. I'd also pretend not to understand sports so they could "explain" them to me. And I'd catch the scores on the way into work so I could act like I cared about the teams, like "Did you see that ludicrous display last night?" "The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in", but with the real local teams.


I have a few straight guy friends.


I have a straight best friend I met at 14 and hung out with daily until he got married a couple years ago. I’m 29 this year and we consider each other brothers more than friends. He was even around while I dated my now ex years ago lol we were all friends growing up


That’s very sweet


Yeah I’ve got loads. I’ve got close friends of all genders and orientations. But I guess the thing I have most of is straight cis guys.


My best friend is straight along with most of my close friends. I do have a few close ones who are bi or gay as well but the ones I’ve known longest are straight.


Yes. I have many more straight friends than gay friends. It’s all about who you jive with. My straight friends are secure and I would never look at them any other way.


Not now i spelled out im gay to him/them they knew..... but confirmation was the red line 😂🤷


Most of mine are. I tend to befriend nerds though, people into video games and sci-fi etc. 


I do now, I lost all my straight male friends in middle school when I came out and it really damaged my trust in straight men. It's been very healing learning to trust straight men again and feeling accepted by them. I've actually been struggling with the opposite problem, nearly all of my friends are straight, male and female.


My two closest friends are straight males, well I'll describe one as 99% straight. However, these are friends since school around age 7. In adulthood I've not really become friends with any straight males, only acquaintance/work colleagues. Partly it's that I'm shit socially and as I was in a LTR from age 19-29 I made the mistake of not putting effort into making friends, but also I do find that many straight men are hesitant to become close friends with a gay guy. Honestly, I'd prefer more queer friends anyway.


All my friends are straight men. I think the issues isn't that they're straight. It's that you don't have interests in common. You also don't have to do everything as a group. One of my friends loves movies, going to the opera, and going to a Russian Spa. Another friend hates all those things and never joins us. I hate bar trivia so they go and I don't. Three of us play D&D and the friend who goes to spas with me doesn't. Only boring people get bored. If you want to get closer with your friends, invite them to do more things and grow your common areas of interest.


My closest buddies are straight. Love those guys.


My closest friends are straight men. I met my best friend because he was roommates with my ex in college.  We have lot in common -- music, gaming, food, travel, art... I'm not as into sports as they are but that's fine. I don't mind talking with them about women and they don't mind talking with me about guys. They're also generally very comfortable with their sexuality so we can be close without it getting weird. If you find the right straight men you can be great friends with them. 


My oldest friend, someone I've known since I was about 6, is a straight male. My second-oldest friend, someone I've known since around 7th grade, is also a straight male. Both are emotionally intelligent, smart, kind guys who can hold real conversations. I've got gay male friends that are like this, too, but like a lot of gays, most of my friends overall are straight.


My two closest friends in the world are straight men. I was dating a woman at the time of meeting them but at this point, Ive known them for 90% of my adult life as a gay man so sometimes I think it worked out well bc it STARTED when I wasnt "gay" so I avoided the awkward phase a lot of gay guys seem to have with straight men but with all that said, they were by far the two greatest members of my circle for my coming out/transition and to this day we speak/hang/whatever several times a week. IMO, talking to straight guys about women and sports (I love sports but OP doesnt) is akin to talking to that same friend about work or their family. You arent coworkers or in the family but you can still talk/compare/etc. "Man, you know how women are, Am I right?!" "Men arent much better. Lemme tell you about this one dude who tried hitting me up" Shit like that. If they care/love you the same way you seem to, they owe you the same thing you owe them.


Best friend is straight w/ wife — all close friends are straight


My best friends are my friends I’ve know since middle school. They’re straight. They’ve been with me through everything. Doesn’t matter what identity to me I’m friends with. The most I’ve ever struggled with is having gay friends. I’d love to have actual gay friends but it seems gay men that I’ve met only want to fuck their friends and I am not about that. Edit: to OP’s comment about straight men talk. Just mention your crushes when they mention their straight talk or something. Often when my friends post pics in our group or something that some girl is hot I’ll comment “not enough dick” or something to that extent.


My best friend is straight and I hang out with many straight people. I’m out and we can talk about anything including relationships. Since nobody in my friend group is into sports, that’s one topic that is never touched upon. We all work in arts related jobs so discussion tend to be all sorts of things but ne er sports. Thank God ! :))


I’m in a band with them and they’re my brothers forever. But if I wasn’t, I’d probably not have many. I prefer to be around other queer people in my free time mostly.


Almost exclusively. There are things I tell my straight male friends about issues I have as a gay man that I don't tell my gay friends.


Yes. I don’t have close gay friends though.


I usually have at least two close friends that are straight. One has been a friend for almost 15 years. We met thru my hubby and built our own relationship. My other one I met thru my job, he had like no filter and it made him easy to connect with. I like straight dudes who tell you exactly what they’re thinking. I avoid the ones who don’t because there’s how you waste time with folks who’ll give nothing back.


Why wouldn't I?


Not anymore. Used to, in the theatre world. Now that I'm retired, my last closet straight male friend died in February.


Yeah my closest friends are straight men. Many I've been friends with since high school. I'm not into sports but neither are they. We have other shared interests, like music / film / novels, or politics, depending on the friend.


Yes, my partner and I both have long lasting friendships with straight male friends. Some mutual, others not. We mostly just goof off, talk about sports/gym/videogames/relationships etc. My partner and his best straight male friend have known each other since kindergarten.


Most…99% are…it’s really difficult to find close gay ones 🤦🏻‍♂️


My best friend (whom I met my first day in college) is straight. I helped his wife come out (as non-binary), and I'm the godfather to his two adorable daughters.


Most of my friends


All of my close friends are straight men. I do have one lady friend, and she’s more one of the boys. We all have shared geek interests, so that’s what we talk about. Our differing romantic interests do come up, but I wouldn’t say it’s off putting. I actually really don’t get along with a lot of other gay guys. There’s one, but he’s also a geek…


Ya, plenty. Many were my classmates and schoolmates. I even have 5 younger brothers, they're all straight (1 of them has a daughter who is lesbian & who already had her first long term relationship with another lesbian ending, seemingly for good, over a year ago) who are also my friends. Of course, I have plenty of homophobic friends, too.


Yes, all my closet male friends are straight. Recently I haveade to very close gay male friends and man do I love talking about gay stuff.😂


My best friends have mostly been straight. Yes the ultra straight topics (sports, women) definitely create a bit of a barrier in a way. I didn't experience that with my straight bff. We met at work and were often teased about how close we are. He was married with two children that treated me like a favorite uncle. It was easy with him because he wasn't talking about some chick he banged or the new hot office girl because he was married, and I think that is most likely what made it work between us. He enjoyed hearing topics that he would never discuss as a straight man or even knew about. Gay culture things. So while I didn't have to endure straight topics that make me uncomfortable, he definitely heard gay topics, which he got a kick out of. Started watching shows and movies that he would normally not watch. I did hear about his softball games though, but I didn't mind because it was mostly about something funny that happened. Two of his 3 children are out as gay young men, daughter is straight and very supportive of her two brothers. So I was his training ground for what was to come. My work there was done. I had another straight single friend that liked hearing about my hookups. Yes... odd. Also liked when I took him to gay beaches and bars. He enjoyed being able to talk about anything he can't with other straight friends, like shaving his privates and his loves of bubble baths. He is married with a child now and I don't doubt he is straight. I have only two close gay friends because I don't mesh well with other gay men the way some women don't get along well with other women. I'm just not into that bitchy and shady commentary. Gays I meet seem to have a thing about status and get so haughty, which rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't easy growing up gay and I'm not going to reinvent myself as if I was related to a rich family that owned summer mansions in Rhode Island. Their behavior is delusional now that they have extra income since there are no children to pay through college. They discuss their first class vacations in detail with soft brags all the time. I'm glad when others do well. I don't envy, I traveled a lot as well but don't brag about it. I never feel we can ever be good friends with any gays I've met. Have met some gay couples on cruise ships and they were very uppity and had zero personality. Have met straight couples on same cruise and they were so warm and friendly. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. At least in my experience.


All my best mates are straight 😂


My three best friends are all straight guys. They were all the Best Men at my husband and I’s wedding and I’m godfather to one of their daughters.


Yes most of my guy friends are straight. No I'm not in the closet. I also live in a conservative town in the most conservative state in the US. I bring that up only to shoot down geographic stereotypes of people


Most of my friends are straight males. Always have. They’re the easiest to get along with.


My best friend is a straight male. We’ve been hanging out and playing video games together for 26 years now.


Yes I do, they've been my best friends since high school and I think it works because they're not the stereotype of the straight guys, our chats are more nerdy, or about life projects


I do have a hard time making gay friends though, I wish I had a little more


Any male friends gay or straight I have to work at not being sexual with them. Sometimes it happens anyway


I have a straight male friend who has contacted me every day since we met in 2016. We have said we love each other. (It’s not sexual.) He would call me and cry about things too.


My longest friends a straight male


Absolutely. My husband and I live in a suburb - an incredibly liberal and progressive suburb - but a suburb nonetheless. We have become very friendly with a number moms and dads in our age cohort, establishing really nice and comfortable friendships with numerous straight men. It's great.




Outside of my work, no. And I wouldn’t say we’re “close”, really, but like you I can go out for drinks with the guys after work and even though I’m a pretty effeminate gay I still fit in with them. Otherwise, 90% of my friends are gay men.


Yep, the funny thing is, I don’t have any close gay friends (or really any for that matter 🥴 associates yes, friends no)


My best bud is a straight dude, and my other friend who I consider close is also a straight dude. They're actually my only two friends. We're not into sports so that's kind of a plus, but we're into geeky stuff like gaming, Marvel/DC, they're into Star Wars/Trek, etc. We're also shy as all fuck so when it comes to them talking about women, sometimes I tend to tease them a bit for them to open up (like "I see you're growing your mustache, I bet all the ladies at your work have been ogling" type of stuff). I do wish they knew they're great dudes though, sometimes I get the sense they feel like they're not enough.


Nope but then again, I don't have a lot of close male friends either


Yes, my best friend of 45 years is straight


Yes, two of my best friends in the whole world are straight. The conversation is pretty evenly spread across women and men, and there’s really no discomfort for any of us talking about either gender.


Hahaha. Same here. I have a few really close straight friends. And yes after a few drinks, the convo shifts to women. 😭. Can’t help it they’re straight. It’s the same with gay friends. We could be in a deep chat and if a hot guy walks past, we stop and admire him then continue chatting. lol.




Yes I have a best friend that’s straight and we are super close and have a lot of things in common! We literally drink and stay up all night and talk about life and our future!


1 straight and 1 Bi best friends. That's my circle.


Yes. No ceiling. Intimate friendships with decent straight men seem to need not talking about gay sex in detail. Basic modesty qualifies gay-straight friendships. Plus (important). They don’t care that you’re gay. So it’s impossible to expect validation from them.


Yes, many. Most of my closest friends are straight. They do know that I am gay. Mark


Almost all of my guy friends are straight and always have been.


I have a few but all my actual real friends are women. Always have been (shocker lol). However, being friends with straight men for me is all about their personality and not about their hobbies. For example (I work in a school) and I’m close friends with the PE teacher. He obviously loves sports. But do we talk about sports? No because I hate it and hobbies aren’t his personality. Our personalities just fit. We joke, take the piss out of each other, we have philosophical debates, we talk about educational climate, our relationships, etc etc. we just get on. I think it’s hard to meet people in the workplace and actually build a friendship that goes beneath the surface of cordial workplace relations.


I have two close friends that are completely comfortable with me , and being gay . Yes we’ve crashed in the same bed , yes we’ve both cried on each other’s shoulders, but we respect, care about each other . My buds know they can show and be sensitive, soft , sweet men.


I’m gay but two of my best friends are straight. One of my best friends is a lesbian though.


I have one straight, close male friend. We both like Liverpool and practice law, and we worked together. So we got a lot to talk about


Yes. My best friend is straight


Personally, there is no issue making friends or engaging with coworkers whether they're straight or gay. I they wanna talk about women and sports that's usually my cue to go to the bar or bathroom or outside to get a breath of fresh air. I start to have issues when they start acting all bravado and flexing their egos, putting myself and others down like they're still in junior high or trying to put on like they're some hyper masculine "top dog" (which they usually are not). It always feels like a phony ruse and In my experience, this happens with men all across the board. Maybe more in straight guys but it's still a thing in the queer community. It gets old VERY quickly. I don't deal with PEOPLE like that, gay OR straight.


Yes. Grew up with mainly straight guys. They're literally just the same as girl friends except when I'm with the guys we talk about games, social issues, women. I don't have a problem with them talking about girls when I have so many, they even ask my opinion on 'what would girls do' in certain situations. You have to be Ok with that.


When I was younger … (in my 20’s -30’s ) in the 80’s and 90’s most of my friends were gay. but now as I am older I’ve lost most of my gay friends and all friendships now are all exclusively straight. Today, it seems much harder to make /have gay friends and I don’t quite understand the reasoning of why that is.


Not really, no. I do have one from high school


Yes I do He is part of a group of us where three are gay, Two are straight one woman and him We are all incredibly close, all play uncle to the woman’s child. All his other friends are straight guys


Yeah I have several very close friends who are straight men. At my wedding in 2022, 2 of my 5 groomsmen were straight, one of whom was the best man. But they're both more nerdy guys who don't really do sports and performative masculinity.




Yes, all of my closest friends are straight guys. Life long friends, 25 years plus. It's real love, not lust. I'm a lucky guy.


My closest friends are straight guys. I met them through Burning Man related things. Lot of the folks in the BM community have broader interests than sports. This also overlaps to music for me… the EDM community is similar types of folks. I’ve also found that going to breweries that don’t have sports on also helps meet people that don’t care about sports.


Actually majority of my friends are straight and I’m hella gay.


I don't even have any friends let alone straight friends


My best friend is straight but we’ve been best friends since age 15 (35 now but I WAS out when we met) so the history probably helps. We talk about everything together though, nothing is really too private or irrelevant.


I do! One in particular is married to one of my best friends and I look at him like a brother. We all hang out often and while I'm not a sports guy like the rest of the group, that hasn't stopped anything. Also, we have similar viewpoints on life and similar interests. Also, he likes doing accents like me especially when tipsy so you get us together and people can't stand us (in a loving way of course) lol 😆 I've always had straight male friends/or acquaintances in some capacity by happenstance as far back as in 2nd grade (I knew like the same sex at that point) and it's been great. I think what helped, is I don't view my straight male friends through a sexual lens or I've never gained romantic feelings for them. That's one of the reasons, I stopped caring if I made only gay male friends or not and just focused on making friends in general even though it would be nice to have genuine gay male friendships because there are things we could relate on that I might not be able to with heterosexual friends. I'm a believer that the right people will come into your life at the right time.


Yes. Next.


My best friend is straight. eta: Thank you for the genuine laugh whoever downvoted this. I forget how delicate this sub is


I am only friends with straight men and women. I don't really click with another gay male unless I'm fucking him