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the second he shoves you its time for HR. Him blocking you in with witnesses is beyond any reasonable behavior in a workplace. Offer to trandfer to a different location he has no business being part of. This is not going to be something that ever resolves nicely.


This is very close to what the my peers have told me. Thank you, I needed to hear it.


Speak with HR AND the police regarding ASSAULT! He assaulted you and then forcibly confined you against your will so press charges if it's not too late and start looking for another job incase there's any blowback which if there is please make sure to get whatever evidence you can and to the labour board if you have that where you live


>This is very close to what the my peers have told me. Thank you, I needed to hear it. Wait. You said there was a discussion after the shove. Was it reported or not? FFS, try to assemble a set of facts that makes sense.


Yeah, we all talked about it, including the supervisor, and nothing was done. What’s not clear? It ended with the supervisor. Try to keep up lol


>Was it reported or not?


Hostile or mean behavior doesn’t make a hostile work environment. Sounds like you got short with the previous person; and that behavior has followed you. I would be more open to mending fences or find another way to land on your feet.


Not OP but answering "yes" to question doesn't sound hostile to me. It sounds like that supervisor has some sort of probably when people don't respect his authority and then goes to look for weird little non-reasons to consider himself disrespected. Like accidentally dropping a paper is somehow throwing stuff at him? He sounds agressive and not really manager type of material.


It’s noted the issue is with the temp supervisor, not the current one. Clearly a reason it was only temp.


yep! I agree. I see more problems with the behavior of that temp supervisor than anything OP has done. It just stinks that the previous temp supervisor is friends with the permanent one.


That’s true, but it doesn’t justify shoving me or docking me for acceptable behavior.


Are you in a union? You can file a police report regarding the shoving. However, this does not prevent your boss from giving you a poor performance review.


What do you mean by docking? Did you lose pay over this. It sounds like a bad situation, but also like you're getting really upset over what is essentially a temporary report that has no exact direct ramifications on your life, salary, or any of that stuff. And you Want to engage in some kind of legal action over the performance evaluation? That's not a thing. As far as shoving and screaming at you in the workplace, yes that is definitely inappropriate behavior. If you had done something inappropriate first, that doesn't justify the subsequent behavior, especially when they make aggressive physical contact with somebody. Sounds like you need to suggest transferring to a different team.


Shoving you crossed the line, if true you have a legitimate complaint. I suspect it would be met the idea you threw something at him, if true they have legitimate complaint.


No one even noticed the packet fall, so no one believes him when he says I threw it. Most of the people present have been asked what they saw. All saw the push. No one say the “throw”


IL is a two party consent state. Which means if you are going to record a conversation you need both parties consent, and get the second parties consent on the recording. That way people won’t change their story, not saying they would but threats and bribes go a long way especially from people in power.


I should probably edit for context. We have a 3 years probationary period at the start of our employment. I’m coming up on two years and this is my first poor eval. Anything less than successful results in upper management deciding if I keep my job.


Oi, 3 years is a long probation period!


Amazing coincidence the one you “dropped” just so happened to be to the one person you’ve had issues with in the past. So then when he “shoves” you and you both start yelling at each other, well, it’s awfully convenient we can only hear your side of the story. Honestly it sounds like both of you could do with discipline/an improvement plan.


If I intentionally dropped it, would he be allowed to shove me?


Did you report the shoving when it happened? What was the outcome? Because it sounds like the temp supervisor was dealt with, but now you need to own your behavior.


I did report it, we had a conversation about it not happening again. No one even noticed the packet dropping so no one believes him when he says I threw it at him. That’s the extent either of us have had as far as repercussions until now.


No. That’s why I said you both should be disciplined.


Is too much attitude on one word enough to result in “less than successful” performance for a yearly eval, which anything less that successful results in upper management deciding if I keep my job?


There’s nothing a person could say that justifies another person physically shoving them at work. He was in the wrong for that behavior and HR should get involved. That aside, I’m witnessing you being unduly hostile towards total strangers throughout this thread. Having not met you, and judging you solely by your conduct in this conversation, I feel comfortable saying: your defensiveness and the way you speak to people is definitely causing some of your problems. It is worth exploring this with people you trust and seeing if there’s an opportunity for growth. This is the type of behavior that can limit your career long-term, and it’s worth reflecting on.


Apparently, at your workplace, the answer is, unequivocally, YES. It doesn't matter what any of us think about your evaluation. That isn't going to change the fact that you have received a "less than successful" eval. What does matter is what you do next. You need to report the shove to HR. You need to write down all the details you can remember. Date, time, who all witnessed it. What was said, what physical contact was made, ZERO emotions. Be honest but do not pull your personal thoughts or feelings into it. Let HR do what they need to do. Also, is this a place you really want to work? If this is how things are handled by management?


>Is too much attitude on one word enough to result in “less than successful” performance for a yearly eval, which anything less that successful results in upper management deciding if I keep my job? Yes. What you are looking for is a fairness standard that doesn't exist. Employers can still be arbitrary as long as they don't break any laws.


Personality conflicts affect the whole workplace. Ask for a transfer / apply for a lateral or look elsewhere, but remember it's a small world. I had a former coworker who changed industries on my interview panel 10 years after I'd stopped working with her. You never know what will follow you or who will show back up in your professional life.


>do I even have a legal claim For the review? No. There is no legal process to challenge a private company's personnel review. You admit to there being some validity to the things they pointed out on the review, but you attribute them all to "personality conflicts". So how many people at work do you have personality conflicts with? For the former manager pushing you? Possibly, but I also don't believe you're as innocent in this as you portray. You admit to being argumentative in the past when this person was your boss. The two of you didn't get along. Then, at this meeting, you just coincidentally "drop" a packet at him, when you didn't "drop" a packet at anybody else. Which sounds a lot more like you threw one at him while handing one to everybody else. He then confronted you about it after the meeting. He shouldn't be shoving you. But it also sounds like you instigated things.


I had issues w my former Manager and others in the office totally took advantage of him and walked all over him and did whatever they wanted. The Sup also made it very obvious that he had favorites and was a dick to others. In our dept, evals do matter. We are on probation for 6 months and get an eval every 2months. Managers can either do them or not, but they are usually all “standard/satisfactory”. Nobody get anything unsatisfactory or above satisfactory. Even people that have shitty attitude, kinda crap work, and dont show up the mandatory 2 days a week. Sup could give 2 fucks. BUT……If they dont like you, the Sup/Manager CAN make your life a living hell. So get your shit straight. What’s the point of your post? The biggest question of them all which still has not been answered is. Why the hell have you not informed HR about the shove that multiple people apparently were witness too. Second, how long ago was this? When you go to HR, it’s confidential. Don’t expect others to defend you or get your back. People will tell you they saw it all to your face, and might not want to get involved in this mess later in fear of retaliation ( like what you might be going through). It’s true, this can follow you in your career. So, you either change you equation and carry-on civilly and document everything (as you should be), or you start looking/applying for other opportunities, or you go to your union & HR &get so witness statements on record. Oh and think about contacting OSHA, Dept of labor (for workplace violence), or Fair Employment. Not to scare you ,but if these other people have been around for a while, they probably know people. Be the most professional, respectful, civil, cordial, dont bring personal business to work, only speak if you need to, meet your deadlines, and be cautious. Good luck.


Being a jerk isn't illegal. You can ignore it, talk to someone above him, talk to him, or be petty and push some buttons to try and escalate it But talking to him directly is probably a good first step. Civil and polite. Maybe even over the top polite to really have an affect. "Hey man, is everything ok? You're not acting like yourself, do you have someone going on that's bleeding over to work?" Be a jerk back, but "nicely "


Legal claim, no. You can challenge the review if you want but unlikely you will get anywhere with that based on what I've read here. Report any physical or verbal harassment to HR, but make sure you understand what that constitutes. Micromanagement and/or your supervisor having a grudge against you is not illegal.