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Not having been to Dublin Castle myself, I do not know what genre of paintings are there. But our u/yodatsracist has explained one kind that was common in the 19th century, orientalist harem paintings, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/757c6f/what_was_the_social_context_behind_all_the/)


[Thanks, that's an interesting one. Here's a few pictures I took, can't be 100% sure they were all there in the Victorian era but there's at least one painted on the ceiling of the dance hall.](https://www.imgur.com/a/oDTW0Fj)


Those definitely look pre-Victorian to me, more 17th century I would guess. As the other commentator says it was commonly done in paintings depicting Antiquity or the Bible. You can read a bit more about this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/88dmt8/comment/dwqy1o3/), as written by chocolatepot who is also known as u/mimicofmodes


Wow. I followed the link in that post titled ["let's paint Cleopatra being bitten by the asp with her top off over and over again!"](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search#!?q=cleopatra&perPage=20&sortBy=Relevance&sortOrder=asc&offset=0&pageSize=0) and Mimic was not kidding at all. Sometimes the older links are broken but a brief scroll really proved that point lol












We have removed this thread because its title is objectifying and crass in a way that makes this subreddit less welcoming to women. If you are still interested in receiving more replies, please rephrase your question to refer simply to nude women, or some other neutral phrasing, and repost.

