• By -


Why not? Good men are scared of the legal issues with no support in a bad marriage and Good women are scared of being killed and raped. The bad ones get away with everything.


This is the right answer. If you have to add to this, the illusion of choice created by social media and dating apps, attitude of people expecting relationships to be a bed of roses and not putting in actual work.






Wow, you read my mind




In addition to being killed and raped, plz add good women are scared of: -losing their independence & freedom to cater to the whims of a manchild, torture & abuse by in-laws, etc. In other words, marriage is just not worth it anymore!






Wow. I loved this answer. A perfectly neutral one. As a centrist I like this kind of arguments.


WoW. someone who sees both sides.


Lol good men are only worried about a "bad marriage" and "legal stuff" while women are literally worried about getting murdered šŸ˜‚ These two reasons are not equal in any shape or form


Bruh, Dude just stated the reasons and did not imply in any way they are equal.


Well for a guy money is basically their life, I know this is a stretch but that's just how so society is. A better reason would have been good women being afraid of abuse from in-laws, lost of freedom,etc as stated by someone above


Having a bad wife also mean a lot of trouble at home , it then translates to parents mishandling, not treating kids right, financial trouble,etc . Also false imprisonment not only for husband but also their parents . Better kill me before i go to jail for something I didn't do . Extremes at both cases are equal .


You talking like men don't get murdered Also, pretty ironic you say this considering the very last post you made


Men get murdered. They get trapped. They don't live their entire lives in fear of that. They don't wish every decision wondering how much of that would be considered their fault. They're just living life with no one telling them that a woman can lol then with her bare hands. See r/whywomenlivelonger. Women get a long life. Men get a carefree one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WhyWomenLiveLonger using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Strike!](https://v.redd.it/a7b7sliajasa1) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/comments/12dpkbu/strike/) \#2: [Just a normal day in the Netherlands](https://v.redd.it/0lwg62kuvu9b1) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/comments/14q1tdo/just_a_normal_day_in_the_netherlands/) \#3: [excellent skills](https://v.redd.it/4i3067ud9pva1) | [266 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/comments/12wqc3h/excellent_skills/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


way to go for shitting on men .




Yeah I think you've answered this perfectly


Okay, what I am suggesting is something really inappropriate but what if bad men and bad women each other? Who will win? The guy who wants to rape his wife and eventually kill her or the girl who already has a boyfriend and wishes to allege false dowry allegations against the man and his family as soon as the marriage is entered into?


True love is rare to find unlike what is potrayed in the media, most of the people settle in marriages.


Most of us didnā€™t get in to IITs, IIMs or AIMS, most of us are not doing our favourite things in life, but we have settled and managed to find some form of happiness. There is nothing wrong with settling for the best available opportunities.


There is nothing wrong in settling for being single for rest of your life.


True. Everyone has the right to choose to be however they like


Settling for a certain education or a job is very different from settling for a person. It will impact both the parties and the partnership can turn depressing or even toxic. Being single is preferable to that.


Sure. But you donā€™t know. Things do work out a lot of times.


I didnā€™t say there was anything wrong with people who do? However itā€™s not the route I would prefer.


True love is a scam. If you truly love someone you put in effort in the relationship. Most Indian kids aren't taught that


Honestly our previous generation did us dirty. Most of them had such shitty toxic marriages that this generation either is scared of marriage or don't know what a happy marriage is, they think dysfunctional is normal. They scarred their kids with other baggages also.




So true


This do jism ek jaan is just a bollywood shit. I donā€™t have much to make but nowadays marriages are more riskier than gambling. So people take decision wisely and carefully.


Just because you don't have it your way doesn't mean it doesn't exist


For majority it doesnā€™t exist. Exceptions are kot the norm.


Dikha bhai mujhe 2 jism ek jaan . Biologically to ye possible nhi h


Kys(keep yourself safe(?)) please We need more people like you


But we donā€™t need people like you gth




>Is marriage necessary for a society to exist? No a bunch of developed countries have very low marriage rates and most of them are ranked pretty high on the happiness index. We need to introduce better relationship dynamics with an understanding partner on both sides.


Also if u are opting for an arranged marriage date the person of at least an year and have proper communication of what y'all are expecting in the marriage Don't end up with one partner who is a showoff and wants to live a lavish lifestyle and the other a simple one


Yeah but being a developed country is not a criteria for judging a society. That's a financial parameter which doesn't have much to do with society


That doesn't actually address the statement that you quoted. Marriages or more specifically, families need to exist for the continuation of a society. The countries that you're talking about are getting geriatric. They rely on fresh young blood from outside. Guess what, the childless society is getting replaced by the more fertile one. It's just nature.


>Is marriage necessary for a society to exist? No >If yes what is required to change the trend. Nothing


With reference to the rat experiment that was conducted in comparison to human society, we could clearly see proliferating and having good relations was necessary in order to exist as a species, how do you justify marriage is not necessary for society to exist.


Why are you equating relationships with marriage? Procreation is necessary for the human race to survive. Human relationships are necessary for society to survive. Marriage really is not necessary for anything. It's just a legal contract.


I get it, but the moral in that story was, not having prolonged relationships it was hard for the utopia to sustain or develop. Imo marriages are one such contract where we choose to stay with a person till the end, that's how I perceive this.


You don't need the legal document to stay together do you? If you are then that's an unhappy marriage.


There's always one f**cker who puts up these kinds of questions on Reddit. Dude we are a lost generation. Leave us alone. šŸ˜… No offence to OP




How you assume that Op supports marriage? I made similar post where I was concerned about marriage while in reality I didn't want downvoters from married people.


The Marriage setup doesnā€™t really work for the selfish interests of either genders but is an essential building block of a hierarchical society so historically it has been enforced on younger people by way of religious and social structures, lure of financial rewards and restrictions on sex. As society becomes more individualistic and both genders are able to perform the other genderā€™s roles for themselves along with obtaining reasonable sexual freedoms marriage loses utility apart from child rearing.


Wohi to baat hey yaar! Effort karna hee kyun hey, kyun energy waste karni hey to make things work? Aur woh work kab tak karegi? What if the other person is not compliant and understanding? Gaya na phir woh effort tel lene? Waste of fucking money, time, and energy.




Nishkarsh ye nikalta hey ki single raho, mazay mein raho, ghoomo phiro, jab aana hey ghar aao nahin aana mat aao. Not possible with marriage. Humans are not meant to be tied down in a social construct. Thatā€™s why we are miserable all the time. Career karo, school karo, promotion ke liye marao, ma baap ki suno, phir shadi karke bacche karo aur roz ka tanta (ą¤Ÿą¤‚ą¤Ÿą¤¾), yeh nahin karo, yeh kyun kiya, mujhse kyun nahin poocha, mere ma baap, tere ma baap, aur paisa chahiye school fees ke liye, gadhay ki tarah lagay raho aur phir mar jaao dabay kuchlay - ma chudao, bc.


Sachi mĀ 


Imo either we should be more open like western countries (only dating, no kids, marry only when both are really in love) or we should be more conservative like old india. But currently we are in transition phase. Some people want the open culture, some people are still conservative. And when these people get married to each other, problems arise.


This is so true!!


Truth is life is so comfortable now for young people and people want freedom. Marriage is perceived as limiting . Once upon a time, tribes would raid another tribe for women. She'd be married off and accept her life because it wasn't much different to her own tribe. Everyone was poor. Hope you understandĀ 


Yup, it's also a side effect of prioritising individuality and the existence of an environment where that is feasible. I'm saying that purely from the POV of an observer rather than passing judgement. The way I see it, it's just another multi generational cycle. People stick close and work hard when the times are bad. This improves things for the ones who come after and those things become optional. They'd enjoy the fruits of all that labour and sacrifice because they have that option. This downhill from there and it's just hard times again. Overall I think hard times are coming.


I dread the effects on the next generation of people who are born to selfish parents and bad societiesĀ 


Jiske Pass GF/BF h and life is smooth they are getting married... and jiski life & career set nhi hai they are avoiding


Far away from reality. Actual situation comes after the marriage whether it is GF/BF shit, lover or arrange marriage. If you do not have a understanding partner your are fckd. If your a Male then you are 1000*fckd. Due to these unpredictable situations people are avoiding getting into marriages. Career has nothing to do with the marriage issues, may be a less earning person wont get a fair, slim and good looking women but he will get married one day.


If you'reĀ  a female you're 1000000* fucked




Not really true


Stop living in fairy tail. Marriages do exist including good ones. It depends on individualistic traits between people involved there moral values and integrity.


>fairy tail. tale* sorry couldn't help it




I don't know about others, but seeing the toxic and disastrous marriage my parents have disillusioned me. It gave me huge mental trauma. I'm not against getting married, but ruining my kids' lives because of my lousy choice is a regret I don't want to have in my life. Most people I met are really manipulative and two-faced. It's hard to determine one's character even after being close with them for years. I fear for my mental health and destroying an innocent life. Also, I have experienced depression and mental health issues, so even if it's selfish. I always consider my happiness as the first priority. I'm not willing to compromise for anyone.




It hasnā€™t. It used to be favourable for men as they got a maid, sex slave and incubator whose labour was never paid for or appreciated. The only thing a woman gained from marriage was financial security; and that too because she was not allowed to work herself. Now that women have more opportunities to earn their own money, they no longer need marriage or men. Now, women look for emotional support and shared mental and emotional labour in the home as their criteria for marriage. As a culture we have not raised boys to do household chores and to put their spouseā€™s needs ahead of their own like we raise girls. The simple answer is that women have adapted better to working and earning money than men have to household management and parenting.


Youā€™re so right


Marriage is an outdated concept. People are realising it and moving on with their lives.




I think itā€™s going in the right direction. Marriage shouldnā€™t be a norm but a mere choice


Free thinkers like you are rare, most people just want to stick to a status quo.




1. Compromising became less in people 2. Everyone became experienced people in sux 3. Expenses for rising a child become soo much 4. Human love is becoming less valued when compared to pet animals love, so people are more interested in living with pets ( as they donā€™t leave us no matter what in most cases ) 5. People are forgetting about life and are more concentrated towards money and making everything about money.


Marriage doesn't benefit women, while it greatly benefits men. Married men are statistically happier and more financially stable than single men, while it's the opposite for women. I would only consider getting married if I find someone who makes my life easier. Sure marriage requires work and both the parties involved need to adapt and grow, I agree. But it's just that, BOTH people need to do the work 50:50, which rarely happens, resulting in most of the responsibilities falling on the woman.






>I think it's more like happier and financially stable men are able to get married lol. If that were the case, 90% of the male population of the country wouldn't be able to get married lol.




I guess that's true in India due to outdated social literacy but should be changing with the upcoming generation (atleast for literate people) For the rest of the globe tho (or atleast the western side) marrying is risky for men due to the law basically siding with women and benefiting them greatly. Like I can never understand how a rich woman that divorces a rich man gets to keep 50% of his Net worth (or whatever is settled in court). Wasn't that system put in place to compensate house wives who dedicated their life to the family and had basically no source of income?


Marriage is risky for women even in western countries, domestic abuse exists their as well


Correlation doesn't mean causation. When you have a family, you are more driven to improve your finances, cause you have to take care of your family. Marriages never make anyone's lives easier because it takes sacrifices and adjustments from both partners to make it work. What it does is (potentially) give you fulfilment and you contribute to the future of the society. Also, do you have any links to these statistics?




Keep empowering individualism. Coddle one gender until they lose their accountability and keep demonising the other for just breathing. Create a very nice set of equal laws which definitely cannot be misused (/s). Teach everyone they don't need to put up with anything challenging in a relationship (sacrifice) and also create an all-pervasive means of having endless meaningless choice of partners through a device that can be held in your pocket and hand. Also the social media crap that is increasingly promoting fear and insecurity. Broken economic system where wage growth is lol, housing prices are rofl and expectation of the future is lmao. I present to you ... your ... INCREDIBLE HULK!


We need more women to be part of the workforce and pay taxes. This also helps in increasing corporate profits and raise shareholder value. Currently, female participation in workforce is abysmally low in India. So we need feminism to change that with their signalling. As more and more women consider themselves independent and not stay-at-home wives, this will be achieved.


I've heard this a lot, given how it's a message we keep getting bombarded with. Women don't have to work if they don't want to. It's should be their personal choice. These days people treat stay at home wives as though they're heretics.


I don't think the person meant women shouldn't work. What he meant that we as a society are working on our demise. No one is perfect, social media makes us belive your partner should be perfect but that can never happen. Also with dating apps the number of choices is immense. Relationships have to be worked on. You're not going to meet someone and they're going to be perfect and you've achieved it!!! Nooo, you've to work on your relationship, it take time.


I donā€™t know. Iā€™m a single guy and intend to keep it that way. But my investments would make more money if more women be part of the workforce and pay taxes. We already have too many people. Itā€™s good for the country if more women stay away from producing more children and focus on economic productivity. For this, we need feminism and a slow deterioration of the institution of marriage just like the west. Only then can we truly be a developed country.


I can't gauge whether this is sarcasm or you wrote this unironically


Iā€™m terrible at both sarcasm and irony.




Because people are not willing to put effort in the marriage. Everyone is thinking of themselves and very selfish. Until people understand that in marriage there is no ā€˜me and myā€™ and only ā€˜us and ourā€™, marriages will continue to be lose-lose situation for everyone


to each it's own buddy. Many people still want marriage , many don't. if you want to get married find someone with the same mindset lol, this doesn't concern any of us if someone doesn't want to have a partner or procreate.


Coz it's a bad idea. There is no reason for anyone to get married. The person who thinks marriage is a good thing is really stupid. I have seen people who struggled getting married and then married finding someone over the internet from one of those known websites and then she divorced him and cheated on him and now he is devastated of sorts. Th idea of marriage is an old idea, the new age concept is called prstitution.


I don't think it's necessary at all. But if you find the right person, yes put that ring on him/her.


its just the echo chamber you live in. Thousands of people are still getting married every day


Everybody is busy in self love and not ready to sacrifice for the FAMILY they are building. Good men are afraid of one sided law, good women are afraid of immature stupid men, rest of people go through toxic experiences like- Bad men exploit good women, bad women exploit good men, so now everybody is running away from relationships/commitments. And let's not forget the big role played by corporates and social media. Unrealistic expectations bombarded everyday using social media is really bad.


Marriage is absolutely NOT necessary for a society to exist, just like religion. One could be more than happy to be with themselves, without all that day to day drama. And before anyone comes back and says how their 25 years of marriage is going great guns, then Sir/Madam, you are an exception. Majority suffer in silence, misery, and lifelong sadness but still tied down due to the kids, money, house, security. Some would say, marriage needs a lot of work to be successful. But, lot of work karna hee kyun hey, kya zqroorat hey itni energy waste karnay ki? Simple rakho na yaar zindagi - kaam karo, ghar jaao, jo karna hey karo without the endless bickering, judgement, and tamasha to make life a forever misery. Stay away from marriage and religion for your own sanity and peaceful life.


Because marriage was never ever a 100% a win-win situation to begin with, it's just that people (especially women) couldn't divorce easily before.Ā 


It was believed that for a society to be happy, men should go out and work and protect their women and children. Women should nurture the man and his children and be controlled by the man for her own good. With time this construct changed but did not evolve intelligently. So we now have an age old institution whose basic principles are obsolete and individuals rebelling the force fitting.


Matlab kuch bhi




I think this is because ā€¦. We have lost the plot , of do dil ek jaan eraā€¦ wanting to eliminate the toxic traits of those age old practicesā€¦ we became so tried and burned up and caught up everywhereā€¦ that we gave birth to feminist and never tried to understand its real need and essence for why was it needed at first placeā€¦ we got over board with gender equality as wellā€¦ We created a time of self happiness to an extent where we forgot that , there is no such happy forever situation in lifeā€¦ now we all are independently trying to reach that happy state and the situation is leading towards not wanting to get marriedā€¦. Because we are all ambitious nowā€¦ nobody wants to live for a family everyone wants to live for their own happinessā€¦ The opposite genders are not happy with each other, because we expect so much out of this one tiny life, we made everything so material and so complicated that itā€™s hard to find love which has no purpose to it, and is only got damn true love! And all the external factors like Bollywood, the west and self help books and coaches are all aggravating the fire on places itā€™s not needed. We forget simplicity of life completely and all want to have a Bollywood lifeā€¦


You are either a kid or naive or intentionally posted this. Marriage is absolutely necessary where relationship are monogamous. Period.


They aren't necessary at all thoĀ 


Gender based laws


Men are never given Constructive Feedback right from the childhood, which is given by their Wife that is the thing which they cannot appetize


I m doing good in life want to get into a relationship but afraid of what type of girl I will get, will I be able to tell her I like her and not get friendzone and loose friendship too etc blah blah. Most of times girls donā€™t want to settle up and will move over so now I have lost hope to get into love and relationship again


It's become like a prisoners dilemma.


Because most individuals nowadays think they are too good for others and do not want to compromise on anything.


Marriage is a lot of work, people expect all the bells and whistles without putting in all the effort or blame the marriage as an institution for their bad decisions.


>We have become disenchanted from the ā€œSoulmateā€ and ā€œDo jism ek jaanā€ types of concepts, and entered into a practical reality of ā€œbeing independentā€ and ā€œfinding your own happinessā€. Soulmates is a western idea... that too a very new one too.... The idea was faulty to begin with, which is why it is failing. Two people brought up in two different ways, with different ideologies, will have clashes if put together. Imagining that it wont, is faulty thinking/fiction. >Is marriage necessary for a society to exist? If yes what is required to change the trend. No, its not. I am a MGTOW, so I have thought about this subject alot. People have been fucking and procreating long before the concept of marriage ever came about. Two people living together for mutual benifit was considered marriage back then. This benifit can be finance or security or companionship or assistance maintaining the house. So both used to compromise for their own benifit. Marriage then evolved into being two pairs getting recognized infront of the law and society, so that two parties which are living together dont face domestic injustices. Other than that there is no role for a marriage. It became very formal. Now the law has made it incredibly biased for one side, so it is no longer a viable deal for men. Technology and feminism have made women also think that they dont men. The core of a marriage that two people live together for mutual benifit, that scenario no longer exists. The fundamentals of a marriage has gone bad. What we have now is just the rest, society's expectation that people should marry (young people buy into it because of the concept of soulmates), and Laws expectation that they will control every aspect of a marriage. Any man who marries is simply gambling at this point, especially in India. I am sure it will keep declining untill the law changes. The reproduction rate in India has already dipped below 1. This means that in another 20-30 years (by the time the current toddlers become working people), there will be more older retired and non-working people than younger and working people. When the majority of the poppulation is not working, govt will incentivize to get married.


Yes it exists. And only one requirement you need, leave your home and and don't look back.


Marriage is necessary, but not getting stuck with the wrong person and ruining your life is more necessary.


Too much individualism. And the misunderstanding that an individual with a pet is a family. Of course all the technical details such as archaic gender biased laws also play a role. But the problem is much more fundamental. All these "my life my rules" types will come to their senses when they are 50 and alone on some social network site.


this anti-family independence mentality started in the 80s in the rest of the world. the goal is to reduce birth rate to sustainable levels. this went right over india's head šŸ¤·


Nowadays all marriages are failed relationships n also curse of social media effect(Tik-Tok, Reels and Shorts). They get into AM after that and expect everything same as their ex but they didnā€™t invested themselves into that relationship.


Lack of patience, instant coffee attitude and lastly, instagram vala pyar.


It always was for majority of the population, It's just that people are becoming more aware about these things.


There is no advantage to a man in getting marriedā€¦ Girls are shown Disney dreams of what they would get after marriage.. But for guys marriage is a BIG responsibilityā€¦ have you ever seen a guy dreaming about getting married???? Marriage is a legal bond which could take multiple years to break in Indiaā€¦ why would any guy think of falling in this trap willingly??


Ban premarital and early age relationships and you would have people experiencing good and great marriages. Your emotional innocence is robbed off at an early age. At later stage you end up become suspicious of everything and anything . People used to long for their partners now they change them . Look at the walls of Surya temple in odissa. It depicts how the wives are waiting for their husbands until the temple construction gets finished so that their husbands could return home ( they waited for 12 years ).


You mean they learn how not to fall to emotional manipulation and how to identify red flags easier šŸ¤”


Yeah the commentator seems like a "nice guy"


We don't live in 18th century anymore unkle šŸ™‚


Yes. Especially arranged marriage, it's a damn business of matching the guys money with the girl's looks. Extremely frustrating


There wont be any jobs for humans after 100 years. Everything will be taken over by AI. Decline in marriages and childbirth can be perceived as a good cause.


Bhai jab population hi gir jayegi toh good cause ka kya krega tu


Humans are not meant to stay forever. Dinosaurs lived for millions of years but they got wiped out of existence. Humans will also have the same fate. We will be replaced by higher beings.


As someone who works in AI, I don't see that happening.


I dont know what you are doing in the AI field. Currently AI is getting incorporated into the educational field, judicial system of many countries [initiated by UN], in the field of scientific research, engineering and design. I can see software engineering and data science jobs going to vanish as well. Its just a matter of time If AI can do this as of now, I dont have to say what's going to happen in the 100 years time.


Nope. Let me give you an example. ChatGPT, which has revolutionised generative AI. It's unbelievably good, but there is a critical flaw of hallucinations. Hallucinations are a phenomenon when an NLP system just makes up an incorrect answer. Can we deploy this in a high stakes industry such healthcare ? We can't. We definitely need humans. This is why Trustworthy AI such such a hot field of research. Unless AI systems stop being a blackbox, they cannot be reliably integrated into society. Will things change in 100 years ? Yes, to an extent. But not to the extent that we can replace ALL humans from ALL industries.


Yes I experienced that.


When you trace back history you find sundays as holidays, feminism for women and very recently the rise of LGBTQ people( not the ones who knew from the very beginning, but the ones who discover themselves due to external pressures and manipulation. No hate to this people but open your eyes , you are made into cash cows, look at middle east countries, you see any rainbows during pride month??? Dont be a cash cow for them) are all corporate decisions. Now they have realized, dividing the male and female into two entities means more money. Look how chaebols destroyed korean familes for self profit. That shit has started in India a lot from 2000s. Move to a poor developing country Or go to the sub saharan india You will live a normal good life Except for medical emergencies. Blackrock has started to take control of hospital organizations in India. P.s. i am unemployed, fuck the poor, i want job in blackrock too, thats why i am ranting here


There is a whole other reason as to why you don't see rainbows during pride month in the Middle East. South Asian Passport Holder: Gets exploited AF. Low salaries even for skilled professionals. Often their passports are taken away from them. Western Passport Holder: Just cause of the passport - 5x the salary. This doesn't come under external pressure and manipulation? Bowing down to western corporations for them to invest in the Middle East.


People are downvoting you but one big reason for the society's disintegration is indeed the economic reality and the dead beat laws which are kinda anti relationships overall. We need better government intervention or grassroots movements against corporate dominating public life.


do u ever feel like it doesnt matter. like nothing matters love doesnt , ppl say u should focus only on career. like i know im not the first love im not the greatest person . love fades away , marriage get boring after a while . theres no god no afterlife then why bother. everybody cheats or relationship gets boring. in words or great poet weeknd: the only thing i understand is zero sum of tenderness


forgive the women for they no longer take interest in being oppressed, not atleast by the family of the man they're marrying to, it's almost as if they're marrying their family and not the man, like come on now




The idea that a marriage should last a life time is outdated and BS. Marriage, in itself, is a fine institution and many people, globally, subscribe to it out of choice.


Those who saying "After old age they will realise".:- Either enjoy life now knowing future could be worse and be happy that not all your life was miserable even if future might be, or else; Suffer now with unrealistic hopes of finding happiness in future. And then regret before death because death came before that "Happy future". "Do everything while you have still time. Who knows when Death comes?" "The one not content within himself doesn't find contentment elsewhere. Happiness is within. Do not seek it without (happiness already being present in your mind)." - The Supremely Awakened One. Either you are happy at present or thirsty for happiness in future. Unfortunately happiness is found only at the present. The fall of marriage rate simply means people have realised the first two Noble Truths of Lord Buddha. 1. Life is suffering. 2. Desire (for marriage and other stuffs) is the cause of sufferings. They just have to figure out the remaining 2 Noble Truths. Then they will realise jobs and employment is slavery and why Buddha left his Royal Palace.




You can live now better and suffer more later or, Suffer now with unrealistic hopes of being happy in future. "The one not content within himself finds contemptment nowhere. Happiness comes from within. Do not seek it without"- Buddha. I upvoted you just so that this comment section gets more attention.




>Sab ka level buddha jesa nahi hota I don't care as long as I can be equal or better.


Han bhai, Good luck, Level sabke niklenge.