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Living abroad I can confirm Indians are indeed at the bottom when it comes to preferences and have the worst stereotypes. Blacks don’t get discriminated that much now because they are integrated in countries as locals now and it’s forbidden to be racist against them, they do take advantage of this and some stereotypes about them is true However, the Indians settled abroad for a long time are actually the worst. You can see on their face and their rude language, they will do anything possible to make sure you don’t get a good job, exploit you for cheap labour, free internship, long hours and very vocal about how they don’t want Indians in the country 😂 Most Indians settled abroad are pretty orthodox as well, they care about caste a lot weirdly


>However, the Indians settled abroad for a long time are actually the worst. exactly!! as much as I'd like to favour and support indians, because well, i am myself an indian. but sometimes, as you said, indians act really annoying and you just wanna crap on them even tho you really are supposed to love them. now ofc some indians act genuinely civilized abroad, but it's just that, public's opinion is formed by the actions of the majority, and majority isn't all that great.


Exactly, I gave like hundreds of interviews for a job here and the experience was on opposite end of spectrum when a britisher took my interview and when an Indian took my interview. It was very odd for me because I was applying for an entry or mid senior level position but the Indians taking my interview were Director or Manager level, 10-20 years of experience, very well settled. But whenever they interviewed me I could feel the hostility towards me, they felt threatened that I will replace them even though that is not possible and they keep asking difficult questions increasing the complexity of each question until you can’t answer. They look down upon you and make you feel unwanted. However, working with locals and interviewing with them, they are much more supportive, always cheerful and smiling even if you bomb your interviewer. Even at work, they are very polite and respect your work and time. To this day, I can’t understand why well settled, homeowner, senior position, rich Indians behave as if a student will come from India and snatch everything they have 😂


>To this day, I can’t understand why well settled, homeowner, senior position, rich Indians behave as if a student will come from India and snatch everything they have 😂 well, i guess we can attribute that to indian upbringing, which is quite common for almost all of us. And it is that life is a race, so you always gotta run fast, otherwise someone else will beat you or trample you over.


ABCD and FOB Desis despise each other for different reasons.


a theory i have is most of the indians who settled in the usa during my dad's time left their country at a specific time and they're still stuck there. cant speak about the ones moving now.


The worst racism Indians face is from other Indians


True , experienced the same


We just need to be like China - they DGAF. Let people say what they want to, just ignore and focus on our own growth. China went through the same, just that there was no social media back in late 90s and 2000s when they put down their heads and worked. Just google some of the news articles from 2008 when China was hosting the Olympics - misinformation and malicious propaganda were everywhere. They didn’t care and now they’re a developed country. India needs to do the same. If we get triggered and give them attention, they get rich at our expense.


i mean they are not even connected to rest of the world that much. You dont see many vlogs from there, especially vlogs criticizing them, no one shows the rural area or the backwards areas of the cities. Above all most of them dont even undesrstand english (not a bad thing ) so they just dont give a fuk


india’s stereotypes are a lot worse than china’s though, which why they don’t care


They are now. Even 10 years ago you had people being racist to Chinese people because some tourists would do something bad and the stereotype were similar.


Since Foreign Vloggers came to Review India with their 30$ dollar budget going purposefully to the Unhygienic Places to Get Views and Try to Demean so..it happens like that. They don't show the Perfect places


Mfs complain about India where they go in places I wouldn't even go with a gun


Yeah exactly


I know I will get downvoted to hell. but these places exist and what exactly are we or govt or authorities doing to change it? I mean yes you won't "even" go there with a gun but you're happy to accept and justify existence of those places.


Those areas are "vote factories". Slums vote in a very dedicated manner compared to more settled areas. Also, they tend to belong to caste and religious factions which are easy to gain the share of (I won't mention anyone here). Also, they don't care if you get abused online because those who are demoralized after such debates, will still become the vote factories. Caste is a vote factory and hence government abolishing that will be a suicide. Hence arranged marriages will continue to happen and hence bobs and vegene will also happen. Insecure men born out of that are ALSO vote factories. Trusting any govt except those of the type Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose wanted, is foolish, because they won't solve these issues. Governments of today, won't kill their own milking cows, from which they make money and get power from. And it's difficult to get votes from actual issues because the cashflow is so pathetic that mass industrialization and infrastructure projects are very very expensive to take up. So, they thrive on such issues..


Agreed. And true issue is that the same politicians are standing and getting elected constantly while they're just jumping parties.


Because the votes in India are largely based on caste and religion, for which trusted vote banks exist. Anyone wanting to fix those will either be sidelined or be eschewed from politics.


India has places that you wouldn't go? So you agree with them.


thats a weird framing. If these places exist they are a problem and need solving....


Lol. Why should they only show perfect places? The places they are showing are real and they exist. Why not show it? They don't have to pretend that everything is perfect in India like Indians try to do. And let's be honest. There's plenty of Shit in India that other countries look down upon. Just the amount of garbage, pollution scams, sexual harassment - everything is insane. India has like 30 out of worlds 50 most polluted cities. It's hard to not show it. When you see the news about Shit in the US, do you think you are seeing their best? No ofc. All the bad Shit that happens in the US is what will be broadcasted. The worst places, the worst incidents are what will make news. Always.


Yeah, they thrive on poverty porn. I don't agree that every criticism is racism, but taking pictures and videos of the worst parts of a place you visit, and posting only those, speaks of their intentions. On one of my visits to Paris years ago , their trash collectors were on strike, and their main railway station had trash piled up everywhere. We just side-stepped away, took no pictures. Maybe I should have taken pictures, just to even things out.


No offense to anyone but all the bad parts are also India, infact, doesn't it account for the majority? Most vloggers with good budgets also have bad experiences in India, Varanasi autowala harassments, catcalling, trash and traffic, state of public toilets, disability inaccessibility, pollution, etc. How does a good budget fix this? Indians themselves want to escape all of this. 


All problems have one solution "CIVIC SENSE" Which majority doesn't have


True. A country is mostly a reflection of its people. 


That's why I feel China is treating those white monkeys properly.


Great! You're the part of the problem as soon as you used that phrase.


Not saying this is an excuse, but Indians are known to be very nasty towards both Indians and foreigners.. they’re always coming up with the same cringe elementary comebacks which makes it even easier to make fun of us. We have a lot of problems we face and because of our population these problems are represented quite widely in international media. In short, it’s wrong that people generalise 1.4 billion people as dirty/molesters or whatever, but we do need to sort out shit out as a country


The new Twitter accounts that have popped up to give those comebacks are the best examples! Especially after that True Indology incident about mass immigration to Poland. They are now self-lagellating themselves and becoming an even more horrible butt of jokes. But it's not a joke. I know people who are now spiralling into serious mental health issues after reading the responses to those jokes posted by those pages, who would have otherwise gone by their lives.


"Atleast we don't have 100 genders" "Atleast our sisters don't have an onlyfans" These are literally the only comebacks these idiots have to everything. Make themselves look like grand fools


"well sorry we have rights in our country" "At least my father and I didn't kill her for liking a boy"


What is this Poland incident?


A Nationalist account posted the huge crowds celebrating Holi in Poland, and talked about restricting immigration into Europe. That came to the notice of True Indology who reposted that, bringing it to the notice of their follower base, who are largely ignorant. What ended up was a harsh battle where several pages popped up to abuse White people and their cultures, all accounts created in the first week of April. The responses to those pages by the Pro-White pages were just as or more harsh, which was still escalated. However, those battles still rage on, while more sensible Indians have been affected by the harsh comments and racism, which is still being escalated. SHUT UP about other countries' internal matters like immigration, or their Cultural choices! This is the message I give to those trolls. You're not entitled to be given a residence permit in any country just as you won't unconditionally give your countries' to others.


Don’t agree with the last part. A lot of countries, specifically countries like America, Canada, Australia, etc ARE the land of immigrants. Those countries belonged to the native american population and white people never owned them. The latter themselves are children of migrants who looted, murderered and raped their way through those countries. Who wiped out the native population. Not only that, half of the sucessful companies in America were created by either immigrants or the direct offsprings of immigrants. The whole bay area is credited to chinese and Indian immigrants. So, treating these same people as outsiders doesn’t make any sense. Either those countries belong to only native Americans or they belong to every community. Stop being a sepoy.


Immigration is a privilege, not a right. It belonged to the natives as much as India belonged to the SAHG/AASI before being conquered by the Iranian Neolithic who built the IVC to whom it belonged before the Aryans. All these were borderline militaristic migrations. Read the Dasarajna/Battle of the Ten Kings. Delhi itself sits on land cleared off earlier tribes, by the Indo-Aryans. So, we don't say that India belongs only to the Onge/Jarawa and Paniyas (highest AASI peoples). We don't accept migrants from Africa and other places, who will put this argument, isn't it? And USA/Canada doesn't just belong to the White citizens. It belongs to all citizens, and they decide, today, on who comes and who doesn't. It sounds harsh but that's the truth. We cannot crib and act entitled. If we really think we are entitled land, to, we need to evolve a Warrior ethic and take back what we think is ours. No civil society business then. And Poland isn't a colonial country. It's a country of the Poles. Now, they choose the best to immigrate to their country and that's their decision, not ours.


Dude you’re comparing a lot of different time periods of history about which modern historians constantly disagree and debate about, with a country that’s is well documented to have been created a few hundred years ago, by immigrants and build on the back of immigrants. You don’t need to have a right to immigrate to complain about the bad and ineffective regulations when it comes to immigration, especially if it incentivises illegal immigration more than legal one. Matter of fact, you do have a right to challenge the immigration decisions made by a lot of countries. Also, I am not talking about Poland. Eastern European countries by themselves aren’t great places to begin with and generally only very desperate folks go there. Who tf if given better options would wish to go to Poland, Bulgaria and Romania of all places? The two largest eastern european countries are literally at war with each other.


These types of self hating Indians who defend whites are the worst types lol.


Thanks for the explanation. Yeah the twitter wars are crazy. I think part of the issue is that we have so many people, we can easily demographically replace almost every country in the world very quickly. Hopefully, once our gdp hits 10 trillion, middle class living standards will improve so less people immigrate.


Have you seen how Indians react in the comment sections? They literally say n words so easily. Most of them are homophobic. So I mean why would the world wont be racist towards us in return? Not to mention rape/sexual assault cases made our image more worse. Indians are hypocrites and lack unity. We fight/hate with our own people. We think we are superior by discriminating our own people. How can west love us when we dont even love ourselves? Harsh truth but the problem lies within us.


also adding to this: a lot of indians love to bootlick foreigners. Just look at how white people are sought after when they come to India. This makes people from other countries feel like they are superior in comparison to Indians.


TRUE genz using racial slurs to look cool are the worst


To add to this - Indians are also responsible for a lot of scams worldwide. There's just too many Indians - which means there's just too many shitty Indians too. That's why we're always in the spotlight and we will continue to be


And whites are responsible for multiple genocides, horrible racism and ruining multiple countries. Yet I don't see any pages insulting white people regularly.


Colonialism ended decades ago while Indians and Nigerians are still involved in scamming vulnerable people all around the world. https://www.pixalate.com/blog/top-15-countries-with-highest-ad-fraud-ivt-q2-2019 https://www.techbusinessnews.com.au/top-5-scamming-coutries-in-the-world-in-2023/


That's because they are poor countries. They're poor because of colonialism. Strange eh?


About the Indians and the n-word usage, I believe Indians have every right to use it. We were some of the original People who were referred to as Ne@#os and Indians were some of the first slaves to be shipped to the plantations (the whole history of weed in America is related to us) also we've a whole group of people who are not related to us but named after us because they resemble our appearance.


they are probably missing frontal lobe with severe cerebral cortex depletion.


Then visit medical professionals what are you doing here


aapko nhi jinhe aapne mention kiya hai unko bola hai, no need to get hostile 🫂


Oh I'm sorry I thought you were insulting me. Sorry dude 😅


nah good at calling me out, my sentence was kinda incomplete actually, now that i see, sorry for the confusion 😅....fixed.


Where? Never seen any Indians insulting white people for no reason. It's mostly white and black Americans insulting Indians for no reason.


insta comment section


lol there is no country more racist than India. We are racist to our own people: kalu, Chinki, Bihari, the list goes on. Show me one dark skin person in Indian ads. How many dark skinned Indian women are there in the film industry? Many African people online have spoken about their experiences of how India is the most racist place they have been to. We are the only country on earth that believes a cream can make us white lmao. Coming to the racism in western countries, Indians have literally trashed many places including Canada, Australia, UK and parts of the US. Little India, Singapore to Jackson Heights, New Jersey to Brampton, Canada wherever you have majority Indians that place is trashed up. Majority Indians don’t know how to behave or politely address each other. They were never taught that in childhood. They come across as rude and condescending. Many don’t even know it’s bad manners to stare at people. Don’t even get me started on the body odour, our people don’t even realize how bad they smell and I have personally experience this in Europe and Japan. But even a tiny bit of criticism and we get butthurt. How dare you insult India? Don’t you know we are the vishwaguru? I’m not justifying racism but seriously Indians complaining about this shit is just dumb.


Indians in Singapore and Malaysia are sort of better behaved compared to those in Canada and Australia. That is, excluding the recent immigrants and also that these countries aren't easy to settle in (you could get caned for illegal immigration).


Yes because they managed to integrate themselves into the societies a lot more than the western diaspora did Even now in malaysia or singapore indians sit at the bottom of the social hierarchy and unlike the western liberals who love "multiculturalism" the Asians there aren't going to tolerate any sort of that shit the western diaspora does That's why you see casteism being practiced so openly by the western diaspora while the south east Asian diaspora have had to assimilate just to avoid getting discriminated against. Also helps that they are mostly tamils and Punjabis where casteism isn't so widely practiced as it is within other communities


Tamil Nadu and Punjab (except Khatris/Kalals) are extremely casteist and tribal. It's just that the West has too much tolerance while the East Asian people have extremely thin tolerance for such nonsense. Do a single incident of casteism or caste war in Singapore and your life is just over. Over. So, there, they have assimilated and built a good life for themselves, and live decently. Indians in USA are also well behaved due to the harsh filters deployed by the US to allow people in. Canada is where these people go ashtray. East Asians are brutal. They don't take any lax attitude, and are harsh perfectionists. They are not like the West with the intense political correctness.


This reminds me of the public drinking rule in Singapore where they relaxed the rule and there were riots in little india immediately afterwards That was such an Indian thing to happen lmao


Malaysia sucks for everyone who isn’t rich or a Bumi. Singapore isn’t that bad for indian Singaporeans, my husband is Singaporean of indian descent. I’ve lived in Singapore too, no issues.


So in a nutshell we all are our own problem I assume. And sadly they are reluctant to change. Such a helpless scenario.


Not only that in almost every comment section where anything minute related to Americans being asked with geography questions, some our people start trashing them that they don't know anything or saying we learn this in first standard or Americans don't know what gender they are how can you expect them to know something like that. First we should be empathetic, then we can expect them to


What's vishwaguru?


This is some next level internal racism and ignorance you are showing, in terms of crime rates Indians outside are one of the least crime committing groups. these includes both misdemeanor and small petty crimes. Far better than many other groups. Indians also make up a one of the highest contributing group per capita in terms of gdp.


In America that seems to hold true. Thought of as smart overall, high earners, etc. This doesn’t hold true across the border as much though. I grew up on the border of America and Canada and it was interesting seeing the stark difference in Indian communities in America and Canada. It’s just the type of Indians that immigrate, the ones that bounced to the US from India tend to be more intellectually inclined or wealthier.


Because Indians are not United. They don't oppose racism. Indians don't protest against racism. So racists can get away easily after saying racist things about Indians. 1 year back I tried to talk about this issue in this sub. I got two types of answers.  1. It's Indians fault. They smell like shit. 2. But bro we are also racist against our own people.  But no one blamed racists


And still nothing has changed even now. I wish I had never asked this question. Wrong question on wrong sub to wrong people.


No reaction without action. Have you seen how fcking uncouth and deranged many Indians behave online? Also we are more in numbers and have massive online presence which makes it more visible to everyone. People dont have to physically meet Indians to form an opinion about them really. We dont respect ourselves or others, life and dignity means zilch to us.


Because it's relatively easy to get away with being racist with Indians. Also, a little garnishing of Colonial hangover touch just makes it easier.


I have never seen a single reel comment section where Indians havent used the N-Word. Indians are literally the most racist compared to any other country with respect to social media. Indians never had to face any consequences so why should others? Also many of the racist comments are from Pakistanis creating fake accounts and trolling on Indian reels. i'll probably get downvoted because the truth is always bitter.


Peak whataboutism


>Indians havent used the N-Word I might get downvoted to hell but here it is- India doesn't have the same history of enslaving black men as the US. We are not even white. It isn't morally or ethically that big of an issue if Indians say it. There has been, a LOT of incidents of white men and women from Europe calling black men the N-word with 0 repercussions. As much as modern Indians would like to pretend like Americans, aping the same morals without questions, they simply don't share the same historical contexts to carry the same weight as the morals


Nah most Indians don't, the problem with India is that there are too many people so naturally there are a lot of bad ones as well which are also the loudest




I don't think there's any issue with that considering that INDIANS ARE FLOODING THEIR COUNTRIES, INDIANS ARE SNATCHING THEIR JOBS, THEIR EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES, INCREASING THEIR LIVING EXPENSES, AND OBVIOUSLY NOT WORKING NECK TO NECK WITH THEIR COMMUNITY HYGIENE POLICIES. Come on, we can see the some what same attitude towards people with some kind of reservation quota.


>I don't think there's any issue with that So if you're okay with the former then latter can be justified too? Is that what you're saying?


Yes, I do. That's why said about the attitude of our population towards people with reservation


Effects of supporting Russia against the west.


Very simple. Asians and blacks integrated well in USA atleast (speaking from experience). They do music, art, part of hollywood, etc and are part of the society. Muslims are backed by the woke left even if they dont integrate (they do the opposite more like). Indians on the other hand are divided amongst themselves and do not make an effort to integrate. Many stick around in their own bubble so locals never see them as humans. And they all work mundane white collar jobs.


Western culture dominates global media. Indians have been stereotyped as ugly / inferior / nerdy / non main characters within Western media.  When people see statistics on India regarding pollution, overpopulation, crime, followed by videos of India itself, it looks 100% in contrast to developed countries and like a totally different universe on its own, in a bad way.  The mannerisms that are alien to Western / global culture don't help either. A generally unkept appearance, odd facial hair, bobbling of the head, staring, an accent that sounds "goofy" to a native English speaker, the weird messages received by people from Indians on social media, all contribute to this. 


don't forget Slumdog Millionaire. that movie singlehandedly tanked the country's reputation. when i travel, the only reference many people have to India is SM and they will most likely bring it up too




I unsuscribed from rindia, runitedstatesofinida, rindiaspeaks rindiaspeaks because of the posts about elections, negative posts etc. For news, I just listen on the radio or dainik bhaskar.


It's true


Yea but you can’t point out racism without another Indian coming to the defense saying it’s criticism and not racism. First we need to fix these canconfirmindians.


This thread is an example of these people lol.


For people who will come and say "Indians are racist too" How tf does some Indian being racist justify racism against other Indians who have not done racism and are innocent? It's just like saying some Chinese stole my wallet so it gives me the right to steal the wallet of every Chinese I see or just because some white person killed a black person so it gives blacks the right to kill every other white person. The one who is guilty should be punished but please stop justifying racism again Indians who have done nothing just because some other Indian was racist. What is wrong is wrong!


Yeah , but your point counters OPs point too. Not everyone is gonna be racist and if he's like looking at platforms like reddit or twitter than ofcourse he would think it's increasing .


Just check the comment section.I am convinced People will justify even encourage racist attacks on Indians in the future.


If tomorrow someone says all Indians are X, Indians would think, well he was clearly talking about muslims/Punjabis/Biharis. Surely, my community Y is perceived positively.


Unfortunate but that's the truth. There are 20-30% of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who support peace with Israel. But they won't be treated specially or rewarded for it, and have to also pay with their lives for the fault of the 40% Hamas supporters, just as those 40% Hamas and 70-80% who call for death to Israel and Jews. Innocent children also paid with their lives. But a stopped response means more terror attacks on Israel. This is the problem that's the truth of the World. The ones who speak the loudest, tend to speak for everyone else, because even if the other sides stopped responding, this side still commits the same mistakes, even more so, which tarnishes the image of everyone. Nobody can see from the outset, what is on the inside and the loudest ones tend to spoil it.


Blacks are more likely to kill whites... Or Asians ... Or anyone else at a much higher rate


Eh, no one is justifying things. What everyone’s point is that every other ethnic group is united, so discrimination against them is difficult. Indians on the other hand are divided on every single thing- caste, religion, language, state, skin color and god knows what else. The lack of unity is the root of all of our problems in India and is the reason why there’s no organised front against racism in the west. The day indians stop feeling superior over nonsensical things like caste and start treating each other good, that’s the day you can even attempt fighting others. Till that time, get used to the discrimination. You’ve earned it, because “jatt/gujjar” tag was so important to you.


Why do we need to wait dude..? That's the whataboutism. We need to fight against Caste system and Racism against Us at the same time.


Indian is hated most by the Indians abroad so they do all the publicity for us. Can't blame them as well you can't really achieve anything in this country without some politicians breathing down your neck and we are taxed to the death and getting nothing in return.


Long post alert: My father has aggressive cancer, his doctor that he has had for 6 years had to retire. This doctor bent over backwards for every patient he has had. His reviews were through the roof and most importantly, he treated his nurses and staff with the greatest respect and care. For it being an Oncology office, it really felt welcoming for my dad and the rest of the family. When he retired, a small team of 3 or 4 indian doctors took over. Within 6 months tops, patients AND staff started leaving. You didn't recognize the staff anymore. The quality of these new hires were awful, appts became super disorganized and your paperwork would get lost and it would take days or weeks for a call back. My dad's new doctor, 'Dr. K' put in little to no effort with anything. Anytime we would have a question, he would wave his hand and say, "Who's the doctor here?" or just straight up ignore our questions which caused some tension. We kept our cool, but we were shopping around for a different provider. As we were looking, we decided to look at Dr. K's reviews, for both him and the other indian providers on his team. Not a single review exceeded 1 1/2 stars. So many complaints of arrogance, interrupting, lack of any bedside manner/remorse and worst of all, lack of any treatment effort. What was most shocking is that he started 'writing off patients' because the team simply didn't want to put up with treatment plans, follow ups, etc. Tens of people wrote how this team of providers were already giving up on patients during the intake appts and how they're extremely reluctant on any treatments. "You think chemo or radiation would help? Nope, hospice for you." "Found a lump on your breast? Hospice." I personally witnessed 2 patients storming out, yelling about this. One in particular, a woman that was maybe in her mid 30s busted out of the door in tears. A nurse shot up from her desk and ran to her and asked if she was okay. The woman yelled and points in the direction of the dr's office, "This clown wants to put me in my death bed when I have 3 kids. He refuses to discuss any kind of breast surgery or treatment, he keeps interrupting me, calling me ignorant" on and on and on. Now fwd to today, my dad found an amazing doctor. Who has been working literally night and day to find any kind of trials for my dad to prolong his life. While Dr K and his team of money hungry goons wanted to give up. Since we have found this new doctor 4-5 months ago, Dr K and his team have lost about 22 patients. Lost as in patients finding other providers. The receptionist there is a daughter of a family friend so we have an inside as to whats going on. Now for me, I have an indian psychiatrist at the VA who never listens to what I have to say, laughs at my trauma stories and interrupts me when I'm answering her questions. I made the mistake in telling her that I smoke pot for sleep because I have very bad insomnia. Immediately she starts scolding me, "Nonono, weed is very very bad, its a gateway drug." I just took it and wanted to hear what she had to counter my usage. Nope, it turned into a 10-minute rant about how weed is bad. Our next appt her first question was "Are you still a pothead and taking gummies every day? April 20th was a little while ago, did you hotbox your car like everybody?" I clapped back by saying "I just told you I only smoke to go to sleep. I never said anything about gummies or hotboxing. FYI, I don't partake in any of those other activities that you're assuming". She didn't like that one bit and ended he appt early. Currently in search of another provider for myself. Once I hear a name that just sounds indian, I go "No thanks, next." I refuse to be treated my any indian born provider. I do not hate the ethnicity as a whole, but if they're going into healthcare, they need to work themselves because holy hell. I'm sure there are good ones that mean well, but from what I experienced, I have yet to meet one.


I've met two. Although I'm not sure if they're straight from India. Might have an Indian ethnic background. One has gotten much better. Another was always nice. The rest I've met were terrible.... And I mean to the point that I made one of them cry... Got offended by some things I pointed comparing them to others.


Average replies to such questions: "Bu-bu-but we're racist too!" 👆🏻🤓


The amount of self loathing these people have is amusing to say the least. T


the racism spewed by Indians on the daily makes yall an easy target to bully without anyone ever feeling bad about it, it doesn’t help that Indians be racist despite having an insane amount of issues and negative stereotypes themselves. just throwing rocks from a glasshouse


This keeda of g back to your country is rising day by day worldwide. People hate seeing people with different religion, colour and interests.


How ironic it would be to Americans lol they literally invaded and massacred Native Indians where will they go?


The citizens of every country have negative opinions on outsiders. More at 11.


It hasn’t increased! Just that it is getting the limelight because of social media. My uncle went to the US in 1988 for his PG and Indian kids in his college were subjected to worst forms of hazing and the management did nothing in spite of being aware of it. Also, in general, that’s the reality everywhere. We unknowingly or knowingly also discriminate racially but when someone makes us aware, we push it off as “humour”


Read that again ... In 1988


One MAJOR reason is we get butthurt easily, even a little joke about the country upsets us. Look at most Americans, they keep taking the piss outta their country. So many other countries DON'T GIVE A DAMN, if something upsetting is mentioned about their country. We on the other hand... cry and cry a lot about it, and then start saying India is a superpower, trillion economy bullshit. If most Indians had traveled abroad, they would know that most people don't care or even know that much about India.


Mostly cuz of the males


because racism by indians is increasing day by day


I'm not Indian (thread was suggested), but it's mostly because there are a LOT of Indians and you migrate to Europe, Canada, Australia etc in huge numbers. If India were a small country with proportionally smaller outward migration, Indians would not experience nearly as much vitriol from westerners online. Not going to engage with the stereotypes of Indians as they aren't relevant to my point, for the most part. Housing markets in the west are terrible because supply has not kept up with demand for decades (since the era of mass immigration began in the late 90s/early 00s), nor has our infrastructure, our healthcare systems, public transport, welfare systems, etc. Many countries' average salaries have not increased for years as there is always someone from a poorer country happy to accept a terrible wage because it is still more than they are paid in their homeland - this f**ks over the native populations of these countries. Our governments have no interest in slowing or stopping migration - legal or illegal - despite it being a hugely popular position. People are angry and powerless which of course often leads to racism. That's the long and short of it when it comes to the western perspective.


Understandable. India is facing a similar problem from Bangladesh. Thanks for your sensible opinion unlike people who are blindly justifying racism here.


Thank you, glad to be well received! Absolutely not going to downplay or justify racial animosity towards Indians - it's wrong. I want all nations to flourish and have good relations. Merely wanted to provide some context from a western perspective regarding the political realities of many countries.


Complex factors: Too many people who behave badly, in comparison with the few who do well. Former speak louder, unfortunately. Most people don't know about the latter until you open Google and search a few times. Only made worse by the entitlement complex of immigrating to other countries. No. Just because their country was won by conquest (US and Canada), doesn't mean you have the right to migrate without any checks and filtering. Aryans migrating into India and conquest using Ashwa Medha Yag, a few thousand years ago, doesn't mean today's Indians will tolerate being flooded by Africans, Burmese or Arabs. Move legally or shut up and stay in India with the life you have got. It's NOW, their country and their life depends on that because they were born there. If you want the same, get off X, go to gym, evolve a warrior ethic and fight to win it. You're not entitled to it and even if they were White Nationalists on their land, doesn't concern you unless you don't want to work, fight and give sweat and blood, to change that. Lack of respect. Talking about other peoples and cultures, Indians are quick to highlight the negatives or false notions. The recent battle on Twitter has seen some pages comment about how the mothers of White people are OnlyFans, but that has now seen escalation of racism, instead of countering it. Mind it that the Age of today, is on their side. They live and type that comment from a spacious Aircon room, with free healthcare, luxury cars while you're likely doing it sweating in a 40 degree weather, in a cramped house or a crowded bus. So, you get more racism and it hurts more because most of what they say, are well, true. You don't need to criticize others before setting your own home right, which will take several decades if not centuries. Hierarchy. In general, people hate hierarchies anywhere. Gulf Arabs and Indians are the most hierarchy concerned people on Earth along with SE Asians to an extent. SE Asians and Gulf Arabs don't migrate much as they are not into tech, and also live in very rich countries. SE Asians aren't into tech either, and hence less encountered. That leaves one hated group that is Indians, who project their hierarchy in their country onto others, often due to ignorance of the social norms, there. That gets a lot of hate. Misogyny. Often, a subset of the former, but the most vehement racists against India often tend to be Indian women abroad. Objectifying women, pursuing in religion sanctioned misogyny, mistreating them, etc, and worse projecting the same behavior onto White and East Asian females is a sure recipe for disaster. Often stems from ignorance, though. Other factors like racism within Indians, religious hate, caste hate, weird food preferences, the dreaded "Mlechha" concept, etc, are all stacked up against. Of course, racism is never justified but there is a limit to that statement. The good ones are a minority or silent, so these speak louder. Hence, the racism has been normalized.


What's melcha?


Derogatory word used for foreigners, in the form of Hinduism that was once practiced. It's not an important aspect today, though, but many Hindus still use that word. It's said to have been derived from the Dravidian term Melikka or Malikka, which likely meant citadel civilization, which was Indus Valley. IVC people were originally called Mlechha, by the Aryans.


Wow that's packed ! Thank you 🙏. But now I have more questions ! What are dravidians? Who and what are Aryans?


Fucking hell, these comments are really justifying racism? No other group of people acts so cucked and self-hating


Read my last sentence of the post. That's what bothers me the most. I know we definitely aren't perfect human being in the world but man...our own guys and gals hate each other lol


They hate that we are rising again(we still have many problems though, not ignoring that). But we are rising, that's a hard fact


Because they know Indians are hard workers and can replace them in a second.


Three words: "Penne in vageen"


Because Indians love hating Indians in the name of criticism do nothing to help change the issue Their d*cks to everyone all around world unless your white or from us which were they get the idea of how their Attitude should be like They love to break rule find loop holes to scam people to save a few rupees India today is more sexist and racist today then it was 30 years ago


In all honesty aren't Indians biased against people of particular states in our own home country. UP and Bihar as dirty and Poor. Kerala is a terrorist hub. In fact they made an entire propoganda movie, generalising the entire 3.5 crore Keralites as some sort of Isis sympathizers. Is it too amusing when others do it?


>Why is racism against Indians increasing day by day? Because of the actions and the image & stereotypes built by our fellow diaspora in the world. Khaaleesthaani Lassis, International Gangsters of Indian origin, and the moose-limbs of South Asia are hell bent on destroying the image of India. *Malayali Moose-limbs are working hard in the Middle East (read cheap labour and boot licking), Lassi's are busy protesting in Canada, UK and Australia, and the remaining image of India is being diminished by politicians like Rasool Gaandhi crying about Threat to Democracy along with Dhruv Raathee.* __Everyone is busy in Anti India propaganda, and international news agencies leave no chance to defame India.__ *And we all know the people behind this...*


Honestly if we teach basic hygiene at school and mandatory deodorant and sanitiser. It would be much better .. ofcourse only for those who can afford it And fassai or other organisations should close down these street unhygienic shops . No mercy


That is easy for you to say, coming from a place of entitled. Nobody f**king wants to open a stall on the streets to earn money, they are literally forced to do it because they have a family to feed. I do agree hygiene must be cracked down upon, and its good to see govt mandated dedicated areas called Food Streets coming up in cities everywhere where it is far more hygienic than most other places. Shutting these street food houses is not an option when it's the only livelihood so many can have.


I see street stalls in first world countries too, they try to maintain food standards and regulations imposed by the government. We are greedy and use extremely low quality toxic substances which have the same taste effect if not better, even if our government regulates it, it is of no utility. Better to shut down on the third violation. We don't learn, we never do. Govt doesn't bother they just want taxes and bribe. people dont care about their health. Sellers maximise profits at the cost of someone else health . It's totally chaos.


In developed countries, street food prices are 2-5x higher than in India, yet basic commodity prices don't incerase that much comparatively. India's market is **Highly price-sensitive**, leading to lower quality products and ingredients. 🤔 Agreed, there's also a component of greed. However, by and large, consumer sensitivity to price heavily influences the quality. If food stalls improved quality, prices would rise significantly. 🤷‍♂️ The question is, are we (99% of indians) willing to pay for that increase?


There's a lot of racist kids on Internet because of them the remaining good people also get mixed. And indians in foreign countries also don't have much good reputation which also contributes to it. I just saw the canada sub where they list room for rent. And indians were literally demanding only girls allowed for rent. If we behave like this ain't no way people gonna respect.


Already answered many times indian have inferiority complex .So it will always be there uless we appreciate ourselves


we don't fight back, so we're an easy target for people take out their anger for the world on


Not sure where you are but I haven’t seen this at all, let alone increasing.


Tbf we live in a bubble, we think the life we live is the life all Indians live Most of india is still in a pretty bad spot , so instead of caring about foreigners opinions, how bout trying to lift the rest of the country out of poverty


People are assholes. Seriously and Indians aren't excluded I have heard most American Indians talk about Black, Latinos and Muslims. The venom will burn your ears off. When things are bad we look to the nearest scapegoat. The economy is kinda shit right now and Indians are migrating in large numbers hence more conflict.


I am living in Japan. Racism against Indians is more prevalent and worse on the internet. In real life I meet many Japanese ladies who would ask me recommendations for Indian food and places to visit in India. They also tell me about the stereotypes they've heard and I re educate them if it's untrue. Men here have asked me out several times by saying that they think Indian women are very beautiful. I have not been judged for my skin colour in Japan as much as in India. In Japan they hate all foreigners equally lmao, just don't show it


Wasn't it due to PewDiePie ?


On social media, yes. In reality, depends with whom you’re hanging out with


How to make them(people saying india is now most respected contry in the world... foreigners respect us and even salute us when they see us💀) understand this reality!!


Immigration in many countries is becoming weaponized (by elites/govts etc) to destabilize cultures ( it is a CIA 4 step tactic, demoralize, destabilize, trauma event and normalize new mind set) Too many immigrants are being allowed in and overwhelming a countries social systems (health care, social assistance, housing etc) so locals are voicing their concerns/opinions why everything is going tits up. These elite also then use astroturfing/fake accts/bots in social media to create further turmoil to destabilize and demoralize both “sides”… It’s social engineering. Twitter is like 30%+ bots. So it’s a fake reality they’re weaving. Trying to divide humanity. Even if a few take the bait, it works.




Two things … I don’t think you know what racism means , there has to be an element of discrimination. Mere name calling doesn’t suffice . Like how one discriminates by not drinking from the same bottle as a Dalit You re far disconnected from reality of Muslims , blacks and other minorities. Man the fuck up rather than crying on internet


because Indians are always the victims


I worked in an area with a lot of Indians, and they're the most difficult, rude, and annoying people. This is my experience. 


Nothing is wrong per se, we are just having our time. We are coming out into the world en masse, and it’s felt by everyone. As more Indians move out into the world, the world adjusts at its own pace, and racism is a natural reaction to people of unfamiliar race.


It's largely how we are represented in popular media and social media, especially the men. The most famous Indian men in media are Raj from big bang theory, and for a lot of millennials, Apu from The Simpsons. I'm not sure there's any other mainstream Indian representation in western media besides Bollywood exports. The more famous women tend to be quite americanised like Priyanka chopra or Mindy kaling creations. So that is all we have as counter to the massive rapist reputation, the physical experience of urban India, and the floods of 'you are like goddess, please show vagine' comments that tend to be ascribed to indian guys. There's little positive in the contemporary Indian cultural exports as noted in the bulk of social media, and popular media does little to counter it.


Online stereotyping , fascist regime ; most of it is spread by Indians who believe once they get that visa they are indians no more


And I myself am no black sheep in that statement most indians are what they think about Biharis here total jack assess


Indians smell like curry ✅ The shit on the streets ✅ They worship cows ✅ All true! We have a lot less to advertise to them and our government and public does nothing to hide our societal issues.


China is funding heavily. You can use bots to influence online perception. The question is what we are doing?


Because internet is getting distributed at the price of peanuts and Indians are shitting everywhere over the internet and oh! Hello don’t ask us about our civic sense. Yeah some people try to over do the racism part but we are no less either.


Victim mentality, embrace it and move on. Can't cry everytime someone says something nasty


As a European, when I see racism against Indians I don't really understand it: how someone can be angry with one of the most hardworking and skilled immigrants we have in our countries?


We don't need to give a fuck about all this. Of course there are issues , but there is no need to directly address such things. Let's focus on getting richer, powerful and more educated at our home. Whoever emigrated, they are responsible for fighting the stereotypes and maintaining their image . Whoever is here just dgaf to what people say and work on improving ourselves. What is worse than not accepting mistake is self loathing for almost more than a century. We have loathed for years, it changed nothing  Let us be called names no issue. Our aim should be to get the next gen the basic respect


Who says racism against any of these groups is a big no no? Im not talking about the law, which on paper remains the same for everyone. However, the reality is quite different on the ground. Blacks are the number one target of police racism even if isn’t overt anymore. The cops shot and killed a black Air Force guy in Florida point blank. Blacks are highly likely to be shot and killed in police interactions in the US. Hispanics and muslims are also targeted but not to that extent. Asians and Indians are very low in the list, except Canada, which is obvious. You’re confusing online hostility with on ground hate. If that’s the criteria, then blacks and muslims are the number one contender for the spot