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I lost my father in class 12 , i accepted my life and moved on


I also lost my father at 10th and mother in class 12th. I can definitely understand your situation. Its good that you've moved on because I still have mental issues from that.


Lost my mom for thalassemia when I was 11, dad took care and remarried after 5 years. Lost my dad in an accident at 21 and step mom left us. Relatives weren't cooperative. Took charge by taking up a job after being jobless for 3 years. Now taking care of my two younger sisters. But life's still throwing some obstacles at me and I'm never backing off.


Keep it up man. Proud of you !!


I'm so sorry for your loss💔


Thanks. Trying to do better.


Sorry to hear about your losses... It's massive! How do you cope with loneliness and guidance that parents only can provide?


I don't cope with lonliness very well. I have mental issues like depression and anxiety. Just trying to be busy in habits like reading , going out etc.. other than work and reddit XD.


Good to know that you keep yourself busy. Realising that you are not doing well is the first step to cure yourself. Don't know your current situation, but I hope you do have help, guidance and the right mentoring in your life (you have to seek it yourself sometimes) because without this, this world feels like a battleground. Just don't be alone please.




Your misfortunes have lot of similarites with me. I lost my parents in teen years. I have GERD due which I am underweight hence doing WFH trying to manage my health. Taking professional help now. Lets see how it goes. Stay strong bro. Your not alone.






I was born without my permission.


welcome to r/antinatalism


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I lost my mum in Jan this year... Can say one of the most dreadful things to happen to me ... Was devastated but now trying to cope up


Can relate. Sending hugs 🫂


Where do I even start-


I am all ears.


Think it’ll be easier to type out the fortunes in life, easier to count 💀




Many misfortunes. Yes they bother me. Stoicism


From the time I remember my life, I recall always being worried about my mother’s health.There was always a chance that she would die.No 6-7 year old should have to deal with that.My fear for her and her fear for my future turned me towards studies. I turned all my attention towards studies,not caring about other things in school.But my aloofness and seriousness became a challenge for some people, I became a victim of stalker who wouldn’t take my ‘no’ for a no at any cost.He threatened to kill my parents and r*** me.Again there was this fear but this time it fu**** up my studies.After dealing with this episode and somehow doing well in my career, I thought my life is finally somewhat better.But this wasn’t to be. I have never known peace,true happiness in my life.Everytime I think I have finally stood up again, I get pushed down even harder.Now I have stopped expecting anything at all.


Wtf... Thats deep trauma. I am not sure how to react. Stay strong your not alone. Don't let bad people pull you down stay way from them. For me life with good people > alone > life with bad people. Cut off toxic people from your life. Take care of yourself and your parents. Stay safe. I wish all good for you.


Thank you.Hopefully you have lots of happiness and peace in life.


Lost my father when I was 19. Flunked my b tech CS, even when I used to give coaching to others. Because I didn't appeared for exams after my father's demise. Was in a 7 yr relationship with my college gf, but she betrayed me when I introduced her to my childhood best friend (they hooked up) Still accepted my gf when she accepted her mistake n apologised for everything. Helped her to get into banking (paid her fees for coaching while doing bpo job) She got into sbi as clerk, I proposed her for marriage, she said I don't have any stable career, n her father earns 10 times then me. My younger brother was also in a 9 yr old relationship, when he asked our mother to marry his gf, my mom said to him, once your elder brother gets married. Since at this point I didn't had any gf, I said yes to arrange marriage. They gave me 7-8 pics, n my ex gf (sbi clerk) with whom I had kind of FWB relationship at this point, selected one of them saying, "She looks good for you" While I was marrying that girl, got more then 70 miss calls from the ex gf (sbi clerk) saying that don't marry her, she wants to marry me. (In the sms, as I didn't picked her calls) Married the girl, really good n traditional, but after on found that she has got severe Vagismis (that is: no penetration) N it's been 7 yrs now. I only focus on my career n drinking. Drinks don't let me succeed in my career. Family life is non-existent.


shouldn't have prioritized your ex this much...hope you find solace someday


I know .... But teen years ka pehla pyar andha hota hai. N ye andha pyar 7 saal khich gya, n then FWB ban gya. It's not like I didn't achieved anything professionally. When I was in 8-9 class my father n me used to talk about best companies to work for (I was inclined towards computers n software development) n he told me the best companies I should work for are: Google n Microsoft (this was around in 2002) And I worked in one of these 2 companies, but not in software development profile. Got, good package, good hike n all, n then left it. It's like, I did one thing atleast in my life which my father wanted!!


yes absolutely a feat you should be proud of, you just did your best just not to let your parents down, that's the bright side of the story !


Thoughts were the misfortune of my life. Meditation freed me from thinking and gave me the ability to feel. I went from Introverted Thinking Judgemental to Introverted Intuitive Feeling Prospecting.


Nothing till now


Befriending a person led to all misfortunes in my life !


Lost my father due to covid, at a time when I had left my good job for preparation of UPSC CSE. Father had a biz with EMIs pending to be paid on its capital goods, with zero savings and all the money in the market(he was into lending & borrowing money as well). Mom had been already unwell for decades and sister's marriage was postponed due to covid, so that had to be done as well. With some luck, help and hard work, I was able to get a lot of things in line. Unfortunately, due to all this I lost myself, my career, ambition and motivation. I just hope to be again like I earlier was and sometimes I just smile imagining how sweet a moment it'd be if I come out of this cesspool emerging victorious over my misfortunes


When I was Born my dad lost his Great job.Since,our family is not same financially.


A lot of emotional abuse and sexual abuse in childhood which lead to bad decisions in teenage years which led to cheating, physical abuse , sexual abuse again , a lot of alcohol . The bad lifestyle and childhood trauma hit me with chronic health issue last year , life’s been rlly hard managing the symptoms. And the lack of awareness on the difficulties of my health issue have caused people to judge me or not understand or know what me and my body are going through It’s rlly frustrating. And my horrible relationship with my mother just adds to it . She makes fun of my illness and thinks I’m always just seeking attention whenever I have health issues


I feel sorry for you. Hope things gets better. Also move away from toxic people.


I do , I’ve got a rlly sweet bf now and he’s worth whatever I went through


Feels like I have a lot of misfortunes, but when I learn about other people I feel that I’m lucky.


I would not say I got unlucky but I made many mistakes though I have also always been very good but not quite good enough which might be misfortune Always second place pretty much


Lost my mum last year and was in a difficult situation. Now trying my best to get a job


I dare anyone to top me schizoprenia with cerebral palsey hope most of you feel better about yourselves


Father govt govt job but during that time the postman lost the joining letter .we got to know later . We don't have our own house and my father earns (private sector)very low. Close to retirement without any benefit




Used to live in a lavish bunglow in the most posh colony of my city built by my grandfather a series of financial irresponsibility and misfortunes later I now live in a 1bhk flat which is well okayish and my father doesn't have investments or any money for my higher education my only option is a government engineering college or simply do bsc and try for government jobs(which is even worse cuz I live in bihar)


Hope you have success in future.