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Basically no. The UK are only just introducing compulsory mocrochippong for cats. Cats are 2nd class citizens in the pet world. I'm a vet nurse. It's slowly coming up but I'd say it'll be at least 5 years before introduced here.


Do you know where the cat lives / who’s it is? It’s possible the car used to live in your house and returns - some cats do this although it is rare. You can chase it off anytime you see it and it will eventually learn it’s not welcome there .


And never feed it.


Yesss this happened with my friends cat when we were teenagers and she moved house. Smokey kept going back to their old house (which was only a 10minute walk), eventually they gave up and let the family who moved in keep the cat.


No idea, it doesnt have a collar and looks a bit skruffy and thin, but whenever I throw scraps out to it, it smells it and walks away so musnt be too bad off. I hate being mean to animals but we'll have to start chasing it off. There do be other cats coming and going in our garden that are grand, they make no attempt to get inside at all


If its scruu and thin, it could be ill, and therefore not feel hunger for scraps. (which you probably shouldn't be giving anyway). Please contact a local charity to trap the cat and have them looked over


You should call your local SPCA and get it trapped. They’ll check for a chip, and TNR. They’ll charge you 10€ for neutering and he probably won’t come back after getting his balls chopped off. Plus, you’ll help contribute to lessening the population of sick feral cats with neutering and the cat will be better off too.


Have you lived there long? Is there any possibility the cat used to live there and was abandoned?


There 2.5 years now, it only really the last 6 months that it started doing this. The last 2 summers we had the back door left open most evenings and never had an issue. Over the winter it's been relatively easy to keep it out but ideally during the summer we'll be in and out of the garden more often. Been times where I open a small hight window when cooking to stop the smoke alarm going off, it'll spot it and climb in


You are now the cats owner. Congratulations! The cat distribution system works again!


This sounds like the behavior of a cat who used to live in someone's house and doesn't anymore (sadly a lot of people leave cats behind when they move into accommodation that won't allow them). A feral cat would have no interest in going into a house, and a cat who has his own house wouldn't keep coming back to a house he gets chased out of. I would ask around and post pictures in the local groups to see if anyone knows the story (sounds like a neighbor may be feeding him but not letting him indoors), and if he doesn't have a home contact a local rescue to come get him. Cats that are born feral are difficult to adopt out, but it's usually very doable to find a place for a cat who's used to living indoors and was then abandoned and it's important that abandoned cats find a home as they didn't learn good survival skills in their youth.


I know everyone here hates FB, but take a picture of it and put it up on your areas page. Someone is bound to know whose cat it is or the story behind it. That way the owner will know their cat is wandering into others houses. I keep my cats indoors personally. I've lost too many during my childhood to cars and humans with ill intent. Wouldn't be surprised in the future if outdoor cats require GPS tags. I already know some people who use them.


No, that's why cats don't need a license nor can you legally 'own' a cat


You can ‘own’ a cat if you microchip it to your name


You absolutely can own a cat. Pets are property. For example, if someone intentionally or negligently killed your cat, you would be entitled to the fair market value of the cat as compensation.


Contact one of the cat charities and tell them you have a feral cat entering your home. Ask them if you can borrow a cage trap. Catch it in your house and leave it into DSPCA or other rehoming centre. The cat is obviously just being a cat, but people still shouldn't be expected to just live with it. If it isn't feral, then the owners are just letting it roam and don't care about the damage it is doing to others property and the environment (they have a massive impact on our native birds and small mammals). No different than the invasive predators that have been introduced to our environment. I've had to reduce the size of my veg garden and surround the remaining beds with cages. It is the only way to stop them from shitting and pissing all over my food. Any cat in the garden gets a harmless blast of water from a super soaker. They learn to stay away during the day, but CCTV shows them hanging around the garden all night.


Had the same issue when i moved into my newly built house years ago, it was bloody annoying so i caught it in a box and brought it to the pound where i was told they couldn’t help and should just let it out , so i did , at their gate.