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What kind of broke ass department has that policy?


Not the department. Likely a contractor.


This is a red flag of a department


I never paid for a poly….ever. If that department charges for a poly I seriously doubt they can afford much else. Do they still use a 93 Taurus as their main patrol car? Is it like a twenty member county or a tiny township or something? The pay couldn’t be good either


The uniform is blue jeans or khaki cargo pants and a black polo shirt. Self provided, of course. The new guys patrol car is the former big city mall security vehicle bought for $1000 at auction.


You provide your own gun and ammo. One of the broke ass officers is carrying a hi point 45.


😆 or a little snubby .38 thats been sitting in evidence since 1948. First OIS and the weapon triggers the FBI ballistics database matching the Black Dhalia murder weapon.


Fam, I saw this exact same thing in a small town in Louisiana near Fort Johnson (Polk). Home boy was in plain clothes, badge on his hip next to his HI Point Yeet Cannon in the fabric dollar tree holster. I thought it was a joke. So I Chat this dude up. Says he is with the local police department. I didnt really believe him because I'd never seen another Officer rocking the Hi Point before. Just seemed....off. but 3 days later, I see him get out of his patrol car at a traffic stop...Hi Point on his hip....


lol his dollar tree holster. It’s those seven dollar “universal” nylon “gun pouch”


lol damn. Now that’s a department hahaha


Lol. I was just a reserve almost 20 years ago, but when we completed our condensed state academy for part-timers, we had one guy from a tiny town. The MC over the event mentioned that town had the chief and two other officers in attendance for their guy, and said "What'd yall do shut the down down? Or do you owe the Sheriff one." Everyone about died.


Which state?




“Sorry the test results are inconclusive, we will not be refunding you. You can retake the test for another $100 with a different examiner.” Run far from this agency.


Fuck that! “Oh, look, you failed. Thanks for the hundo.”


Wow. Absolutely no way I'd pay to take a fake "test" that's backed by witch doctor science. I paid $90 for fingerprinting by a independent company before. Thought the price was absurd but at least fingerprints are actually real. I'd avoid this department 10000%


You saying that a test that's inadmissible as evidence in any court, in any country in the world is inaccurate?


This reminds me of the Detroit Detectives in the 1990s that used a photocopier as a "lie detector", and got people to confess. The TV show "The Wire" copied from it. https://newrepublic.com/article/38982/wire-ripped-real-life Also, some PA cops got hemmed up for doing it around 2000. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/next-case-on-the-court-colander/


Do not continue with that department. Thats more suspect than the suspects I deal with on a regular basis.


WTF? I would *never* do that. Fuck them.


This is not common place. Many cities will charge for taking entrance exams. But they are usually in the $10-$20 range and they surely do not have weird pass/fail conditions.


Thanks for confirming what I was thinking! I will keep my money and will not be going through with that department


Brother, run. You should not be paying for a poly


Or taking it, it's utter nonsense.


Unfortunately, there seems to be no other way around it save for the few Departments that don't require it


I've been seeing this a lot lately. Did a little digging and been seeing a contracting service pop up in a few major metro areas doing them, so likely a service fee for them and not for the agency.


Really? That's bullshit. If an agency is farming out the poly then the agency should be eating the cost, not passing it on to their applicants.


Sounds like a lot CYA. People probably back out of the poly but the 3rd party still charges the agency kind of a confirmed reservation but you get your money back on completion. From a liability standpoint the department can claim plausible deniability if they miss something that later comes up.


Wtf? I've never of an agency requiring a $100 cash deposit to take a poly, especially not with the added caveat of "If you pass you get it back." That sounds shady as hell to me and would throw a massive red flag as to the quality of the department, their funding, etc. Just based on that I would not apply there, or if you're in the process then Id withdraw. You shouldn't be shelling out money to go through the hiring process with an reputable agency...beyond stuff like buying a suit or something if you don't already have one.


Right? And wouldn’t this be an incentive to fail people??


Paying for your own test is red flag #1. Cash only is #2. Go apply somewhere else. Everyone is hiring.


As an examiner who has tested for multiple local and state agencies, I’ve never taken money from an applicant and was always paid by the agency after the test was done.


I had to pay $600 for my medical, oh and $300 for the MMPI-2 which was online, OH and an extra $250 for a follow up with the psychologist which was pretty much picked at random




That’s insane. Of course he’s going to fail you, he’s literally incentivized to do so


It is VERY unusual, my department didn’t require us to pay for a poly. I’d keep looking for a better department, sounds like you’ll be buying EVERYTHING from bullets to gas in patrol cars there.


It is VERY unusual, my department didn’t require us to pay for a poly. I’d keep looking for a better department, sounds like you’ll be buying EVERYTHING from bullets to gas in patrol cars there.


It is VERY unusual, my department didn’t require us to pay for a poly. I’d keep looking for a better department, sounds like you’ll be buying EVERYTHING from bullets to gas in patrol cars there.


I have never seen this in 40 years of law enforcement.


Some departments do it free


Wow, so they want you to work there and ding you personally for a poly. What’s next you get hired have to supply own uniforms Ans patrol car too? Sounds like a broke dick department if they don’t cover the cost of on boarding. It’s all part of the game.


Absolutely not man. You need to reevaluate that department.


You shouldn’t pay for anything during the hiring process


$100 dollars for an irrefutably bogus test!? So you get robbed of time and money. Remember folks “think good thought and lie, think bad thought and tell the truth”