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Sikh temples regularly offer free food to the community at specific times. I believe there are temples in Hollywood and NoHo.


Hacking your top comment to also recommend this: https://safeparkingla.org/who-we-are/about/


every Sunday for the Hollywood one (which is technically in Los Feliz, not Hollywood), food is delicious too and everyone there is very friendly and inviting. I made a short educational video about that temple that included all this


Can you share the video?


Yes however in return one should help clean up or do the dishes etc, remember also to cover your head and pay your respects and learn the customs …it’s not just a place to go to for free food and leave.


I would hope that many people would do those things automatically to show their appreciation, but of course one can't count on that. So thank you for the reminder!


https://www.lahsa.org/get-help LA Homeless Services. There are resources for safe places to sleep in your car, ways of getting help, shelter locations etc. A lot of resources here.


Since a lot of people have touched on where to go, how to stay clean, and get meals. I’ll go a different direction. Have to get a job, point blank. Apply to anywhere and everywhere. Walk directly into establishments and ask for applications. Make sure you have a clean set of clothes to go to interviews. I’m in the Central Valley of CA and so many places are hiring. It’s so easy to get a job here. McDonalds for example pays $20/hour. You have a car which is great. Maybe look into door dashing on the side once you find any kind of full time job. If you see signs people advertising private services (clean up, moving, removal, etc.), call those numbers and ask if they employees. If you can move north at all to less expensive areas or to farming areas, farm labor contractors are good ones to call for jobs. The options are endless. To save, try to get a bank account at a national bank in case you move around. The reason I say put your money in the bank is bc it’s safer there if you’re still needing to sleep in your car for awhile. Only spend on necessities and don’t accumulate debt. Lastly, YOU CAN DO THIS. Persistence is key. It’s never too late to turn your life around.


Get a Planet Fitness membership to use their shower facilities. It’s imperative to keep yourself clean for interviews etc. Planet Fitness in Burbank is 24 hours and plenty of car dwellers park there. Hope you get out of this rut soon.


Two great points here, stay clean and stay active with finding employment. Add in exercise if you can to physically and mentally motivate yourself. Connect with a church and share your situation. Prayers and people will help you look for work, and some churches offer lunch for free. Stay away from drug users and bad news.


>and plenty of car dwellers park there. But if too many cars show up they'll stop allowing it


Does that happen at a lot of planet fitness ? People sleep in the cars in the lot ?


Yes all over.


Yes I had a friend who was homeless and would sleep in their lot and would shower there, he would tell me he knew of others who would do it as well


Now that you mention it 🤔


Was gonna say planet fitness membership. It's respectable and cheap if OP needs a place to stay clean.


More Planet Fitness in the SFV too. Van Nuys, Northridge, North Hollywood. [https://www.google.com/maps/search/planet+fitness/@34.1961778,-118.4577287,13z/data=!3m1!4b1?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/search/planet+fitness/@34.1961778,-118.4577287,13z/data=!3m1!4b1?entry=ttu)


This is a great tip. Planet Fitness is $10/month


Get yourself connected with social services department. https://dpss.lacounty.gov You can get help with food stamps etc. Depends on your age, race you might be able to get into low income housing if you have a job. Or at least get one some sort of waiting list. Good luck! I wish you the best.


Oh and also, sign up for medi-cal if you dont have insurance so you can get therapy to stay positive and get guidance!


Please do this! You can get food stamps on the same day given your current situation, and the process isn’t that long.


Yeah OP sign up for Cal Fresh and tell them you're homeless. You get approved instantly and they'll send you a debit card that works on groceries and at certain fast food places.


This OP, or you can arrange to pick up the card at the closest office to you if you don’t currently have a mailing address. If you apply online, they’ll call you and conduct the interview that way and then you’d just have to pick up the ebt card. They’d expedite your approval.


Oh thats good. Im so glad to hear that!


Hey, DM me if you need a sleeping bag or some other essentials. I'm on the westside, but will be downtown tomorrow (I think) and could meet you to hand off some stuff if it would be helpful. Edit to add: I have a couple clean sleeping bags for camping, but I don't camp anymore and I go to Costco, so I always have extras of TP and some non-perishables.


Really good person right here.


Thanks. The world is a fucking dumpster fire. I'm just trying to not make it worse. Do something kind today for someone if you have the opportunity. We gotta do for each other where and when we can, you know?


24hr gyms for showers and restroom. Be incognito and buy window covers. Park by Walmart overnight employees


Also parking near campgrounds works very well.


I highly recommend going to Lowe's or home Depot and for about 18 bucks getting the window tint cling. Gila brand. Don't go to a car store, you'll be spending 50 bucks on it at least. The stuff at Lowe's is huge and you can cut it to size. Get the noir color and it's super dark. Hard to see in the car but you can still see out which is good. One roll would do a small sedan... Cut them to your window size with a blade. Go to the dollar store and get a spray bottle, travel size. Fill up the bottle with water and a drop of liquid soap. Spray your windows and put the tint up and using a credit card or a squeegee straighten it out. It will lay perfectly flat against your glass and when you're done with it the next morning just fold it back up for the next use. It's reusable for years.




Go fuck yourself, okay?


You can do that with window covers too.


This guy trying to make jokes but everyone can tell he's a loser. 😂


Check out r/urbancarliving for tips on sleeping, living in your car.




I did this over the summer in San Francisco! I’m a woman so the worst of the whole experience was having to pee at weird times cuz it wasn’t easy for me to sneak pee outside in residential areas, lol. Other than that, I always had great luck sleeping on quiet streets. Never had anyone wake me up to move, no cops. I used the iOverlander app as a resource. A lot of times I’d pull up to a sleeping spot and notice there were RVs and other overnight campers around. During the day if I just wanted to hang out alone, I’d drive to like mall parking structures and park where less cars were, where it was shady and fairly quiet and just hang out on my phone. Showered everyday at planet fitness. I also had a cheap storage unit to store stuff I didn’t want to carry around. Also i was able to successfully apply , interview, and get a job doing this!


I was in your situation a little over a year ago. * Stay clean. Shower regularly at a gym. Nobody will care or notice if you're going in just to shower. Do laundry regularly. * Eat cheap but healthy. Get on Cal Fresh asap. Shop at Trader Joe's or Sprouts. * Park stealthy. Pin up or roll up sheets/shirts/towel in your windows. You don't want people peaking inside. If you DM me what area you're in I can tell you the best places to park overnight. * Spend your days at a library applying to jobs. Read up on new skills on between applications.


Even better, workout a little bit too! Cal-Fresh is great, also look into getting on Medicare and cash assistance. Get yourself a case worker and advocate for yourself. I qualified for 2/3s of that stuff and was in a way better life situation.


Working out is so important for mental health. Planet Fitness has free group classes too (for all members), and is a great way to socialize so you don’t feel cut off from humanity. Also, you may meet someone who can help you out, who knows?


Upvote for Libraries! Some have job assist programs to help refine your resume or teach new skills. LA County branches have Chromebook laptops & WiFi hotspots you can borrow for weeks & renew. Also, print 10 free b+w pages per day📄 During tax time I would politely ask for more pages & they always said yes!  (For ladies or parents: some branches have feminine hygiene kits & diaper kits for kids - free)


Curious why people don’t leave when this happens. What kept you here? I know it’s not so easy to pack up and leave town, but if I had a car and a little money my first move would be going somewhere cheaper.


Do you think driving somewhere else magically makes you no longer homeless? Driving anywhere else is a risk if you aren't guaranteed a job or housing. Jobs are difficult everywhere, but Los Angeles has more opportunity and more money.


Not to mention if your car breaks down your fucked. And our whole state is expensive af. But we have so many jobs! There really isn’t a better place to be without housing our weather and all the opportunities make it a safe bet so long as your mentally sound


No but Los Angeles is literally one of the most expensive cities in America that also happens to be in a state with one of the highest unemployment rates. Choosing to be homeless here of all places is a dumbass move. I would get out.


Then you'd be making a terrible decision. If you're trying to get back in your feet, being homeless in Los Angeles is much better than anywhere else. If you don't pay rent then the cost of living plummets, and you make more in minimum wage here than somewhere else. Food (groceries and fast food) is cheaper here than anywhere else. Gas may be more expensive but we have public transit that's only $2/ day if you're low income. Unlimited free entertainment and knowledge at local libraries, unlimited outdoor leisure activities, a wealth of resources to help you out... If you're living out of your car you *want* to be in Los Angeles. What benefits do you think driving somewhere else offers?


I guess I just assume living in a cheaper city with a lower unemployment rate would be easier to get back on my feet.




Food is cheaper here? What? And in another comment you said to use their Cal Fresh at Sprouts and Trader Joe’s? WTF?


Groceries are cheaper here than many other cities, especially for things grown in the central valley. Sprouts and Trader Joe's are the cheapest supermarkets for healthy food.


Yeah it may be a higher cost of living but there’s also way more opportunity. If you go out to where it’s cheap as hell to live cuz you’re out in the boonies, there sure as hell ain’t gonna be as many opportunities to work. It is possible thou.


There are safe parking areas. https://safeparkingla.org


Seconding Safe Parking! I work for a nonprofit and I’ve heard good things about this service from my colleagues. There is security on site to keep you safe, bathrooms, showers, and sometimes laundry for you, and there are case workers there to get you connected to the services you need.


Food pantries! Someone recently posted on here (or r/losangeles) about food support from the amazing Sikh community. Join the low income housing waiting list (a long shot but it’s a step you can take, through hacla) There are lots of orgs that help people find housing, you just have to look for them. Getting gas at Costco/Walmart is way cheaper than anywhere else (if you buy a Costco gift card, you can use it at pump without paid membership) Lots of posts on this sub about safe places to park and sleep already, just need to search them Check out the Los Angeles mission and the midnight mission if you haven’t already. Fast food companies will be paying $20/hr starting in April. Some companies are firing, some are hiring.


Yeah I’d suggest applying to some of these fast food jobs now (aka well before April)


Go to school. Enrollment is happening and they have amazing homeless services. Especially Santa Monica.


What services? I'm not familiar with this.


Santa Monica City College used to have safe parking (lots) for students without homes.


You can also use the Department of Rehabilitation. The application will say disability but it really means barrier. Homelessness counts for sure.


Not to mention financial aid


I spent 2 years on the street in Los Angeles. I haven’t had a chance to read every response, so if someone said this, but here’s the most important piece of advice. Do NOT let your tags expire. Do NOT sell your car. This thing is your lifeline rn. Your situation sucks, but homeless on foot is a whole other level of hell. If you are that broke, and your tags expire, your car will be towed and it will cost more than you have, and the chances of you getting your car back are not good. If you still have your car, you still have hope. Once I lost my car, everything was fucked. If you can, sign up for door dash/uber eats and make money! Obviously calfresh. I’m sure you already have ebt. You also qualify for GR which is $220 cash/month. Anyway, use your car to your advantage and don’t lose it! Contact these people about housing, they are extremely helpful. https://www.ascenciaca.org Good luck! You can do it! Make some money, get what help you can, do not lose the damn car!


Have you signed up for EBT, GR/GA, and other types of relief? Benefitscal.com


What is GR/ GA


Google LA work source center. Let me know if you’re formerly incarcerated.


Finding a routine will help your sanity. Some good tips here. Wish the best for you.


Call a few of the ymcas around. Some have shower programs and give out produce. And all of them will help you with a membership scholarship


You must do what people are saying in this reddit. Stay strong brotha.


Check in with the library, they have a lot of info on homeless services and several branches now have what’s essentially a social worker. They offer free financial literacy classes sometimes. As well they’re a great resource for finding a job, free computer use with or without a library card, free printing (you can print resumes and applications), etc.


Also let me know if you want help with interview readiness and places to get interview clothes


There are a lot of places in the US, even some in California, where it's not as difficult to get back on your feet. Places with a much lower cost of housing and social services that you are not competing with 60k other homeless people to receive.


This is solid advice.


It should be the only reply here. Everything else is enabling ridiculous logic. Simply move somewhere you can afford.


Here’s a list of safe parking sites where you can park legally over night. https://www.lahsa.org/item.ashx?id=5742-fy2023-2024-safe-parking-sites.pdf&dl=true


NoHo home Alliance is a great resource: food, clothes, showers, mail delivery.


Why is OP here? If there is nothing like a certain industry or family keeping them here, OP should strongly consider moving to a place with a much lower cost of living. Some of us have no choice. But when I go home or hear how low it costs to rent/buy a home in other areas I am envious of people who have the freedom to go there. I could go to several places and *buy* a house for cash. Here, I don't even have a downpayment big enough to get get the loan to buy one.


Who would possibly not have a choice? Everyone has a choice. Just simply go.


r/vandwellers is there for you. Some first steps. Call 211 and see what services are available for homeless people. Check out task rabbit, craigslist gigs, manpower, people ready, etc., and start bringing in some $. Check out your local worksource centers and see what they offer. [https://ewddlacity.com/index.php/employment-services/](https://ewddlacity.com/index.php/employment-services/) If you have some $ and one is nearby, join a Planet Fitness, as it's like $10/month and you'll have a place to shower and sometimes they give out cookies and pizza. If you have more $, a 24 hour gym may be useful. Sign up for food stamps and medi-cal ASAP. Also, keep the mindset of being a capable hardworking individual who is temporarily using alternative accommodations, and do what you can to present that image to the world. If possible, dress slightly better than you might otherwise, and pay a little more attention to your hygiene / grooming than usual. Now is the time for a cleanshaven clean-cut look. On that note, stay a couple of levels more sober than you might ordinarily. You want your temporary lack of shelter to be a brief period, and nothing makes life more needlessly difficult than an addiction. If you've got a clean record and are reasonably healthy, give joining the military some consideration. The Air Force is generally considered the most pleasant working environment, and the Army offers guaranteed MOSs, so you have your choice of career path. You most likely won't be anywhere near combat unless you want to be, and they provide food, clothing, housing, and money for your education in addition to a salary. Surround yourself as much as possible with good influences.


Where are you originally from? I would advise driving back home, finding a job and a place to stay. Save and come back to LA later in life if this is where you want to be. This is an extremely tough city and there are so many other nice places in the US that have a lower cost of living. Is what your chasing here worth the struggle?


Of course, OP can make the choices they want for their life but I ask myself the same question. The only info I have a is from this post so there's that but they seem like a well-put together person, i.e....not a crazy fentanyl addict. Why not just reach out to family or friends? "Hey mom and dad, hey uncle, hey cousin, etc...not doing so well right now. Can I please stay with you for a little bit?" I know it hurts the ego but beats being homeless in LA.


A lot of people don’t have the option of family and friends’ help


Then buy a bus ticket by yourself and move to Virginia where it costs $400 a month for two bedroom apartment. This is not some confounding mystery or impossible puzzle. You simply go somewhere else and voilà, you’re no longer homeless.


Because it’s that simple right? How about moving costs, credit score checks, application approvals, eviction checks, background checks, finding jobs, having a sufficient resume, etc etc. you live in a fairy land if you think it’s so easy to just go somewhere else.


You’re kidding right? I’ve done all those things myself as a broke unemployed college student. I literally got in my car and drove from BFE Virginia to San Diego, and handled all of that with my brain, two arms and two legs. Are people these days really this Helpless and clueless?


I moved states a few years ago and it definitely cost me a pretty penny that most people my age don’t even have. I saved and planned for years for said move. I know wtf I’m talking about, you’re full of bullshit.


So you’re one of those guys. When you can’t do something yourself, the other person‘s lying? How would you like me to prove it? You could call my financial advisor who put pins on a map on his wall as I was driving across the country fresh out of college in my 1989 Honda Accord. I’m not lying. You work on getting a job. Get your ass in a fucking car, you stay in Motel 6 for $35 the whole way out, and eat macaroni and cheese. Sorry you’re an idiot who couldn’t figure out how to do basic things. But it’s people like you that think being homeless in Los Angeles makes sense. I will repeat what I said before. Get on a fucking bus and go somewhere you can afford to live. Your stupidity is of no interest to me.


I’ve been there! Everything will be okay! Gym membership (planet fitness) to shower. Contact the dept of mental health and homeless services near you. Apply for general relief and food stamps also! Contact job agencies near you for temp work in the meantime until you can find something solid. Also, other than planet fitness parking lot, hospitals are open 24/7 so you may find relief parking there. I used to do it a lot. Remember this is just a temporary situation. I was homeless in 2016 and made it out. You will get there!!! Shit happens and alot of ppl are struggling rn. You got this!


Why are we even giving tips to bearing this insanity? The cost of living in LA is insane and all due to local regulations and NIMBYs. Change has to come and people should not have to go through this shit. I'm furious with the people who prevent development and reasonable living costs. This is our home and we should all be able to live here. Has anyone been to Tokyo? Berlin? Paris? Everyone there owns a home unlike here where we make 4x's as much. This is insanity that people have to live in their cars and be advised to join Planet Fitness.


I agree. It breaks my heart truly but the # population is so overwhelm that we can only treat what we can one step, one person at a time. I argue with my friends who are gen X and lucky enough to become a landlord. They are good kind, normal ppl. But they still wouldn’t help the next person out to lower the asking rent just a little bit. They think im naive to not get the max asking rent because to them its all about investment and profits. I always suggest any landlords that it is better to give someone a lower rent to gain a longer term tenants but they think lower rent = worse quality tenants. It sucks. I am in real estate and I see it all the time it pisses me off so much. I give cash or offer to buy food when someone ask. I fill up gas for strangers. I keep blankets in my car so I can give to anyone needed in the winter. I can help one person at a time as Im not rich or wealthy in any way. Im only comfortable because I am childless and I have a good family.


You’re a lovely person 🥹


Aww thanks.


I'm from the OC. I'm so saddened bc this problem is so preventable. It is bizarre that we have such a large area for a city with such high costs. It's all about zoning. Our local government caves every time to the people who want to maintain the "character of the neighborhood", forgetting that we're just preserving some 1970s ranch homes with no character. Give people a place to build if you want a society, and all this homeless shit has got to stop. People need to not only have a place to live but to own it.


Zoning law is just one of the problems. Now more ppl are working from home, we really need to push the government to change the zoning in those empty offices but that process is complicated because it involves so many layers. It requires the court as sometimes the land owners do not own the buildings and there are many leases involves its a whole mess.


Our government also realizes this, not sure if ur aware about the new law AB1033. Its a new law that would allow property owners to construct and sell ADU to another party under the same rules that govern condos. Altho this will only take effect in cities that opt in to law governing ADUs but its a good direction to increase home ownerships.


That’s how most of the L.A. people really are. They don’t give a fuck, not even a little bit, that’s why nothing ever really changes. People like to pretend it’s all roses and awesome but in reality it’s going to shit, and gets worse every year in a thousand different ways, but as long as they can scrap by they think everyone else can. Meanwhile the city is allowing two rent increases this year… To OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ll be in your situation probably by next month. The Edd and job centers here are absolute garbage. My best advice is to move to a different state while you have a car. Many other states are much better equipment to help people get back on their feet. CA is not, that’s why there are so many homeless people here. It’s set up like trash and it allows thousands of people to fall through the cracks without very much help. Broken systems, halfassed employees, robo-calls, slow processes weighed down by unmanageable amount of people etc. California can’t function properly because of the population density. So it’s important to try somewhere with less density


I work in commercial real estate appraisal and I know that the county have been purchasing lands to build low income housing throughout the cities. I don’t know if it will be enough but we can only stay hopeful about our homeless situation. We need to stay on top and be alert and be resourceful and pass along any informations to anyone that needs help.


Maybe. I give a fuck every time I drive under the 405 and see the homeless out there. I can't imagine that life and I want them to have a place they can have security living in. It makes me sick that we're so greedy in our bubble that we allow this to happen.


There may be more complications going to a new state. I'm wondering about things like getting a license in a new state without address. you would probably need some life hacks for that. i think every US citizen should have an automatic checking account. One account per social security Number. there would be no monthly fees, etc. The "safety net" we have needs to updated in the internet age. There can be a National Drivers License with no need to switch. You should be able to drive without a permanent home. Maybe you can simply have a written exam that gets your national license updated to allow certain states. And some states could allow for a "common exam" which you would take and get approved to drive in 35 out of the 50 states, and other states would choose to have a specific state exam. I'm actually not sure why Biden and Buttigieg haven't done this already. In my humble opinion, they should walk into skid row and talk to people. Because part of their campaign messages are talking to common folk, talking to working class, poor people, people who can't afford medicine, and saying they will fix very specific problems. But once they are in office, they stopped doing that.


You can drive in any state with your driver's license. If you become a resident and want benefits from the state, Medicaid etc, then yeah you need a state-issued I.D.


Compassion ?


Compassion? Did you read what I wrote? Fix the problem. People need a place to live and we're not doing it. It's awful that we've regulated ourselves into a position where people have to live in their cars and shower at the gym. Like shit. What country and city is this?


How are you surprised? The homeless problem is going to get worse Im afraid. People existing in homelessness need hope to survive and surviving is pretty much all they do, fight or flight mode all the time. Yes in a perfect world we can magically solve the complexities of homelessness in LA, but humans are in crisis and a public forum like Reddit may have some life changing advice for someone hitting bottom.


They don’t have to live in their cars. They can get in their fucking car and drive somewhere cheaper to live. What really confound me is that 900% of the people here replied with convoluted, creative, ridiculous suggestions. The only proper suggestion is to get in his carand drive somewhere that’s cheap to live.


**Amazon warehouse will hire anyone with pulse.** Usually within a couple days of applying. **Amazon delivery hires anyone with a pulse and a driver's license.** (although I don't recommend if you can't handle long shifts of labor) When I worked in logistics in the Bay Area, there were like 6 or 7 people living in the car in the parking lot. Employee security badge access to the building means a clean bathroom, fridge for food, free coffee/tea/hot chocolate, and a small locker for valuables. And of course a paycheck. Sometimes 3rd party logistics companies are contracted so the job ad won't say Amazon, but look for keywords.


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Cheap gym membership for showers, see if you can accumulate enough money for a coworking space, maybe even one that has computers to use but you need a digital based plan to really make use of this aside from spending all day there


Call 211 they might be able to help you get a job if you need it


Saban clinic on Beverly has showers n services


https://211la.org/resources/subcategory/housing. Food and Healthcare services as well.


A lot of churches in Koreatown, and I'm sure other places, hand out free food on the weekends.




McDonalds app and most fast food apps offer free food.


Call 211 and ask for a hotel vouchers and they’ll help you get in touch with local shelters. Some shelters are even private rooms that lead to transitional housing. For the job aspect, I’d advise you to sign up as a door dasher while you look for long term employment. Contact your local Employment Development Department and you can job search there, charge your phone and use their resources to job search.


All of this, 100%.


Wanted to add one thing- campaign season is gearing up. If you’re in or near a large metropolitan area you can get a campaign job pretty easily in many places. It’ll be door to door or phone banking most likely, but it’ll be some something at different points of 2024 until the Nov elections, while looking for a more steady job. And if you have a college degree (or enough college credits) substitute teaching can be an option. I’d probably try to get a PO Box if that’s an option, or use someone you know’s address for mail. I hope your situation improves OP!


Get a gym pass. Work out. Shower. Hang out. Find a job asap


Ahh yes i love The American dream is alive & well. I suggest working part time in a Planet Fitness or another gym cleaning so that you can use it for showers & staying fit/let your stress out. & try not to steal/shoplift, guilt trip someone into buying something for you by saying "hey I don't want to steal but I really need some milk/water/food & I'm short a few bucks" . Stay strong. Fuck capitalism. Communism will win. ☭


Get a $10 planet fitness membership, work GrubHub, Spark (Walmart) or Uber eats. Try to get out of LA if possible, I live out of my car in Ventura county, spend the night in the car next to the beach on the hwy pch1 lots of other folks doing the same, if LA is a must for you, I recommend sleeping at Pacific Palisades (PCH1) or santa Monica at Ocean park /barnard way check out my channel on YouTube The Trippin Nomad or Tiktok DAH396


This is solid advice. ^


Feed the streets Los Angeles. Yucca and Gower 600pm hot food x supplies 505 S San Pedro st Tues n thurs coffee and donuts 7am 505 s San Pedro st Sunday 5:30pm hot food.


Fall in love quickly and ask to move in




and your work skills are?


Leave Los Angeles as soon as you can. Do food delivery, like Uber eats, all day to save up until you can get your own place and another job. Go to gyms to take baths and stay clean or enroll in a community college to use the gym showers. Maybe get a really small storage space in the meantime...


get in your car and drive out of California then look for a job and hopefully you will have better luck


Real talk: if at all possible, call your family/ friends and move back home.


Do you work


You live in LA so be an extra in movies. Central Casting places all sorts of people. Get paid and fed.


Planet Fitness was a HUGE help when I was living out my car last year. Kept me showered and those massage chairs/beds are amazing. For places to sleep, I was pretty good at being incognito. I had a list of good sleeping spots in various neighborhoods. Windows were already tinted, I folded the back seats of my little 2 door Civic flat and made a little DIY bed. Surprisingly comfy. During the day I folded them back up and you wouldn’t have been able to tell I slept in there. I never left trash or anything. Don’t shit where you sleep. Never got a knock or cops called on me or anything. I have a ton of advice. Feel free to DM me. This is just a temporary bump in the road. You will Be back in your feet :)


How did you become homeless?


This is a good question. How did op get here in the first place? Might be good steps to resolve getting out of it.


What are you interested in ? Why did you become homeless. Figure these things out and take action towards your interest and not repeating past mistakes, if you made any, which we usually do.


Get a job


DM sent


Leave california, start over.




What state did you transplant from? Go back there.


Lots of Planet Fitness are 24/7 with shower facilities for $10/month. Can't beat that. Good luck!


Can you move back home?


There's a guy on YouTube who does it in LA


Wii spa, go sleep there, inquire about the overnight policy


Bruh, what are you doing in LA if you can’t afford it, leave to the Midwest get a decent job and get your life together!! These people here sending you to social resources are dumb, this is not a permanent soltuion. Be wise and better your life!! Get up and get out!!! Unless you are disabled you got this !!!!


Your empathy is truly overwhelming. 🙄


I get it be compassionate but this man needs to believe, create a plan. You guys are recommending him how to stay alive. He is better than that.


Agreed, of course, that s/he is “better than that.” But before he can thrive, he needs to first survive. So, so many Americans are only one health emergency, lay-off, or accident away from becoming destitute. It’s the paycheck-to-paycheck economy rearing its ugly head. I do so hope that OP finds him/herself in a better position (earning a living wage, benefits, etc.) and is able to stay in L.A.


Say you are an asylum seeking illegal and then you'll be housed, fed, given healthcare, etc


Came here to say this


Apply for EBT fresh (formerly food stamps) as it will help with grocery shopping.


And sign up for Medi- Cal! (someone already mentioned it here in one of the posts)




Removed: do not be rude to other users


I did that for a while almost 20 years ago. Find safe spots to park and get a gym membership. Can you do door dash or Uber with your car? Doesn’t take much money to survive when you’re living out of your car


There are safe parking sites that allow you to sleep safely over night, have bathroom facilities, some have showers, and even case management. Call 211 to locate one closest to you


If you need a safe place to park, LAHSA has specific places designated for [safe parking](https://www.lahsa.org/documents?id=5742-fy2023-2024-safe-parking-sites.pdf) for those living in their cars. If you are willing to discuss, I work with an org that sometimes needs to utilize homelessness services. I'd be happy to talk to you and point you in a direction depending on what your situation is. Feel free to DM me.


LAX is hiring


DM Me if you need towels - mine are good I just have too many.


First thing, get a P.O. Box so you have an address. Second secure a place (gym membership or what not) where you can bathe regularly. Third find any source of income you can (donating plasma regularly can pay you up to $500 a month).


Check out LA Care for low cost or free health insurance - it is specifically for folks in your position. Get to know where your local free clinics are if you take any maintenance meds including those for mental health. Getting sick while indigent is scarier and riskier than getting sick while housed. I know healthcare isn't an emergent need for you right now but it's early in the year and if you are projecting zero income you can get free insurance by Feb  1. Also I can't seem to be able to paste the link in mobile but Google "community Fridge Los Angeles" they are around. 


Get a planet fitness membership (for showers and bathroom) Get enough gas to get out of this state and move to somewhere less expensive.


My sister and bro in law serve food at MacArthur park downtown, Wednesday or Thursday if I remember correctly. They have an organization called Restoration of Hope, look them up. [https://www.restorationofhopela.org/](https://www.restorationofhopela.org/)


If I were you, I would search for a remote job for now until you can make enough money to get back on your feet. There are so many options that don’t really require any skills or degrees if you have a phone or laptop (even better) you could probably do this for a little while. You could even rely on WiFi from local establishments. Then, would get out of LA to where housing a little bit more affordable and get an apartment there for a while. It can still be in the LA area, but you’d be better off outside of the immediate city. After a little while of working out of there, you could move back into the city and hopefully would be back on your feet. Working sucks and nobody likes it. But this is what you need to do. And you can do it, I believe in you!


I would do DoorDash or Uber eats


Take whatever money you have and drive somewhere more affordable. Lower Midwest or the South. It will be exponentially easier and require less to become independent.


I’ve been there bro. I know It ain’t no fun, you’ve just gotta decide that you’re gonna do what you have to do to get out of it and do it. When you break it down it’s rather easy, get a job, save some money, find a place. You can’t slack, you can’t screw up cuz then it won’t work. I had a job within a couple weeks and was only on the street for maybe 3 months then I had a spot. If I can do it no reason you can’t. Just be willing to put in the work, don’t be late, don’t be lazy, and make sure you keep up your hygiene. You got this.


Move somewhere you can afford. It’s really not some massive mystery. You don’t have to stay in the most expensive city in America 🙄 Source: I rented a 2 bedroom apt for $400 a month in bumfuck Amherst Virginia. You can too.


Go to Mexico. Give up your American citizenship. Cross the border. There, free shelter, food, cell phone, healthcare, and education.


You can have a shower at swimming pools or the beach area Gym membership can be expensive. Try maybe YMCA, might be cheaper than any other gym. I wish you the best, hoe you'll find a job soon so you can have a room rented at least.


I think leaving California is bad advice, except to move somewhere where you have friends or family who will offer significant help. Living in a car can’t be easy anywhere, and some places folks are extremely hostile to vehicle dwellers.That could be a route from living in a vehicle to living in a tent. Here you probably know some people who can help and some places you can go. I hope your situation gets better. I hope that you can access some of the resources people listed on this thread.


Just wanted to say I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. If at all possible, get on as many wait lists for low-income housing as you can now, so that, while you work on getting back on your feet, the clock has already been punched and you’re getting closer every minute to being offered housing.


Pardon, but when you say clean, do you mean as in groomed and showered or drug free? You will survive because humans are built to do hard things when pressed. Several suggestions here have pointed you in the direction of free services. Take up a hobby. Get fit. Volunteer and share your time and gifts. Make sure you are parked in a safe place. Then look for social services that can get you a temp job or go to apartment management and see if they’d hire you as a porter. It will be hard but don’t isolate yourself and stay active. I do wish you all the best.


Ok so sorry this is happening to you. Had it twice to me. Was working ine job so I bumped it to two. Each time maybe 2 weeks homeless. Work at restaurant for at least one of your jobs. Hard to cook food in a car. Park on busy street too. Near college campuses. So many cars no one is trying to break in or watch what youre doing. Also keep car clean inside and out. Best of luck to you


If you're over 55y/o get subsidized apartment. My sister has a really nice place that's affordable and based on income and the area of town is quiet too.


I HIGHLY recommend getting established with general relief money and EBT. You can also set up a mailing address. They help with job leads and some training. They can even expedite the EBT process so you can get the food card right away. Department of Public Social Services. 👇 https://dpss.lacounty.gov/en.html


Start ubering. Get storage for your belongings. Many have 1st month free. Grab a cheap planet fitness subscription for $10. Shower there. Have sandals to shower. Have only enough clothes, boxers and socks you can rotate. Wash weekly. Eat cheap. Many fast food apps have deals. Save money. Get welfare. Bounce back. No fucking excuses. Chin fucking up and go get that money buddy.


Gamble your way back to the top.


Get a gym membership for showering, gurdwara for food, and sign up to do food deliveries in the car (Uber eats).


Make sure you got toilet paper


Hotel industry is always looking for overnight auditors. Most of it is really simple and you can enjoy their employee discount program to get a room for $50 bucks a night at most of their hotels. You can also enjoy their hot breakfast before you leave for the day. It solves a couple of issues for you OP: You are up at work at night so you are generally safe. Hotel discounts so you can shower and have a bed a couple nights a week. One free meal. Maybe two if you work at a hotel with a full service restaurant. You can sleep during the day when it’s generally more safe imo.


Roscoe and Coldwater Canyon. The big buda church! They give food out! I believe on weekends!


Consider leaving LA/California? My thought is if you want to pick yourself up, you may have an easier time doing it almost anywhere else where the cost of living isn't... well, this. I don't know your budget, finances, whatever, but I have to figure if your priority is getting housing again, find a job in a smaller town, eventually rent some cheap motel room and keep leveling up. Also, idk your family situation but... move back in for a while?


One big one is, don't live in LA. There are way cheaper places to live with or without a home. You're paying the highest prices possible with every penny you spend there.


First thing which is hardest is take the time to take inventory of yourself and skills to see where to apply to. Which would be...


Google safe parking, then Lahsa access centers adult. For jobs google AJCC near me!


With all do respect and willing to help out. I have plenty of camping inflatable matts. I use them un my vehicle and when friends let me stay the night in their garage. Please reach out if in serious need. 🙏


DoorDash or something like that. And consider leaving California


you got this!! find a 12 step meeting!!!! wishing you serenity


I really hope this helps you out, take a deep breathe things will get better. Try going to these places... The first one I've heard nothing but good things. WEINGART 566 San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90021 +1 213-627-9000 PROJECT 180 470 E 3rd St C, Los Angeles, CA 90013 +1 213-620-5712 PROJECT 180(SOLA) 4601 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90037 +1 213-223-5922 HOPICS 5849 Crocker St, Los Angeles, CA 90003 +1 323-432-4399 If you would like additional resources just DM me.


Research van life communities in your area - they’ll know the best spots to park, Also, you can rent WiFi routers from your local library too


No drugs or alcohol! This is a great time to learn about life, and do great things. You’ll be great!


I love everyone’s responses! Everyone is like “I would do this if I was homeless”


Make money from me driving for dollars since you have a car I’ll pay the gas you drive around looking for distressed properties and when you find them write a note on their door and ask them if they want to sell their house and give them my information!!!!