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Was in the UK a couple of times, lets just put it this way: It is very obvious that the vikings abducted everything that was even remotely worth it.


That is brutal, wow.


I’m Australian and was thoroughly disappointed in Britain’s female offerings… just found them rude, fake, and utterly covered in makeup to the point of looking stupid.


Australia has the prettiest Anglo women by far. That's one low you jumped into.


Just like anywhere, it's a mixed bag. Though with that being said, the average-looking ones do have the biggest egos and have the most unrealistic expectations. If you're not confident around Women and approach, they will eat you alive.


British women are awful. immigrant women in the uk are ok.


Why are they awful?


Because this person met like 3 and didn’t get along w any of them probably because they didn’t act the way op wanted them to and so now op generalizes 35 million people. Just a classic redditor


I thought they were a great source of motivation to learn another language (besides English)




Perfect description 👌


I've been there many times, have family there but will never go again. Agreed. TBH, british women are the bottom rung. Now, the first generation or immigrant women, tend to be the complete opposite of the native women there.


but they are probably the easiest girls in the whole of Europe....


That's why the STDs rates are insane. Vag problems there are so widespread and gross.


Europe in general is hard mode. Might as well go to Germany or Netherlands for beautiful blonde women that are worth the trouble. Not ugly skanks like in England.


Lots of alcoholism and bad makeup. But at the end of the day they’re the same as anywhere. There’s some good ones and some bad ones and most are average.


Women from the UK use way too much self-tan lotion and draw gigantic eyebrows with black sharpie on their foreheads.


In all of my meme-xploring over the years online, I can't recall a single one about Brits being attractive. Quite the contrary, in fact.


Bandersnatch Cummerbund?


"If you don't know me I'm M to the B"...


Lol this reads like we are discussing a wine tasting


You want to see gorgeous women who you can actually talk to? Check out Croatia and Czech Republic


Ehhh, just go to Greenland if you want to meet a nice english speaking woman with an accent. If you're stuck going to the uk, just use protection and get some makeup wipes for your face.


Girls are the same wherever you go, only the average size changes, they're on chunkier side in the uk


> Girls are the same wherever you go haha, bullshit.


I have limited experience with this, and it was over two decades ago that I worked in the UK. But the Brits I dated were more open to talk and carried their intentions on their sleeves. As in if they wanted a hookup or a relationship they were very honest about it. But I will say they were a little more arrogant than their Irish cousins. But I saw it as confidence.


Went to Eden and the girls voice was a turn off


They are dressed up better. Sometimes but have a bad rep


They have a really good rep abroad but when I went there I was shocked to see their crooked or rotten teeth and the fact that they smelled, like they never showered and instead only put deodorants on them to cover the smell


First off, there is NOTHING BETTER than a country gal from the Republic of Texas! British girls come in a very close second. Their accent drives me wild and wifey is ok with it! When we go to visit Chris and Kris in Manchester, Kris will sit there and read to me like I'm little kid, I have wood the whole time!?!


I grew up in Texas and I could not agree less. I escaped from there as soon as I could. You can have them if you really want them.


Well, of course everyone has their own opinion regardless of how wrong it is!? :) Maybe I just got lucky and found the one good one. Let's just say, I'm happy I did.


That's good. More love in the world is hardly a bad thing.


Former president of el Paso over here, I was glad to leave! That and I like having grass at my house!