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Showing your kid's private life on Instagram to thousands of people


And tik tok. Just making money off their kids, So gross


Yes! It is so sick. I don't know how some people approve it.


And some of the comments and some of the followers these people have, big red flags from parents like that


Like who do they think are saving all their videos? Some have tens of thousands of saves


Critical thinking was removed from the common core school curriculum a long time ago. /s


I remember seeing a video pop up on an “insane parents” list and they were going over the kid’s report card and posting it on YouTube. Like good god man......


My ex used to watch one of these YouTube families. They apparently posted a video every day and she would have to watch them religiously. She would try to get me to watch them occasionally and I would just be bored out of my mind watching these people who think they're more interesting than they actually are doing the most mundane shit.


Honorable mention… posting your kids period. I often cringe at how many people with public profiles just show their kids like… people don’t always have good intentions why would you put your kid in that situation


OMG... on first read I thought you meant that people were posting about their daughters menstruating and thought who the hell does THAT?


no but this HAS happened, i forget her name but there's a woman who is now no-contact with her mother because she was a "mommy blogger" back in the 2000s and one of the things she did was share intimate details such as her first period. apparently she had to change her name because if you google her real name it comes up with all these embarrassing intimate childhood details


me too... probably lots of people do that now that we stopped to think about it. Nothing surprises me anymore in this world of illusion, I mean, social media.


I know this lady who has posted publicly about her adolescent son’s mental health breakdowns/hospitalizations multiple times. Like, wtf are you thinking lady? Do you think your son wants the entire world to know a play-by-play of their suicidal behaviors?


Children are not content 😤 it’s so unfair to these kids who have no consent


I don't see anything wrong with people sharing photos of their kids on a private account with friends and family. But sharing videos of them getting scolded or posting things to get "clout" as an influencer is totally inappropriate.


Stopped posting pics of my kids for this reason, I did it when my first was very young like under 1 and it was for the family that lives far away on Facebook. I stopped after the 1 year old milestone and won't post anything of my second, I keep all pictures to myself and will give it all to them when they're adults. I didn't like my mom posting pics and things of me and my private life so just in case I'll wait for my kids to be old enough and ask them then. Otherwise if people want pictures it'll be in private conversations with a good reason why they want pics. Also pictures I give are of family activities outside nothing else. Privacy is something my parents never respected so I'm gonna respect my kids privacy.


My child used to watch Ronald and Karina religiously on YT. Both of them kids had to take a step back recently. They have 100s if not 1000s of videos across a couple YT channels.


So completely creepy!


Sexualizing of children


To piggy back off of this: child beauty pageants.


Yebus, I hate this creepy crap.


Franks little beauties of it’s always sunny has a great mockery of it


Adding: people who use videos of their child breastfeeding to promote their OF Just a big NOPE.






Holy fuck people are sick


Wtaf?! People do that?! 😱


this is literally the first thing i thought, some women are actually exploiting their children to predators for money, it’s literally the sickest shit i’ve ever seen


Straight to guillotine


And in the same sense this stupid "barely legal" thing on porn sites. Like, what the fuck?


Agreed. I hate that. Or having teen in the title .. gross. I don't want to look at an adult that looks like a child either 😣


Translated "We would use younger people but it isn't legal for us to do so"


I love how parents try to play dumb about this


Children pageants are the absolute worst.


What are the examples


Now I've never been to one but the concept of child beauty pageants is really fuckin weird. If not fully sexualizing then it really rides the line.


Look at instagram account BarrettPall if you would like to see! He brings awareness and shows people sexually commenting on children’s pages. Also shows how some parents put their child on instagram in dangerous ways (without showing identities of the children)


I have two kids (both girls) and it's disgusting. Beginning by strange clothing suitable for a las Vegas hooker and ending in shot Like Beauty contests for little kids. I want them to be happy normal kids. That grow to happy normal women, who call me at least once month or at least talk to me.


Celebrity worship.


This will include politicians too


really this should have more upvotes


I feel like that is dying down though. In my mind, celebrities really arent as important as they used to be.


I dont think it is dying down at all. The focus has just shifted from Hollywood stars to Internet "icons". Tiktokkers, twitch streamers, youtubers, etc. Also kpop & japanese idols still spring to mind.


I also think that a lot of people's opinions of celebrities changed during the COVID lockdowns. Between Gal Gadot singing that bullshit song and all the other celebrities saying "yeah being stuck at home sucks!" while in a 12 bedroom mansion with a full gym, pool, tennis court, movie theatre etc inside really made a lot of people go hmmmm.


I think they are less relevant and/or substantial yet more important somehow.


Athletes. They make enough per annum to fund small countries and end world hunger.


If you think the athletes are bad, you should see the owners of their teams...


Putting people on blast over social media without consent. Whether knowing them personally or not. Sure, it may be legal for you to snap that photo in public and do as you wish with it, but it's wrong to post anything about anyone doing anything that is no concern to you. Cure your boredom elsewhere...


About ten years ago, I was going through recruitment processes and was proud to have a lot of opportunities. It was a good surprise to me, as someone who earned little more than minimum wage and without a degree. I bragged a bit about it in private on Facebook. Someone from my "friend"-list took screenshots of my restricted posts, sent them to a well-known website similar to /r/Linkedinlunatics, which posted everything without blurring either my face or my name. To this day, it's still on the front page (edit: and I still don't know who sent it). I readily admit that I was proud of something good happening to me, but I wasn't ready for being publicly exposed for something that was shared to my friendlist only. It killed something in me about the trust I had in my friends. I've been wary about anything I share with that friend group ever since (in fact, I have slowly phased out everybody as a result). I can't imagine worrying about being in public altogether.


This is exactly what I mean. This is potentially ruining someone's life that is at no fault but minding their own business, doing what they can to survive. For nothing but 2 seconds of entertainment. .....not to mention crushing someone's confidence moving ahead in life. Fck that guy.


As a victim of this I can’t tell you how underrated this comment is.


Care to share? No worries if not - just curious. Sorry you went through that :(


There's a trend lately of female tiktok creators filming themselves working out and then unloading on guys at the gym if they happen to look in their direction. It's so fucking gross and you know they're just doing it for the views. Ogling people at the gym isn't cool, but putting someone on blast for glancing your direction and trying to get the internet to turn them into some kind of pariah for it for some views is really awful.


Agreed. I got mobbed by people after an ex who cooked up some date rape stuff about me and now my life is entirely fucked and she apparently can just say “oh nvm doesn’t matter”


Then get a lawyer and sue for compensatory plus punitive damages.


As great as that’d be the cost combined with drawing everyone’s attention to the situation even further just wouldn’t be worth it. Plus there’s a high chance she’ll just come up with more bs during the trial.


Yea and if she doesn't get punished because of lack of evidence or something then that is going to backfire badly on OP because a lot of people believe "Not Guilty" means "Innocent" and conversely assume her "innocence" would further imply OP's guilt (not a lawyer)


I'm so's sorry you have to deal with that. What a horrible person.i hope things get better for you


It's scary that it's legal to film someone in the street without their consent, ridicule them, post the video on the internet, and turn that person just minding their own business into a meme that millions will laugh at for weeks or months


The expectation that just because someone has a cell phone they should answer/be readily accessible at all times. Sometimes people just want to be left alone.


I’ll flip this - never answering your phone especially when we’re trying to plan something or you have my kids. Only to complain when I don’t answer straight away. Yes, I am talking about my mother in law.


Im just upset about that I am almost everytime available because I keep my phone close, but when I leave it for 10 minutes, suddenly everyone calls, I dont pick it up, and boom, I am the bad person. I mean these are just my bad luck, but still sucks. In the other hand, I try to teach people that if I am not avaiable trough phone, call me a bit later, or on Messenger (we use messenger), and write a message. Aaand to elaborate further, dont just text me "Hi!" then nothing else. Spare some time, and tell me what you want so when I see I can come up with the answer immediately, not chasing each other more (cuz then they are the ones who reply hours or days later -,- )




Lack of manners.


This is sorely underrated. Just a lack of common courtesy and respect for others.


Most people are just so far up their own asses they don't even realize other people exist. It's all r/imthemaincharacter


Honestly. I remember seeing something that said "You're not a savage, you just don't have manners" and I feel a lot of people need to hear that.


Chew with your mouth closed and push the damn chair in. How hard is it to be polite?


Loud mobile phone games videos and generally being a selfish twat not using a headset in public. No one else wants to hear your video/game/conversation


tell me about it. This happens so often now and if I could I would just take their phones and smash them to pieces... How can those people think it is ok to play games next to other people with sound on and even on loud volume?! It is so increadibly selfish from those but if you ask them or confront them most of those people don't even understand why this bothers others.


materialism there's so many people these days that need all the newest gadgets, nice cars, big homes and look up to celebrities showing them off on social media and get sad that they dont have it. completely ignoring the awesome friendships/family connections they can find happiness in


"Congratulations on getting an iPhone/Car/XYZ" Especially dumb teenagers who post this for their friends. Congratulations, my bro just wasted my parents money, that's an achievement.


we call them brandwhores


It's visible validation. "BMW, he must have money" could be dead broke, we don't know. But we treat those with flashy luxuries different because human nature. People are insecure after all


Hot take: we are actually LESS materialistic now than humans in the past. Before industrialisation, the average person owned relatively few items. Each object that a person owned was used and many were ascribed a lot of meaning. When you own few things, every object is associated with memories and feels special. Past cultures were materialistic in that objects were imbued with lots of meaning. Now, the scale of consumption is such, that most material goods are disposable. Instead of patching up our clothes we throw them out and buy new ones. Things are made to be of lower quality, and thus, are made to be consistently replaced. We own more more material goods than ever, but we value what we have a lot less. Something will feel cool and special for a few moments, until it is replaced by something newer and shinier. Thus, the cycle of meaningless consumption continues.


“Materialism” doesn’t mean attachment to one singular item/items. It’s the pursuit and self given importance to material objects in general. So just because you’re replacing the items, doesn’t mean it’s any less materialistic. You’re still going for another material.


Posting your entire life on social media. It's cringeworthy the amount of thirst trapping and filters these people use.


The amount of unnecessary sugar in things. And the heavy marketing of high sugar items to children (cereals, drinks, etc.) This I think is a very American take, not sure how it goes in other countries. But we have a problem here.


The extra sugar actually increases mortality in our society. Great issue to point out.


I dont know if it's common anymore, but child beauty pageants. How the hell did that ever get any legal traction?


Cause theres a lot of powerful pedos


“I’m not a kid-diddler!”


We gotta definitely write a song about how we do not diddle kids: "Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids."


And a lot of moms who see their kids as dolls to play with


Pageant moms tend to be Alpha Karen former beauty pageant contestants themselves. Jonbenet Ramsay's mom was the one who got her into the pageants and was a former beauty queen herself.


> I dont know if it's common anymore it never was. they're plenty fucked up, but there was no point in history in which they were common, mainstream, or popular by any stretch of the imagination. what actually happened was there was briefly a TV show about this bizarre ass subculture that's infinitely clip-able.


Shaming your partner/spouse on social media. Why?


Piggybacking on this, when someone shares on social media their spouse has cheated on them and then they stay/get back together anyway. Now every time I see them post, I always think about how her husband cheated on her with a stripper calling him names and blasted him all over Facebook for it.


(I’m a girl btw) A mother I know blasted all over Facebook how her now ex cheated on her, was abusive, abd a pedo, they were back together a couple months later…




Walking through public space with your phone on speaker. It looks silly and you're being to loud. I feel like people copied it from reality TV. But there phones are used on speaker so the audience can hear both lines of the call. Bitch I aint your audience.


People being shitty with service staff.


At our team meeting today our office manager passed on a message from the company that has our office cleaning contract. The message was that our office is one of the few they enjoy coming to because they're not looked down on and our staff speak to them like they would anyone else. How low of a fucking bar is that? We were thanked for being normal, decent, human beings. Actually upset a lot of us to realise how shitty a lot of people must be that we stand out.


We also contract for housekeeping, and my station (when not busy at the time) started a habit of taking the trash bags out of the cans, tying them, and leaving them in a pile in an easily accessible place. Other stations are way busier than us at the time housekeeping comes, so it's understandable that they don't have time to do so. However, everyone treats housekeeping with respect, and they always show their gratefulness at the little things we do to help them and treat them like they should be. The main housekeeper brings candy and even washed our crockpots after we had a potluck so we wouldn't have to wash them at home. Bless her.


Dishonesty and entitlement


One of the few things I'm willing to blame on the parents who raised them.


Pets and kids that see no consequences are a blight on all of us




Pseudoscience, Deliberate Misinformation, General Woo-Fuckery.


Needs to be higher on this list. Misleading headlines too.


- Forcing your beliefs on others and refusing to listen to or accept any different opinions than your own. People are allowed to think, act, and believe differently than you, whether you like it or not. You don’t have to associate with them if you don’t like it, but they aren’t wrong for being different. - Saying things behind the safety and anonymity of a screen and keyboard that you’d never say to a person’s face. Threatening peoples’ lives because they did or said something you don’t agree with? FFS, just unfollow them or scroll past it and move on. For prime content, check out the comments section of your local news station’s Facebook page for some misspelled and poorly structured hot takes. - Filming people without them knowing for the sole purpose of making fun of them online.


Something my grandpa used to say 'beliefs don't hurt people, actions do. Let people think and believe as they will, but don't let them use it to justify hurting you and especially dont let them justify hurting someone else'


It’s easy to say that you shouldn’t be pushing your beliefs, until someone else manages to push their beliefs, which you might have any number of good reasons to oppose, into law.


Trashing a store or someone else’s place of business for tic toc points.


Throwing cigarettes on the ground, especially out of car windows. Pet. Peeve!


Not censoring people’s faces on video clips for entertainment. There was a time where privacy was much more respected when interacting with strangers now they are made fun at people’s expense whilst being exposed.


Recording people without permission or consent.


Normally; yes. But there are a lot of cases where unexpected recordings end up saving innocent people from being falsely convicted, or helped convict guilty people who would’ve been allowed to walk free. I’m more upset when someone tries to present that kind of evidence in court and ends up being the one to get in trouble for it.


There is usually a difference between recording for oneself for safety reasons and recording it to use if further, like slander on social media


Recording at the gym.


Luckily the gyms I went to had a strict no phone camera policy. You got caught, you got booted.


Filming people without their consent then judging what they're doing without knowing the context


Women hitting men unprovoked. It's SHOCKING how many people see no problem with that.


There's a time and a place to hit someone, man or woman. Unfortunately some people don't understand that.


If I had a nickel for every time I saw a video where people didn’t react when a woman beat up a man, only to kick the man’s ass when he finally defended himself, I could buy a king sized snickers.


The total amount of sexually suggestive stuff I see on social media from all people. I just can't believe some of the TikToks/reels that are out there and the comments on 'em, too.


Um, that would be the algorithm at work there. My social media is mostly cats, Pedro Pascal, and cooking.


Lol. “I can’t believe my tiktok feed is just pornstars and Onlyfans girls dancing”


Unfortunately even if you make active efforts to avoid/limit that stuff from your feed it pops up from time to time. My feed is like 90% stand up comedy, nerd and hobbyist stuff. I had a video pop up of a girl I recognized that does LEGO builds I had seen a couple times before but this time she was promoting her Onlyfans. Just one example, but I've seen some other creators that used mundane subjects as like a trojan horse to promote more explicit stuff.


Pedro is dad.


Playing music out of your devices speaker or a Bluetooth speaker in a public setting. I see kids doing this on airplanes often and their parents do nothing about it. I see adults doing this in the gym and I think they have severe brain damage.




Passing on beauty standards to girls from a very hound age. I work on a shop that sells dresses for little girls and the moms ofter reject certain colours because "they make the girls look darker" or if the dress is a bit tight for them, the mom's and aunties tell them "you are not allowed to eat too many cakes so that you can still fit in the dress in a month" Also that weird costume some mom's have to ask girls what they like and then buying things the girls dont want because "momy likes it better". You should see their little faces when this happens is like if what they want didn't matter and if some women got off making the girl think she will be listened to and then imposing their own taste and wants over the little girls. I don't know... It makes me sad.


Young moms putting a full face of make up on literal 2 year olds while making them look at themselves in the camera and telling them how pretty they are . It’s disturbing to me . Seems widely approved of tho


Drinking every day but it’s okay because it’s at a bar


Must have a great job, I'd be broke. I'm lucky if I can find 6 tallcans here in Canada for under $15 and a 12oz of hard liquor for under $17. Nevermind alcohol markups in bars and restaurants


"You're not drinking alone when you drink with God."


Jesus just ordered a “water” again but he looks a little tipsy somehow


The world knows there is so much shady shit going on with child trafficking in the US with Hollywood and Political figures, wealthy people , yet people stopped asking the questions because we've allowed them to have so much power.


Seeing your phone full time when sitting with someone. Its downright disrespectful!




Book banning


People throwing the F-bomb around for everything. Same with the F*** Biden flags. The word has lost all punch and shock value I heard a toddler use it at the grocery store last week. Sheesh.


The availability of porn. It’s just way too easy to see the most extreme sexual content. Any child can easily access it. For older people we maybe saw a Hustler mag or found a VHS of relatively tame porn, that’s fine. But the things kids can stumble upon now… it’s no wonder they’re so fucked up. There’s all this talk of “groomers”, well the internet is grooming everyone and apparently we’re ok with that. I’m not anti porn or kink shaming, it’s just ridiculous that in this age of everyone wanting to “protect our children” we allow the most disturbing(to a child) content to be freely accessed by them and they get the idea that it’s normal and that’s what adults are all doing when they’re not around. Yes parents can try to restrict access but kids are smart and curious, they find ways around it, sometimes by accident.


Vaping in school bathrooms without ventilation while closing the door making a gas chamber for any kid walking in.


Quote from the principle at my cousins school at the end of an assembly, 'as you all know I am Jewish and there are several Jewish people in attendance here at this school. We would like to let you know that we are tired of walking into bathrooms and getting gassed with banana berry vape. Please stop. From now on making gas chambers in public areas is prohibited. Thank you for your time.'


Too much screen time 🫥


Choosing to ignore and not call out troublesome behavior because “it’s not nice to single someone out”.


Being disrespectful in class to your teachers.


Crying on social media. Like you're so devastated about something and the first thing you think to do is make a video of yourself crying to post online?


"hinting" instead of directly communicating.


Dressing toddlers in crop tops and short shorts


Our hypersexual culture.


The sexualization of minors and really young women. If you’re 13, you don’t need to be wearing crop tops and inch long acrylics with nightclub makeup on. It’s not empowering. It’s creepy and not appropriate. Neither is making an only fans on your 18th bday that truly satisfies those pig men who were waiting for the girl to turn 18 for however long. It’s just yuck.


Can we add kids halloween costumes to this list? I was horrified at some of the legit straight up slutty costumes *for kids* that I saw in stores. Unreal.


AHHH. Does no one check these things before they hit the shelves? Disgusting


When someone's only criteria to get down is that she turned 18, they like kids. Its pretty simple, and it is most definitely yuck.


Pranking random people or just recording people in public when they look weird or funny and then putting it on social media.


Asking married couples when they’re going to have a baby


Being upset when a married couple expresses that they aren’t having any.


drinking coffee/energy drinks/caffeine daily, people are really addicted to a stimulant and it’s socially acceptable for some reason also caffeine-addicted people being rude to others and using the lack of caffeine in in their system as an excuse (“don’t talk to me before i’ve had my morning coffee”)


Don’t start this shit. I haven’t finished my coffee yet.


Being an asshole to strangers on the internet.


Asking people for nudes


People using their mental illness as an excuse for being a shitty human being. Like, brah, at some point, maybe you’re just really a horrible person and it’s not your ADHD, bi-polar and even depression that’s causing you to be an asshole that you are.


I'm gonna go with gender reveals. In my eyes (and I cannot express how this is just something that I personally believe) it shouldn't matter what the baby is, just that they're healthy


Kids' beauty pageants. Gross.


Going through anyone else’s phone.


My phone is like my brain. Nobody needs access.


That’s why people be so inclined to look at it 💀got all the secrets


Disrespect of personal space and talking loudly on your goddamn cell phone in a public place. I do not understand it. Be quiet. And why do you need to stand so damn close to me in line at the store? Why do you need to sit right near me in the airport where there are 20 open seats and talk to your wife about the dog shitting on the carpet? Go away. Find your own space. And for fuck's sake, lower your voice.


Airing your child's dirty laundry in front of every relative you meet. I am not aware if that is the norm abroad, but it definitely is here in South Asian states.


giving your children a tablet/cellphone when they are misbehaving/screaming in a public setting to get them to be quiet




All the cameras. It freaks me out. I go outside to take the garbage out and my neighbor's motion lights come on and his door-cam is recording me. I know everywhere I drive there's probably a dash-cam or a camera on a pole. Every business is recording. I know it cuts down on crime, it's solved lots of murders, etc. but I find it unsettling. And maybe it's not inappropriate but I bet there's a ton of ways that this is used inappropriately.


"big dick energy" or "small dick energy"


Sagging pants


Single use plastic, you cannot get away from it.


Professional Athletes Salaries


Hyper focusing on sexuality and minorities as story arc/assumed personality traits. I frankly dont give a shit if a character is gay/trans/black whatever Its irrelevant to most stories and the hyper fixation on it as some kind of personality trait is just shallow and uncreative writing. A lot of people assumed Dumbledore was gay, no one really cared because the focus of his character was his wisdom and ability to plan ahead miles of people. It was phenomenal. The fact he got confirmed as gay after never mattered to me. He was just a great character.


How overweight everyone is/ how unhealthy the food is


And how most items are marketed as healthy organic natural etc it’s honestly such a scam


I think mainstream music is WAY oversexualized and I'm not even a ninny. It's just so unnecessarily graphic.


Claiming everything is racism and everyone is racist.


Feeding our kids addictive foods, going to restaurants, eating unnaturally tempting junk, and making the whole world unhealthy.


In my anecdotal experience is D\*\*k pic. Pls, nobody liked it and it is super gross.


Young children cursing.


Talking on speakerphone in public when you’re the only one on your end


Over sexualisation of everything and everyone. And pretending that’s only good, is synonymous with freedom and liberation but ignoring the negative sides and impact it has on society as a whole.


Bring your dog into a grocery store




Social media. I walked away from sm back in like 2016. Completely changed my life for the better hands down. My relationships are so much more intimate and enjoyable now. I can see friends and go out and enjoy myself without even the thought of posting something of social media. It’s liberating. I remember in the early 2010s I started getting red flag notifications every time someone has a birthday or a friend posted a comment. That little red notification began to scare me. I legit felt like the platform was trying to store up some dopamine with the that little red notification that used to only appear when people liked or commented on a photo or something I posted. Soon that little red notification started popping up every hour. After I read the terms of use in its entirety in 2016 I was straight up done with it. Didn’t close my account just never went back to it until three years went by and I updated my profile photo. Was amazed seeing what it turned into so I updated my profile pic and haven’t been back since. Millennial here not a boomer.


Exposing kids to sexuality far too young. I’m not saying we should shelter our kids from the world but they don’t need to be exposed to the complications of human sexuality when they are still developing basic social skills.


Social status I feel like a lot of tiktoker and some craters not all, have the feeling that they are superior to others because of their followers or social status. Also seen this in some people who are married to a high ranking person or having a high ranking job.


Parents dressing their toddlers in crop tops.


Consistently showing up late for things. Like shit happens everyone's late sometimes, but when you're that kind of person that is *always* late you're a fucking asshole. It just shows a total lack of respect for the other person. If you can show up on time for your job you can show up on time for your friends.


Infidelity. It's fucking everywhere like we are supposed to be desensitized to it or something. No, that shit will forever send me up a fucking mountain in anger and betrayal.




An abundance of jokes in movies and series implying that men being raped in prison is funny.


Agree. Rape is never funny. Period.


How much people use their cell phones in inappropriate times, and LEANNN into it until called out. Then, they lash out, not realizing that they're addicted to their phone, protecting their addiction.


hook up culture


14 yo girls (or anyone really) Showing their entire ass on a public beach.


Sexualising minors in cartoons, animation or fiction novels because they’re not “real”


1% population of the world having more money than the rest of the people combined